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A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4)

Page 4

by Sarah J. Stone

  Chapter Seven

  Happily for Melissa, by the time she drove back home that night, it was too late for her friends to still be up. Much to her relief, every light, in their cabins, was off. She was too tired, and too emotionally drained, to even consider a discussion with Kate and Julia. Melissa undressed herself in a hurry, and then tumbled into bed, in the hope that a descent into Morpheus’ arms would come quickly.

  However, this hope was woefully unanswered. The ugliness that haunted her mind proved to be a formidable adversary, a foe much beyond her. Helena’s revelations had stunned her, but her vast surprise was not her biggest concern. In truth, Melissa was terrified. She came perilously close to getting involved with a human who had agreed to cut his lifespan in half. Falling for him could have disastrous consequences on her. She would die a young woman. More than that, Melissa was utterly disgusted with him. No matter his emotional state, Joe should not have sold his soul to a demon, regardless of the rewards. He shouldn’t have allowed his grief to cloud his judgment like that. In her mind, he should have endured the pain of his wife’s loss; tried to find love again later on; and lived an honest life. Joe’s action just proved one of the worst qualities of the human race: greed. Succumbing to it signified weakness, and Melissa did not care to search for a weak man like him.

  Sunday morning found her still lying in bed, wide awake. Part of her desired to continue lying there, believing that, sooner or later, sleep would redeem her. Still, as Kate and Julia’s voices tore the silence, a bigger part of her wanted to get this heavy burden off her chest. Therefore, Melissa got up, and put some clothes on, eager to see her friends again.

  “There she is!” Julia exclaimed, pointing up at her, as she headed towards the table in the yard. “Where were you last night?”

  “Going through something…” Kate paused, as a sly smile burst upon her lips. “Hard, I guess. I mean, look at her. Does she look like she had much sleep?”

  “I didn’t get any sleep,” Melissa pointed out, casting a fierce glare down at Kate. “Not because I had sex. I’m not in the mood for your sleazy comments.”

  “Girl, what’s wrong?” Kate asked, leaning forward, her smile falling from her lips, as Melissa seated herself across from her. “How did your big date go?”

  “Not so well,” Melissa responded, her voice riddled with sadness, as Julia poured coffee into a red mug. “He’s still in love with his wife. He blew me off, but, just when I was about to leave, he kissed me.”

  “Ok, you lost me there,” Julia confessed, handing the mug over to her. “You guys kissed. I don’t know about you, but that’s good in my book.”

  “First of all, he didn’t deny it,” Melissa went on, unable to banish the anger that deepened her voice. “Second of all, I went to Acheron River. I…” She sucked in a deep breath. “I ran into Helena. Apparently, dear old Joe got greedy, after his wife died. Our witch told me that he had cut some kind of deal with a demon, just to succeed as a lawyer.”

  “Oh, God…” Julia sighed, tipping her head down, closing her eyes, as she shook her head in disapproval, whereas Kate merely dragged her gaze away from her. “I knew it. I knew there was something wrong with this guy. I mean, how many 29-year olds get to be on the cover of ‘Forbes’?”

  “Kate, did you know about this?” Suspicion crept into Melissa’s voice, as she raised the mug to her lips.

  “Yeah,” Kate gave a sad nod, returning her attention to her. “Helena and I talk almost every day. She paid me a visit on Friday night. We saw that blackness together, but she wouldn’t say anything to you, until she gathered some intelligence about him. I helped her out with that. God bless the internet.”

  “I cannot believe this guy.” Melissa spoke through gritted teeth, as her face hardened. “What kind of man gives up his own soul for power?”

  “My parents gave me up for power, in case you don’t remember,” Kate remarked, leaning her elbows on the table. “I believe Jimi Hendrix, the best guitarist in the world, put it more eloquently, back in the day: ‘When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.’”

  “Pardon me if I’m wrong, but…” Julia faltered, as her mouth twitched in an ironic smile. “Didn’t people use to say that Hendrix had sold his soul to the devil, just to get famous?”

