Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel
Page 17
Richard burst out laughing next to him.
Abby’s hands smoothed lotion over his fleshy shoulders and chest. “What’s up with you two? Are you getting too much sun, Glen?”
Abby took her seat again and two women walking by, popped into sight. They looked to be in their mid thirties. They were chatting and sharing a laugh, walking with their heads high, confident and sexy. Private Pecker became firm once more. The women would never make the cover of Playboy magazine with the extra weight they were carrying but they certainly had his attention. As much… maybe more so than the sexy blonde with the porn star body.
His gaze followed them as they skirted the pool. If he was a swinger, which for sure he was NOT, those were women he’d like to be with. They were real people. Sexy and friendly. Someone you could get to know and have a laugh with after. As long as Abby was there and Okayed it. But that may or may not ever happen. But if it did…
“Hey Glen, want to play some mini golf? Loser buys the beer.” Richard stood up and looked at him.
His brain jack-knifed back to reality when he looked at Richard. Well, this was a game that’d be totally different, playing against a naked opponent. Maybe there’d be some shade on the little course though. He got to his feet still clutching the towel in front of him.
“You should turn over. Your chest and boobs look like they’re getting too red. Would you like me to put some sun screen on your back? Sherri sat up and looked over her sunglasses at Abby.
Abby pressed her fingertips into the skin on her arms. Yes, if her arms were getting red, how bad would her lily white boobs be in this hot sun? “I think you’re right. Here’s my sun screen.” She adjusted the lounge chair so that it was horizontal and settled into it.
Sherri stood up and the next thing Abby felt were her hands sliding over her back, covering every inch of her skin. Oops. She should have applied the lotion to her bottom before she’d settled in the chair. “Thanks Sherri. That’s great.”
“I’m not done yet. From the looks of your ass, it’s never seen the light of day. I’d better put a twenty on it or you will have to eat your dinner standing up.”
Oh no. After her fantasy that morning with Glen, the fantasy woman was about to run her hands all over her ass. Just breathe. Act natural Abby.
Fingers pressed into the flesh of her hips, smoothing the slippery lotion into her skin, circling the round mounds and grazing the crevice between them. God, this woman’s touch was soft, like the kiss last night had been. She took a deep breath, floating into the cushioned chair.
Now under her cheeks to the top of her thighs. Abby’s body stiffened. Sherri’s fingers were edging near the area between her legs. She held her breath, only exhaling when the fingers once more returned to the backs of her legs.
Now her hands were on her the back of her knees and calves….mmm. She’d never had someone massage her feet and between her toes, rolling the ankle and ball of her foot. It was delightful. Her body once more melted into the cushion.
Light as a feather, the fingertips trailed back up her calves, thighs and ass. “How’s that? I think you’re well covered now.”
Abby rose to rest on her elbows and turned to face her. When Sherri was settled once more in her chair, she turned and grinned at Abby.
“You surprised me, last night when you kissed me.” There. The elephant was now out there.
“Did you like it or was I out of line?”
“I liked it, a little. I’ve never been kissed by another woman. It’s common in the Lifestyle, isn’t it?” Listen to her. You’d think she was some worldly woman bandying the term ‘Lifestyle’, waay beyond the common term, ‘swinger’.
“A woman’s touch can be nice, but I promise, I won’t push it. You and Glen are going to be around after supper, aren’t you? Even just as spectators?” Sherri patted more sunscreen on her face.
“Actually, we talked about it this morning. We’re going to be around. Whether we get the nerve to DO anything, I don’t know.” Abby laid her head down, cheek placed against the cushion. If it were up to her, they’d try the soft swing thing but it depended ultimately on what they, as a couple decided. Not to mention spontaneity. Who knew what would happen?
Chapter 41
The place looked pretty good. He’d spent the whole day cleaning up the mess, vacuuming, doing dishes, but it had been worth it. He walked back into the living room to check the patch covering the hole in the wall. Was it noticeable?
