by Moore,Mia
“So, how’s that workin’ out for you? Got any hot babes lined up?” Glen sat back in his chair. How could Barry ever do any better than Claire? She was as hot as Abby for Christ’s sake.
“Not bad. I’ve got a hot one lined up for Saturday night. It’s the first meet--almost like a job interview. But they don’t call me ‘The Wolf’ for nothing.’” Barry’s eyebrows wiggled up and down making him look more like Groucho Marx than some stud. He’d better start watching his weight soon too. Since the break-up, he’d put on twenty pounds at least.
And, he’d become obsessed with sex. But this last comment was too much. “The Wolf, huh? Who calls you that?”
“It’s my profile name on the dating site, man,” He clicked the mouse and Barry’s profile popped on the screen.
Glen squinted at the webpage. Barry’s photo grinned at him under a heading ‘The Wolf Is On The Prowl’. “Wait a minute, Barry. I took that picture!”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And Claire was in it!”
“Ahhh… I cropped her out.”
“I took that shot at Peter’s graduation!”
“From grade school! Almost five years ago!” Wait a minute. “Isn’t that illegal? False advertising or something?”
“Nah. When I meet ‘em, I’ll make sure it’s in a dark bar or something.”
“Oh, you haven’t met anyone yet then, huh?”
“Well… I came close a couple times…”
At the footsteps in the hall behind, Glen turned. Peter and his little girlfriend…Jennifer or Jackie? It was hard to keep track of them.
“Where you goin’ Petey?”
Peter was scurrying along the hallway, dragging Jennifer or Jackie behind him.
“Just taking Josee home. Be back in half an hour. Have you talked to Mom?” Peter’s voice drifted in from the front entrance.
“No, why? Drive careful, there’s some snow out there y’know. There could be black ice.”
“Sure Pop, I’ll be careful.” Peter didn’t look back and closed the door softly, behind him. Glen checked the time; it wasn’t all that late, but it was a school night. Maybe what’s her name had a curfew or something. Good job, Petey.
Barry had shut down his profile on the computer. “Look, I gotta’ go. I’ll give you all the dirty details of my date when we get together for the Bulls game next week.” Barry lumbered to his feet and stretched his arms over his head, cracking his wrists as he did so.
It was one of his more annoying habits and he’d told him so countless times. He probably keeps doing it to bug me. Wonder how Claire had liked it? He picked the empty bottles up to take them to the kitchen and followed Barry to the front door.
Barry reached in the closet and picked a black leather jacket off the hanger.
“That new?” He watched Barry slide his arms into the sleeves and suck his gut in to do the zipper up. In this weather, a jacket like that wouldn’t keep you warm.
“Yeah. New look, new me—The Wolf—hot.” He grinned and slipped his feet into his boots.
“Hot my ass, you’re going to freeze in that jacket.” Glen rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. “You okay to drive, man?”
“I can hold my liquor… or beer for that matter.”
“Okay, suit yourself. See ya next week.”
Barry opened the door and stepped outside. He held two fingers to his forehead in a mock salute and walked down the walkway.
Glen closed the door and trundled off to the kitchen to return the empties to the beer case. Maybe he’d have just one more to help him sleep. The hell with it. He grabbed a second bottle.
He flopped down into the over-stuffed leather chair and sighed. He didn’t know how much more he could take from that little prick at work. The damn Weasel. Working that job for eighteen years and the highest he’d gotten was foreman. There wasn’t anything he didn’t know about construction and they’d hired the little prick as Project Manager. Of course the Weasel was the owner’s nephew, but still.
He took a long pull on the beer and swallowed hard. The little fucker didn’t know shit from shinola, making them use a TIG welder when simple arc would have done the job. And when he pointed it out, the little prick was so condescending.
His stomach sunk to the level of the floor remembering the ‘we’ll be in touch’ answer when he’d applied for a job with a few other companies. At least the one had been up front and told him that he was too old and didn’t have the goddamn computer skills they needed. No. Construction these days was a young man’s job. A technology trained young man.
