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Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel

Page 7

by Moore,Mia

  “I know.”

  “Look, we’ll have to be patient and cut her some slack. She’ll be back to normal before we know it. In the meantime, I suggest you don’t bring any girls to the rec-room.”His father rose to his feet and extended his hand inviting Peter to join him, going upstairs.

  “How’s Uncle Barry? Where were you today?” He got up and walked behind his father.

  “Barry and I went to a Teddy Bear picnic.” He punctuated the sentence with a loud snort.

  “In February?”

  “Skip it,”

  There was a weird smile on his face now. Great. Both his parents were weirding out on him.

  Chapter 16

  In the truck, Abby rode in silence looking at the familiar streets of Black Rapids. Everything was pretty much the way she’d last seen it, but it felt different. No, that wasn’t right. It was the same; SHE was different.

  She still couldn’t believe her ears, what she’d said to Nurse Chippy that morning. She’d been eating her crappy breakfast and the bitch came in and started taking the tray away when she wasn’t even through with it.

  “You all done there, hon?” the bitch said.

  She looked her right in the eye. “How about we make a deal? You don’t call me ‘hon’ and I won’t call you ‘bitch’? You’re not acting very professional, Nurse.”

  The phony smile on the woman’s face had changed pretty damned fast to her real gargoyle puss. Abby had held her gaze until she looked away. It felt good to finally speak your mind. Life was too damned short to take shit just to avoid making waves.

  And that included Glen.

  He’d acted a bit sheepish when he’d picked her up and still didn’t have much to say now. God knows, he’d had plenty to say the night Ted had visited her in the hospital. She stifled a giggle remembering the look on Ted’s face when Glen had thrown him out. It would probably cost her the job but who cared? She couldn’t see herself putting up with the bullshit at the office for much longer anyway.

  She glanced over at Glen’s profile. He was still handsome and he’d shocked the hell out of her the other night in the hospital. Just what his problem with Ted was, she had no idea, and he had waved her off when she tried to find out. Still… he was so manly when he threw Ted out.

  But things had to change. They had to talk more for starters. And she wasn’t going to live like a nun anymore. She was only in her forties, waaay too early to be celibate. She had needs and he’d better get with the program.

  He pulled into their driveway, opened his door, and crossed in front of the truck to her side.

  His face looked sad or concerned when he opened her door. “Careful. Just go slow Abby.” He reached for her arm and held it as she eased down from the high seat.

  “I’ll be okay, but thanks.” She was still a little stiff and weak.

  Slowly, they walked from the truck and into the house they’d lived in for fifteen years.

  He took her coat and hung it up in the hall closet before bending to remove her boots. God, being in the hospital that long had zapped her strength. “Thanks,” she murmured and took a step to go into the living room.

  “Abby, we need to talk.” His voice was low and her head swiveled to watch him remove his coat and boots.

  Well, this was a change. HE wanted to talk to HER. “I agree.” Now it was his head that jolted to look at her.

  She took a seat on the sofa, easing slowly back into the throw cushions as she watched him sit in his favorite chair across from her. She smoothed her dress down over her knees. The damn house was chilly. He swallowed and looked at her.

  “Abby, I know you’re having an affair.” His voice was soft, totally at odds with the cold slash of his lips and eyebrows.

  “I’m what?”

  “You heard me.” He pointed his finger at her. “You’re having an affair.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes closed, shaking her head. “What the hell are you talking about? Are you nuts? I just get out of the hospital and you accuse me of having an affair!” She couldn’t close her mouth as she looked at him.

  “Yeah. An affair. I saw the clothes and sex toys you bought the day of the accident. Do you think I’m a fool—“ His eyes were narrow.

  “Now that you mention it, yes. How could you— ” Despite the stitch in her side, she leaned forward.

  “Cut it out Abby! I’ve got the evidence. Were you on your way to HIS place? All those times at the gym—” He stood up, still pointing his finger in her face.

  She swatted his hand away and yelled. “What evidence? I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about!”