It was pretty ingenious if he did say so himself--taping a piece of paper over the hole, finding a little of left over paint and painting the paper. You could hardly tell the hole was there if you just glanced around the room. Someday he’d confess and fix it properly but not until he could catch Dad in a good mood.
He turned when the front door opened, followed by, “Peter! Are you here?”
When he walked to the entrance, Barry and Aunt Claire were standing there, looking shocked to see him. “Hi Aunt Clair, Uncle Barry. How’d you get in?”
“Your mother gave me a key. Where’ve you been? I’ve been calling your cell phone all day and was worried.” Barry just stood there looking blankly at him.
“Sorry. I just got in a little while ago from school. I didn’t realize that my cell phone battery had died.” Shit! She had a key? Thank you Jesus, she hadn’t come over before this.
“How are you doing? The place looks pretty good.” Claire bent forward to peek into the living room.
“No wild parties, Peter? You’re a better kid than I was at your age.” Barry grinned at him.
“No Sir. Mom and Dad would kill me, especially on a school night.” He was going to have to start going to church or he was going to burn in hell.
“We’re going to pick them up at the airport tomorrow. We just wanted to make sure everything was okay, that they weren’t coming back to a disaster area. But you’ve done well.” Finally, Claire was smiling at him.
“Uh…you two are going together? Are you guys back together again?” It had been a long time since he’d seen them in the same room with each other. And they looked happy.
Claire turned to look at Barry and then back at him. She was actually blushing! “Maybe. We’re going to try, at any rate.”
“That’s great! I’m glad for you. Mom and Dad will be too.”
“Thanks. We’re going to leave now. Is there anything you need? Money?” Barry had the door open waiting for Claire.
Peter looked beyond him to the tree in the yard. Oh no! The bra and panties were still hanging there. He’d forgotten all about them!
“Actually, there IS something I need if you don’t mind...” Peter rushed to close the door and put his arms around each of their shoulders. “I’m just so happy for you guys, that I’d like you to stay for dinner. And I’m kind of lonely eating by myself.” Turning the sad puppy dog eyes, directly at Claire.
“What do you say Barry? We were just going to order pizza anyway. We could stay and keep Peter company and have pizza with him.”
“Fine by me. Abby and Glen would be happy about that. Alright Peter, whaddaya say? Meat lovers or double cheese?” Barry removed his boots and coat and helped Claire with hers.
Peter turned and walked to the telephone to place the order. By the time they left it’d be dark and he’d take care of the evidence in the tree then.
Chapter 42
“Are you sure this dress isn’t too short?” Walking along the deck, on their way to dinner, Abby tugged down on the hem that just covered the bottom of her butt.
“You look sexy. Leave it alone, will ya?” Glen placed his arm over her shoulder, leaned over and nibbled the hollow of her neck.
“Look who’s talking.” She turned her head and sniffed his cheek. “Mmmm. Is that cologne new?”
“Yeah. I picked it up in one of the shops this afternoon. You like it?”
His dark eyes were focused on hers. He looked…apprehensive? Was he as nervous as sh
e was about the after dinner events? “It’s very masculine and sexy. But I’m the only woman who’s going to be close enough to notice. Right?”
“For the most part.” He smiled and dodged the swat she aimed at his head. “It’s okay to dance with other people, isn’t it?
“Sorry. Guess my mind was in the gutter.”She looped her arm through his. “I think we’re both a little keyed up about this. Just so you know, if at the last minute either of us decides to bail, that’s okay, right?”
“Absolutely. The important thing is us.” He stopped and tugged at her arm so that she was facing him. “We don’t have to do this. We can have dinner, dance a few songs and enjoy ourselves in the cabin. I love you Abby.”
“I love you too. I just want to be with you. But…” She looked up at him, from under her eyelashes, a smile on her lips.
“But you’d like to try this.”
She nodded. “At least once. Who knows, we may not even like it.”
“Something tells me, after making love on deck the other night and both of us getting turned on by people watching…that we’re going to enjoy tonight.” He kissed the top of her head.
