Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel

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Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel Page 1

by Moore,Mia


  (A Swingers Contemporary Romance)


  Mia Moore

  About This Book


  Doesn’t ‘Lifestyle’ mean a fashion show or something?

  What happened to Glen? When Abby married him he was a hot Alpha male who knew what he wanted—and for years, all he ever wanted was her. Now, he hasn’t touched her in months, and they squabble more than talk. What’s wrong with him? Is he bored? Is he having an affair? His best buddy Barry did; and trashed his marriage. Is the same thing going to happen to them?

  After all these years, can there ever be something like romance again? Hot sex again?

  Yeah. Right. Sure.

  Something’s got to change. This marriage is heading for the rocks and needs a major course correction. Living in Ohio, they’ve never been to the ocean. As a last ditch effort, Glen books a romantic vacation cruise online—just the two of them, no kids. It’s a ‘Couples’ Cruise’! How perfect is that?

  Glen’s not so good with computers. He can barely use his cell phone. Out on the ocean, Mr. and Mrs. Middle America learn this ‘Couple’s Cruise’ is more than just dancing under the stars.

  A LOT more. As the port disappears over the horizon, they learn the real meanings of ‘Lifestyle’. Oh my God! It’s a SWINGERS’ CRUISE! People are naked by the pool, slut dancing and HAVING PUBLIC SEX! Oh my God, wife swapping! This cruise ship is some kind of floating sex party!

  Glen can’t figure out the difference between wife sharing and wife swapping. Why the heck do they call it swinging when everyone’s on their back? Abby’s mind is more on death than definitions. She’s ready to kill him.

  This was supposed to be their second chance at romance, not some kind of porn movie at sea! If he thinks for one second that she’s going to get roped into some kind of ménage with these people, he’s living in fantasy land.

  Glen thinks ménage is something on the menu.

  In this hedonistic backdrop, they have to decide just what lines they’re willing to cross. If any.

  A sexy, funny, contemporary romance novel about everyday people thrown into the deep end.

  Copyright 2014, Mia Moore

  ISBN: 9781927984239

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This book is intended for adults as it contains explicit sexual content.

  Table of Contents

  About This Book

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Mia’s Readers Club


  Before We Begin…

  Thank you for your readership, we’ll get right to the story!

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  Now on to the cruise!

  Chapter 1

  Abby grasped the door to the men’s locker room. Just as her fingers found the handle and her arm yanked it; she glanced over her shoulder to see if the naked guy was still standing there.

  He was. She saw stars.

  Because her damn feet hadn’t stopped moving when her arm started pulling, she bashed herself in the skull with the door. Not enough to damage anything other than her ego thank you, but enough to make naked guy snort in laughter.


  She got the hell out of the WRONG DARNED LOCKER ROOM and back into the hallway, and stopped dead in her tracks.

  Her best friend Claire was standing there.

  Claire saw the whole thing. Damn. Abby hung her head.

  “Going for a tour?” asked Claire with a smirk.

  Abby’s cheeks became warm. With head down, she grabbed Claire’s arm and tugged her into the ladies locker room. She wasn’t even going to change. They’d just grab their coats and get the hell out of there before naked guy got his clothes on.

  All toned up and glistening naked guy…

  Claire jerked her arm out of Abby’s grasp. “What’s with you tonight? You’ve been on another planet or something.” She started to giggle.

  “Why didn’t you stop me?”

  “I called to you when I saw you going into the wrong entrance, but I guess you didn’t hear. I thought you’d realize right away you were in the wrong room… but it took a while.” She bobbed her eyebrows. “See anything good?”

  Abby had opened her locker- the right damn locker in the right damn locker room and was putting on her coat. “Yeah, George was in there. Naked.”

  “Oh my God! The George Clooney clone guy? He was in there?”

  She nodded.


  She shot her best friend a glance. “Yeah, dripping wet, too.”


  She tossed Claire her own coat. They shared lockers at the gym when they came. “Yeah, rowl is right. Let’s get out of here before I see him again, okay?”

  Tugging her coat on, Claire asked, “So?”

  “So what?” She knew what was coming.

  “So how was he? Is he as hot naked as he is working out? Was he dripping in sweat? I love sweaty muscled guys.” She leered. The woman actually leered. “Aaaand…” Here it comes. “How was his package?”

  She grabbed their purses and took Claire’s arm. “I’ll tell you later. Let’s go!”

  As they left the locker room Abby shot a look over at the entrance to the men’s side. For heaven’s sake! Of all the times to go left when she should have gone right! Instead she went left, and went right the heck into the men’s changing area! Jeez! And she didn’t even clue in right away! The rank smell of ‘man sweat’ should have tipped her off. It wasn’t until she was where her locker should be, that she realized she wasn’t in the right place.