  “Oh Yeah? I’ve got you red handed. I’ll get the damn clothes and sex toy you bought for him.” He raced out of the room, his footsteps pounding on the stairs.

  Oh this was rich. He’s got some ‘evidence’ that she’s fooling around on him? Although, come to think of it, maybe she should have. Who would blame her?

  Again, his feet pounded the stairs before he appeared holding a plastic garbage bag in his fist. “I got this from your car at the wreckers. Here.” He tossed it at her.

  She shook her head, mouth turned up at the side. She’d never seen this bag before. She untied it and spilled the contents onto the sofa beside her. A red bag, a pink one and a black one tumbled out. What the heck were these? She didn’t know what car he’d got them from, but it sure as hell wasn’t hers!

  There was a black lacy bra and panties in the one that tumbled onto the sofa. She held them with the nails of her index finger and thumb before dropping them to the floor. The blue one was heavier and landed with a plop on the sofa. She opened it and removed the plastic box. Oh my God, a vibrator!

  Staring at it, she opened the parcel and drew out the black silicon Rabbit. It was a thick black phallus with a pair of flexible silicon fingers sticking out from the base. She stared at it dumbly, and glanced back up to Glen, who was still breathing fire. She glanced at the front of the box. ‘The Rabbit’ was printed on the clear plastic.

  Rabbit? Holding it in her hand, she pressed one of the buttons. With a whirr, the silicon fingers began to quiver. She pushed another button and the length of the phallus began to gyrate in a small circle.

  Oh! Just like Claire said it would!

  Claire? Claire! In her mind’s eye she saw a fuzzy image of her best friend’s face. What the hell did she have to do with this?

  “Finished with your exam, Abby?” His hands were planted on his hips as he bent at the waist, his face contorted in anger. “You bought these. They were in your car. Now what do you have to say, huh? Who is he? It’s not that Ted guy—he’s gay. So who is it?”

  This was getting weird. “Ted’s gay. Ted from work?”

  “Yeah. Ted from work. So who the hell is it?”

  She waved the vibrator at him. It was still buzzing and gyrating in her hand. “How the hell do you know he’s gay? You only met him once!”

  “Skip it. Just answer the damn question, Abby!” She could see the pain in his eyes under the anger in his jaw line. Oh poor Glen!

  Screw that shit! He’s accusing her? She looked up at him, her eyes mere slits, matching his rage. “IF and that’s a pretty big if, I bought these things, it had to be for you. There’s no boyfriend, only you. If the clothes didn’t get a reaction from you,… well, I must have bought this vibrator for insurance. God knows, my fingers are worn to the bone.” She fiddled with the base of the device and turned it off.

  His face was still angry but he slumped, almost fell, into his chair. “You’re telling me the truth? There’s no boyfriend?” He watched her shake her head no. “You really bought those things for me? Why’d you do that? I don’t need those things.”

  “I think the why is pretty obvious. When was the last time you touched me?” She stayed silent waiting for his answer. After a few moments of silence, and seeing the dumbfounded look still on his face, she shook her head.

  “You can’t remember and neither can I. How patheti
c is that?”

  “Abby, that’s not true and—“

  She interrupted him waving the vibrator like a conductor’s baton. “Furthermore, I’m not putting up with it any longer. I have needs Glen. Even if you’re not hot and horny, can’t you just be with me? Talk to me! I need a sex life! Use the fucking vibrator on me, if you have to!”

  He sat straight up his eyes now blazing again. “You want me to fuck you with that thing? Do you want it NOW?” He jumped to his feet and grabbed the black vibrator, flicking the switch to make it buzz and roll.

  “Okay, I’ll give it to you, if that’s what you want! Like a big black cock, do you Abby?”

  “Glen. Stop it. You’re trying to avoid a sensible discussion.”

  “Spread your legs, if that’s what you want, Abby. C’mon.” He dropped to his knees in front of her, his hand pushing her knees apart.

  He was going Neanderthal again! It was like the night when he’d kicked Ted out of her hospital room. What the hell was he doing? She tried to clench her knees closed. If you want it, you’re going to earn it, buster!

