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The Boss's Pet

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Fuck two fingers inside yourself.”

  Staring at Drake, she found all of her doubts fell away. Leaning against the cool window, she didn’t care who saw her, only the pleasure on Drake’s face.

  “Show me your cream.”

  Lifting her fingers up, she showed him how wet she was.

  “Now that is a sight I love.”

  He got naked, stripping the remains of his clothes before stepping toward her. Drake grabbed her hand, sucking on her fingers. They both moaned as his hand went between her thighs, stroking over her clit.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re soaking.” He teased her clit. She reached out, stroking his cock. Drake wasn’t one to be outdone and slammed two fingers inside her. “And you’re still so tight.”

  Crying out, she gripped his shoulders trying to hold onto him.

  “I can’t wait another moment.”

  She screamed as he lifted her up, aligned his cock, and thrust every inch of his dick inside her.

  With her back to the window, she gripped his neck. “This is insane. I’m too heavy, Drake.”

  “No, you’re perfect.” He slapped her ass before squeezing it in his palm. “I’m going to fuck you so hard, and then I’m taking you through to my bedroom.”

  Breathing hard, she held onto his neck as he started to move. Her back was to the window. The cool glass was a welcome relief from the heat of his touch.

  “Your pussy is so tight, pet. So tight and hot. It wants my cock. Are you going to let me have this pussy whenever I want it?”

  She shook her head, closing her eyes.

  You want this.

  “Look at me, Christy.”

  Opening her eyes, she stared into his dark brown depths, seeing the lust shining back at her.

  “You’re going to give me this pussy whenever I want it.”


  “There’s not going to be a distance between us, Christy. I need you at night. You’re not going to be kicking me out of your bed.”


  “Say it.”

  “What?” she asked, crying out as he hit a point inside her that was pain and pleasure.

  “Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours.”

  “This pussy is mine, Christy. No other man is going to know how tight you are. My pussy, my woman, all fucking mine.”

  She screamed as he pounded inside her. Drake moved from the window, taking her down to the floor. He held her hands beside her head as he pulled out of her.

  “Watch me, Christy. Watch my dick.”

  Glancing between them, she gasped at the sight of him leaving her body. He was slick with her cum. The sight didn’t last long enough when he plunged within her.

  “Keep watching.”

  Over and over again he pulled out of her pussy only to slam inside. The sight turned her on with each visual of his impressive cock.

  He released one of her hands and started to stroke over her clit. Within seconds she came apart with his cock fucking into her. The pleasure of his cock was amazing, extending her orgasm.

  “Fuck, baby.” Drake pounded inside her, following her with his own orgasm. She felt each pulse of his cock as he filled her with his cum. When it was over, he collapsed over her.

  She held onto him not caring about his weight.

  “Well, we didn’t get a chance to get to the bed,” she said.

  “We’ve got all night.”


  Drake watched as Christy left the shower. She grabbed the white towel wrapping it around her. He’d never seen this side to a woman before. Christy wasn’t like his other women, like George had said. She was on the curvier side, which he liked. Not once had she complained while he fucked her. She gave him as much he gave her.

  “What are you looking at?” she asked.

  “Your ass. It’s tempting me.”

  He climbed out of the shower, moving toward her to lift the towel out of the way. He cupped her ass, squeezing the plump flesh.

  She squealed, pulling away.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “You’re the one who went to her knees in the shower. I didn’t ask for my cock to be sucked, but I wasn’t going to argue with your hands and lips on me.”

  She slapped him on the arm. “I can’t believe you said that.”

  “Believe it.” He kissed her neck. “I loved your skill at sucking my cock.”

  “God.” She pressed her hands to her face.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I loved every second of it.” He slid his fingers through her pussy, moaning at how wet she was. “I love how wet you get for me.”

  “I don’t know why I put up with you.”

  Drake opened his lips only to shut them again. He didn’t know why she put up with him either.

  “I’m so tired,” she said, dropping her head to his shoulder. Lifting her up in his arms, Drake got nervous as he stared at her. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing, baby.” He carried her through to the bedroom.

  “I can’t believe you can carry me. I figured I was too heavy for the likes of you.”

  “You’re not too heavy for me.” He placed her on her feet beside the bed. She removed the towel, drying herself.

  Drake couldn’t look away as she crawled onto the bed, grabbing the brush he’d found in the room. She settled onto the right side of the bed. With her legs crossed she started brushing her hair. He was proud that she wasn’t trying to cover up her body.

  She lifted up the blanket, moving inside.

  “Do you want me to sleep in another room?” she asked, pressing a hand to her mouth as she yawned.

  “No, I don’t.” He turned his back to her so she didn’t see his frown.

  “What is it? What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. Nothing is the matter.” He finished drying his body before climbing into bed beside her.

  “How many women have you shared a bed with?” she asked, brushing out her curls. Her hair was so long, falling down to her ass. She kept it bound on top of her head for work. He rarely saw it down.


  She stopped brushing her hair. “None?”

