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ROMANCE: ALIEN ROMANCE: Captured by the Alien Dragon (Alpha Male Alien Abduction BBW Romance) (Bad Boy Shifter Fantasy Romance)

Page 17

by Natalie Frost


  When she woke up the next morning, she felt like her life had somehow changed. Something inside her had been released. She didn’t feel like the shy, awkward girl who came to the city with nothing. She felt renewed, strong, and confident. But when she rolled over to wrap her arm around Joshua and pull him close, all those feelings left at once. He was gone.

  She sat up quickly, searching the room. He was nowhere to be seen. A sinking feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach as she dressed and slipped out into the hall to look for him. She found him where she knew she would—in the sitting room. “You left,” she said softly as she walked up behind him.

  “We need to talk, Margaret,” he said to her coldly, not turning to address her.

  The feeling in her stomach became more intense as she walked around to the front of the couch and sat down next to him. His eyes were fixed on the floor, but she could still see that they were filled with sadness. “What is it?” she asked nervously.

  “What happened, between you and me last night, it shouldn’t have,” he said, sadness and remorse heavy on his voice.

  Although she had an idea of what he would say, hearing the words vocalized still sent her world crashing down around her. “I don’t understand,” she said, trying to keep the tears from escaping.

  He turned and looked at her slowly. “It’s not safe for you, Margaret.”

  “But I told you, I’m not afraid of you. I trust you!”

  “You shouldn’t.” He took her hand in his. “I don’t trust me.”

  “But you said,” she tried to interject. “You said that I calmed you, right? That being with me helped to relax you?”

  “You do, Margaret. Honestly, you do.”

  “Then why…?” She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer.

  “Because,” he said letting out a long sigh. “Because, like I told you, it’s getting more intense—harder to control. Being with you helps for now, but in a month?” He reached out and brushed the tears from her face. “I can’t risk hurting you. If I ever did anything to you…” his voice cracked slightly. “I couldn’t live with myself if I ever did anything to hurt you.”

  “You wouldn’t do that!” she exclaimed.

  “I would like to think that, too,” he admitted. “But after what happened with Michael, I’m not so sure I can believe it. I don’t know who I am right now. I haven’t for a long time.”

  The room fell silent as they sat, staring into each other’s eyes. Margaret couldn’t stop her heart from aching. “So, what now?” she said in a hushed tone.

  “There’s only one option.” He looked away from her as he spoke. “I’m sorry, but you have to leave, Margaret. The arrangement between us needs to end.”

  She wanted to argue with him; she wanted to change his mind, but she couldn’t find the words. His mind was made up, and there was nothing she could do about it. She stood without saying anything and began walking towards her room.

  When she got to her room, she stood motionless for a minute. Where did she go now? What did she do? She looked around the room and an overwhelming sadness filled her. It wasn’t because she had to leave the high-end penthouse or the lifestyle she had let grow on her. It was because she had to leave him. “Do you need help?” she heard Joshua ask. She hadn’t noticed that he had followed her down the hall.

  She turned slowly to look up at him, the tears flowing freely from her eyes. “I don’t have anywhere to go,” she sobbed.

  “What?” he asked, a look of concern and hurt crossing his face.

  “I came here, to the city, with nothing. I have no friends; I have no life, no money, nowhere to go!” As she spoke he reached his arms out and wrapped them around her, pulling her into his chest. She buried her face into him and cried softly. He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to calm her.

  She pulled back slightly and wiped her palm along her cheeks, trying to dry her tears. “When I came here I wanted adventure. I wanted to find something new and exciting. And I did. I found it with you.” As she spoke she saw the pain in his eyes. “You’re the only person I can really trust,” she said quietly.

  “Can I tell you something?” he asked her softly.

  “Of course,” she replied.

  “You’re the only person, besides Henry and my family, who knows about me. I’ve kept my secret hidden from everyone—my colleagues, my friends. I’ve never felt so completely comfortable with someone as to share that side of myself with them.”

  “Then don’t make me leave,” she begged.

  “I’m very sorry. I wish I could do something to fix all of this. I wish I could be someone else for you. But I can’t, Margaret. I can only be who, or what, I am.” He held her out at arm’s length. “I will arrange for you to stay in one of my apartments in the city.”

  “No,” she replied firmly. “I can’t let you do that.”

  “I insist,” he said pulling her close to him again. “Like I said. I just want to know that you’re going to be okay. Please let me do this for you.”


  “I know, mom! I’m really excited. The play is great! Everyone loves it!” Margaret exclaimed into her phone. “You and dad will be able to come see it, right?”

  It had been three months since she left her position working for Joshua McGuire. At first, adjusting to life without him was harder than she thought it would be. From time to time she still found herself instinctively looking down at her watch when 11:00pm got close. And in the mornings, she still woke up at 6:45, even though her alarm wasn’t set to go off until 8:00.