“I think so too.” She took his hand and they resumed walking to the bright lights of the restaurant where they were to meet Sherri and Richard.
They paused in the doorway and Abby scanned the tables with her eyes. No Sherri and Richard. There was still a good selection of empty tables for four, some at the outside with a view of the water. It was hard to believe that they’d spent only four nights on the cruise. So much had happened.
The maitre‘d escorted them to a table, holding the chair for her to be seated. White linen table cloths with crimson red napkins, sparking glasses and cutlery adorned each table, along with a fresh bouquet of red roses. Everything was perfect for the last night of the cruise.
Another waiter appeared instantly, carrying a bottle of white and red wine. At Glen’s nod, he filled their glasses. When he was gone, Glen raised his glass and held it in front of him.
“A toast. To the most beautiful woman on the ship, and to new beginnings for us.”
“To the best looking man and to us.” Abby clinked her glass against his and took a small sip. Her gaze above the rim, flitted to the doorway. There they were.
Sherri was wearing a short sequined red dress that flashed in the light each time she moved. At her side Richard was wearing a tux, looking very debonair and handsome. She was glad that the ship had a rental store and that she’d had the foresight to rent a tux for Glen. And seeing the length of Sherri’s dress, Glen was right about hers.
“Wow. You two clean up really nice! I love that color Abby! The aqua really brings out the blue of your eyes.” Sherri bent down and kissed her cheek before brushing by to take a seat next to her.
Glen had risen and shook Richard’s hand, waiting for Sherri to be seated.
“Thanks. You look great too. Isn’t this fabulous? A formal dinner on our last night? The last time I saw Glen in a tux was when we were married. The guys look so James Bondish.” Abby glanced at Richard before giving her full attention to Glen. Definitely the Sean Connery Bond with the dark eyes and hair and the tanned skin. After all these years, he could still take her breath away; he was so good looking.
The waiter once more appeared, to fill Richard and Sherri’s glasses with wine and take their dinner order.
“This cruise has been great and meeting you guys has made it even better. I confess, I was shocked at first and ready to kill our friend who booked it.” Abby smiled and looked at Sherri.
“So not kill him, maybe kiss him? Maybe he’ll want to come on a cruise with you guys the next time after you tell him how much fun you had.”
“NO!” Abby and Glen were in unison.
There was a confused look that passed between Sherri and Richard.
“We’d never do this with our friends back home. It would seem…I don’t know, incestuous.” Abby shuddered at the thought of it. “Besides, I thought these cruises were for couples only.”
“Yes, they are. And we totally get what you mean. We have our vanilla set of friends that have no clue this is how we spend our vacations. We’ve had to duck and dive when they wanted to come with us.” Richard chuckled. “Remember how insistent your sister was the last time, Sherri?”
“Oh my God. I had to do my airhead routine and give her the wrong name of the cruise line. Thank God she lost interest!”
“I hope you two had a good time and do another cruise.” Richard’s blue eyes twinkled looking at Abby and Glen.
“Well, if we DO book again, at least we’ll know what to expect.” Glen looked at Abby to see her reaction.
“You could pack a whole lot lighter!” Sherri piped in and held her glass aloft for a refill.
“And what we would bring sure wouldn’t take up much room. Some skimpy dresses and forget the bathing suits.” Abby nodded when the waiter returned and held the bottle of wine in front of her.
“We’ll take that for a yes.” Richard held his glass up, signaling a toast. “To sexy dresses and the sexy women who hopefully, won’t be wearing them much longer.”
“I’ll drink to that!” Glen grinned looking from Abby to Sherri.
The waiter appeared again, this time carrying steaming plates of beef bourguignon. Abby inhaled deeply while her stomach grumbled. No wonder she was hungry. They hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
Chapter 43
“That was nice, having dinner with Peter.” Claire slipped her seat belt on, while Barry started the car engine.
