The Story of Us

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The Story of Us Page 19

by Logan Meredith

  * * * *

  The weekend flew by. On our last morning, Lucas woke me up with kisses on my neck and shoulder. I moaned my encouragement. “I love that,” I whispered when he kissed the nape of my neck.

  “Mm, me too.” His erection poked at my hip. I shifted to give him a better angle and he started riding his cock against the cleft of my ass. “Oh, baby. Fuck. Stay right there for me.” He buried his mouth into the crook of my neck and rubbed my chest while he used me to get off.

  He traveled his hand down my body and gripped my cock, stroking me in time to the movement of his hips. “I love you,” he whispered. “Last night was fun, but this is…”

  I closed my eyes, enjoying his hand and reliving the last night of our vacation. I’d been riding the edge of tipsy and drunk, but I remembered little bits and pieces—Lucas thoroughly restrained, the paddle, the three orgasms I’d ripped out of my boy before showering him with my cum. Jesus, it had been—

  Lucas groaned in my ear moments before the hot spray splashed on my back. His raspy pants towed me to the edge, but a sudden desire kept me from falling over. I wanted to know what it felt like to let go like he had. To just give it all over to him.

  “Hmmm. So good.” Lucas moaned and rolled onto his back. He yelped as his ass brushed the bed linens. “Damn, this flight today is going to be something else.”

  I cringed. “Did I get too carried away?”

  “Should we watch it and find out?”

  “Let’s go for one last swim. It might help.”

  Lucas nodded and climbed out of bed. His ass was still marked with red and purple. He grabbed the lotion and brought it to me. “Please.”

  He lay on his stomach while I soothed his sore cheeks. It shouldn’t turn me on to have my marks on him, but it did. God, he was so sexy when he called me Daddy. Memories washed over me, the ways he’d showed off for me and asked me if he was a ‘good boy’. I got hard thinking about it. But the aftermath didn’t seem fun at all. “Why do you like this again?” I kept my tone even, but Lucas wasn’t fooled.

  “I don’t love this part. But last night, when you let go for me and took what you wanted…” He bit his lip with the memory. “It’s all worth it. That part where you made me go slow, so you could watch yourself fill my ass. My thighs were burning, but the way you kept saying, ‘Slower for Daddy’ then when I got all the way down, when you held me there and wouldn’t let me move or touch myself. My God, Kyle, I could feel every inch of you inside me.”

  “You’re turning me on again.”

  “Sure you want to take that swim? We could watch the video?”

  “Yeah.” I moaned.

  “I don’t think I can do much,” he said.

  “You won’t have to. Put the video on and grab my phone, would ya?”

  Lucas returned and snuggled against me. Facing each other, we pulled the blankets up, so only our heads showed. I lifted my phone high, kissed him and snapped a picture.

  I sat up so I could navigate to the Twitter app and sign in to the account I’d created for Bruce R. Lover. The picture was easy enough to attach. I tapped out a short message before hitting the ‘tweet’ button.

  A great weekend spent with my love @TommyBruiserXXX. #myfirsttweet #allmine

  I set the phone down and kissed Lucas. The soundtrack had me rock hard, but Lucas was feeling too playful to get into it. He broke out into laughter every one of the hundreds of times my phone dinged.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The real world was waiting for us when we returned home. The fall semester began and eroded all my spare time. I worked during the day and had classes every weekday evening, except Fridays. I’d decided to stick with engineering as my major, and since Lucas had finished his core requirements, we didn’t have any classes together.

  Lucas continued working part-time in the marketing department at Goldenboys and managed a full load of marketing classes. He still performed occasionally, but had reduced his availability, which meant instead of filming two to three scenes a month, he was lucky to get one. He’d supplemented his income with appearances and promotional work, which in addition to working out regularly and the management of his social media accounts sometimes seemed like a job in and of itself.

