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Believing Binda

Page 3

by Khloe Wren

  "Are you feeling better, Binda?"

  "I'm fine, Zane. I was actually thinking I’d like to have a better look around the library. Would you please take me there?"

  Zane sighed as her truth band glowed red. She was not fine, and she was lying to him. He and Baxter needed to work out what they hell they were going to do.

  "Sure, beautiful. I'll help you find the way before I go check in with Baxter."

  He walked beside her as they made their way through the castle. He watched her from the corner of his eye. She twisted and tormented the material she held in her hands. She kept her gaze fixed straight ahead. The hard line of her jaw made her look cold and closed off. Yet, she'd been so soft and sensual earlier. This female had him so confused! Didn't she feel the connection between them? Or was it the fact they were healers, and would need to leave her often to attend to others in the clan that needed medical help, that had her being so standoffish? Although the way her fingers never stopped moving gave him hope. That was a sign of her own confused thoughts. Maybe she only needed a little time to process everything that had taken place. So much had happened to her and her friends since the Great Wind brought them through the portal.

  Feeling a little calmer he opened the door to the library and stepped in behind her. He gently gripped her arm before she could move away from him. He leaned in to kiss her forehead.

  "Binda, talk to me. What's wrong? Did you not like any of the dresses?"

  She closed her eyes as she shuddered in his grip.

  "The dresses are beautiful, Zane. I just needed to wear my own clothes right now."

  Her truth band glowed green, so Zane racked his brain for what might be the issue.

  "I know Baxter frightened you when he stormed out earlier, but you know Baxter wasn't angry at you? He was cross that he had to leave."

  He felt her stiffen and saw the fire in her stare.

  "I was not frightened. I am not some … some silly young woman who needs a man to prove she has value. Who falls apart at the thought of angering him. That is not me. Not anymore."

  Her last words were whispered, but Zane heard them and they made his heart ache. His precious Desired had been hurt in the past. She was putting up mental walls against him. He rubbed his thumb over her truth band, which was now glowing red, and wondered if she knew she was lying.

  "Please don't lie to me, Binda. Baxter and I would never hurt you, nor would your relationship with us define who you are. How about we find you a role to fulfill in the Clan? You mentioned earlier you were a librarian. How would you like to look after our library, catalog everything? No one really has any idea what's in here." He paused as he allowed her to glance around the room. "I'll leave you be for the moment, Binda. But Baxter and I won't give up on you. Ever."

  Before she could respond he retreated from the room. He leaned against the stone wall next to the door for a minute with his eyes closed. He allowed the coolness of the rock to seep into his body and focused on it to calm his nerves. His Desired had deep issues about her self-worth. She'd been hurt and hadn't healed yet.

  The clinic door opened to reveal a miserable looking Drake, and Zane slipped into the lab where he assumed Baxter would be.

  "Brother, what's going on? Drake looked wretched."

  Baxter flicked the switch turning off the speaker that let them hear what was going on in the clinic before he spoke.

  "It’s Carina. She's been hurt in the past by men. Becky made all the men promise they wouldn’t harm Carina or any of the females before she asked them all to leave the room."

  "She's not the only one. Binda's said a couple of things that make me think she's been hurt, too."

  Baxter sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  "Where is she now?"

  "In the library. She asked to go there after she showered."

  "That's good. Honestly, I'm too damn tired to focus enough to work out what to do for our precious Desired right now."


  Binda stood frozen to the spot after Zane left her. She stared down at her stupid truth band, its red glow fading away. How had she lied? She thought back over what she said but couldn't pinpoint anything that should have made this stupid thing glow red.

  "Gah, who cares anyway?"

  She stomped away from the door, walking through the rows of shelves. She ran her fingertips over all the leather bindings as she moved. The smell of paper and leather filled the air, and she took deep breaths allowing the scent to calm her. Very few people understood her love of books. How she could spend all day, every day in a library. A jolt up her arm had her pausing. She gripped the book that had jolted her and pulled it free from the shelf. The spine held a single word that made no sense to her while the cover was free of markings. The leather was old and well worn, so at one time this had been a well loved, often read book.

  She made her way to the plush arm chairs that rested in the center of the room. Tucking her feet up under her as she sat down, Binda opened the thick tome on her lap. She said a little prayer of thanks that despite the spine appearing to be written in another language, the contents were written in old English. The same strange word was repeated on the first page.

  "Dubhghlas. What on earth does that even mean?"

  With her curiosity taking over, she forgot about all the other dramas going on and focused on the pages before her. By the end of the first page she was gob-smacked. Before Earth's creation, humans, dragon shifters and liaths had all lived together on Dubhghlas.

  Zane had told her there was no fiction in this room. So this must be a telling of their history, which apparently included humans. She returned to reading, turning page after page as she learned about this beautiful place that sounded much like the Garden of Eden from the Bible. There was enough of everything for all to thrive. Each race had its strengths and complemented the other species. All three were clearly designed to function alongside each other. But the liaths grew full of self-importance. They spent their time focused on learning magic, and with each new skill they learned, their egos grew along with their power.

  "Yeah, this garden might not have had a snake, but they still had evil."

