The Queen of Swords (Villainess Book 1)
Page 8
“Mm…” he said, his eyes half-slitted with lust. “If I remember right, your pussy tasted sweet. Why don’t you suck me at the same time?”
Normally I’d be all over that idea, but I wanted something very specific from him and I was pretty pissed at not only that he’d sell me out, but that he thought he could get a personal job out of the way first. He’d arranged it so that next morning, he’d turn me over to the mystery men. Either he’d pay me in person, or seduce me like he had to ensure I was at the drop off point. The “safe house” he’d taken us to had been new--that was why it’d been so clean. Overconfident man that he was, he thought I’d sleep longer than the couple of hours I had. When he didn’t have me, they were pretty pissed. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they had sold him out to Titan to teach him a lesson. I shook my head, thinking about the lesson I was going to teach him shortly, and climbed up his body slowly, rubbing myself all over him until my pussy was above his face. “Remember, do a good job and you’ll be rewarded,” I said and lowered myself.
Without his hands, he did pretty well. His tongue was skilled, and he found my clit right away, nosing forward and up, then lashing out with the tip of his tongue. He teased me much as I had teased him, dancing around the spot I wanted him to lick. I pressed down a bit on his face, and wiggled, making sure he went where I wanted him to go. He got the hint, and began giving me long, slow strokes with his tongue, revving me up so that when he started a minute later with the short fast strokes, I was moaning uncontrollably. My hands curled around the iron posts, clinging on for dear life as I rode his face. He lavished my pussy with attention, stroking and sucking my clit with abandon.
When I stiffened, his tongue moved faster and faster, and I groaned, “You’re going to make me come…yeah, make me come, handsome… come on, Harry, make me come… almost there… god… god damn...” That, of course, only encouraged him, and he worked harder yet, not giving me an inch of breathing room as my desire spiraled throughout my body. I came, and I came hard riding his tongue. He continued to lick until I lifted myself away with shaky legs, and moved to the side of the bed for a breather.
“Now, my turn,” he said, and I glanced over at him. Talk about topping from the bottom. Instead of answering him, or even acknowledging him, I got up and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I got a quick drink of water, and waited, monitoring his thoughts and desire, waiting until he got the edge of desperation once more and he was thinking about busting the handcuffs, bending me over the sink, and fucking me hard. Then, and only then, I came back into the room.
“Sorry, I had to collect myself,” I said as I crawled back on the bed to give him a kiss. “It was good. I’ll reward you now, at my pleasure though.”
He smirked, and I smiled in return, thinking of more things to do to him. I stroked his cock a few times to ensure he was still hard and ready to pop, then turned around so he faced my back. Mounting him reverse cowgirl style, I took his cock into my tight and now sopping wet pussy, easing him in. He kept trying to thrust up to make me take more of his cock at one time, but I slapped his thigh hard every time he did, and finally he learned to sit still and let me fuck him at my own pace. I don’t think he was used to it, but it did excite him. I could see it in his thoughts, like it was a huge red neon lettered sign, how hot he thought tough women were. And… again… how he wished Emily were like me.
Once I had his cock all the way in me, I squeezed him, causing him to moan and whimper as he tried to stay still. It didn’t work so well, and he began to thrust, just tiny little thrusts, as if he couldn’t help it. When I lifted myself and slammed back on him, we moaned in unison at the sensation. I loved a good, hard fuck, and this was going to be really hard. As I began fucking him in earnest, sliding him in and out of my wetness, he howled with pleasure, chanting, “Yes, yes, yes…” with each and every movement. I locked down his desire, letting it grow and grow without letting him come. It was sometimes handy being a telepath, and this was one of those tricks you learned with experience. If it went on too long, he’d go insane, but that didn’t matter to me. I was going to come again before he did.
I slammed myself down on his length over and over again, hitting my spots that I knew so well. Harry moaned and cried out, words beyond him at the moment as he was lost in the haze of lust and need and want. I rode along with his feelings, and bent over to grasp his ankles at the same time, bending him within me as I fucked him. It wasn’t the most comfortable of positions, but it drove him crazy… and it drove me crazy along with it. We rode each other hard, our bodies slapping together roughly as our desire grew and grew. I had to let go of one of his ankles to lean up slightly and slide my hand down to rub my clit. The extra sensations tipped me over the edge, and I came, tightening around his cock as he kept thrusting madly up into my heat. I moaned with each movement and let go of him entirely to lean back, letting him ride me as he tried to climax, knowing he was near the edge, teetering on that razor thin line of desire and release but unable to complete the act. It was a kind of torture, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. The waves of pleasure washed through me, increasing with every thrust, making me cry out, as hoarse and wordless as my fuck toy.
