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The Story of Us

Page 16

by Logan Meredith

  Lucas nodded. “I tried to open up to you about something unrelated, and you kept looking at me like you wanted to fix me. I don’t need a daddy to make it better, Kyle. I have a great dad. It’s not that deep. The daddy play is just a submissive kink.”

  I laughed. “I hear Tommy has many kinks.”

  Lucas smiled. “You watched my scenes finally?”

  “No, I want to watch them with you. Matt can be counted among your biggest fans. I think he owns your dildo.”

  Lucas’ face scrunched up. “Yikes. That’s weird.”

  I burst into laughter. “Yes, it is. So, you up for a porn marathon?”

  “As long as you don’t expect to fuck me. Not a good day to bottom. I feel like a truck hit me.”

  “I don’t see myself getting aroused by your scenes. But I do think I should know more about your sex kinks than my ex does.”

  “Oh, trust that you absolutely do.”

  “Then school me in porn from your perspective. I’m ready to learn from the master, and after we’ve considered this six ways to Sunday, I’ll tell you honestly if I can deal with it.”

  “And if you can’t, then I’ll stop.”

  I gasped, “You would?”

  “Yes. I need to finish the commitment I made to Case—two more scenes—but if you approach this with a genuinely open mind and it’s still a deal breaker for us to be together, then I will stop filming. I can be stubborn too, Kyle. But I want to be with you, and while I love porn, I don’t love it more than you.

  “In Vegas, Robert suggested they may want me to work part-time on the marketing team. They need help to find new models, and the new ones always need social media brand coaching. There are ways for me to be in the business behind the camera. Case and Robert are talking about starting a cam site in a few years, which will have a full-time marketing person. I have options. We have options. I think there’s more room for compromise than we’ve considered.”

  “You’re not giving me much motivation here.”

  “I don’t need to. I trust you want me to be happy, and if you can give me your blessing on it, then you will. And if you can’t, it’s not because you don’t want to. I don’t need to manipulate you, and even if I wanted to, it wouldn’t work. You’d pretend as long as you could, then we would end. All I really needed was for you to open your mind and try to see it how I do.”

  I took a deep breath. “It’s sort of remarkable how well you get me.”

  Lucas smiled and batted his eyelashes. “I’m more than a pretty face.”

  “So where do we start?”

  “First, I want to shower with you.”

  “I thought we were going to dive right in.”

  “No. The last time we were together left a lot to be desired. I think you brought up my mother during a pretty fantastic blow job. You owe me a do-over.”

  “I thought a truck hit you.”

  “I can manage to let you apologize with your mouth on my dick.”

  “Toppy bastard.” I stood, and a hard smack landed on my ass. I twisted to see Lucas’ most wicked smile yet. Obscene. His smile was still obscene.

  “Yep. Now go start the shower and wait for me on your knees. And don’t give me any of your crap about being too old to kneel or I’ll shove this thing all the way to the back of your throat. Cock worship is done on one’s knees. Kill me if I ever get too old to do it properly.”

  I hesitated.

  “Kyle, trust me.” Lucas smiled. “Just try it.”

  Nervously, I obeyed.

  I closed my eyes and let the water rain down on me. Lucas slid the curtain aside and stepped in, momentarily interrupting the flow. I shivered with anticipation.

  “Good,” he praised me. “Now keep your eyes closed and clasp your hands behind your back.”

  I did, and the tip of Lucas’ finger swiped the seam of my lips. “Open your mouth,” he commanded in a voice much deeper than his usual tone. I let my jaw fall slack and shifted my weight to alleviate the pain in my knees.

  “Good,” Lucas said and threaded my hair between his fingers, tilting my head back. The hard, smooth texture of his cock brushed across my cheek. My dick began to respond, although the absurdity kept my head out of the game.

  “Lucas…?” I hedged.

  “Shh. Do you feel how hard I am?” Lucas asked, and I nodded. “Answer me.”


  “Yes, what?”

