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A Wolf's Embrace (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 4)

Page 7

by Sarah J. Stone

  “We’re not talking about an unsavory Alpha here,” Raul declared, as his voice deepened. “We’re not dealing with a frustrated witch, either: forget battles; forget witchcraft. That demon could bring the apocalypse here.”

  “That may well be, but I still have faith in Helena,” Monica went on, retaining the same firmness in her tone, completely undeterred by his statement. “She will find the answer. Please; give us the room.”

  “I’ll see you later, Mel,” he murmured, tipping his head at his sister, as he made his way towards her door.

  “That was some speech,” Melissa commented, her voice filled with admiration, as her brother slammed her door shut. “Thank you.”

  “I was just stating the obvious. You don’t need to thank me,” Monica said to Melissa, her tone mellow, as she took two, short steps towards her sister-in-law. “You know your brother. He’s only looking out for you. However, he does tend to forget his own…” she paused, “…reckless behavior. Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” Melissa encouraged.

  “What do you see in this man?” Monica asked, as her face twitched with curiosity. “Ok; obviously, he’s very handsome, but that’s not the only reason you insist on dating him, is it?”

  “No, it isn’t,” Melissa replied, her cheeks flushing, as a smile of embarrassment burst upon her lips. “I grew up in a pack; you know the fact of that, doc. However, Shifters can be very crude. At first, I found those nasty comments about my looks entertaining. You know: ‘nice tits’; ‘great ass’;… they were funny for a period of time. Naturally, I got tired of them. None of those idiots seemed to be in touch with their emotions. Joe is just that; in touch with how he feels. I saw it in the cemetery. I saw it at his sister’s house and last night. He’s not afraid to show what he feels inside.”

  “That’s good to know,” Monica gave a polite smile, interlocking her fingers over her stomach. “Anyway, Helena wants to see you and Dean tonight. She said she has some new information about Joe. She’ll be waiting for you at Clover Lake.”

  “Joe is coming over later today. Do you think I should bring him, too?” Melissa inquired, putting just a little force in her voice.

  “I wouldn’t do that, if I were you,” Monica replied truthfully. “She doesn’t like him very much. Plus, she might not want him to hear what she has to say.”

  “Then, I’ll ask him to wait for me in my cabin. Dean and I will be there,” Melissa assured her Alpha’s wife with a nod. “Thanks again, doc.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Melissa spent the entire day waiting for a phone call or a text message from Joe. Much to her disappointment, though, he didn’t communicate at all with her. Whenever Melissa tried to call him, the answering machine message only irritated her even further. Joe should have notified her of any emergency, but he had failed to do so. Worry began to fill her heart. Could it be that the man she thought so highly of had tricked her? Was it possible that Helena had been right about him all along? Melissa couldn’t know, and that blaze of uncertainty, nestling in her heart, did not allow her to relax at all for the remainder of the day.

  The pale, indigo sky surrounded Melissa, as she awaited her brother outside her cabin that night. Had she heard news from Joe by then, she would not have been that impatient to visit the witch. Still, his disappearance, and the fact that he didn’t have the courtesy to call her, particularly after their encounter, made her want to talk to Helena as soon as possible. Although the possibility of the witch knowing what he had been up to was rather slim, any information she might have on Joe could be useful.

  Minutes afterwards, Dean stepped out of his cabin. He was not alone; Kate was right behind him, with a wicked smile on her face, holding hands with him, as they strolled towards her.

  “Hey, you guys,” Melissa cast a quick glance up at her brother, and one more down at Kate. “I wasn’t expecting you to come with.”

  “Are you serious?” Kate wondered, narrowing her puzzled eyes. “This guy’s the most messed up man I’ve ever heard of. I can’t wait to know more about him. Too bad Jules isn’t here.”

  “Yeah, too bad you can’t mock him with her,” Melissa said, her lips curling into a humorless smile, as she turned around to walk alongside her friend.

  “Relax, Mel,” Kate suggested, speaking sweetly to her as she patted her on the shoulder. “Knowing you’re so serious about this guy, we wouldn’t mock him. You can’t deny it, though. Your man’s a huge mess.”

