A Twist of Fate (The Twisted Trilogy)
Page 2
Cameron dropped his shirt back down and glanced at me in disbelief. “This should be a fun weekend.”
Maddie walked up to the patio door in her one piece bathing suit, wrapped up in a giant bath towel. As Jessica ran outside, a freezing cold north wind gushed into the room and some flurries scattered across the floor.
"On second thought, I think I'll just hang out in here," Maddie said, then sealed the door shut. "I look like a cow anyways."
"Good, I don't want the baby getting sick," Hunter said, honestly concerned about it.
Aliah rolled her eyes and pulled Hunter outside with her.
"You look fabulous," I told Maddie. "Your baby bump is so adorable." I gulped down as much wine as I could, put my half emptied glass on the nightstand and reached for the patio door. "You're alright in here alone?"
Cameron peeled off his shirt and Maddie couldn't remove her gawking eyes from his toned flesh. He picked up my glass, smiled at Maddie's enthusiasm and returned to the other side of the room to top up my wine.
“Yup. I’m good. Definitely good,” Maddie said.
Giggling, I tip-toed to the hot tub as fast as I could and sank into the bubbling water in the only empty spot available. Right next to Edwin. I looked at him hesitantly.
"Oh, come on now, I won't bite,” Edwin teased, then he whispered in my ear. “I know you only like that in the bedroom.”
"Ugh, Eddie! Can you shut your fat mouth for like five minutes so I can enjoy myself?" I shoved his big shoulder, but he didn't budge.
He only laughed and it was hauntingly sexy. "I can probably do five, but I can't make any promises," he drawled, then leaned into me. "You'll probably be begging me to talk in like two though."
"Don't forget whose tub you're in." I backed away to scowl at him, just as Cameron put my glass on the edge of the tub.
When Cameron squeezed in next to me, he unintentionally squished me even closer to Edwin. There was no missing the press of Edwin's bulky arms and legs against my side. They were hot and large and thick.
Cameron reached his arm around me and gave me a slow, drugging kiss. It was nice, but I could tell it was more to piss Edwin off than to show me love. Not able to continue with the awkward attachment to Edwin’s hulking arm, I curled into Cameron’s and slid onto his lap. I strung my arms around his neck and gave him a healthy taste of my lips, to show everyone that there was no confusion as to who my man was.
Cameron smiled, in between kisses. "I see your glass is empty again."
"Good wine, eh?" Aliah chimed.
"Yeah, a little too good," I answered. "Cameron's been feeding it to me like water. I can hardly taste it anymore."
"Maybe I should go get you some more," Cameron suggested. He kissed me again, dropped me into his spot and then leapt from the tub, every muscle tightening in the cold, winter air. Then he calmly walked to the door as if the cold didn’t affect him.
"While you're in there why don't you get me one too?" Aliah hollered, as the door slid shut.
"I can get you one," Hunter decided. "I have to use the pisser anyway."
When Hunter left the tub, everyone shifted over and it felt like I could finally stretch out and relax. "Take your time," I teased, enjoying the space.
Aliah leaned over the edge of the tub and watched Hunter exchanging words with Maddie inside the toasty hotel room. I saw Cameron popping the cork to yet another bottle of wine, as Edwin reached his arm out and rested it on the tub behind me.
Edwin leaned down and whispered in my ear, the hurt evident in his tone. "What's this, you can't even stand to be around me anymore?"
"It's not like that and you know it," I answered, softly.
He locked his aqua eyes on me, holding my terrified gaze. "Oh? How is it then?"
I blew out a harsh breath. "Maybe if you weren't always trying to piss Cam off, then we could hang out more." Not likely, though.
"I know I’ve been kind of an ass lately," he admitted, softening up.
"Kind of?"
"Fine. I've been a total jerk. But what do you expect? You chose him over me and that hurts."
My eyes were frozen on him, dread filling my sharp features, as I recognized the wounded look on his face. I wanted to hug him, to make him feel better, but I knew that would only escalate the problem. I kept my lips tightly pressed together.
"Now you're living with him and I've got the whole house to myself. It's really quiet when you're not around and not in a good way," Edwin told me.