  After my picture stunt, I’d gained close to three thousand followers on Twitter. Lucas said my counts would fall if I didn’t post more, so I gave him the password and let him manage mine too. He posted a single nude that I’d taken of him and my follower count ballooned to five thousand. Thirsty bastards. After that, I mainly used Twitter to post love messages to Lucas. Lucas wasn’t kidding about his straight female fan base. They were very supportive of our relationship, and I noticed they policed his comments and didn’t hesitate to let new fans know that Tommy had a boyfriend. This pleased me tremendously.

  About a month into the semester, Lucas and I realized we had gone five consecutive days without seeing each other, which we both found utterly unacceptable. After that, I gave him a spare key, and unless he had a work event, he slept in my bed. Within the month, more of Lucas’ clothes were in my closet than his own and he started talking about subletting his place, since he was rarely there.

  Lucas took advantage of the Columbus Day weekend to do a promotional event at some gay club in San Diego for Playland, the company that sold his toy line. I’d dropped him at the airport and was already missing him when I came home to find Patrick sitting in his car in my driveway.

  Surprised, I parked and waved hello.

  “Hey, Kyle. Sorry to ambush you when you’re just getting home.”

  “Did you forget something at the party?” I asked, hopeful his unexpected visit was about anything other than Kayla.

  He hesitated. “No. I wanted to talk to you about the wedding.”

  “Come inside.”

  Patrick shuffled behind me while I unlocked the front door. Nothing about his demeanor left me feeling optimistic. Patrick didn’t have body language control. Happy, sad—the man’s face was usually a clear window into his mood. He also didn’t have much appetite for confrontation. Matt and I had broken up at least three times and Patrick stayed friendly with both of us, refusing to get involved. His sending Kayla in to get Matt the night of the engagement party was a quintessential Patrick move. I couldn’t imagine he’d come over on Kayla’s behalf.

  I held up my bag. “Let me throw this in my room. Want a beer or something?”

  “No. No. I’m good.”

  “Suit yourself.” I dropped my backpack on my bed, texted Lucas, grabbed a beer and returned to Patrick. He was standing in front of the fireplace, shuffling nervously.

  “What’s up, man?” I took a seat on my couch, hoping the casual posture would loosen his mouth and we could get it over with faster.

  “So we’ve been friends awhile, right?”

  An ominous start to a conversation if I’d ever heard one. I took a long swig of my beer before answering, “Only about twenty-five years or so.”

  “Exactly. And I’m getting married. So, as one of my oldest friends, you should be in my wedding. Tracey and I want you in the wedding.”

  I could have accepted outright, but I had the distinct impression he hadn’t arrived at the point yet. “But—” I prompted.

  “But Matt is going to be my best man. And this thing between you and Kayla? It’s out of control. It’s really important to Tracey that there is no drama. I want you in the wedding, but I need you to patch things up with Matt and Kayla.”

  Matt had texted me that I was a lucky bastard after seeing the library security footage of us on Tommy’s Twitter and asked if he could be introduced to some of Lucas’ friends. “Matt and I are fine, I think. I’ll call him to confirm, but I don’t see an issue there.”

  “And my sister?”

  I sighed and took another sip of my beer. “Patrick, I think you should be talking to your sister about it. It’s her problem. All I asked her to do was to keep her opinions about Lucas to herself.”

an, c’mon. Please talk to her. I don’t want to exclude Lucas, but—” Embarrassment was written all over his face. And finally, I read between the lines.

  “But Kayla’s your sister and she doesn’t want him there.”


  “So I won’t go.”

  “I don’t want that either. Can you? Please. For me? Could you try to fix this thing with Kayla? I know she’s difficult as hell but you’ve known us for longer than Lucas has even been alive. If you can’t fix it, will you at least consider coming alone?”

  “I’ll talk to Lucas about it.”

  Patrick frowned, and I got the sense that that wasn’t the answer he’d hoped for. “I’m truly sorry about all this. I’ve tried to reason with Kayla, but she’s dug in her heels. For what it’s worth, Tracey and I would like to get to know Lucas better. Tracey’s cousin, Simon, really spoke highly of him and it’s good to see you so happy. We should have dinner or something.”

  “Yeah. Okay. Dinner would be nice.”