“Umm Hmm…” Barry let the car idle a minute and glanced out the window.
Claire cracked a smile. “Peter’s such a good boy. I’m glad nothing happened while his parents were away.”
Still looking at the branches of the tree, Barry asked, “Do you believe him?”
“Nope. Let’s go so he can get that stuff down.”
“Right.” He backed out of the driveway and they headed home. “Just for the record, I can’t wait to hear about their trip.” He checked the rear view mirror and pulled out into the street.
“Are you insane? You’ve gotta play dumb. As far as you’re concerned it was a romantic cruise vacation. End of story.” Claire turned her head to look at him, her face in a knot.
“But then I won’t get to see the pictures.” He glanced quickly at her like a kid whose ice cream cone fell on the ground.
“You won’t get to see them if you’re dead either.” She could see from the look on his face that he agreed.
“It’s not going to come up anyway. They’ll be so excited to see us back together that they won’t even get a chance to say anything. Maybe we’ll do a cruise some day, whaddya’ think?” Barry glanced at her.
Claire sat quietly for a few moments. That could be nice. Sitting in the sun, dancing under the stars and the shore visits. She’d always wanted to go on a cruise.
Chapter 44
All the dishes had been cleared except for the wine glasses and two almost empty bottles. Glen sat across the table from Sherri. They both glanced occasionally at Richard and Abby who had left the table and were dancing to a fast beat. Draining one of the bottles into his glass, he caught the eye of a waiter going by and ordered another. Don’t get drunk, but a little more liquid courage won’t hurt.
When it arrived, he poured a glass for Sherri and topped off his own. They were far enough away from the dance floor to talk in an almost normal tone of voice. Sherri was watching him with an almost bemused smile over the rim of her glass. He glanced again at Abby and Richard, got up and sat down next to Sherri.
“So…” Jayyyzuz, what could he say next?
“You like my wife, huh?”
Sherri cocked her head to the side a bit. She moved her glass aside and patted Glen’s hand. “I like both of you, Glen.” Nodding to the dance floor, “WE like both of you.”
“Yeah, I know. Abby and I think you guys are great. To tell you the
truth, if we didn’t meet up with you, I don’t think this cruise would have been as enjoyable.” He toyed with the stem of the wine glass. “But I didn’t kiss you…”
Sherri’s face became serious. “No. And I think that’s good.”
“Does it bother you that I kissed Abby?”
He glanced down at the table for a moment and looked back up. “No. I mean, I’m not jealous or anything… I’m confused though.”
“In what way?”
“I mean, I didn’t see it happen, Richard and I were pretty loaded. She told me about it this morning. I’m confused because maybe I ought to be jealous or something?”
“What was your gut response, Glen?” She leaned forward onto the table, concern in her eyes.
He shook his head and smiled. “Uhhh… my response was lower than my gut if you know what I mean.”
Sherri grinned. “Typical!
He looked over at the dance floor again. Abby and Richard were now dirty dancing along with the other people on the floor. But at least Abby’s chest was still covered, unlike a few of the other women’s. And she was keeping her hands off Richard, not caught up in the lyrics of the song. What kind of song was that anyway? ‘I Want To Fuck You Like An Animal’?
Oh boy. He looked back to Sherri. “So… well… I guess, what do we do now?”
“We who? You and me? You, me, Abby and Richard? You and Abby?”
“Me and Abby.”
“You just answered your own question, Glen.”
“Did you guys have any sort of agreement on limits for tonight other than what you told us? You said you were ready for soft swinging, right?” Glen nodded. “Then that’s what you stick with, especially tonight. The last thing you want to do is get off the ship tomorrow with regrets.”
“Yeah, but…”
Sherri laughed. “You guys were thrown into the deep end, Glen! And yet, you’re such a great couple, you opened your minds, and are closer now than you were when you came on board.” She waved her hands around the room. “This isn’t going away, you know. There’re lots of opportunities back home to explore further. For tonight, though, stick with your limits, and just remember small steps.”