  “He’s made a big mistake, sweetheart,” Melissa voiced her opinion, recalling Joe’s letter, as they closed in on the woods. “In all truth? I’m sure I’d do the same, if I were him.”

  “He’d better start being very careful, starting now,” Dean grated out, tossing a sideways glare down at his sister.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Melissa asked with a hint of annoyance in her feminine voice.

  “Look, I don’t care who he is, or your relationship with him. If anything happens to you, if any harm befalls you or my brothers, I’m going to rip that prick to pieces,” Dean stated, his tone stiff, still staring at Melissa.

  “Easy there, tiger,” Kate spoke, turning to face him, as they crept under the shadow of a tree. “I trust your sister. Why don’t you? I mean, she is your blood.”

  “It’s him I don’t trust,” Dean explained, tearing his gaze away from his sister. Uninterested in arguing with him, however, Melissa chose to let her brother’s words pass by her unheard, and not because she meant to defend Joe. Clover Lake was hiding behind the numerous trees in front of her. It had been a while since she had last been there, and she had missed it. She was still a few hundred yards away from it, but she could visualize the right lower edge, as well as a few patches of the surface.

  “Reverend Bradford, it’s time we had a serious conversation about that ‘broken hearts’ issue,” Kate teased, flashing a sweet smile up at her mate.

  “Stop,” Dean commanded, his feet coming to an abrupt halt, as he gazed at the thick trunk of a tree across from him and slightly to the left. The ample moonlight was flashing gray on it, as Helena’s red eyes emerged from behind the trunk.

  “You’re early,” the witch remarked, pulling her hood back from her head. “It’s not even dark yet.”

  “Joe is missing,” Melissa informed, hastening towards her. “I haven’t heard from him since last night.”

  “That is not my problem.” Helena pointed out. “Besides, it is his past that we must concern ourselves with, my young one.”

  “Bummer,” Melissa muttered under her breath, pressing her lips together, as she, Kate and Dean gathered around the witch.

  “You can see his future, right?” Dean squinted down at her, his voice coming out hesitantly. “It’s not…” he paused, “blurry or anything.”

  “It would be, in case his future was protected by a spell,” Helena replied, twisting her staff, as she planted the end of it against the forest floor. “It isn’t. We will get to that, but I’m happy to say that every clue points to the fact that Joe Stanton has never been involved with witchcraft of any sort. He has been, however, dancing with the devil. I’m not really surprised. He…”

  “You’re talking him down? Again?” Melissa protested, interrupting her.

  “You are awfully touchy when it comes to him, you know that?” Kate complained, anger creeping into her tone, as she glared up at her. “Let her finish.”

  “Thank you, Kate,” Helena gave her an appreciative nod. “The firm Joe works for nets more than a hundred million dollars. How do you think ‘Cross and Associates’ has accomplished that, Melissa? By representing simple people? No. Their clients are known drug dealers, crooked politicians, known members of the underworld in general. This is not Joe’s fault. Getting in bed with those people is just part of his job.”

  “That’s true,” Melissa said, dragging her gaze away from the witch. “I’m sorry about before. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”

  “Do not d
o that again,” Helena stated in an emphatic tone, while her face hardened. “You might be Roman’s granddaughter, but if you do that again, I will deny any further assistance. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal,” Melissa sighed, bringing her attention back to Helena. “Please continue.”

  “The ‘getting in bed’ part was not entirely metaphorical,” Helena went on, her voice losing its nerve, as she pursed her lips. “Joe has been rumored to date women from the entertainment industry: in particular, two singers and one actress. But, that’s not what worries me. His personal life is his own. Still, there is another rumor, much worse than his soft tooth for artists. David Cross, his boss, is a well-known party animal. The guest list is comprised of a select few. No one can know for sure what really takes place in those parties, but, according to Phil Rushmore, a retired banker, they did lines of cocaine. In fact, Joe will be in a similar party, in a few hours from now.”