  “I’ll keep on talking to Kayla, too. I thought if we both did, we might get this all fixed before the wedding. We still have a few months. I hope you understand. I hate being in the middle. I’m just trying to make sure my girl gets the day she deserves. I can’t have the focus not be on her.”

  “I get it. Tracey shouldn’t have to worry about a fight at the reception. I’m sorry I lost my temper at the engagement party. It was all my fault.”

  “Nah. Matt told me what he’d said. Friend or no friend, if he had called Tracey a whore, I’d have flattened him.”

  I chuckled. “Thanks. But you can assure Tracey it won’t happen again.”

  He nodded, and I promised to think about what he’d asked.

  * * * *

  With the limited time we’d spent together, I hadn’t had a chance to tell Lucas about Patrick’s request or about Kayla’s radio silence. On a rainy Saturday in late October, I’d woken early to finish a paper for class, while Lucas slept in.

  I’d uploaded my homework and hit Submit when I heard Lucas shuffle to the kitchen. “Babe, is there coffee?”

  “Yeah. Should still be hot.”

  “You need a warmup?”

  I peered into my nearly full mug. “It’s all yours.”

  “Thank God,” he answered. “We’re almost out of beans. I’ll get some at the store tomorrow.”

  “There’s a list on the fridge,” I reminded him and got back the same amused look I had when I’d shown up a minute early for our first date.

  Lucas, wearing sweatpants, an old concert T-shirt of mine, and sporting a severe case of bedhead, emerged from the kitchen, mug in hand. “Did you get your homework done?” he asked, sat on the couch next to me and set his mug on the end table.

  “Yep. Finished.”

  “So we have the entire day to spend together.” Lucas removed my laptop and straddled my lap. “What should we do?” He grinded on me, his horny smile readily displayed.

  “Hmm. I don’t know. Why don’t you give me a hint?”

  He laughed, yanked the shirt from his body, shifted my hand to his abdominal muscles and flexed. Sighing contently, I caressed his hard stomach. “Do you want to work out?”

  “No.” Lucas shook his head and took my hand, raising it to his mouth so he could suck on my fingers.

  “Are you hungry? Did you want food?”

  “No.” He bit his lower lip, pushed his sweatpants down, freed his cock and thumped my stomach.

  “Oh, I see,” I teased. “Did you want me to do something about that?”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  I wiggled the waistband of his sweatpants down and started to stroke him when the doorbell rang. Lucas collapsed against me. “Fuck. Who is that?”

  I shoved him gently from my lap and waited for him to tuck himself in. The bell chimed again, and I opened the door.


  “Mom. Dad. What are you doing here?”

  “I told your dad what good is retirement if you can’t take impromptu trips.” My mom handed me her purse and proceeded, suitcase in hand, toward the spare room which served as my office and a guest room. She talked a mile a minute about an anniversary party they were attending for some friends.

  “Hello, son,” my father said, following behind my mother. He held up a small cosmetic case and adjusted the bag he carried his CPAP in over his shoulder. “Your mother’s insulin needs to go in the fridge.” Without another word, he walked by Lucas into the kitchen.

  I turned and stared at Lucas, who sat shirtless on the couch, stunned speechless. I picked up the T-shirt from the floor and tossed it to him. Lucas sprang into action. He’d dragged on his shirt and was smoothing his hair when my dad returned. Seconds after, my mother reentered the family room. They both stopped and inspected Lucas, who faced away from them and adjusted himself, in a desperate attempt to conceal his more-than-obvious dick print. I cleared my throat and Lucas jumped.

  “Kyle, who’s this?” my mother asked.

  Lucas turned a bright shade of red. With an audible swallow, he turned to face them.

  “Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Lucas.”

  “Your boyfriend?” My mother laughed. “Oh, Kyle. Really?”

  Lucas and I made eye contact, communicating silently how best to handle the situation. Lucas decided to power through with the ostrich approach, acknowledging neither the fact that my parents had caught him with his hand down his pants or the somewhat subtle slight.

  “Mr. and Mrs. McMillan. It’s so nice to meet you finally.”

  My dad shook Lucas’ hand with a puzzled expression. “So, sorry. I didn’t catch your name, son.”