  “I don’t like sleeping with women. I take them to bed to fuck.”

  Christy twirled a curl around her finger. “I could sleep on the sofa if it would make you feel more comfortable.”

  “Here’s the thing, Christy. I don’t want you to go anywhere.”

  He took the brush from her hand, moving behind her and shoving the pillows out of the way. Slowly, he started to brush her hair, working his fingers through the length. When he found a knot, he was gentle as he ran the brush through her hair.

  “I take it you’ve never brushed a woman’s hair before either?”

  “No, I’ve not.” He finished brushing her hair but kept playing with the length.

  “You’ve got a good touch.”

  She sounded sleepy, so reluctantly he stopped.

  Handing her the brush, he moved out from behind her. His cock was rock hard, and her gaze landed on his length.

  “Get on your knees, Christy.”


  “Are you complaining?”

  She shook her head, moving to her knees in front of him. Her curvy ass was up in the air, and he couldn’t help but stroke over the plump mounds. “I love this ass. Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

  “No,” she said, gasping as he ran a finger through her rounded cheeks.

  “If you’re good I may show you what all the fuss is about.”


  “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t hurt you. I’d take my time getting you ready to take my cock.”

  Placing his hand on her hip, he used his other hand to work his shaft. She was wet already.

  Working the tip of his cock to her entrance, he teased her with only the head of his cock.

  She groaned, trying to ease back against his cock. He held firmly onto her hips so she couldn’t try to take ov

  “You’re not the one in control here, baby.”

  He held her tightly so she couldn’t move anywhere. In and out, in and out, he worked his cock inside her never giving her enough.

  After several minutes she growled in frustration. “Stop tormenting me, Drake.”

  Drake slapped her ass. “You’ll take what I give you.” He slapped her other cheek then did the same again, each of her ass cheeks becoming a nice pink under his palms.

  She cried out but didn’t try to pull away.

  “Do you want the whole of my cock?”


  “Beg me.”

  “Please, Drake, fuck me. I need your cock inside me. Please, fuck me. I’m begging you to fuck me.”

  Holding onto both of her hips, he slammed right inside forcing her to take every inch. She screamed out, falling to the bed.

  “That’s it, baby. You’ve got it all now.” He held onto her hips, pressing against the indentations of her back.

  Her pussy tightened around him, squeezing him. Her cream washed over his cock, making it easier for him to plunge inside her.

  “Yeah, you love my dick inside you, don’t you?”


  “Answer the question.”

  “Yes, I love it.”

  Pounding inside her, Drake didn’t let up, fucking her harder than ever before. He made her take the whole of his cock, loving every sound she made as he gave her it all.

  “This pussy is going to know who it belongs to. It’s my pussy loving my cock, and it’s not going to change one second.”

  She pushed back as he plunged into her. Drake couldn’t get enough of her and didn’t want it to stop.

  Coating his fingers in her cream, he slid his slick finger across her puckered anus. Christy didn’t tense up for him. She was already too far gone on pleasure. He worked the tip of his finger inside her, slowly. Her muscles tried to keep him out, but it didn’t work.

  He worked his finger deeper inside her, adding a second finger to stretch out her ass.

  “I’m going to fuck this ass and own every inch of you, pet.”

  With his other hand, he teased over her clit and continued to fuck her. Christy thrust back against him. She came screaming his name, begging him to stop and not to stop. He worked her clit until he found his own release, filling her pussy once again. When it was over, he washed his fingers and brought a towel to wash her.

  Lying behind her, Drake waited for her to go to sleep before pulling her into his arms.

  “I’ve got a feeling that you mean a hell of a lot more to me than I realized.” This had been happening over the past couple of months. It was why he no longer dated other women. He liked Christy and been watching her for some time. They were matched in more ways than one. She had a passion that equaled his own. If George had said what he did about any other woman, Drake would have laughed it off. He wouldn’t have anything bad said about Christy. She was a sweet woman. The fire and ice were all his.

  Chapter Nine

  Christy stared out of Drake’s apartment six months later. She wore his crisp white shirt waiting for him to come back home. They had shared a summer, Halloween, Christmas, New Year, and Valentine’s Day together. Glancing down at the paper in her hands, she tried not to let the tears that wanted to come out, fall.

  They’d been pictured together on Valentine’s Day coming out of the cinema, his arm around her shoulders and her laughing up at something he said.

  Millionaire playing it humble with latest frumpy love interest.

  The headline wasn’t as cruel as it could be, but it didn’t matter to her. It was bad enough seeing something like that in the paper.

  “Hey, baby, I didn’t know you were awake,” Drake said, entering his apartment carrying coffee and a bag of baked goods.

  “I take it you saw the newspaper.” She handed him the paper while taking the coffee from him.

  “We’ve been lucky to go half the year without someone shooting a picture.” He followed her into the kitchen. Sitting at the table, she opened up the bag to see several morning muffins.

  “Frumpy love interest? They’ve got no idea, have they?”