  I smiled. It was ridiculous, but I couldn’t deny that Lucas being turned on got my dick hard too. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s better.” Lucas lifted his shaft so it rested on my face. The length of him ran from my chin to my forehead. God, his cock amazed me. It smacked against my face, harder than I anticipated. Then he left it lying there. “God, Kyle, you look so good on your knees for me. My cock is longer than your face. Do you know that? I like looking at it, thinking about how deep into your throat it’s going to be.” He grabbed my throat and squeezed lightly. “Swallow for me,” he commanded and tightened his grasp. “You are going to be a good boy for me and take every inch. It’s going to feel like you can’t breathe, and your throat is going to spasm like that on my cock. It’s going to feel amazing for me, baby. When you start to panic, I want you to think about how much pleasure you’re giving me and let it happen. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good boy. Do you want to give me pleasure?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Your body was made to give me pleasure, Kyle. Your ass. Your mouth. Every part of you was made for me. Do you understand?”

  I swallowed. My cock ached painfully, and the delay was making me even more self-conscious. “Yes, Lucas. Do it.” The words, full of desperation and longing, didn’t sound like me.

  “When I’m ready, baby. Soon. I’m going to take my pleasure from you, don’t you worry. But first, you’re going to stand up for me and wash me. After you wash me, I want you to lick my abs, because I know how much you love them. You’ll cover every inch with your tongue then I’ll put you back on your knees.”

  I unclasped my hands to stand. “Oh, no. No hands, Kyle.”

  “How can I wash you?”

  Lucas smiled evilly and grabbed his loofah by the wooden handle. He poured soap on it. “Open up,” he commanded and tucked the wooden end in my mouth.

  With considerable effort, I contorted my body to wash him from head to toe. When I finished, he demanded I drop the loofah and squat to take my reward. The water cooled, and Lucas nudged the faucet off while I licked side to side over each ripple. The cooling air engaged another sense in the overwhelmingly erotic experience. My erection returned with a vengeance. By the time he’d guided me to my knees, my leaking cock throbbed and I desperately needed him to use me.

  He pushed his way into my gaped mouth and every neuron in my brain fired, commanding me to brace my hands on his legs and slow the intrusion—but I didn’t. I peered up at him and opened my mouth wider. I kept my hands clasped firmly behind me. Lucas pushed the tip of his cock into the back of my mouth. My gag reflex kicked in, but Lucas stroked my cheek and reminded me to breathe as he pulled out then eased back in, a slow sensual glide across my tongue and the roof of my mouth.

  A few moments later, he moaned loudly and breached beyond my mouth, kicking off violent spasms in my throat. I started to panic but Lucas let me hear his pleasure.

  “Fuck. Such a good boy for me. Yeah. That’s it.” He pumped his hips and clasped my hair to keep me at the right angle. It hurt and was amazing all at the same time. I gagged repeatedly, but he kept going. “That’s it, baby. Every time you fight it I get closer to giving you my load.”

  I tried to suck in a breath but couldn’t. My instincts kicked in, but when I jerked back, Lucas held me tighter, using me as an object but lavishing me with praise. “You feel so amazing, baby. Remember you were made for this. You were made to suck my cock. Breathe through your nose for me. That’s it. So good for me. God. Do you want it, Kyle? Do you want my
creamy load down your throat? You take my dick so good, baby. Yeah. Suck it, baby. Work for it. Show me how much you want it.”

  And oh my God, his filthy mouth killed me. I wanted to touch myself so badly, but I didn’t risk interrupting Lucas’ pleasure. I wanted him to use me. I loved being at his mercy and my inability to get release condensed all my pleasure like a tensely coiled spring. I groaned around his thick shaft.

  Lucas yanked my hair back sharply and pushed his full length into my mouth. “Now, baby,” Lucas barked, and my hand flew to my cock.

  My orgasm consumed me like a wildfire, blazing through my body. I gagged violently around Lucas’ thick shaft. Gasping, he collapsed over me, braced his arm against the wall, grabbed the base of his cock and unloaded.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Lucas chanted, his thighs quaked and he withdrew, squeezing his tip to expel every drop. Despite my aching jaw, I wanted him back in my mouth. I settled for licking what was left of his cum from the tip. He convulsed and yanked my head away by my hair.