  At that, the witch reached into her inside pocket, as Melissa tried to wrap her head around what she had just heard. Something did not add up. If Joe was actually open to dating anybody, he would not have rejected her like that, and he had done that twice already. Regardless of that, however, she didn’t have time to analyze his behavior. Once again, Helena’s crystal ball was spinning before her, glittering with a soft, silver color. A massive, luxurious mansion was brought into view, as the sphere rolled to a stop. The water of a large pool was shimmering under the moon in the background. A small crowd had gathered just outside the black, arch-shaped gate. Six women, in skimpy outfits were laughing and squeaking, surrounding three men, including Joe himself. An old man in a driver’s uniform was holding the rear right door of a black limousine open. One by one, they all entered it. But, before the expensive vehicle could cover more than a few hundred yards, Melissa’s blood froze in her veins, as a bullet pierced the windscreen’s glass. Within seconds, each and every window of that limousine was shattered, as more bullets were fired, puncturing holes into the car frame and the tires alike.

  “I looked into his future, just a few minutes before you arrived,” Helena continued, as Melissa shook her head in disbelief. “The estate in question is on Actor’s Colony Road in North Haven.”

  “That’s four hours away!” Melissa cried out her voice tormented and filled with tension and fear.

  “These events occur just after 2 a.m., dear,” the witch stated in a tone unaffected by Melissa’s outburst. “You have plenty of time to get there.”

  “We won’t be able to shift with so many people around,” Dean remarked, his gaze still locked on the crystal ball.

  “We’ll figure something out,” Melissa said with a nod, her tone returning to normal. “Dean, do you mind if I do this with Kate?”

  “Actually, I do,” he muttered, raising his eyes to meet hers. “You’re not doing this alone.”

  “Honey, please take your truck and follow us,” Kate interjected, her voice sweet, as she turned left to face him. “I need to talk to your sister. We’ll bore you with all this girly stuff.”

  “Will do,” Dean murmured, tipping his head down. Melissa would not start speculating on why Joe was in the company of so many beautiful women. Attending such a party was consistent with Helena’s revelations. She winced at the thought of having a long, complicated conversation with him. However, they could not discuss anything if he was brutally gunned down that night, and that was precisely what Melissa and Kate had to prevent.

  Chapter Thirteen

  In spite of her reluctance to guess on the reason that Joe was surrounded by half-naked women, Melissa simply could not avoid it. The image of all those girls beside him poisoned her mind. Her heart sank as she realized that the man she considered to be so much different than the others could, in fact, be a fake. Of all the men in the world, shifters or human, she resented cheaters. As far as she was concerned, such betrayal was unforgivable. She wouldn’t even have dared to think that Joe was one had he communicated with her once that day. Nevertheless, his disappearance was a sign of guilt, a clear indication that he was hiding something from her.

  Melissa was relieved that she wouldn’t have to drive that night. Her confusion and anger would not have allowed her to focus on the road. Furthermore, she was grateful to Kate for changing Dean’s mind about riding with them to North Haven. Negative thoughts were already tormenting her. She could do without a disgruntled brother.

  Kate put her foot hard down on the accelerator, as she turned right and onto the much wider road outside Shandaken. The small engine was roaring, when Melissa rolled down her window. She was so puzzled that the air around her had become too thick to breathe.

  “I know that look in your eyes,” Kate’s voice tore through the silence, as Melissa rubbed her chin. “What’s on your mind, girl? Although I do suspect a thing or two, I must say.”

  “Well…” Melissa sucked in a deep breath, running her hand up her cheek; “…I’ve been trying to make a list of all the things he could have kept from me. He could be cheating on me with one of those bimbos. He’s got a nasty habit, which he lied about, by the way. It’s so frustrating… I mean, I learned more about him from Helena in ten minutes, than he’s told me in the five days I’ve known him.”

  “Welcome to the world of humans,” Kate smirked, casting an ironic, sideways glance up at her. “Not everybody is as forthcoming as my friends and I, Mel. Especially when they’ve done things they’re not proud of. In my opinion, you should cut him some slack about the coke. You guys just started dating.”