  “What are we going to do at work?” she asked.

  “Nothing. People can talk all they want to. We’re in a relationship together. I’m not playing favorites.”

  “Do you think I should hand in my notice?”

  “No, if you do I’ll take you over my knee and spank you.”

  She chuckled, doubting it would be as easy as he was making it sound.

  “They didn’t get a good enough picture of you. I’ve got plenty of good ones I could send them.”

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Christy, baby, you can’t pay any attention to what the papers say.”

  She smiled, eating her muffin while he went to work on his phone. The last six months had been a dream, a crazy, silly dream at times. Finishing her muffin, she walked back into the bedroom to pick out a pair of jeans and a shirt.

  Half of his wardrobe, half of her life had moved around with him.

  “We’ve got to get into the office now,” Drake said, entering the room.

  “Shall I put my office—”

  “No, those jeans will be fine. It’s an emergency meeting with one of the managers contracted at the printing firm. George will be there.”

  She paused in pulling up her jeans.

  George stopped by the office a great deal lately. He dealt with the main part of the contracts that Drake needed, yet they stayed away from each other. Drake didn’t want her to be anywhere near him.

  “Are you sure about the jeans?”

  “Baby, you’ve got to stop worrying about what other people think. Seriously, I want you, and I don’t give a shit what anyone has to say.”

  She nodded and finished getting dressed. Drake was already waiting by the door for her. They drove in his car toward the office. He wasn’t wearing a suit either.

  George was waiting for them at the entrance to Drake’s office building.

  “Do you have everything in order?” George asked.

  “I should be asking you that. I’ve been told it’s about the contracts that you organize.”

  “I see you’ve gone public with your relationship.” George held up the paper.

  “Don’t go there,” Drake said.

  “This could cause a problem. The last thing investors or business partners want is a gold-digger in their midst.”

  Christy tensed up, but Drake beat her to it.

  “You want to spill lies, then start with me. Christy’s not a gold-digger. She’s a hard fucking worker. Don’t start shit you can’t finish, George. I will hurt you if you hurt her.”

  She looked at George, seeing the anger in his eyes.

  “Fine. We better get up there.”

  Drake held her hand as they made their way up in the elevator. The few staff that were around were watching them. When they got to their floor, the whispering became even more obvious to her.

  Entering the office, Christy took her seat beside Drake, who sat at the head of the table. Grabbing the notepad, she started to make notes. Drake handed her a tablet for her to look through the files while he talked. Halfway through he asked if she’d fetch some refreshments. She was used to being told what to do. Smiling at the men, she made her way down toward the main cafeteria.

  No one was available, so she walked around the counter and started to fill up pots with hot water, while collecting the coffee as well.

  “You’re dating Drake Brennan?” Sandra asked, entering the cafeteria. “Why do I not know about this?”

  “You heard?”

  “Honey, the whole office has heard. It’s not exactly a secret anymore. That newspaper is pretty popular.”

  Letting out a sigh, she selected a variety of cookies for the clients upstairs. “It just sort of happened. Neither of us planned it.”

  “How long?”

  “A c
ouple of months, maybe just about half a year.”

  “What? And you didn’t tell me?”

  “It’s not something either of us is really talking about.” She shrugged, putting everything on a trolley. “I guess I’m being called the office slut or something.”

  “They’re all wondering what’s going on.”

  “You mean a guy like Drake dating a woman like me?”

  “It’s nothing bad, I promise,” Sandra said.

  “I’ve got to get this up.”

  Sandra followed her out of the cafeteria, together going toward the elevator.

  “Do you love him?”

  Biting her lip, Christy turned to the woman beside. “In the beginning, no, but it, erm, yeah, I love him, and that’s what’s hard. I doubt he thinks the same about me. I mean, how can he?”

  “Honey, you’re the first woman he’s been with for longer than a couple of dates. Before you, he was with a new woman every chance he got. You’re the first one who has stuck around.”

  “I don’t know. I think at times it’s hard, you know. They expect him to be with some kind of supermodel, yet I’m with him,” Christy said, feeling sorry for herself.

  “You’re beautiful, Christy.”

  “I’m not a model though.”

  “No, but maybe he got all of those models out of his system.” The elevator doors opened, and she watched Sandra leave. “Don’t go worrying about stuff that you don’t need to.”

  “I won’t. Thank you.”

  Christy took the tray of drinks up to the office. Ignoring the whispers as she passed, she entered the conference room where Drake was arguing. She served all the drinks, taking a seat as Drake placed the notes in front of her.

  Smiling at him, she caught up quickly.

  Three hours she sat listening to the men talk out the deal. George had screwed with the contract, and now Drake was having to solve the problems he’d made. Glancing through the contract she saw where George had messed up. The company had agreed to go into partnership with Drake under the condition it didn’t get torn apart and sold. George had actually stated the selling of the company would be at Drake’s discretion rather than being a solid point.

  “I want to apologize for the mistake made on my part,” George said.

  They all agreed through the new contract.


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