"It's only temporary," I said. "Besides you had your family over for a few days. You weren't exactly alone the whole time."
"No, but it wasn't the same without you."
I flipped my long, dry hair behind me and the tips dipped into the bubbling water. "I'm sorry. I know it was kind of last minute, but you didn’t exactly tell me your plans either." Reality began to cloud my buzz-induced smile. I dipped my chin and closed my eyes, suddenly feeling incredibly emotional.
Edwin lifted my chin with his index finger and my emerald eyes grew wide in alarm. My heart pounded hard and fast, as I gasped for air, unable to steal my eyes from his. Then his hand dropped into the water, acknowledging my distress. Though his touch was gentle, it had zapped my senses. Then he slid up next to me. Close. Too close.
"You know I just want you to be happy, right?"
My entire body trembled. "Okay." I should have pushed him away. Why am I not pushing him away?
He slowly gripped his hand on my thigh, sending my heart galloping. "If you can promise me one thing," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear, "I’ll leave you two alone for the rest of the weekend."
Just the rest of the weekend? How about permanently? "Don't go too overboard," I managed to blurt.
His hand squeezed on my thigh, then he loosened his grip but it remained where it didn't belong. "I'm being serious, Abs. All I ask is that you quit with the ogling and canoodling when you're around me. It just isn't right, having to see you like that." His pain-filled eyes begged me to stop tormenting him.
"Seeing me like what; happy?" I whispered, barely able to finish the sentence.
Edwin’s hand began to casually caress my thigh. "Please, just promise me."
Aliah was watching us, chiding my indiscretion. Jessica was making a good effort to mind her own business. Cameron and Hunter were at the patio doors, not having a clue as to what was going on. Did I even know what was going on?
Aliah flashed a look at Cameron, then scowled back at me. "Just promise the man already! You owe him that much.” Her words stung me, even more than they should have.
"Please take your hand off my leg," I begged, suddenly envisioning the consequences.
Cameron approached us blissfully unaware.
"Promise!" Edwin demanded, holding his position.
Holding my breath, I stuttered, unable to take another second of it. "Fine! I p-promise!" My heart skipped a beat as Edwin removed his hand from my thigh and swam to the other side of the tub.
Cameron handed me my glass and hopped back into the water next to me. I took a long sip of wine and collected all of my hair with my free hand so it sat on my right shoulder. As Cameron leaned in for a kiss, I turned away, passing it off as though I didn’t see it coming. He caught my cheek, but that didn’t satisfy him.
I smiled softly and took another sip of wine. He waited patiently for me to finish, then his lips found mine. But I couldn't reciprocate after giving Edwin my word. Cameron pulled back, looking very concerned. I could only stare at the water.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, his voice stark.
I looked at Edwin, who was sitting directly across from me. I could tell he was making an effort to be a good boy, but I could see a fire in his eyes that told me trouble still brewed. Then I looked back at Cam and cupped his cheek, feeling wretched for not sharing his kiss.
"I think I may have had too much to drink." And that was the truth. But that was not the only thing I was suffering from at the moment. Edwin had left me with deplor
able, chaotic thoughts.
I wanted to leave with Cam so I could kiss him until his heart was content, but I also felt the need to nurse Edwin back to happiness. My face became stripped of all its colour and Cam watched me turn seriously ill before his eyes. Edwin didn't say a word, but neither would he unlock his gaze from me. It was like he was just waiting for me to break my promise.
Cam seemed to notice how my illness was in direct correlation with Edwin's attention. "Is there a problem?" he snapped, argumentatively.
"Did I say something to you?" Edwin barked back.
Aliah put both of her hands up. "Guys, cut it out."
"Can't we all just enjoy the night?" Jessica pleaded.
"Cam started it," Edwin droned. "First he steals my girlfriend, and then he tries to rub it in my face. It looks to me like he's asking for a black eye." He turned his stone-cold gaze on Cam.
Cameron stood up and I forced my arm around his waist to stop him. But if he wanted to go, he could have gone. Every muscle in his body flexed, as I clung onto him.
"Eddie, stop it!" I screeched, afraid of what might happen if I let go.
