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Expecting the Playboy's Baby

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “The taxi is downstairs waiting for you. Let me know how you get on,” Linda said.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” Jennifer said, staring at the closed door.

  “It’s a good idea because it is one of mine.”

  Jennifer walked down to the waiting taxi. She knew where Patrick lived and gave the driver directions for his house.

  She sat back thinking about his possession that night in the garden. He’d been so different from how he portrayed himself toward the world. Patrick was a different person. He acted up for the camera.

  Pushing all of her thoughts about him to the back of her mind, she enjoyed the ride to his place in silence. The sun was glaring down through the windows. She felt perspiration cover her skin even though she was wearing a light summer dress.

  The taxi pulled up outside his house. She paid the driver some money and climbed out. The gate towards the side was open, and she slipped through. The door to the house was ahead of her. Breathing in the fresh air, she pressed on the doorbell.

  Several minutes passed, and then Patrick opened the door. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. His chest was exposed for her to see. Licking her lips, she stared down the length of his body. Her heart jumped in her chest. They hadn’t gotten completely naked that night, but she’d seen enough of him to know she liked what she saw.

  “Jennifer,” he said.

  “Patrick. I know I didn’t call to warn you I was coming over. I don’t have your phone number, and I’ve got no way to contact you.” She was mumbling, and she couldn’t stop. “Linda told me we had to talk about everything. I remembered where you lived from the last time. Erm, if you don’t want to talk, I understand. I can come back another time or not.”

  Stop talking, Jennifer.

  He took a step toward her. She stayed frozen to her spot on his steps. One of his hands cupped her cheek as the other wrapped around her waist. Patrick pulled her in close. “It’s one of the nicest surprises I’ve had in my life.”

  She watched his head lowering. Jennifer licked her dry lips and knew his intent. His lips brushed hers. The touch was light to start with. His lips were hard against her. He moaned, and within moments her arms were wrapped around his neck and he was pulling her inside. She couldn’t stop herself. Her body heated under the onslaught of his kiss.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since you left me,” he said, nibbling her lips.

  Jennifer looked up at him. Her cheeks were heated, and her pussy was dripping wet. His lips were made of pure sin, she was sure of it.

  “You feel it, too.”

  “I feel it.” She pressed her body against him feeling the pull of attraction. The time apart had been too long.

  “Fuck it,” he said. Patrick pressed her against the wall. His hands roamed her body as he pressed a knee between her thighs. She moaned, and her fingers sank into the length of his dark black hair. His hands moved down to her thighs. She felt his fingers grazing up her leg. The summer dress was pulled up, and then his palm cupped her pussy.

  Jennifer cried out from his touch.

  “That’s it. Let me hear your screams,” he said.

  Her cries grew louder when he sucked on her neck. She felt her nipples tighten to hard buds. His free hand cupped her breasts in his palm.

  Biting down on her lips, she watched him tug the straps of her dress down her arms. When her breasts didn’t free fast enough, he tore the dress and yanked the material from her body.

  Jennifer didn’t have time to argue. Her body was begging for his touch. She wanted him desperately.


  Patrick couldn’t handle having her only in his thoughts. He needed something else from her. He needed to feel her warm, wet body against his own. He stared down at her gorgeous tits, and the sight awakened a hunger inside him. She was not model thin but round, curvy, and fucking sexy. He’d been with plenty of women with no curves. Their bodies were flesh and bone. He’d become addicted to a brown haired siren with flesh, curves, and a pussy so tight he thought he was going to die the moment he sank inside her.

  Pressing his palm against her panties, he felt her wet cum leaking into the fabric. Jennifer was not immune to him. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  Pushing her panties aside he plunged two fingers into her willing cunt.

  She moaned, thrusting down onto his fingers. Patrick finger-fucked her tight pussy, getting her ready to take his cock.

  Her fingers clawed at his trousers trying to pull them off.

  “Please, I need you,” she said.

  He pulled out of her cunt and removed his trousers. She went to her knees before him taking his thick shaft between her lips. He watched her suck him deep. Closing his eyes, he relished the feel of her sweet mouth on him. She was so beautiful and sexy. He opened his eyes as he wanted to see the passion on her face. The need he felt shone in her eyes.

  “That’s it, baby. Take me in your mouth. Suck it deep.” She cupped his balls in her palm, and her other hand worked the base of his shaft.

  When he could no longer stand her attention, he pulled on her hair until she rose to her feet. He lifted her against the wall. Her weight did not bother him. She leaned against the wall, and he stared up at her. Flicking his tongue over her nipple, he watched her eyes dilate with arousal.

  “Say you want me,” he said.

  “I want you.”

  “Tell me to fuck you.”

  “Fuck me, Patrick.”

  He pressed the head of his shaft against her entrance. Her eyes widened, and then a scream escaped her lips. Patrick seated himself to the hilt inside her body.

  Her pussy pulsed around his cock. Patrick felt her squeeze him tight. The feel of her tight cunt was like heaven to him.

  “Fuck, you feel amazing,” he said. He rested his head against her neck breathing in her glorious scent. Patrick felt her shuddering around him. Her orgasm wouldn’t take long.


  He stared up at her. Her gaze was dazed, and he saw the confusion in her eyes. She didn’t know what to make of their time.

  “This is us, Jennifer. No backing out,” he said.

  She nodded her head. Her hands wrapped around his neck. He pulled out of her tight heat and then plunged inside her to the hilt. Her breathy moans undid him. She was perfect, and he never wanted to let her go.

  Patrick pulled out of her cunt and watched his cock glisten in the sunlight shining through the hall. Slowly, he eased inside her again, drawing out the pleasure.