There was no way he’d let Abby know. She was having a tough enough time at her own job these days with all the rumors of outsourcing going through her office. He inhaled loudly and felt his stomach go even lower than the floor, right into the rec-room. She was waiting for him upstairs, always feeling a bit sexy after her work out. That was another reason he was sitting here drinking, alone. Maybe she’d be asleep when he got there.
It wasn’t her. Hell, she was sexy as anything, still trim with all the right curves. She turned heads when she walked into a room, always made him proud that she was with him. No, it was him, the job, the doubt that he’d be able to keep it. The Weasel had been grinding him hard the last few months. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, the signs were all there his days were numbered.
He jumped when the front door opened with Peter getting home.
Chapter 3
Oh crap he’s still up! He’s probably talked to Mom and is waiting for me. The shit’s going to hit the fan.
Peter hung up his coat, slipped his boots off with the stealth of a Ninja. Now to just get past the living room without the old man seeing.
“Peter? Is that you?”
Crap-o-licious. “Yeah Dad. You were right about the roads. I drove really slow. Thanks for the advice.” It doesn’t hurt to suck up to him a bit, especially now.
“That’s good. I’m glad you showed some common sense. You should head to bed now, school night and all.” Dad had turned in his chair and was watching him. He didn’t look mad but he didn’t look all that happy either.
“I’m going right now Dad. See ya in the morning.” Okay he’d passed one hurdle.
He gulped; now for the bigger one, getting past Mom’s bedroom. Why couldn’t it have been Dad who caught him, if he had to get caught? And by MOM? How would he face her in the morning?
His heart thumped in his chest as he tiptoed up the stairs, holding his breath. There it was. Her bedroom door. Please, for the love of God and all that’s holy, let me get past it without her knowing. Like a cat, a horny, alley cat, he inched by THE DOOR.
He breathed out slowly. Made it. He slipped into his bedroom, closing the door softly like it was a stick of dynamite about to blow up in his face. His Sanctuary. He ambled to his bed and lay down on his stomach, pulling the pillow over his head.
What could he say when he sees her at breakfast? ‘Oh, sorry Mom for screwing my girl in the rec-room, won’t happen again.’
He sat bolt upright. Damned right it won’t happen again! Wait. Was that his thought or his mother’s voice that just screamed in his head?
And what about Dad? When she tells him he’s going to freak. He knows I’m having sex after the condom lecture, but he’ll be pissed because Mom saw it.
It’d been pretty hot though. Pretending to watch the movie while we kissed and I felt her up. She’s got a nice rack and the hard little nipples that she liked me to pinch. He knew he had her when she started rubbing him through the jeans. And then she takes it out and…Oh God it was nice!
Then Mom walks in! And Josee? Christ, she couldn’t get out of here fast enough, which was waaay okay with him. She’s nice and all that but he’d never be able to have sex with her again without thinking of MOM!
Maybe I’m psychologically scarred now from that. Maybe I’ll never be able to have sex again without thinking of MOM. How sick is that! Thanks Mom!
p; Chapter 4
Glen was up and finishing his second cup of coffee when Peter trudged into the kitchen. What the hell? Maybe the kid was up early to study for a test or something.
“Mornin’ Peter. What’s up?” He looked at his son. The kid was like HE had been at seventeen, tall, lean and with a mop of dark hair most girls had been jealous of. Even with a face puffy from sleep, eyes half closed, not quite focusing yet, the kid was good looking.
Peter glanced over his shoulder, bent at the waist and before resuming his reconnaissance of the contents of the fridge. “Not much. Got to get to school early today, see one of the teachers before class.”
“Any problems?” Glen set his coffee down and turned in his chair to face the boy. Peter was a solid B student and if he applied himself, could be an A. Maybe the encouragement he and Abby had given him to apply to college, and make something of himself, was starting to sink in.