  And then that guy came around the corner. George Clooney’s double or something. He was wearing that same knowing, smirk of Clooney’s too.

p; And nothing else.

  She had shrieked ‘Eek!’ (She actually SAID ‘Eek’) and scurried out. Just as she got to the damn door, she checked over her shoulder to see if that guy was still watching, and wound up knocking herself in the head.

  A perfectly crappy end to a perfectly crappy day. She kept her head down and stalked out of Good Life Fitness to her car, practically dragging Claire. If there was one day that she needed her fix, it was today.

  Ten minutes later the two women sat across from each other in the ice cream shop, Claire with her double scoop of chocolate mocha and Abby with the cookies ‘n cream sundae.

  “Well?” asked Claire. She had that look in her eyes again.

  “Well what?” She kept her eyes on her sundae.

  “Tell me about ‘George’ Abby! Give me the details! Especially the dirty ones!”

  “Nothing really dirty to talk about, Claire.” She glanced up. “He’d just come out of the shower after all…”

  “I know!” Her eyes widened. “That’s what I’m talking about!” She leaned into the table and hissed “Is he hairy all over? I love hairy men! Does he have a six pack? Aaaand…. Below the six pack… how big was he?”

  What the hell was with Claire tonight? Abby shifted uncomfortably. This sort of talk always made her uneasy. “Yeah, he was pretty hairy and muscular. The package? I’d have to say no big whoop.” There, now maybe she’d drop it.

  “I’m not sure which would be better, this ice cream or kidnapping George and having my way with him. Maybe I could have both. Smear this on him and lick it off.”

  She looked at her friend. Claire had a bee in her bonnet tonight. Sure, she was carrying an extra pound or two but her five foot two body was curvy and her pixie face was pretty. With the spread of freckles across her nose and the azure blue eyes, she shouldn’t have any problems meeting men. She’s only forty-two, and unlike Abby, had no stretch marks.

  “You’d get a hair caught in your throat. Too hairy for my taste.” She took a bite of ice-cream, savoring the chocolate cookie bits amid the sweet vanilla

  “Easy for you to say. You’re getting it on a regular basis. Do you know how long it’s been for me? Months.” Claire rolled her eyes.

  “What? You’re the gay divorcee, not me.”

  “We’re not divorced.”

  “Okay, separated, you know what I meant. And you make it sound like Glen and I are having sex all the time. Believe me, it’s not like that. Not even close.” Claire and Barry had been split for six months, prior to that the four of them had been best friends. Now, Barry hung out only with Glen, and Abby and Claire spent time together. Some sort of half baked joint custody, but neither Abby nor Glen wanted the friendships to end.

  She had to get the topic off her own lousy sex life. “So the on-line dating’s not going so well, huh?” She watched Claire finish chewing. Uh oh. Claire rolled her eyes and swallowed quickly, seemingly anxious to blurt something out.

  “That ass hole has a profile on the site too. Can you believe that?” Claire’s lips were a straight line and her eyes, half closed, sparked.

  Here we go. It was awkward sometimes listening to her bash Barry when she and Glen were still friends with him.

  “He lied about his age and used a picture of himself that was taken five years ago. He calls himself ‘The Wolf’! The loser. I was so tempted to post something nasty, like his dick is only two inches and he’s fast in bed like a jack rabbit. But I figured I’d get kicked off the site or something.” Her lips pulled to the side, before she licked the melting ice cream. “As for me, nothing much. A couple of geeky looking guys and the usual dirty remark from some pig.”

  It was such a shame to watch Claire and Barry go through this. They were both miserable. But for thirteen years, it’d been good. A stupid fling with some bimbo he worked with and Claire couldn’t get past it.

  But if Glen did that, could she? Their sex life wasn’t anything to brag about. It had gone from once or twice a week, to now they’d be lucky once or twice a month! Oh no… was Glen getting it somewhere else? No, not him. She pushed the thought away.

  Claire waved the air with her spoon. “Yeah, isn’t this something else? I’m unofficially single, and you’re married… and neither of us is getting enough.

  Abby’s cheeks grew warm again. Rats, Claire had picked up on her comment. “Well… uh…”

  “Have you ever considered having an affair? Sometimes I wonder if that was the reason Barry screwed around on me…that it was too routine, too boring.” Claire looked directly into her eyes. “You could, y’know. You’re still hot with the blonde hair and long legs.” Claire finished the ice cream and put her elbows on the table.