  He leaned in, still pushing her knees apart. He was being rough when he shoved her dress above her knees and his fingers tore at her panties. She hissed at him, “Oh yeah?”

  He looked up and into her eyes. Both their eyes crackled at each other. He gave a smirk. A fucking George God-Damned Clooney smirk! Her belly fluttered.

  He pulled the edge of her panties aside, rubbing her. His fingers were rough… and strong. So… strong… She sat back and relaxed her knees. There was a longing ache between her legs. God this was hot!

  He began to rub the pulsing vibrator between her legs and was pawing at her breasts through her dress. She hooked a leg around his torso, pulling him in.

  Over the hum of the vibrator, there was a ripping sound of cloth tearing and coolness between her legs. He had the tip of it… right… there! She held her breath. The whirring vibrator was rubbing across the top of her crotch. She began to squirm and sank back into the cushions of the sofa, waiting…

  “Mom? DAD! EWWWE!”

  Both of their heads jack knifed up to see their son standing in the doorway, a look of abject horror in his eyes. He turned and ran.

  Peter’s footsteps raced up the stairs. “Oh SHIT! What the hell is WRONG with you two? I want to tear my eyes out!” His shouting ended abruptly, punctuated by the slam of his bedroom door.

  They looked at each other, shock mirrored in each of their faces. They were the same teenagers making out in a steamy car when the cop pounded on the window.

  Glen’s head was in her lap, his back and shoulders heaving with laughter.

  What the fuck, it WAS funny. She snorted and held his shoulders. The vibrator clattered like a flamenco dancer across the floor.

  Chapter 17

  Abby reached over and picked up the vibrator and turned it off. She was still smiling at Glen.

  “Okaay,” he said, rising and taking her hand, he helped her to her feet. “Upstairs, baby.”

  “But… Petey?” she asked as he pulled her by the hand.

  “I so got this.” He hustled her into the bedroom and pointed at the ensuite. “Jump in the shower so he knows you can’t hear anything.” He leered at her. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  Abby fired back her own lewd grin and began undressing as he closed the door and scampered down the hall to Peter’s room.

  He knocked softly on the door. “Peter? I want to talk to you.”

  “Go away.” A low, muffled answer.

  He turned the door knob and pushed it open, peeking his head inside the room. “Peter, I’m sorry about downstairs.”

  “What kind of people ARE YOU? She just got out of the hospital, you know! You couldn’t WAIT to even get upstairs to your bedroom! What if I’d had a friend with me? I can see it now. Ah…Eric that’s my perverted parents making out on the sofa. Want a soda?” He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his father.

  “That’s enough Peter. I said we were sorry. And let’s not forget the rec-room scene your mother walked in on. But the difference is, we’re adults.”

  “Yeah? If that’s the case, you’d know better than to do that downstairs where anybody could walk in.”

  “It won’t happen again, any more than you’ll be using the rec-room. Right?” He pulled out his wallet.

  Peter’s eyes bulged. “No! Put that away!”


  “I don’t WANT to see your god damn condom Dad!” He buried his face in his hands. “You people are SICK!”

  “Peter… hey man, I wasn’t going to do that.” He pulled a twenty and a ten out.

  Peter peeked through his fingers. “So what do you want?”

  “Look, why don’t you go over to Mike’s and then go grab a pizza? I can appreciate that dinner with us may be a little uncomfortable tonight.” He held up the bills. “Your mother’s in the shower. If you hurry, you’ll miss seeing her.”

  “I think you’re just trying to get rid of me so you and Mom can get back at it.”

  Glen leaned against the doorframe, still holding the money out. “Do you want me to answer that question?”

  “NO!” In a single move he jumped out of bed, grabbed the money and ran down the stairs. The front door slammed shut milliseconds later. He’s probably hopping down the street pulling on his coat and boots at the same time. Good thing Mike lives just around the block.


  Now… back to business…

  He walked down the hall and entered his bedroom. Abby was still in the shower so he sat on the edge of the bed, idly running the silky black panties and bra through his fingers. She’d bought these porn star clothes for him. He smiled.