Edwin stayed relaxed, his arms stretched out over the back of the tub, his cool glare held on me. "Why don't you and your little lover boy go screw or something? Anything to get him out of my face right now."
Cameron lifted his chest, his muscles rippling, rampant with adrenaline, his teeth exposed like a rabid animal. I could feel the vomit burning up my esophagus and, when Edwin stood up, I was sure there was going to be a blood bath.
"Don't cross me, brother, or my fist will be in your mouth," Edwin warned.
I swallowed back the vomit pooling in the back of my throat and held my freezing palm against Cam's burning chest to pull him back against me.
"Come on, Eddie. It's not worth it," Aliah said, as Hunter grabbed onto Edwin's arm. Even he could sense the pure hatred filtering between the two of them.
“Try it,” was all Cameron said, but he struck a chord with Edwin.
When Edwin leaned forward, I reached a flat hand out and pressed it against his solid chest to keep him back. After scowling at him, I glanced at Cameron, then back to Edwin again.
"It's time for you to go," I said.
"I'm not going anywhere, until I'm done fixing this pretty boy's face," he threatened.
"Right now!" Cameron hollered, calling him on.
"Hunter, you've got to stop them," Aliah wailed, noting the severity of the situation.
I fought to keep them apart, but Edwin reached around me and shoved Cam’s shoulder. Cam instantly responded with a counter and drove Edwin against the back of the tub. Jessica looked like she had been enjoying a good soap opera, until Edwin's arm flailed backwards and hit her square in the face.
Jessica leapt out of the tub, her hand covering her battered cheek. "Thanks for fucking with my vacation!" she screeched. Then she spun around and ran inside, near tears.
Aliah shook her head, disappointedly. “Real smooth, guys.”
Edwin ignored Cameron just long enough to show his regret, then he narrowed his eyes at him again. "Yup, it's definitely worth it,” he decided aloud. “Get out of my way," he warned, as he raised a determined brow and drew his elbow back to wind up for a punch.
Cameron put his fists up ready for the challenge as though I wasn't even standing in between them, freezing my ass off. I threw my hands down in manic frustration.
"I've had enough!" I screamed. "I'm leaving. You two can do whatever the fuck you want. I'm over it!"
I climbed out of the tub and stalked toward the room, hands clenched in fists, mad as hell. I could see Maddie sitting on the bed talking to Jessica as clear as day. Thinking Jessica must have left the patio door open, I made a pass for it, and my face planted firmly against the cold, clear glass.
I WAS ALREADY MADDER than a wet hen, but now, after smashing my face off the glass door, I was really freaking upset. I couldn't tell what I wanted to do first: scream, cry or vomit. My little episode seemed to get everyone's attention too, and now they were all chuckling behind my back.
"Yeah, real funny, assholes," I hollered, scowling harshly at them before letting myself in the room.
Maddie came running to me with a towel and I didn't realize why, until she pinched my nose with it. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"No, I'm not okay." With my eyes closed, sadness choked me and tears flooded beneath my eyelids.
Maddie tucked my hair back with one hand and pinched my nose with the other.
When I finally caught my breath, between sobs, I explained it to her. "Cam and Edwin are being dinks and Aliah wasn't exactly discouraging it. Nobody gives two shits about what I want," I cried.
"That's not true," Maddie stated softly, but it was no use.
I had to get out of there. I was sick and cold and upset. "I really can't deal with this. I'm going home," I whimpered. I started to pack up the few things I had strewn around the room, as I held the white, blood-stained towel to my nose.
Edwin was already in the room, standing there silently, water dripping from his soaking wet shorts. Maddie excused herself to the bathroom to escape from the menacing silence. Jessica had already slunk out of the room, hoping to stay out of it. Edwin held his gaze on me, willing me to look up at him.
"I'm sorry, Abs. I promised. I won't let it happen again." He stepped closer to me and reached his hand out to caress my arm.
I jerked away from him and stomped back to the other side of my bed. "That's right! You promised,” I hollered, tears blurring my vision. “How can I trust you when you keep acting like this?" I fell weakly to my knees and dropped the towel onto the floor, with tears rushing down my cheeks.