  “Screw the coke,” Melissa groaned, banging her hand onto her knee. “I’d forgive him, if he promised to quit; but if he’s screwing around with those bitches, I’m going to make him regret meeting me.”

  “Ok, settle down,” Kate advised, as her face twisted in a mocking leer. “Let’s get him out of this mess first. You can kick his ass later. Is that all you have to say?”

  “Pretty much,” Melissa uttered, exhaling hard, as she gazed at the hundreds of taillights ahead of them.

  “Good,” Kate nodded in satisfaction. “Now, here’s what I think. Let’s say he’s not been…” she faltered; “…naughty with those girls, and that he’s got a good reason for disappearing on you today. You guys shouldn’t keep seeing each other like this. The distance is going to kill you. If Dean hadn’t taken me to Paxton when he did, I doubt we’d still be together. Ray did the same with Julia, and now just look at them. I’m not saying you should move in with him. Just spend some time with him; see for yourself if he really is the guy you think he is.”

  “You said it yourself, back in the cemetery,” Melissa spoke in a very slow tone. “I’d have to compete against his job. I doubt he’d ditch his job for someone he’s been seeing for just a few days. Plus, I’m not leaving Paxton. What am I going to do, get an apartment close to where he lives?”

  “I would suggest a hotel room, but accommodation should not be your biggest concern, honey.” Kate’s voice dropped down an octave, as her smile fell from her lips. “The city is no place for a shifter. Dean describes it as ‘hell on Earth.’ The amount of noise in there would drive you crazy. Hell, it bothers me, and I don’t have super hearing. No, you can’t live in New York. He can live in Paxton.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Melissa said, as a sense of doubt washed over her. “You didn’t see Raul this morning. He’d tear Joe’s heart out if he found him in my cabin.”

  “Don’t worry about your brothers,” Kate suggested, lightly shaking her head, once. “They might be a little too loud sometimes, but they’re reasonable. If Joe can convince them he’s not a bad person, they’ll have no problem with him staying there for a few days.”

  “First, he’s going to have to convince me,” Melissa stated, her tone low, as a bitter smile spread across her face. A feeling of sadness swept over her, as she compared two, vastly different images: Joe in the cemetery against Joe outside that mansion. The contrast was huge. It was as if they were two, completely separate, people
who merely resembled one another on the outside. All the same, before she could utter a word, she sensed Kate’s soft hand, stroking the side of her neck.

  “You’re in love with him,” she commented, averting her gaze from the road up ahead.

  “I think I’m more in love with an idea,” Melissa retorted, as her voice weakened. “I believe Joe is this really sensitive guy, who’s been down on his luck; that I’m the one who’s going to make him happy again. But, if what Helena said is true, then he’s nothing more than a manipulative son of a bitch, who just likes to screw people over.”

  “Maybe the truth lies somewhere in between,” Kate shrugged, her cool approach somewhat baffling her friend. “Most humans have skeletons in their closets. Why should he be an exception?”

  “Please, just drive,” Melissa let out yet another sigh, as she tilted her head back. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  Happily for Melissa, Kate respected her wish. An emotional breakdown was too close for comfort; Melissa had to remain silent. However, a momentary collapse was not what was terrifying her the most. More than anything, she was afraid that she had fallen prey to her own misjudgment. She thought that she had tricked herself into believing that Joe was the perfect man for her. Now, Melissa’s life was hanging in the balance, and her only hope was that he would disprove this notion.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Melissa found herself in awe and amazement, as Kate drove them around in North Haven. Almost all of the estates were extremely large, featuring massive lawns and fountains, and they seemed either new or well-preserved. Moreover, there were quite a few, high-end cars parked in the driveways, like Ferrari’s, Lamborghini’s and Porsches. In truth, the two of them had entered a world that hardly resembled their own. There was no simplicity; just a huge amount of reckless extravagance. Melissa was just about to speak, as they neared their destination, but then she preferred to keep her comments to herself. Criticizing humans was not why they had traveled more than two hundred and twenty miles, and they both had to focus on the task at hand. Gossiping was only going to distract them.


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