Only when it began to ebb, and I began to feel sore from his mad gyrations did I allow him to come… and I rode along with his emotions, feeling him come, feeling him explode in me, that sweet release so long denied. I came again, this time with him, my pussy tightening around his cock once more as he shot his cum in me, pumping me full with his own wet heat. We moaned in unison, our pleasure intertwined, one in the same, and I kept milking him for every bit of his lust that I could get. I drank it up, and took it deep in me, prolonging both of our climaxes. I stretched it out into over a full minute before he couldn’t take any more. Just when he danced around the edge of madness, I released my hold and collapsed on him, tired, but not quite sated.
Not yet.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, panting, his voice ragged. “Oh my god. Caprice… oh my god… that … oh my god.” He kept repeating it over and over again, unable to get his mind around what he’d just experienced.
I turned over and kissed him sweetly, then scooted off the bed and rummaged around in my clothing for something else I’d left behind. “Was it good?” I asked, voice a mockery of innocence.
“You have no… that was incredible… amazing… I’d never felt anything… not anything remotely like it before,” he said, swallowing hard and trying to collect himself.
“Oh?” I asked sweetly, hiding my present as I straightened up again. I straddled him, wishing he was hard once more but I supposed for this… I’d have to suffer. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Was it a… telepathic thing?” he asked, now that his sharp mind was clearing from the haze of desire. Suspicion and the tiniest thread of fear--well controlled, I gave him that--entered his mind. When I nodded, both threads increased in size, like big fat ribbons. “Did you see anything else?”
“That you wished your precious Emily was more like me,” I said, rubbing myself against him. He groaned as his cock was still at that super sensitive place, but thinking of the desire he’d just experienced began to make him hard again, if slowly.
“I like a woman in control,” he said, but then rattled his chains. In his next breath, “You can take these off now so I can lick you like you deserve to be licked.”
“I was thinking about something else,” I said, showing him the straight razor I had picked up. I opened it and tested the edge against my thumb, “Mm… nice and sharp.”
“Funny,” he said, and tried to activate his power. He planned on snapping the handcuffs and taking me hard, whether I wanted it or not, which I have to say was a delightful thought. If my own thoughts weren’t running red at the moment, I might have even let him. When his power didn’t activate, the fear--still well controlled--surged, and his heart began to race. Harry redoubled his efforts to turn his power on, but I mentally pressed down on the access, makin
g sure it stayed shut off. Now that I was in, and ready for his strong will, there was no way he was going to defeat me. He smiled though, ever the consummate liar, “If that’s not what you want, then just plant your pussy on my face again and let me go to town.”
I drug the edge of the blade over his naked chest, “Tempting thought, but no. It’s time for a different Game now.” I know he heard the capital letter in my words, and his mask slipped for a moment. I glimpsed fear in his blue eyes… and with that, he was caught. Nothing would attract a predator faster than fear.
“Let me up,” he said, trying to sound commanding. His half erection, sadly, withered as different emotions warred in him. I watched them sift through his thoughts as he tried to shut me out.
“Too late now,” I said with a sigh. “Maybe if you had continued to be watchful. I’m not that strong of a ‘path, and someone who’s determined can keep me out. But alas….” I pressed down on the edge, drawing a thin line of blood from his chest. He winced, and watched me lick the blade. “Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.”
“I can get you what you want,” he said. “Whatever you want. Money, power… you just name it.” He still sounded cool and collected, though his thoughts were racing. It was funny. He thought we were negotiating.
I cut him again, and he gave no sign of pain. That would change. “What I want is to go back in time and kill you before you tried to sell me, you fucking bastard.” He winced at that and shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. I know you’ll tell me I won’t understand, and that there were extenuating circumstances. I’ve heard it all. I know you don’t know who they were, have no names, no faces to give me. So, I’m going to teach you a lesson, and it’s a lesson I will enjoy very much. I don’t think you will though.”
“Look,” he said, still trying to barter. I think he knew that getting angry and calling me whatever names there were would get him nowhere. “We can find out, together. I have a lot of contacts and a lot of resources at my disposal that you don’t.”
“It’s too late,” I said. “My father always dealt honest. ‘A deal’s a deal’ he always said. Criminals may not have much honor, but they do have some. A rat, a snitch, a traitor… they always get punished.”
With that, I cut again, and the world went red for both of us.
Before I left, I took a shower to clean up. I even took one of his watches for remembrance, because he really had been a good fuck. I’d enjoy reviewing those memories later. I didn’t take care to clean the crime scene, because I knew that even if this was reported, my prints weren’t on file. Honestly, if the cops really cared to, they’d get one of those metas who could see in the past and track me down that way. Or try, at least, and they’d lose me at the Underground. Only the most rookie of villains got caught that way anymore. I was probably wanted anyway; they just had yet to catch me.
Besides, it was a criminal killing a criminal. Who’d care about that?
As I got ready to leave the plush apartment, I sensed another mind coming to the door. When I opened it, I surprised Emily who had her key ready for the lock. “He’s all yours,” I told her, with a lopsided smile. “I’m done playing with him now.”
