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Dakota's Claim

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  She pushed Dylan’s arm off of her, and stared at the dark vehicle as it pulled away from the curb. The windows were tinted, so she couldn’t tell for sure if that was Dakota, but she didn’t need to see him to know it was him. Since he had come back to River Run after his run with the Brothers of Menace MC, she had seen him around town more and more often. Tawny lived in Steel Corner, the town right beside River Run, so seeing Dakota so much did seem a little off, but in a good way. She wanted to think he was watching her, as creepy as that sounded, because on more than one occasion she had seen his truck, or even his Harley, parked close to where she was. Whether at work, if she was hanging out with her friends, or even at her house, she had sworn she had seen his vehicles. But as much as that should bother her, it didn’t. In fact, she felt this thrill of desire move through her at the thought that he couldn’t stay away. But the most logical explanation was that he was in town to help out with some Grizzly business. Yeah, that was the most logical explanation, and it sucked if she was being honest with herself.

  She glanced at Ava and Livvy, saw them talking to each other, and not paying attention to anything else.

  “It’s still early. Maybe you want to get a drink … back at my place?” Dylan asked, this sexual and hopeful expression on his face.

  God, she could have rolled her eyes at the desperateness on his face.

  “I’m pretty tired, but thanks for the movie. It was … interesting.”

  Dylan looked disappointed, but quickly hid that expression and acted like he didn’t care. “Yeah, whatever.”

  They parted ways, and when she saw him get into his car and head off she turned and faced the girls. “Thanks for being my buffer tonight.”

  “Seems like that didn’t matter to him. He was pretty hands on,” Livvy said and smiled.

  Ava gagged. “Yeah, and what the hell was up with him thinking it was cool to start groping you in the theater, with us right there?”

  Tawny shook her head, feeling like she needed a shower. “He’s been bugging me for the last month, and me being a pushover—”

  “Hell, you’re not a pushover, you’re just too nice to say fuck off,” Livvy said, and they all started laughing. Maybe they shouldn’t have been talking about this stuff in front of Ava, seeing as she was only sixteen, but Ava was the daughter of the president of The Brothers of Menace. She was tough as hell, had heard and seen things someone her age may not have, and had grown up around all of this hardcore biker life. A little swearing and talk about grabby pervs wouldn’t faze her.

  And then before Tawny could respond the sound of a vehicle pulling up to the curb signaled Gabriel had come to pick up Livvy and Ava.

  The passenger side window of the SUV rolled down, and Gabriel stared at them. “You girls have a good time?”

  Livvy and Ava responded, and then Gabriel was staring at Tawny with this cocky little smile on his face. He wore a baseball cap, one that had a Colorado football team on it. He was an attractive male, with his dark hair and silver eyes, big muscular body, and confidence, not arrogance, coming from him. He also looked just like a younger Lucien. “You sure you don’t want a ride?” Gabriel winked, gave her this half smile, and she knew that the look probably had a lot of girls jumping into bed with him.

  “I’m good.” She smiled back.

  The girls got in the SUV, said they would talk later with her, and then Gabriel was bracing his forearm on the open window frame, leaning out slightly, and flashing a wide, straight white grin at her. “Maybe one of these days you’ll let me take you out instead of these pussy assed punks you see.” He gave her one more wink and rolled up the window before she could even respond.

  God, what was it with men and their need to one up the other? Although that grated on her nerves, she wished one specific Brothers of Menace member would do that. She wanted Dakota bad, and her desire for him wouldn’t fade, as much as she might wish it so, because moving on sounded better than lusting after a male that saw her as some kind of kid sister, surely.

  Chapter Three

  Gabe: U ready 2 let me take U out and show U how a real man treats a woman?

  Tawny looked at her cell, at the text she just got from Gabriel, and could have snorted.

  “What’s going on?” her mother, Hope, said, and brought the fork to her mouth. Staring at Tawny, she cocked an eyebrow, clearly waiting for her to respond.

  Tawny cleared her throat and looked at her dad, who was still staring at her. This was one of the reasons Tawny wanted to move out on her own. She needed her privacy without her overbearing and overprotective father glaring at any guys that even looked her way, or her mother smothering her because she was having Empty Nest Syndrome, in fear that Tawny would just pack up and leave out of the blue. Of course she’d never do that, because she loved her parents, even if they were on her case all of the time about the guys she associated with. Hell, they probably thought she was putting out constantly for as many times as her dad had caught her making out in the back of cars.

  But their fear was not something they needed to focus on, because despite her crazy side at times, or the guys she wanted to hang out with, she was smart and knew how far to take things. But her father was also a mystery to her, especially since he was so adamant on his daughters leading a different life than he had. He was a hardcore biker, a bear shifter, and a bad boy at heart. He had to know that not all things would turn out bad just because the guy didn’t appear ideal. Tawny had to wonder what her mother’s father would have done if Dallas Stoker had come roaring up to his front door on his Harley.

  “It’s Gabriel.” She set her phone down and grabbed her fork.

  “Lucien’s son?” her mom asked, and Tawny nodded.