  “People will always make up crazy theories about stuff they can’t understand,” Kate grumbled, furrowing her brow, as she glared at her friend. “Back in the sixties, they couldn’t get how he could have pioneered the use of the electric guitar the way he did. Music is all about practice and experimentation. You can have all the musical talent in the world. Without practice, it’s just useless. Jimi played the guitar for hours on end. That’s how he got to play so much faster and better than everyone else.”

  “Such a waste,” Melissa sighed, leaning her back against her chair. “The guy’s doomed, and he’s got no one to blame but himself.”

  “Remedy…” Kate murmured, raising her eyebrow.

  “Remedy?” Melissa squinted at her.

  “Never mind,” Kate waved her hand in front of her face. “Too bad Monica’s on call tonight. You guys are coming to my gig, right?”

  “Of course,” Julia chirped, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I haven’t seen you perform in weeks.”

  “Thanks, but ‘no, thanks,’” Melissa said, lowering her gaze from Kate. “I don’t feel like going out.”

  “I’m not going to leave you to sulk here,” Kate retorted with a little force in her voice, leaning towards Melissa. “You need to take your mind off things. Have some fun for a change.”

  “The witch is right,” Julia claimed, nodding at the same time. “Come on, Mel. Don’t tell me you haven’t missed that sexy little voice.”

  “I have,” Melissa admitted, as her lips curved into a hesitant smile. “It’s just…”

  “I’m not hearing this,” Kate interrupted, her voice stiff. “You’re coming. End of story.”

  Melissa chose silence over coming up with a rebuttal. She wasn’t interested in finding any more excuses. She had to put the entire incident with Joe behind her. Of course, spending the night in New York was not to wipe it out of her memory, but it was a good first step. Kate’s concert was a fantastic motive to leave Paxton; yet, it was not the only reason for her to visit the big city. The three of them would then go to her friend’s apartment, and that meant drinks, laughs and quality time together. Melissa’s brothers would be too far away to interrupt them. She would not pass on an opportunity like that, in spite of her mood.

  “Help me forget, guys. Help me laugh. I’ve never needed it more than I do now.”

  Chapter Eight

  Kate and Julia granted Melissa’s wish, long before they even reached “Tommy’s Pit”, Kate’s workplace. Throughout the drive to New York City, they were in a festive mood: cracking jokes; planning the things they meant to do later that night; and always, carefully avoiding bringing up Joe. Under any other circumstances, Melissa would probably not have noticed it. Still, the fact that Kate and Julia neglected to mention Dean and Ray gave them away. Their mates were their favorite topics. Had either of them spoken about their personal life, Melissa would automatically think about her own, and her recent misfortune. Her friends simply confined their conversations to generalities, or older stories, prior to meeting her brothers, in order to protect her. Moved by their gesture, it crossed her mind to thank them for looking out for her. But Melissa would not do so; at least not yet. They had all night in front of them to discuss their bond. This conversation could wait until they went to her friend’s apartment.

  “Tommy’s Pit” held no surprises for them that night. As usual, it was almost full of people, eagerly anticipating Kate’s performance. The single empty table was the one reserved for them, to the left and closest to the piano. Melissa and Julia sat at it, while their friend went to her dressing room.

  “I keep wondering what would have happened if she’d chosen her career over Dean.�
� Melissa confessed as she gazed at the piano cover and a young waitress approached their table.

  “There’s no way to tell,” Julia spoke what she thought, as the waitress halted in front of their table. “Hi; I’m thinking Tequila for me.”

  “Beer would be nice,” Melissa said, dismissing her with a smile. “I think she’d be on her way to stardom by now.”

  “Or in some old fart’s bed,” Julia countered, the seriousness in her tone preventing her friend from bursting into laughter. “I know. It’s pathetic, but it’s true. Most singers have to perform…” she paused; “…sexual favors to music producers, at the start of their career.”