  “Jesus Christ. That was…” I tried to stand but my knees reminded me I was an idiot. I groaned, and Lucas helped me to my feet.

  “Hold on. There is still soap in my crack.” Lucas turned the water back on, took his time finishing the cleanup job I hadn’t been able to manage and washed his hair.

  “Am I forgiven now?” I asked and reached for our towels.

  “You’re forgiven. Is your throat okay?”

  I cleared it to get rid of the raspy quality of my voice, but the pain of my raw throat persisted. “It’s fine. Nothing I can’t handle.”

  Lucas shut off the water and dried off. He inspected his cock with curiosity.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “A little sore spot. I think you nipped me.”

  “Consider it an occupational hazard.”

  His amused eyes caught mine. He laughed brilliantly, and I’ll admit I was pleased with myself. He shook his head, apparently dazzled by my comedic timing or perhaps from my newly discovered ability to deep-throat, and he pressed a kiss to my chin. Yep, we were absolutely going to figure it out.

  Naked, dry and snuggled with me in bed, Lucas teed up the first porn scene. After presenting me a choice, we decided to view his scenes starting with his favorites. He explained he had written a few scene ideas for Case from his personal fantasies, and we were going to watch the first one Case had agreed to film.

  “Keep in mind that this is my second or third scene, so don’t judge how awkward I was in front of the camera or my bony body. I didn’t have this stomach three years ago.”

  I pouted in genuine disappointment. “But I love your abs.”

  He grinned and kissed me. “Consider this a ‘before’ picture.”

  He hit Play, and I turned my attention to his image in a football uniform. The first few lines he had were cringe-worthy, but I stayed focused as Lucas pointed out all his bad camera positioning.

  “Are you this critical of all your scenes? You said it’s your favorite.”

  “It is now. I’ve developed a new affection for it.”


  “You’ll see.”

  His scene partner was a man I didn’t recognize—considerably older, about my age I supposed—and suited up. He had a dad-next-door kind of vibe. Lucas entered a locker room, where he stripped seductively and ran his hands over his naked body while the man waited outside. Despite his admitted inexperience, there was no mystery to Lucas’ broad appeal. His eye-popping cock was even more impressive when contrasted with his leaner, hairless figure.

  Lucas exited the locker room, and they exchanged some banter about Lucas’ final grade. The teacher threatened to make Lucas ineligible for sports unless he could offer something in exchange. During their conversation, it started raining.

  The scene skipped to a room with some flimsy-looking desks. Lucas stood, dripping wet, and ran his hands over the teacher until he had him backed against the wooden table. The man stuttered, checking over his shoulder as though nervous about being caught. They removed each other’s wet clothes in typical porn fashion.

  “Is this the fantasy then? Is this what I owe you?”

  I froze. Lucas twisted to watch me, a huge smirk on his face. Was that…? Did I fumble my way into Lucas’ fantasy?

  The scene continued. “What’s the matter? Can’t stay hard under pressure?”

  The teacher dropped his pants, and Lucas fucked him mercilessly over the table before giving him a facial. Except for the student-teacher dynamic, it matched Lucas’ description of how our thwarted encounter would have played out, and I laughed so hard that my eyes watered.

  The scene ended. I slouched until I was on my back and let him climb on top of me. “What did you think?” He pinned my arms above my head, scraped his teeth along my jawline and nipped at my chin.

  “I think you’re a very naughty boy.”

  “Yeah, but what did you think of the porn? How did you feel watching me with someone else?”

  “I was too busy wishing I hadn’t left that damn library. I’m not sure I had time to think about it.”

  Lucas smiled and let go of my wrists to trace the line of my pecs with his finger. “I have access to lots of costumes at the studio if you ever want me to bring them home and play dress up for you. Say the word. I’ll give you a do-over.”

  “Did you really think I was referencing that scene when we met?” I asked.

  Lucas blushed. “Well, you said I owed you, and you do resemble Todd.”

  “I do not.”