“No. I just want to talk to Mr. Skyler about something in science class.” Peter plucked the orange juice from the fridge and poured a glass. He watched his father over the rim of the glass, emptying it in a few gulps.
“That’s good son. Y’know, this semester counts for a lot if you’re going to apply to colleges. I wish I’d have gone.” Glen frowned and his stomach tightened thinking of the day ahead. There was no way he wanted Peter to have to put up with the shit he’d have to eat from that Weasel Carl, today.
“Good morning.” Abby appeared in the kitchen and gave him his usual peck on the cheek before grabbing the coffee pot and pouring a cup. Peter set the glass on the counter top and started to leave the room.
“Hey! Where you off to so quick? You have to eat something. Have a muffin or piece of toast. You can’t learn if you don’t feed the brain. OJ isn’t enough for a growing boy.”
Peter stopped and glanced at his mother even though she still faced away from them.
“I’ll get something at school. Promise.” Peter’s eyes were wide when he looked at his father and took a step to leave the room.
“Peter, your father’s right. Sit down.” Abby had turned and her eyes were narrow when she looked at their son.
She sounds like she’s in a bad mood or something, but why take it out on Petey? He’s finally trying to apply himself at school and get some good grades. It was probably some sort of women’s issue making her cranky. Frankly, today was not the day for it.
Glen watched Peter turn and walk back to the table, staring at the floor. Frig. The poor kid.
Abby was opening the box of muffins and getting a plate from the cupboard. Well, it was a good idea for the boy to eat but Abby didn’t have to be so pissy to him.
She slammed the plate on the table in front of Peter hard enough that the bran muffin rolled off.
“Eat your muffin.” She stood next to Peter, her arms crossed and eyes flashing.
What the hell’s up with her? He looked from Peter to Abby.
“I gotta get to school.” Peter jumped up, knocking the chair over. As he picked it up, he muttered, “This is such horseshit.” In two steps he was out of the room.
“What did you say? Get back here!” Glen rose to his feet and was about to follow his son but Abby’s hand on his arm held him back.
“Let him go. But you’re going to have to talk to him tonight. Do you know what he and his girlfriend were doing when I went to the rec-room last night? Having sex! You know, it wouldn’t have killed you to check on them, let them know that you were around!” She had inched close to his face.
“But no! You were too busy looking at internet porn with Barry. You haven’t touched me in weeks yet you sit and watch porn while your son is downstairs getting laid! How crazy is that!” She turned abruptly and strode back to the counter once more banging cutlery and cups as she poured another coffee.
Damn it. The morning had started out promising with Petey so concerned about his schoolwork.
“I don’t know shit about computers as you know. That was Barry’s thing. As for Peter…well, I’ll talk to him. It’s not right that he has sex right under our noses. Especially yours.” He had to get out of there. Seeing the look on her face, knowing he was dodging the elephant in the room, he picked up his lunch box and left.
He was slipping his heavy work coat over his shoulders when Peter appeared and stopped dead in his tracks at the top of the stairs. Not wanting to alert Abby and resume THAT conversation, he crooked his finger and beckoned for his son to come closer. He watched Peter roll his eyes and trudge down the stairs.
Peter was almost as tall as he was, standing in front of him, looking sideways and down as if the hardwood floor was suddenly fascinating.
“When I get home tonight, you BE here. We’re going to talk.” His voice was almost a whisper. “Get your coat on; I’ll give you a lift to school.”
Chapter 5
Abby had just signed in to her computer, when the head honcho’s assistant showed up at her desk. She looked up, about to say good morning, but was immediately cut off.
“There’s a staff meeting in fifteen minutes in the boardroom.” There was a trace of haughtiness in the red haired woman’s voice.
“What’s up?” But her question was too late. The woman’s heels were already clacking down the corridor making the rounds to alert the staff.
Just what she didn’t need, another meeting. It was probably some stupid pep talk to increase production, when the workload was already killing her staff. And of course, the hot shots were wasting working time to tell them to work harder.