  Melissa was about to complain about the world of humans once again, when Kate turned around the corner of the corridor. The crowd welcomed her with a polite round of applause, putting a smile on her face, as she made her way towards the piano, with her sheet music in her hands. Easing the small pack in front of her, she assumed her seat.

  “Good evening, everybody,” Kate spoke through her microphone. “Very recently, a good friend of mine was unfortunate in her personal life. The guy she wanted to date turned out to be an idiot. She wouldn’t admit it, but she liked him a lot, maybe more than she thought. I can’t do much to help her forget him, except maybe remind her that I’ll be there for her. So, here is Adele’s ‘Remedy.’”

  Kate switched her gaze towards Melissa, putting her fingers over the piano keys at the end of her narrative. The introduction that soon tore through the air was familiar to her. She could not remember it, until her friend parted her lips. It was then that she recalled every single heart-melting lyric. “Remedy” was a flowing, melodic ballad, filled with words of promise and love, declaring the singer’s intention to stand by her friend. Stunned by her friend’s dedication, Melissa covered her mouth with her hand, her heartbeat escalating as the music mesmerized her more and more by the second. Filled with passion and presence, Kate’s smoky voice rocked the hall, her fingers dancing over the keys, tension spreading over her face, as she hit each and every one of them passionately. Even in the dim illumination, Melissa could see every vein on her hands and her neck bulging, as the echoes of her friend’s voice resounded around the piano bar, sending goose bumps all over her body.

  I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be

  So desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

  Right before my eyes I saw, my heart it came to life

  This ain't easy, it's not meant to be

  Every story has its scars

  When the pain cuts you deep

  When the night keeps you from sleeping

  Just look and you will see

  That I will be your remedy

  When the world seems so cruel

  And your heart makes you feel like a fool

  I promise you will see

  That I will be, I will be your remedy

  No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to you

  Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't let the rain come through

  Your love, it is my truth

  And I will always love you

  Love you

  When the pain cuts you deep

  When the night keeps you from sleeping

  Just look and you will see

  That I will be your remedy

  When the world seems so cruel

  And your heart makes you feel like a fool

  I promise you will see

  That I will be, I will be your remedy

  When the pain cuts you deep

  When the night keeps you from sleeping

  Just look and you will see

  I will be, I will be

  When the world seems so cruel

  And your heart makes you feel like a fool

  I promise you will see

  That I will be, I will be, I will be...

  Your Remedy

  A tear spilled from Melissa’s eye, as Kate caressed the keys for the outro. Biting her lower lip, she put her hands together, initiating a roaring round of applause, as Julia pulled her in for a side hug. Hundreds of thoughts exploded in her heart and mind. Countless words were on the tip of her tongue, and yet, she was so overwhelmed by emotion that she could not speak. Naturally, she desired to jump up, go over to Kate and hug her tight; the gift she had just been given warranted that reaction. Still, just as she put her hand on the table, she heard Julia’s whispering voice in her ear:

  “Later, honey. You’ll embarrass her, and make a fool of yourself.”

  “Thank you,” Kate spoke through her microphone once more, the applause subsiding as the waitress hurried back to their table, carrying a large tray.

  “Your drinks are compliments of the gentleman in the corner,” she informed them, setting the tray down. Intrigued, Melissa turned her head around. But the sight that greeted her made her blood boil in her veins and pound in her temples. The man who had bought her and Julia’s drinks was Joe Stanton. He even raised his glass to her.

  “Son of a bitch,” Melissa groaned, jumping from her seat.

  “Please, don’t make a scene,” Julia requested, her voice scarcely more than a whisper.

  “Outside,” Melissa silently mouthed to him, holding tight to her temper. Her inner wolf had become uneasy by his presence. She had not forgiven his rude behavior, and now, she had a much better cause to punish him for invading her privacy. However, her unwillingness to shift in public would protect Joe yet again. The melodic piano notes lowered to a background noise, as she swung the glass door open. Car engines and exhaust fumes dominated her senses, as a menacing snarl rattled in her throat.