  She winced as the story continued to detail the liaths trying to kill off all the humans and dragons. They focused on the humans first, and as not many had any skill with magic and limited defenses to fire they were quickly all but eradicated. The dragons were not so easy to take out. They'd come to help defend the humans. In their dragon forms they had all the fire they needed.

  In the end, the land was nothing but a burned out shell of its former glory. With nothing left to fight over, the liaths and dragons were caught in a standoff, the two humans left stood terrified behind the dragons. That was when the Goddess used her Great Wind for the first time.

  The humans were taken first in the cyclone wind tunnel before it returned for the dragons. The dragon warriors woke to find themselves on a new plane. Lush, green, and full of potential. The Goddess appeared before them and told them they were now in The Land of Feury where they would be the only higher beings and they needed to care for the land and the animals here in order for their species to thrive. She explained that she had taken the humans, a male and female, and had given them to her brother to care for. He'd created a world called Earth for them to inhabit.

  "Guess that explains why the Garden of Eden sounds like Dubhghlas."

  The Goddess also informed them that the liaths had been left on Dubhghlas. She’d hoped they would learn their lesson of not letting ego and greed dictate their actions as they rebuilt what was left after the war.

  Binda closed the book when she finished and simply sat as she tried to process the story. So the Goddess's brother was the God that created Earth, according to the Christians. It didn't line up with her knowledge of Dreamtime legends of creation. But she guessed all these legends were old and open to interpretation, and the truth was probably somewhere in the middle of it all. Who's to say the Dreamtime story of celestial bein
gs rising from the barren ground to create life before returning to leave humans to roam with the animals wasn't how Earth was created? It was perfectly plausible. Especially since the Great Wind had proven it still existed.

  "But how come after thousands of years of nothing, the Great Wind returns now?"

  She rose to return the book and began running her fingers over the book spines once again.

  "C'mon, where's one explaining the Goddess's link to the Great Wind?"

  Another jolt up her arm had her pulling a tome from the shelf. Okay, that was very cool. It seemed the Goddess wanted her to work all this stuff out. Who else would be guiding her to the books she needed?

  She took this new book back to the chair and settled in to read again. When the door opened with a creak, it scared the life out of her.


  The large tome fell to the floor as she flew to her feet and stumbled a little. She'd been one hundred percent in research mode and had completely forgotten about reality. She spun to the doorway with a hand over her racing heart.

  "We're sorry, Binda. We didn't mean to startle you."

  Baxter and Zane both stood just inside the door like they weren't sure what to do. She licked her lips as she bent to pick up the book.

  "That's okay. I was so focused on what I was reading I didn't expect the noise of the door opening. I, ah, I kind of have a habit of getting lost in a book."


  Baxter grinned at the way Binda dipped her head down with obvious embarrassment.

  "We thought you must have found something good to read. The last time we came in you didn't respond to us at all. We've come to ask you to join us for Dimitri, Max, and Eilagh's Bonding Ceremony. It will be happening shortly down in the orchard. We thought you'd like to be there. Carina woke earlier, so all four of your friends will be there."

  She frowned as she carefully placed a leather bound tome onto the low table.

  "Bonding Ceremony?"

  She'd spoken slowly like saying the words would help her understand.

  "Eilagh has agreed to bond with her two dragon warriors. You've met Dimitri, our clan leader, and his twin, Max. He's the one who changed to dragon at your first meal."

  "That was quick."

  She'd mumbled her words, obviously not speaking to them, so Baxter chose to ignore her comment.

  "Shall we head down to the orchard?"

  "Yeah, sure."

  She strolled past them and straight out the door. They followed her in silence.

  Wonder what book she was reading? She's still not really with us, is she?

  No idea, Zane, but I agree that her pretty little head is still in which ever book it was.

  At least she wasn't flinching from him. He'd been so concerned he'd truly frightened her when he'd stormed out earlier. Once they were outside, he breathed deeply. Baxter loved the smell of the fresh air. Unfortunately too much of a healer's work was indoors.

  They stood near Drake and Savren, a short distance from the circle of red dirt the Great Wind had left when it had brought the females to them. He glanced up as he heard others coming. Carina had a tight grip on Skye as they made their way down to stand near them. Their six warriors stood close to them but didn't try to touch either of them. At least we're not the only ones having trouble with our Desired.

  A sigh from Skye along with a low growl from Drake and Savren had him looking up toward the castle. Eilagh and Becky were making their way toward them. Both females were dressed in their dragons' colors and looked resplendent. He looked down at Binda. She stood with her spine straight. Her arms were rigid by her sides, and she was clenching and unclenching her fists. Her face was tight with a forced smile. Did she resent her friend’s happiness?

  Do you think she's jealous of Eilagh?

  Not sure, Zane. Could be.

  Skye's voice cut short their conversation, "Eilagh is beautiful, and she looks so happy."

  Binda took a deep breath and relaxed a little before she spoke.

  "I can't believe they got Becky to wear a dress—she even looks happy wearing it!"

  Unable to leave her be any longer, Baxter wrapped a hand around Binda's waist and pulled her to lean against his chest. Zane moved in and took her hand in his as he stood close to their side. Baxter could feel the tension in her body, but she fortunately didn't pull away. He lowered his face to inhale against her hair, her sweet dewberry scent soothing him like nothing ever had before.