She gave me a shocked expression which quickly turned to anger, so I pushed past her and went on my way. I did stop, just for a second, to establish telepathic contact with her. If I hadn’t taken that shower, I would have missed her completely, so this had turned out better than I'd imagined. I looked through her eyes as she strode in, anger and hurt warring with each other in her heart for top dog. When she got to the bedroom, I saw her take in his flayed body--except for his face, of course, I wanted to make sure he was recognizable--and felt her inability to cope with it. It was unreal to her, and of course it was. That wasn’t what you expected when your lover’s lover left a place. You expected to see them naked, or perhaps just getting out of the shower to look at you with that hangdog guilty expression, then cover it up with a guileless smile. I had laid the flayed skin neatly nearby in case anyone wanted it, leaving the rest of him exposed…. the muscles, bones, guts… everything. He would never hide another secret.
I left her as she groped for a gun from the nightstand and ran out the door, trying to catch me. I was already flying, leaving that behind me. It was done with now. I did get some pleasure from her distress at seeing him in the state I’d left him in, but I honestly held no ill will towards her. She didn’t fuck me; he had. And he’d fucked her too, but she was too stupid and too in love to realize I’d done her a favor.
You don’t fuck around in this world, and if you were going to play someone…you had better make damn sure they would never find out. Like my elders, I always dealt honest… and made sure betrayers got their just desserts.
ebook Edition | Copyright ©2015 Alana Melos
Cover Art & Design by Rev. Jotham “Pipes” Talbot Copyright ©2015
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This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All characters depicted in this story are of age and have consensual sex.
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ALANA MELOS is a struggling author who found out writing erotica gave her much more freedom in writing than when she wrote the "serious" literary stuff. Since this discovery, she's endeavored to write the very best interesting, weird, plot-driven, and hot erotica she can. She sincerely hopes to just entertain people, whether they read for the plot, the weird factor, or the racy factor. Along with her loving husband, she lives with a crazy cat.
REV. JOTHAM “PIPES” TALBOT is a graphic designer and pipe enthusiast, as well as a small town reverend. He lives with his three wives, fourteen children, and a dog named Spencer.
Thank you for reading the Villainess series. Gaining exposure as an independent author relies mostly on word-of-mouth, so if you have the time and inclination, please consider leaving a short review wherever you can. There is an excerpt to the next Villainess book—The Prince of Cups—after this, and then links to my Amazon author page, and selected works which you may find appealing. Again, thank you for reading!
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Here's a special sneak peek at the sequel to The Queen of Swords, #2 in the Villainess series: The Prince of Cups!
Chapter One
I knelt on the edge of a rooftop, looking down on the cold, dark street. As always, I kept up my telepathic scans, trying to look for danger… and in this particular case, my target. Jobs had become hard to come by since my last big unpaid job for Sadowski, the bastard, and while Michael had gotten his payday, I hadn’t. Sadowski had planned to never pay me because of the double-cross he’d engineered, and I had been more concerned with teaching him a lesson than getting what was due. That had, perhaps, been a mistake. Rent was coming due now, and without a fixer’s help, scaring up rent money meant I had to
find my own work. It wasn’t turning out too well.
The job I was currently on was easy enough. It was a straight kill. I didn’t need to make it look like an accident, or a suicide, or any of that other nonsense… but it was only ten grand for a hit. That was petty cash. Of course, the guy I was after was just an accountant, so it wasn’t like I was going up against a meta or anything. No, he’d just looked a little too closely at a mob boss’s accounts and decided he’d go to the police. Not smart, accountant guy. Not smart at all. To create plausible deniability, the boss hired out instead of having one of his crew do it. Fucking bastards knew I was hard up for cash--word got around quickly in the seedy underside of the city--and while I’d negotiated up from five thousand for the hit, ten thousand was still far below my normal level of payment. I forced a smile and took it. I had to rebuild my rep somehow, and if I could keep negotiating up… well, let’s just say I was avoiding the Doctor for right now too, since my bills there were becoming perilously close to being late.
I wasn’t used to being poor. It sucked.
Still, beggars couldn’t be choosers and each journey started with one step and all that jazz. I’d build up my rep again. When I saw my target, I quickly established a light mental connection with him, ‘pinging’ him on my radar if you will, just so I couldn’t lose him no matter what. At least unless another psychic cut the cord. I lowered my mask and started walking along the rooftop along with him, keeping pace. My outfit was all leather today, even a biker’s jacket, simply because it was a lot easier to clean blood off of leather than cloth, and it hugged my lean curves yet gave me enough room to move easily. My long blonde hair was braided and hung down my back in a thick tail, swinging down to the middle of my back. The mask was porcelain, strengthened so it wasn’t as delicate or easy to break as you’d think. I liked the dullness of it today, and it was a simple mask, a blank face. No expression today. I wasn’t happy to be scraping the bottom of the barrel.