Being a middle manager was tough. She was pitching in to help clear the backlog while at the same time supervising and reporting on workflow to HER boss. God, please help me get the promotion I applied for. It’d be almost the same crap, but they’d pay ten thousand more for doing it.
She had just enough time to check her email and phone messages before joining the throng of people crowding into the boardroom.
At the far end of the room, the stick figured vice-president was chatting with some guy. She hadn’t seen him around before because she would have remembered; he was pretty good looking. The VP looked like she was flirting with him, which was ridiculous considering she could be his emaciated mother.
When the room was full, Mary Bono stood up and gave her imperial tight lipped smile, a silent command for everyone to shut up.
“We have filled the position of General Manager of Client Services and I’d like to introduce Ted Hogan to you.”
Mary’s bony claw extended outward and the handsome man rose to his feet.
Abby’s heart fell in her chest. That was the job she’d applied for and they gave it to an OUTSIDER! She had ten years with this company, knew the work inside and out and was well liked by staff. That job should have been hers. And they didn’t even have the common courtesy to let her KNOW before this was announced?
Abby’s smile was a mask on her face when she looked at Ted Hogan, Mary’s voice a dull background monotone. He probably had some kind of ‘in’ with upper management – forget the bullshit about his qualifications. She’d probably have to train him and then work under him. She was glad that she hadn’t told anyone she was applying for the position. It would have been doubly embarrassing.
She almost jumped when the room broke out in applause. The meeting was over and so were her hopes of ever getting any higher in the company.
She turned, about to file out with the other drones when Mary called her name and asked her to stay. Yup. Here it comes.
“Ted, I’d like you to meet Abby Henkel. Abby’s been with the company for a number of years and will train you on our systems and products.” Mary’s steel gray eyes were fixed on Abby’s face, her thin lipped smile, a gash in her face.
“Hi Abby. Pleased to meet you. I’m sure I’ll enjoy working with you.” Ted’s handshake was warm and firm, lasting just a micro-second too long. He wore a wide smile, brilliant with perfect, glimmering teeth and his eyes were almost a greenish blue. Was he staring at her chest? His
face was almost boyish which made sense since he was at least ten years younger than her. He was only about three or four inches taller than her. He filled out his suit well too—no paunch on this guy.
“Pleased to meet you, Ted. Welcome aboard.” Abby could play the phony corporate game as well, smiling with a pleasant warm tone while inside her muscles quivered in resentment. Maybe she should talk to his crotch, see how he liked it.
“I’ll leave you in Abby’s capable hands, but I’d like to take you to lunch, Ted. Get to know you better.” Mary placed her hand on Ted’s forearm, gave it a quick squeeze and then left.
Thanks Mary, but I’m having lunch with a friend. No wait, silly me, she didn’t include me in the lunch invitation. How damn rude. I wish I had the guts to call her on it.
“Okay Ted, let’s start with a tour of the department.”
Claire was already seated in the busy restaurant where they met on Fridays and as usual there was a martini in front of her.
Abby shed her coat and draped it over an empty chair before taking a seat across from her.
“Here’s to Friday afternoon – the best part of the week.” Claire raised her glass and took a sip.
The waitress appeared and Abby gave her order, a club sandwich with a gin and tonic. She looked at Claire whose eyebrows were high above wide eyes.
“It was a shitty morning and I need a drink.”
Claire spluttered. “Did you just say ‘shitty’?”
“You’re darn right!”
“You never curse!”
“Yes, well… Remember I told you I applied for a promotion? Well they hired an outsider and never had the guts to tell me first. I have to train him and to make things worse whenever he talks, I’m pretty sure he’s looking at my chest.” God, it was good to finally be able to vent.
Claire set her glass down on the table and leaned closer. “Those stupid assholes. And a tit-talker to boot. Abby I’m SO sorry.” She placed her hand over Abby’s.