  The apartment he put her up in was nice. It wasn’t as extravagantly elegant as his penthouse, but it was still much more than she could have ever dreamed of getting for herself. It was in a great neighborhood, and right down the street from that acting agency that Joshua hired to represent her. She didn’t expect him to do that for her. He didn’t even tell her it was him who did it. When she got the call, she was completely in shock. She could never afford to hire an agent, especially one as top-of-the-line as the person she was speaking to! But when they told her they got her information from a reliable and notable source, who believed in her so much he was footing the bill for their services, she put the pieces together.

  “Closing night is on Friday,” she continued speaking to her mother. With the help of the agent, she was finally able to land her first officially paid acting job. Rehearsals had been long and intense, but she loved every minute of it. She had even made a few friends who were also performing in the play.

  “Great! I can’t wait to see you both!” she said as she dropped the last of her items into the cardboard box in the center of the now empty bedroom. The acting role she got had paid so well that she was able to get her own place. It was smaller than where she was currently living, but it was going to be hers.

  “Love you, too. Bye.” When she hung up the phone she stepped back to take in the moment. She had a sense of accomplishment. Everything in her life was going perfectly. Still, one thing was missing—Joshua. He was constantly on her mind. She worried about him. She just wanted to know if he was okay. She had considered calling him a few times, but her better judgment prevented her from actually going through with it.

  She pushed the thoughts of him from her mind and continued to move from room to room, making sure that all of her things were packed up. When she reached the kitchen, the chime of the doorbell stopped her. She wasn’t expecting anyone. Confused, she walked over to the door and pulled it open.

  What she saw made her heart leap into her throat. “Joshua!” she exclaimed as she stepped back quickly, stunned.

  “Margaret,” he said formally. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course!” she said, stepping to the side and motioning for him to enter. “Is everything okay?” she asked. She didn’t expect to see him ever again. Maybe he was here because something was wrong?

  “No,” he said when they reached the family room. He took her h
ands in his and pulled her down onto the couch next to him. “Nothing is okay.”

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, scared and worried.

  “I was wrong to send you away, Margaret. I need you.”

  “What?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her heart began to beat faster.

  “I haven’t been able to get you out of my head since the day you left. I feel hopeless, almost lost without you! I tried to force myself back into my old routine, but it didn’t work. The house feels so empty without you. I feel empty without you.”

  His words slowly consumed her, making her feel light-headed. She wasn’t sure if she was really hearing what she thought she was hearing. Could this be a dream? “What are you saying?” she asked, not wanting to let herself get too carried away without being sure she understood what he meant.

  “I want you to come live with me, and not as my caretaker. I want to start a life with you. I want to spend every minute of every day with you.” He looked at her intensely. She could sense that he was speaking with sincerity. It was in his eyes—he felt what he was saying down deep. “I love you, Margaret.”

  Her emotions overtook her, and she felt her eyes burning with tears. “I think you can call me Maggie now,” she smiled at him as she reached out to throw her arms around his neck and pull her to him.

  He laughed, reaching up and placing his hand on her cheek. “I love you, Maggie,” he whispered.

  “I love you too, Joshua,” she said as she leaned in to kiss him. In the instant their lips met, she knew she would never have to say goodbye to him ever again. She knew that there was nothing else she needed in the entire world. There, in his arms, she was safe; she was happy. And she would be for the rest of her life.

  The Dragon Shifter’s Wild Mate


  Waking up, sweat clinging to her body, Jocelyn felt her heart racing in her chest. The dream had come again. The same one she had had for the last five nights since she had been taken into holding by the Dtor and his chief advisor the Docart. A month ago, the reality of where she was would have seemed unimaginable.

  Orphaned at a young age, Jocelyn’s demeanor was quiet and reserved. She always felt like an outsider, and struggled to create long-term relationships with anyone—friends, men, even her adoptive family. When she started her job as a psychiatric social worker a little over a year ago, she dreamt of making an impact on other’s lives. She hoped that through helping them she could somehow help herself. The reality was, however, that Josey’s job filled her with nothing but frustration.

  The majority of the patients she saw were men. She hated working with men. They always challenged her, and never seemed to give her respect. While she tried to convince herself the reason for this was her passive nature, she knew that in reality it came from her physique. Being a curvy, voluptuous woman had always brought with it its own brand of attention. That, coupled with her round, almost childlike face and large green eyes made working with the men sent to her by court mandate almost unbearable.

  Kain Connelly was like all the rest. He sat, slumped in the small wooden chair across from her, muttered something occasionally, but was more or less uncooperative. He was a large, muscular man, with shaggy strawberry blond hair, deep hazel-green eyes, and the ability to fill her with a sense of intimidation just by looking at her. His overall presence was overbearing, and his stance always aggressive.