  “Lucas Cass, sir.”

  “Tom McMillan.” My dad shook his head at my mother, “Judy, I told you we should have called.”

  My mother gawked, aghast at touching Lucas’ hand after where it had been. Lucas adjusted quickly and returned to my side.

  “Well, how was I supposed to know Kyle was seeing someone. It’s not like he tells us what’s going on in his life. I had to hear about Patrick’s engagement from Esther.”

  Oh, brother. “Mom, I’m sorry. I’ve been busy.”

  My mother smiled. “Oh, well. We’re here now. Why don’t you call Kayla and we’ll take you three to breakfast? It’d be nice to see her.”

  “Um…” I stuttered with a few false starts before Lucas interrupted.

  “Didn’t Kayla mention she had plans this morning?” Lucas said.

  “Huh?” When did Lucas talk to Kayla?

  “You know. Those plans she mentioned the other day about the work thing,” Lucas prompted.

  Fuck, he is so good on his feet. “Oh, yeah. The thing. I forgot. Kayla’s busy today, Mom. She had to work.”

  “Oh. On a Saturday? That is a shame. She works so hard. I’ll give her a call later. Maybe she’ll be free for dinner,” Mom said.

  Worn thin on the conversation topic, my dad grabbed my television remote, took a seat in the recliner and turned on college football.

  “You gonna get ready or what?” my mom asked. “Your dad is hungry.”

  Lucas stared at me, unsure of what to do. I grimaced, and he nodded his understanding. Apparently we were going to breakfast with my parents.

  In the bedroom, Lucas finally exhaled. “Oh my God.” He laughed. “That was straight out of a sitcom. Like your parents didn’t even notice the half-naked man on your couch.”

  “I’m sorry about this.”

  “Don’t be sorry on my account. This is going to be entertaining. Why didn’t you want Kayla to go? I thought your eyes were going to bug out of your head.”


  Lucas stopped in the middle of undressing. “Kyle, what’s going on? Did you and Kayla have another fight?”

  I turned and found something fascinating on the dresser. “No. Same fight.”

  “She’s still not my biggest fan, huh?”

  I sorted through a stack of mail, opening each lette
r like I needed to read all the terms of the credit card offer to throw it away.

  “Kyle,” he repeated.

  I peered up. Lucas’ naked body momentarily scrambled my brain. “Huh? Oh, yeah. You could say that.”

  His raised his hand to his hair, running his fingers through it like he did when he was aggravated. “I did say that. But why don’t you put down the junk mail and skip to the part where you tell me what’s going on.”

  I dropped the stack in the trash, sat on the bed and removed my shirt. “I haven’t spoken to Kayla.”

  He sighed heavily. “Well, we’ve been busy. When was the last time?”

  “Patrick’s party.”

  Lucas gasped, “Kyle, that was months ago.”

  “I know.”

  “You haven’t spoken to your best friend in months and didn’t think to mention it?”

  “I’m sorry. Kayla wasn’t supportive of us, and I’ve been busy.”

  He sat on the bed next to me and rubbed my back. “She thought I’d be a fling. Surely she realizes this is more. What’s going to happen when your mom calls and invites her to dinner or all the wedding events?”

  Might as well come clean. “There’s more. But remember you love me.”

  He gave an exasperated sigh. “What?”

  “She told Patrick that she won’t come to the wedding if I bring you.”

  “Seriously? What is her problem with me? You said she was all about you talking to me before we got together.”

  I shrugged. I had my suspicions, but Kayla wasn’t easy to explain. “It doesn’t matter. I told Patrick I won’t go without you.”

  “What? How does that help things? Seriously? I hang out with teen porn models, so believe me when I say your friends are immature.”

  A knock at the door interrupted us. “Kyle, I don’t hear the shower running. Are you getting ready?” my mom called from the hallway.

  I sighed and dropped my head, while Lucas hastened to the bathroom to turn on the water.

  “We’ll be out in a minute, Mom.”

  “Okay. Your dad needs to eat.”

  “Yeah. Fine. Out in a minute.”


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