  “He wants to take me out—” Her words were cut off by the sound of her dad making a very animal-like growl. She looked at her mom, saw that she was staring at Dallas, and then Tawny was looking at her father. “What?” she addressed her father.

  “You’re not going out with Gabriel Silver. He’s bad news, like the rest of the Brothers MC crew.”

  Here we go again.

  For some reason her father wanted to be this hardened father, demanding that they not date MC guys, yet he was in an MC. Tawny didn’t hold in her laugh this time. She threw her head back, felt tears fill her eyes for how funny her dad’s statement was, and then heard him growl again.

  “What in the hell is so funny, Tawny?” he said.

  She wiped the tears again, waited until she had her amusement under control, and then stared at her father. “It’s freaking hilarious given the fact you’re in an MC, one that is filled with some pretty hardcore bikers, and your son-in-law is in said club. You’re also a hardcore biker, Dad. You’re still this club member that doesn’t give a shit about anything or what anyone says.”

  Her mom started laughing then, and Dallas snapped his gaze to her. “Hope, you’re not helping,” he grunted out, leaned back in his seat, and started tapping his fingers on the table. It was a nervous habit he always did when he was on edge, and Tawny sobered a little more.

  “Dad, Gabriel might be in the club, but he’s a good guy, and you know that. But I have no plans to get serious with him, so you don’t have to worry.”

  Her dad started tapping his fingers faster, and Tawny’s annoyance grew. “So, let me get this straight.” She put her fork down. “It’s okay to be in the MC, to grow up around the club and the members, but when it comes to me going to dinner or a movie with one you are totally against the idea?” she asked a little incredulously.

  “No, I’m against you going out with any guy, but you do whatever the fuck you want, even when I know what’s best. You have this wild streak, Tawny, always have, and I know you got it from me. I also know that me trying to talk you out of anything is pointless.”

  She felt her eyes widen at her dad’s words. “I’m twenty-one years old, Dad. Twenty. One. Yet you treat me like I am a baby still.”

  “You’re my little girl, Tawny. You’ll alway
s be my little girl. But if you don’t want me to get in your life, then don’t date douchebags that don’t give two shits about getting in your pants when your parents are fifteen feet away.”

  “Dallas...” Hope said without fear or weakness in her voice. Tawny’s father could be a frightening man to anyone that meant to hurt his club or family, but even though he was pissed right now, it wasn’t a fraction of what he showed his enemies.

  “No, Hope,” Dallas said and leaned forward, bracing his hands on the table. He stared at Tawny. “We have never actually sat down and discussed the fact that Tawny seems to either be going out with the guys she does to piss me off, or she likes putting herself in danger.”

  Tawny felt her eyes grow wider. “Putting myself in danger?” she asked with a raised voice. “Yeah, because that’s just what I like to do, and my main goal in life is making sure I piss you off as many times as I can.” She curled her hands around the edge of the table.

  Her dad exhaled, ran a hand over his short, greying hair, and stared at her with hard eyes. “Baby girl, you know that I am just worried about you, and that the punks out there only want one thing.”

  The anger left her, and she looked at the table. She knew her father was protective of her and Tarren, and even though it was one hundred times more intense because of his bear genetics, it was also because he had lost an eighteen-year-old son decades ago. They had talked about it as a family, and Dallas had expressed the pain he had felt, and why he was so worried about them. She knew he thought they would get hurt just like his son had, and as much as she wanted to be upset that he smothered her at times, she couldn’t help but care him more because of his love for her.

  “I’m not stupid, dad, know how to take care of myself, and I just want you to trust me to handle things.” She stared at him, saw the parental worry on his face, and the fact he wanted to argue the point. He growled out, and when he opened his mouth, because Tawny knew he wouldn’t give her slack so easily, her mom reached out and took his hand.

  “Dallas, honey, let’s just talk about this later so we can finish dinner.”

  Her dad didn’t respond right away, but then he finally leaned back in his seat, nodded once, and they resumed eating. Although they finished dinner in near silence, Tawny knew that even though at twenty-one she could take care of herself, she knew her father wouldn’t cave that easily. Hell, he still gave the “watch your ass” looks to Lucas, Tarren’s husband, and they had known each other their whole lives. Yeah, she had a long and tough road ahead of her concerning her dad and him not being so protective.


  One week later

  Tawny held Lola, her gorgeous and absolutely adorable niece, while Tarren sat in front of her folding little toddler clothing.

  Tarren picked up her phone and started texting, and then smiled.

  “God, you and Lucas make me sick,” Tawny said, but smiled at the love her sister had for Lucas.

  “I know, sometimes I make myself sick with how lovey-dovey I am with Lucas.” Tarren grinned, but focused on her phone still.

  Tawny looked down at Lola when Tarren went back to texting. “Have I told you that auntie thinks you are the most beautiful little girl in the whole world?” Tawny said softly, stroked a finger across Lola’s brow, and then looked at Tarren again. Her sister had since put the cell down, and was folding laundry again. The little dresses and pants that were Lola’s had Tawny smiling.