Edwin made his swift approach and mirrored my crouched position on the floor. He took one of my hands in his and held it against his chest. "I mean it this time. No matter how badly I want to smash in his face, I will leave him alone and keep my comments to myself when you're around."
"And when I'm not around?"
Edwin gently brushed his thumb over my wet cheek, his other hand still softly clasping my hand against him. "I don't want to make any promises I can't keep."
"Edwin!" I chided.
"Fine. I won't knock him out, but you can't stop me from speaking my mind. He needs to know that I'm not going to let him hurt you."
I narrowed my tear-filled eyes at him. "Cameron would never hurt me, but whatever."
Edwin stared at me through dangerously sexy eyes and pursed his perfectly pink lips. "Will you stay?"
I sighed, unable to resist his pouty lip. “I’ll stay. But you’d better stay true to your word this time."
He smirked. "I know, I know."
I appreciated that Cameron had given Edwin a chance to apologize, but I really needed him now. I slowly slipped my hand out of Edwin's, feeling responsible to honour my relationship with Cameron. I stood up next to the bed, checked my nose in the framed mirror on the wall and tossed the bloody towel into the garbage pail. I would survive, but I needed some moral support. Cameron's moral support.
I peered out the patio door and Cameron instantly saw me looking for him. He hopped out of the tub to come see me immediately.
"Tell me this," Edwin asked, while we were still alone. "Whose house were you going home to if you had left?"
His eyes pleaded with me, but I couldn't let him tug me back under his wing. Besides, I was too intoxicated to think clearly.
I raised a sarcastic brow and smirked. "I guess you’ll never know, now will you?”
He shook his head at me. "I'm just glad that you're smiling again. See? I can do that for you," he said, with a soft smirk. He always made me smile, even when I didn’t want to.
Cameron entered the room and wrapped a towel around his waist. Within seconds he was looping his arms around me, his intentions apologetic and clear. When his lips brushed across mine, I accepted the chaste smooch. But when Cameron let me go to readjust his towel, Edwin stepped in a
nd lifted my chin with his fist.
"We good now?" he asked, looking me right in the eye.
A breath caught in my throat. "Yup," I said, terrified to learn Cameron's reaction.
Edwin released my chin and glanced at Cameron, as if he owed him an explanation. "I was just explaining to Abby that, as her friend, I was just looking out for her and the last thing I want is for her to get hurt." Edwin flashed a careful smile, then winked at me the second Cameron looked away.
Satisfied that I understood, Edwin headed for the door, his wet trunks clinging to his massive legs. We both knew full well that he believed a man and woman could never be just friends. I pressed my lips together to stifle my smirk.
"I'll check you guys later," Edwin said, rounding the corner for the door.
"Wait for me," Maddie called. She handed me a glass of water and two Advil tablets and then hustled up behind Edwin.
He waited for her to catch up, then rubbed her round baby belly with admiration. "You two crashing with me tonight?" he asked her belly, smiling.
"Yup," Maddie answered, proudly. "You're sleeping with two ladies tonight." Her smile was radiant and her skin glowed.
"Hear that?" Edwin asked, raising his eyebrows dramatically at Hunter, as he and Aliah dried off at the patio doors. Edwin reached out his elbow and Maddie grabbed onto his large bicep.
Hunter tugged Aliah across the room and scowled at them. "It could be a boy, you know."
"How's your nose, girly?" Aliah asked me, as she passed.
"I'll live," I answered, rather unconvincingly.
Hunter gave Edwin a playful shove and focused on Maddie before he left. "You should get to sleep. Boy or girl, my baby needs its beauty rest."
They all shuffled off and the door closed definitively behind them. I sipped on my water and swished it around in my mouth. After swallowing the pills, I placed the glass on the nightstand. Cameron had me pinned with his eyes.
I smiled softly at him. "Hear that?"
I paused for a few seconds and absorbed the silence. "Absolutely nothing."
Cameron smiled, stepped closer to me, and pulled me into his arms. I rested my cheek against his smooth, naked chest, and when he tried to kiss me, I didn't fight it. As our lips connected, Cameron unsnapped my top and lifted it off of me. I heard the wet fabric drop to the floor, then my own gasp, when his hands slowly drew my bathing suit bottoms down.