  It’d been a long time since they’d showered together. He pulled the hem of his sweater up and over his head. His fingers flew undoing the buttons on his shirt and peeled it off.

  He looked down and began to loosen his belt when he noticed the pants he was wearing. He’d gone to work that morning and hadn’t had time to change before rushing to the hospital to get Abby. His work clothes brought back the scene the little Weasel Carl had made when he told him he was leaving early. Now he was on his final warning. On top of that, because of him, Abby would probably get canned. What the hell would they do then?

  Oh damn. Now, Private Pecker is at Parade rest.

  Forget the dick. You’ve got hands, a mouth and that black vibrator she bought. He slipped out of the rest of his clothes and lifted the sexy items on the bed. Where was the vibrator? Did she forget it downstairs? No matter. He’d better hurry before she finished the shower.

  He opened the bathroom door, immediately immersed in a moist cloud. He could barely make out her form through the clear shower curtain. Her knee closest to him grazed the plastic repeatedly as he stood there. What was that noise?

  He pulled the shower curtain back. What the hell! Her hand held the bottom of the vibrator firmly between her open legs, the dildo part buried deep inside her. She rocked and grinded into it as her fingers pinched a nipple. Her eyes were closed and lips parted.

  Her hips were quivering. She was having an orgasm. She didn’t even know he was there! It was like the porn flicks he and Barry had watched. His hand drifted to hold his cock in his hand as he stood mesmerized, watching her. He’d never seen her so sexy or wanton. For the first time in a long time he was hard, stroking himself faster now.

  Her eyes opened and she gasped. She began to pull the vibrator out.

  “No. Keep doing that. I like it.”

  Her eyes were now watching his hand stroking himself. He softened for a moment before she began to put on a show, pushing the vibrator deep inside and slowly withdrawing it. Oh God, watching her do that was driving him wild. What kind of a pervert was he? He can’t get it up to fuck her so he watches her do it with a dildo? Private Pecker had now jumped to full attention. Watching his wife, he stroked himself.

  The glazed look on Abby’s face, her tongue rolling over her
lips as her hands pleasured herself was mind blowing. She was doing herself with a black cock and he could watch.

  She, was his very own porn star!

  That thought hurled him over the edge. Months of pent up frustration, jettisoned from his cock, splattering into the tub. A second and third spurt pulsed from him. Oh God, it was long and wonderful. His hand slowed down and his waist spasmed as the last drop dripped into the tub.

  Abby was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She hadn’t minded watching him either. He stepped into the tub and took her into his arms, their kiss long, deep and wet.

  Chapter 18

  “Three days out of the hospital and you still did more of a workout than me. Sometimes I hate you.” Claire finished the last bite of the Sundae and scraped the spoon inside the bowl to get every last atom of ice cream.

  “You love me, face it. And I skipped the ab machine. Oh God! I almost forgot to tell you.” Abby pushed the remains of her ice cream aside and leaned across the table. “Glen thought I was having an affair. Isn’t that crazy?”

  “Are you serious? An affair! Why’d he think that?” Claire’s eyebrows pulled together.

  “He found some sexy clothes and a vibrator in my car and jumped to conclusions.” Abby shook her head a small smile on her lips.

  “But you bought the sexy clothes for HIM, remember? I was with you!” She pushed the empty dish aside and leaned over the table and whispered. “What’d he say about the vibrator?”

  “Really? You were there?” Claire nodded. “Thank God! I told him that’s what I did, but I really didn’t know, when I said it!” She leaned in. “I don’t remember shopping for those things!”

  Claire waved her hand. “Just some temporary amnesia or something. They wouldn’t have sent you home if it was serious. Now tell me!” Her eyes shone. “What did he think of your Rabbit?”

  Abby kept her voice down. “We had a fight. He accused me of having the affair, and then dumped all the stuff we bought in front of me in the living room. I told him I need more sex, and the next thing you know he attacked me with it. Oh my God, you should have seen it! He got all he-man, ripping at my panties to use it on me.” She closed her eyes and giggled. “We were in the living room.”


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