  “How’s work?” Small talk wasn’t really what she did with her sister, because normally when she came over Lucas was here, but she did want to know how Tarren’s job was going since she had just recently gone back to work since Lola was born. “It’s okay, I guess. Lucas would prefer I stay home and take care of Lola, but I need to get out of the house and have some time for myself. It’s only part-time, and Mom and Dad are excited about being able to watch her.” Tarren reached for her cell as it dinged with an incoming text.

  “Dang, tell your overly alpha husband to stop texting.” Tawny snorted knowing that any Grizzly guy was an over the top alpha, especially when they found their woman.

  “Yes, and he’ll kill me if he knew that I told you, but he has a thing for sexting—”

  “Nope, just hold up right there.” Tawny shook her head. “Heck no do I want to hear about you and Lucas sex texting.” Tawny made an exaggerating gagging noise.

  Tarren started chuckling and stood. “Okay, I’ll drop it.” She held her arms out for Lola. “Let me put her in her bed so we can talk louder.”

  Tawny handed Lola to her sister, and watched her disappear into the hallway and. It was hard to believe that Lola was so big already. Tarren had taken extra time off to be with the baby, but Tawny also knew her sister and that Tarren would go crazy if she was a stay-at-home mom.

  Tawny grabbed her cell when it vibrated in her pocket, and saw the text from Gabriel.

  Gabe: We still on 4 2nite? I don’t want 2 B a douche and have U cancel.

  She couldn’t help but chuckle at his text, because she could practically see him saying it.

  No, I won’t cancel, but I don’t want U thinking this is a romantic date, Gabriel. This is 2 friends hanging out, okay?

  She sent the text, and stared at the screen. The “Read” popped up under the text she had just sent.

  Gabe: I’m a patient guy ;)

  She didn’t know how she should feel about that text, or if she was stringing him along. But Tawny knew she had made it clear that they were just friends, and that her going out with him tonight was in a purely platonic way.

  Tarren came back out a few minutes after, went in the kitchen to grab them a few drinks, and then came back into the living room. “So, what’s new?”

  Tawny didn’t wait to tell Tarren about Gabriel, just told her about him asking her out, about how she agreed to go tonight, in fact, and how she didn’t want to lead him on because she just wasn’t feeling those kinds of emotions for him.

  “Can I ask why you wouldn’t want something more with him?” Tarren asked softly, and brought her mug of hot chocolate to her mouth.

  Tawny looked out the window, saw the small flakes of snow that were starting to fall right behind the glass, and knew that she didn’t want to keep her emotions in, or how she felt for Dakota, any longer. Tarren was her sister, and although they were living their own lives, and that they hadn’t been extremely close while growing up, she trusted Tarren more than anyone else to give her an unbiased opinion. “Gabriel is gorgeous and strong, there is no doubt about that.” She looked at her hands, twisted her fingers together, and breathed out.

  “But there is someone else,” Tarren said without question.

  Tawny nodded and looked at her sister. “Yeah, and the sad part is I have wanted him for years, but I don’t think he sees me as anything but a kid that he knew when he was younger.”

  Tarren didn’t respond for several seconds, and when she finally did her voice was soft. “Is he a Grizzly?”

  Tawny shook her head, even though Dakota had been around Grizzlies before any of the kids were even born. “No, but he is a biker.” She stared in her cup, watched the cocoa swirl around the top, and brought the mug to her mouth to take a long drink.

  “It’s Dakota, isn’t it?” Tarren asked, and Tawny looked at her sister again, but didn’t respond. “I remember seeing you look at him one day at the clubhouse, and wondering if there was something there at the way he watched you, too.”

  That had Tawny swallowing hard. At the way he watched her, too? She shook her head. “No, I don’t think Dakota watched me anyway, Tarren. He hasn’t said more than a handful of words to me whenever we are in the same room.”

  “He might not know what to say, Tawny. These bikers are really tough and show it to everyone. But the truth is deep down when they are really into someone, love them, too, they are vulnerable. They act like they are living behind this wall, like they don’t want to show anyone how they really feel.” Tarren stared at her, let the silence stretch for a mi
nute. “Lucas was like that, stayed away for years because he thought I was too good for him, and that being in my life would ruin me somehow.”

  Tawny let those words play in her head. She wanted to think that maybe Dakota had been keeping away because he was afraid of his feelings, but she pushed those thoughts away as soon as they entered her mind. No, he had never given any indication that he wanted anything from her.

  But what about him being where you are at all these times? What if he wants to say something, talk to you and tell you that he also has feelings, but he is afraid to?

  Yeah right. If that wasn’t wishful thinking she didn’t know what in the hell was. She remembered seeing him at Alexis’s wedding, about wanting so much more with him then, but staying away because he had never shown her that he was interested.

  “I don’t think that is how things normally work, Tarren, as much as I’d like them to.” She shrugged, not knowing what else to say. But could what her sister said be the truth? Could Dakota want her, too?

  The sound of a truck pulling in told her that Lucas was home, and that it was time for her to head out anyway.


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