  He lifted up when he heard Diego move the ceremonial bowl into the circle. The sun shone on the golden honey making it glow like the sun. Once the bowl was centered, Diego stood tall and began the proceedings.

  "Welcome all to the Bonding Ceremony of our Clan Leader Dimitri, Warrior Max, and Lady Eilagh. Let us begin. Eilagh, do you accept Dragons Dimitri and Max as yours?"

  "Yes, I accept both Dimitri and Max."

  "To accept your dragons before all of us here and the Goddess above, you need to begin the ritual. Place both your hands—palms down—in the bowl, then place a palm on the face of each of your dragons."

  Baxter turned his attention to his Desired. The ceremony obviously spiked her curiosity. He had no idea what they did on Earth for bonding, but he would guess by the way all the females were watching with cute little frowns that it was not anything like this.

  He'd been a teenager when he last witnessed a bonding ceremony. Only close friends and extended family attended a ceremony. The focus was on the family bonding and their link with the Goddess, so it didn't need dozens of witnesses.

  Settling his hands on Binda's hips, he allowed his mind to wander. There were roughly two hundred dragon warrior males on Feury. He and Zane were the only healers, and no doubt pregnancies would soon happen with these five lovely females. That would take even more of their time. They needed to train up more healers. It was the only solution to allow him and Zane to have a life with Binda.

  Zane, we need to train more healers.

  Ah, yeah. Okay. But what's that got to do with the ceremony?'

  If we want to bond with Binda we need to prove to her she's a priority. Why do you think she's jealous? I'd guess it's mainly due to the fact Eilagh has had Dimitri and Max pay so much attention to her.

  Zane sighed through their link. Okay, well training is going to take time, too. But I hear you. Guess we need to start approaching the younger warriors who haven't found their place in the clan yet, ones with enough compassion and heart to take on being a healer.

  Yes. Start making a list. I will, too.

  Binda released Zane's hand and cupped her palms over her mouth as she gasped. Baxter looked up to see ribbons of light wrap around and among Dimitri, Max, and Eilagh's left hands. This was the final part of the ceremony. The Goddess blessing them with her mark. It was a spectacular display to watch.

  Chapter Three

  Relief flowed through Zane as Binda got into the spirit of ceremony. She laughed along with them as Dimitri slung Eilagh over his shoulder and rushed up to the castle.

  "Don't think there's any question about what those three are going to spend the night doing!"

  Moments later Binda tore from Baxter's grip and ran to Becky. The females embraced for a moment before turning to their other two friends. All four had a quiet moment together before Becky's strained voice floated over the air. "Been a crazy week, huh?"

  That had all four of them laughing, and Zane looked to Baxter to see him staring back at him looking as relieved as himself.

  She’ll be fine, Baxter. We will make this work. We will win our Desired.

  Baxter nodded at him, and then they joined the others in herding the females toward the castle for a meal. However, it probably hadn't been his best idea to watch Binda's hips sway the entire way to the dining hall. Sitting with a hard-on wasn't going to be overly comfortable. Zane pulled out a seat and helped Binda settle into it as Baxter filled her plate with roasted meat and vegetables. His own stomach grumbled, and she chuckled at him.

  "Stop f
ussing, Zane. You're hungry, you need to eat."

  "I like fussing over you, beautiful. Best get used to it."

  He kissed the top of her head before moving to load up his own plate. He sat and ate his meal while watching all those around him. At least half the clan were here eating even though they hadn't attended the ceremony. He looked over the faces of the warriors. Most had at least half an eye on the females. Some looked sad, others jealous, and the occasional one angry. Zane hoped the Great Wind would deliver more females for the other warriors. Every family deserved to find the one fated to complete them.

  His attention turned to Carina as Denver, Phelan, and Hart ushered her out of the room. Strange that Skye wasn't with her. He glanced over and nearly choked on his mouthful of meat. Skye was being shown how three warriors tempted their Desired. Reaching for his water he glanced at Binda to see if she'd seen what was taking place across the room. Binda's hand held her fork above her plate, frozen in place as she stared over at her friend. Her forehead creased as she chewed on her lower lip. She lowered the fork as she carefully glanced to Baxter without moving her head. As if to gauge what his reaction was. Baxter was staring at his plate, looking worried.

  Smile, would you? Binda's trying to work out your reaction to Skye getting attention at the dinner table and you're sitting there looking cross at your food.

  Baxter's face instantly smoothed to a pleasant mask before he looked over at Binda as he brought up a hand to massage the back of her neck.

  "You enjoying your meal, precious one?"

  Binda nodded and focused back on her food. Baxter pushed his plate away and turned his seat to face Binda. He kissed her shoulder as he continued to massage her neck. With a clank her fork landed on her now empty plate.

  "Please don't, Baxter. It's been a long day, and I can't handle you starting something you won't be able to finish because someone else will require your attention."

  Zane closed his eyes on a wince. Her words were like a slap in the face to both him and Baxter. Fuck. She was feeling neglected and confused.


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