  “First you insult me, and then you apologize,” Melissa spoke in frustrated tones, pacing up and down, as he joined her on the pavement outside. “You ask me out, you shoot me down, and right after that, you kiss me. Wait, there’s more. You won’t tell me why you reject me, and then, you buy me a drink? Have you ever been to a shrink?” She asked, as he stepped before her. “You’re not making any sense, Joe.”

  “I saw you in the back seat of a red Focus, on my way out of Shandaken,” Joe began, his voice coming out slowly. “I wanted to follow you, see where you were going, but then, I had an idea. I have a few friends at the police department. I called one of them, gave him the license plate of that car. He said it belonged to Kate Brooks, age 27. Your friend is one of my favorite singers. In fact, I’ve been here quite a few times. I overtook you, and got here first.”

  “What for?” Melissa’s voice turned into a high-pitched squeal, as she cocked her head in frustration.

  Joe did not dignify her question with an answer. Pursing his lips, he pulled a thick, white envelope out of his pocket, along with a pen. He held the envelope in his left hand, as he freed the letter. He wrote something on the letter, before putting it back in the envelope.

  “This,” he whispered, handing it over to her, as his scent filled her nostrils. “Just a heads up: you’ll probably laugh at what you read in that letter, but it’s the truth. I’m sorry about ruining your night. Take care.”

  Melissa’s heart skipped a beat, as he turned around. She found herself in a dilemma, as his heavy footsteps slowly put distance between them. Read the letter right there and then, or go back inside? The thought of having to explain things to Julia helped her shape her decision. She was already too upset; she was in no position to narrate how her unexpected meeting with Joe went. So reading the letter was her only option.

  “Dear Melissa,

  You just left me, and I’m still mad at myself for not giving you a straight answer. I wish I could, but, as you will find out, it is not as easy as you might think.

  You see, I lost my whole world when my wife died. Please, don’t take this the wrong way. I’m not trying to say how much I miss her again. I shouldn’t have done it when you were here, either, but it served its purpose well, seeing as you took off very fast after I did. I just need to illustrate how desperate I was. Laura was my whole life.
We were struggling to make ends meet, but we had each other, and that’s what gave me hope.

  Eighteen days after her death, her brother Frank and I were are at a bar in upstate New York. I went outside to get some fresh air. There was this very tall, skinny guy across the street. At first, I didn’t pay any attention to him; but, when he kept on staring at me, I confronted him. He said he knew what I was going through. I didn’t believe him, of course. How could a total stranger, hundreds of miles away from my home, know about my situation? However, when he started talking about Laura and the accident, I realized he was being honest with me. It was crazy; he was able to tell me every last detail from that night. Anyway, the guy claimed he wasn’t human. He was a demon, named Azazel. Before I could laugh at him, he thrust his arm toward a nearby tree. I couldn’t believe my eyes… He turned it into ash. Azazel then offered me a deal. He promised to make me one of the most successful lawyers in the city, in exchange for my soul. I didn’t like it, but he sweetened the deal, by guaranteeing to me that he would wipe my memory. I wouldn’t remember anything from my previous life with Laura. I wouldn’t be in pain anymore. In return, I would get eight years of fame, money and social status. It doesn’t sound like much, does it? You’re right, it’s not, but put yourself in my shoes. What would you have done if you had just lost everything that mattered to you? The one and only woman I had ever fallen in love with, was gone. I was on the brink of collapse. I had absolutely nothing to live for.

  The demon didn’t keep his end of the bargain, at least, not entirely. Ok, I was hired by ‘Cross and Associates’, I got a six-figure contract, but the memory remains. I still remember everything, and that’s what makes things all the more difficult. Tonight, you suggested I stop living backwards. I wish I could. Laura was my one true love. Even if I do want to find that kind of love again, it’s just impossible. From here on in, I’ll have to lie to every woman I meet, because none of them will be able to handle the truth. If I’m honest with them, they’ll run, just like you will, when you finish reading this letter.


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