  Abby’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she swallowed. Even though Claire was her best friend, there were things that couldn’t be shared, much as she’d like. How could she tell Claire that she’d begun looking at men she met every day with new eyes? And… they were returning her looks. After what Claire had been through with Barry’s cheating, she’d never understand.

  “I would never do that. I’d rather work at spicing up the pot on my own stove than ordering take-out, if you know what I mean.” She pushed the dish to the side. “Are you ready to go? It’s still a work night, but thank God, tomorrow’s Friday.” Abby eased off the chair and slipped her winter coat on.


  “I’ll just say good night here Abby. I see the asshole’s car parked up ahead. Say hi to Glen for me.” Claire was hunched over the steering wheel peering at Barry’s car.

  “Thanks for the ride. Lunch tomorrow?” She opened the car door and stepped out, bending at the waist, holding the door open, and smiling at Claire.

  “You bet. See ya.”

  She closed the door and watched the tail lights fade down the street. Her gaze flitted by Barry’s car. Such a shame.

  Inside the colonial style two story house, she could hear the murmur of the TV in the living room where Glen and Barry were--their regular spot.

  She slipped off her shoes and wandered in. The TV set was on but the two men were sitting close together at the desk in the corner, peering at the computer monitor. What the hell? They were die hard basketball fans. What could possibly be more interesting than THAT, on the computer?

  “Hello?” She cocked her head to the side, eyes widening when both men jumped and stared at her. It was like she was their mother or something and they’d been caught raiding the cookie jar. There was a line of empty beer bottles on the table. Her eyebrows knitted together and she shook her head.

  “Hi Abby! I was just showing Glen my blogsite, not that he’d know what that was.” Barry was smiling at her, while his hand lurched for the mouse and clicked. And Glen’s smile was weird… kind of forced, as he stood up.

  Whatever. She sighed and turned to go, calling over her shoulder, “Is Peter home?”

  “He’s in the rec-room with a friend, watching a movie.”

  She’d say goodnight to Peter, and head upstairs for a shower. Her feet were silent on the carpeted stairs walking down to the basement.

  On the sofa, Peter’s bare butt gleamed fish belly white in the dim light from the television. Under him, just barely visible at the edge of the couch was a bare thigh leading down to painted pink toe nails. Both of them were huffing and puffing.

  What the—!


  Her son jerked back as if hit with a stun gun but kept his back to her, covering his front and the girl. With saucer eyes Abby watched the fruit of her womb scramble to pull his pants over the ass that she’d once wiped clean from diapers.

  She turned and raced up the stairs past the living room and up the second set of stairs to her bedroom, shutting it quickly and leaning her back against it.

  Her heart thundered in her chest, the image of her son and the girl hissed like a branding iron in her brain. She’d suspected that he was having sex but had pushed the thought aside, hoping that Glen had talked to him about it.

Christ’s sake couldn’t he have been more discreet? What happened to making out in cars? Did he have to do it in the rec-room? Kids today are so spoiled.

  I wonder if they finished before they left?

  She emitted a chuckle. She and Glen had done it in cars and even rented a motel room once before they got married. If her parents had ever caught her, like she just did with Peter, they’d have had a stroke. And who would blame them!

  Glen was going to have to talk to the boy. They couldn’t have him doing that in…in almost a public place, where anyone could walk in. But then what? He’d probably take the girl to his bedroom. Not in my house!

  She exhaled loudly and walked into the en-suite bathroom to turn the shower on. Breakfast in the morning was going to be awkward to say the least. Would Peter apologize? Oh, I just can’t think of this anymore. Deal with it tomorrow.

  She pulled her T shirt over her head and then the snug sports bra.

  As her hands pushed the lycra pants down over her hips she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, reminded of Claire’s words earlier this evening. Yeah, for a woman in her forties, she still looked pretty good. Her breasts were full and not drooping, yet. A few stretch marks on her slightly rounded tummy. She rolled her eyes. The reason the stretch marks were there was now screwing some chicklet in the rec-room!

  He was getting more sex than his parents!

  “And that’s totally not fair!” she said, stepping into the shower. The heck with all this.

  Chapter 2

  “That was a close one. You and your computer porn. If Abby’d seen that, she’d of thought we were two perverts.” Glen leaned closer to his buddy, speaking in a hushed tone.

  His peripheral vision caught a glimpse of Abby flying up the stairs. You’d think she’d had ENOUGH exercise for one day without RUNNING up a flight of stairs. But the exercise showed, her ass looked great in those stretch pants. As good as any of the porn stars she’d almost caught him and Barry checking out.

  “I clicked the mouse as soon as I saw her. The only thing she’d have seen was my dating profile. You worry too much.”


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