  During their first three meetings, Jocelyn learned very little about him. He had been in and out of prison multiple times, usually for petty theft. But the last charge brought against him was assault on a police officer and landed him his longest stint in jail, along with an order from the court to meet with her weekly upon being released.

  The morning of their fourth meeting started like all the others. She asked him questions, and he refused to answer. That day, though, she decided to push him a little more.

  “You just need to answer a few questions, Mr. Connelly,” she insisted. “At least tell me why you felt the need to assault that man.”

  “You want to know why I beat the shit out of that self-entitled son of a bitch?” Kain said leaning forward quickly clutching the arm rests of the chair.

  Taken aback by his sudden hostility, Josey forced herself to resist the urge to move away from his aggressive gesture. “It would be a good start.”

  “He was in the wrong place at the wrong time,” he said in a low, almost haunting tone.

  “He was a police officer. He was called to the scene because of a disturbance; a disturbance caused by you.”

  “He should have left well enough alone,” Kain said. A smirk spread across his face.

  “You’re proud of yourself,” she noted, reaching across her desk for a pen to make a note in her file.

  Quickly, he reached out to grab her hand. In the brief instant that their skin touched, Jocelyn felt a hot almost fire like sensation run up her arm. She pulled her hand back quickly, examining it. When she looked up, his eyes were looking deeply into hers. The aggressive, defensive look he had written across his face during all of their previous meetings was gone. He looked almost as surprised as she felt. Something had happened in that moment. She wasn’t sure what it was, but something changed.


  Sitting in her stone walled cell, Jocelyn thought back on that day. She ran her fingers along the place where she first felt his touch, and smiled to herself. So much had changed since that moment. She got to her feet and paced back and forth across the small space. The ground beneath her bare feet was cold, but it didn’t bother her. It soothed her in a sense, and as she moved back and forth she ran her hand along the stone wall, letting the cooling sensation play on her fingertips.

  Since being brought to The Cave, Jocelyn always felt hot, even though the structure was hidden away deep in the mountains and the air temperature couldn’t be more than forty degrees. The heat that constantly clung to her wasn’t coming from the room; however, it was coming from inside her. The feeling reminded her of the night that Kain and her became forever intertwined.

  After the exchange in her office he slowly consumed her every thought, and a feeling of familiarity began to surround the image of him in her mind. She had the feeling that she had always known him, but couldn’t figure out how.

  A few nights later, when she found him in the bar a few blocks from her apartment she hoped to get answers. She had decided to go out with friends, something relatively out of character for her. When the group had finished with their night and began heading for the door, she sensed it. The air in the room became heavy. It felt like a sudden wave of heat had consumed her. Scanning the room quickly, she saw him. He was standing at the opposite end of the bar, leaning against a wooden table, his eyes on her.

  Her gaze still fixed on his, Josey pushed her way past the small crowd of people separating them and planted herself square in front of him. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  He laughed heartily and threw back the last drops of the beer in his hand. “What am I doing here?” he took a step in her direction. “I’m drinking. What does it look like?”

  “You’re on parole. You’re not supposed to...” she began. He moved even closer, causing her voice to trail off. He wrapped his strong muscular arms around her and pulled her close. The sensation she felt rush through her body was all consuming. Her knees went weak and her palms became sweaty.

  “It seems like I’m doing a lot of things I’m not supposed to be tonight,” he said, looking down at her, his eyes filled with passion and fire. He leaned in closer, causing her body to become overwhelmed with heat.

  Trying to focus on his words more than his touch, she forced herself to turn and look up at him, his face brushing against hers. “You’ve had too much to drink,” she whispered into his ear, trying to resist the urge to pull him closer.

  “That’s the problem, Jocelyn.” The way he said her name made a shiver run down her spine. “I haven’t. I would love to explain away this whol
e thing with an excuse like alcohol. But since that day in your office, I haven’t been able to think straight. Drink or no drink, I’ve thought about you every moment since.”

  His words reached down inside her and pulled up the emotions she had been suppressing. No matter how much she tried to convince herself that her feelings were unreasonable, she couldn’t deny that in the instant he touched her she felt a sort of bond with him. It was something she had never felt before, and she knew she would never be able to let go of it.

  Against her better judgment, she accepted his invitation to return to his place with him. It was something she never did. She didn’t go home with men from the bar, and especially not with patients. But the longing to feel his touch again overtook her.

  When they got to his house, high up in the mountains outside of the small Montana town she had lived in her entire life, the first thing she noticed was the condition of the home. It was large, but in an advanced state of decay. The air inside smelled moldy and stale, and there was a layer of dust covering everything.


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