  “Kyle, oh my God. Yes, you do.” He rewound the video and played it again for me until Todd came back on the scene. “See? Same hair, same build, same smile. You could be brothers.”

  “Okay. A little.”

  “A little, my ass.”

  I spanked him and laughed at his surprised jump. He bit his lip and melted me with his aroused, dilated eyes. He so quickly oscillated between confident, punishing top to willing submissive. For Lucas, sex was all about fun. I came to realize the orgasm at the end was just a happy bonus. Sometimes I suspected he’d gladly sacrifice coming if it meant we could keep playing. “So you want me to play teacher or student?” I asked.

  “I can switch it up. I love being your boy, you know? But the shower just now? I will be jacking off to that memory for years. We should do that again. Only next time I want to make you eat my ass too. I came too fast.”

  His confession made me chuckle. “Okay, that didn’t kill me, so let’s watch another one.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Give me your second favorite.”

  “Okay. My second favorite has some good news and some bad news.”

  “The bad news first.”

  “It’s recent. I filmed it after we started dating.”

  “And the good news?”

  Lucas laughed and flexed his abdominal muscles. “You get to see these babies.”

  I shoved him playfully, and Lucas toppled over on the mattress, laughing. He was hard, but I couldn’t get distracted. He clicked Play on the next scene, and Lucas appeared on screen in a dungeon-type room.

  I cast a nervous glance his way.

  “This is all Tommy, baby. I filmed about six months before I really had his persona down. Remember, Tommy is like toppy-Lucas on steroids.”

  Apparently, the shower was a preview of his Tommy persona. “Do you love the harness?”

  I nodded, a little dumbfounded at seeing all his golden skin crisscrossed in black leather. The harness had a strap that cut his torso lengthwise and attached to a cock ring, which had the duty of keeping Lucas’ monster cock hard and upright. “Damn,” I said. “That is something.”

  The scene? I didn’t have words to describe it. Lucas put his scene partner, some uber-twinky white boy, in a sling and wailed on his ass with paddles and whips until it flared red. He adjusted the angle, suspended the kid’s legs wide apart and fucked his battered ass, denying him any mercy. Tommy used Lucas’ shower vo
ice, one that I would forever connect with being on my knees for him. He exploded all over the kid’s hole before using his dick to push his semen inside.

  “Breathe, babe.” Lucas laughed, and I exhaled the breath I wasn’t aware I’d been holding.

  I shook my head to reconcile what I’d witnessed. Fear chased the arousal out of my body. I swallowed and fought back the instinct to believe my gut reaction—that is what Lucas liked. He wouldn’t be happy without slings, paddles, floggers and chains. He was telling me that was what I had to do to satisfy him.

  I focused on him and gulped back my first question, which sounded judgmental even in my own head, and I tried a different approach. “So, why is this one a favorite?”

  Lucas smiled knowingly, and I wondered if he’d read my mind. “The harness. I loved it. It made me feel sexy and powerful, and it served a dual purpose of covering all the marks you’d left on my body. Well, on my chest, anyway. Did you notice how my back stayed angled away from the camera, even when I wielded the paddle? I had to do it at this angle.” He mimicked the motion he used on camera, where he paddled toward himself in a rowing motion rather than the more comfortable tennis swing. “Power exchange turns me on.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever get into whips like that kid, Lucas.”

  “That kid’s name is Cole. He takes my cock better than any bottom I’ve ever known. He loves submission and being spanked. He likes to feel used. You should see him take two dicks at once. The kid is impressive.

  “Before Cole started doing porn, he thought he was dirty. He had all these desires, and people in his life made him feel like he was sinful and perverted because of it. Did you notice his legs? He used to cut himself to stop the desires his family told him were unnatural. Case and Robert turned that kid into a legend. He has a man now, a devoted fan, who worships him from afar. Italy, I think. He’s one of the most sought-after twinks in the business because he is one seriously kinky motherfucker.

  “I loved that scene because I loved being able to make Cole come undone. And I loved knowing what he felt because you had spent the entire weekend tying me up, calling me boy and making me beg for your cock. Cole even told me to thank you for making me a better Dom.


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