  Returning his gaze to her face he watched her glorious tits bounce with each slam of his hips against hers.

  “You’re mine, Jennifer. My woman, the mother of my child, and I’m never letting you go.” He didn’t understand why he felt this way. They barely knew each other, and yet he felt a deep connection to her. He felt possessed by her. There was no other woman out there that he wanted. Pushing those thoughts and doubts to the back of his mind he fucked Jennifer against the wall. He relished every ripple and moan coming from her exquisite body. Her curves felt perfect in his hands. Patrick slammed inside her. His thrusts increased as the start of his orgasm began.

  He plunged inside her and then moaned when he felt his release spill out of the tip of his cock.

  When he came down from his release he felt ashamed. Jennifer hadn’t reached her orgasm. Staying inside her, Patrick pressed his finger to her clit and stroked. Within moments she shuddered around his cock. Pressing his head to her neck, he sucked on the love bite he’d already given her.

  “I didn’t come here for sex,” she said.

  “This is the one area we agree on everything.” He kissed the tips of her breasts loving the sight of the blush covering her body.

  “We need to talk.”

  “All I want to hear you say is ‘yes, Patrick, I’ll marry you,” he said.

  “You didn’t even propose to me. My parents suggested marriage. Actually they demanded marriage between us. I’m not marrying you because of that.”r />
  “I asked you to marry me, Jennifer. You simply refused.” He pressed his head against her breasts allowing his mind to come back to him. His cock, now soft, was still inside her tight heat. Patrick should have known she’d be difficult. She was the only woman to not accommodate him.

  “Why are you being so difficult?” he asked.

  “Why aren’t you freaking out? You’re going to be a father with a woman you don’t even know.”

  He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Seriously, you don’t care?”

  “If you want me to demand a paternity test then fine, I’ll demand a damn test. I’m sorry for believing you’re not the type of woman to go sleeping around. Maybe I should treat you like a slut and put your name through the dirt. Is that what you want?” he asked. His anger got the better of him, and he lashed out.

  She slumped in his arms. “I’m sorry. I’m freaking out, and I can’t handle the fact you’re being so accepting and happy about it. I’m scared, Patrick. I know nothing about you.”

  “We talked, Jennifer. I’ve never been like that with another woman.”

  “What are we going to do?” she asked.

  He saw the tears glistening in her eyes, and underneath the tears he recognised the fear.

  “First, I’m taking you up to my bathroom and letting you have a shower. You’ll wear one of my shirts to keep you warm. Then, you’ll come down stairs, and I’ll make us some lunch. Then we’ll talk. We’ll talk about us and the baby. Everything on your mind, we’ll talk about it. Okay.” He cupped her face and kissed her lips. Patrick knew he’d do anything to see a smile on her lips.


  “Good. I’m not going to fuck this up, Jennifer. I won’t.” He kissed her again before easing out of her cunt. The moment he was free he wanted to be inside her once again.

  Chapter Five

  The water felt good over her heated skin. Her pussy was tender from his passion. Jennifer didn’t mind the slight ache. His passion had been a welcoming relief to revulsion. She hadn’t known how much he’d drunk that night in the garden. Patrick might have thought he’d slept with a woman far prettier and slenderer than she was.

  She grabbed a bottle of shampoo, poured some into her palm, and rubbed it into her hair. Washing away the worries made her feel a million times better. She’d be able to talk to him. Her attraction for him hadn’t diminished in pregnancy. Closing her eyes she pressed a hand to her stomach. There was no way for her to voice her feelings. She was happy, scared, and totally joyous at the thought of being a mother.

  Once the shower was done, she turned off the dial, grabbed a towel, and climbed out. When she was dry Jennifer moved through to the main bedroom.

  His sheets were still ruffled from a night’s sleep. She touched the sheets imagining him lying on the soft cotton. Did he sleep naked?

  “Stupid. This is never going to work,” she said.

  The shirt he’d promised was thrown on a chair. She put the shirt on before combing her hair. Glancing around the room, she made her way down the stairs. Jennifer found him in the kitchen slicing up tomatoes. She leaned against the doorframe taking in every part of him.

  His arms flexed with each slice. She loved his arms wrapped around her. Jennifer loved a lot of things about him. He looked up as if he’d sensed her gaze.

  Patrick stared down the length of her body. She felt conscious of her thick thighs, and she tugged the shirt down.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  Did he wish she was someone else?

  She couldn’t read anything from his expression.

  “Nothing. Take a seat. I’ll be finished with our lunch soon.” He pointed at the end of the counter. Without argument, she sat down and waited for him to finish.

  He placed a plate filled with chicken salad and bread in front of her. “I’m not an expert cook, but I can put a salad together in no time.”

  Patrick joined her with his own plate of food. She noted his plate was filled with more food than hers.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “How was your shower?”

  “Wonderful. It felt really nice.” She took a bite of chicken. “Thank you,” she said, adding the last for something to say.

  “Stop saying thank you. It’s unnecessary.”

  She felt his gaze on her, which only made her nervous.

  “Will you stop staring?” she asked.

  “Why? I like what I see. Are you hormonal or something? Is that why you have an attitude?”

  Jennifer glared at him and then stopped. “I don’t know. I’m freaking out.”


  “I’m pregnant, and I don’t really know you, at all. I’m scared, and my parents are forcing you into thinking you want to marry me. Not to mention what the whole world is going to think about you marrying me.”

  He stopped her tirade when he placed his hand over hers. “Stop talking.”

  She closed her mouth. Patrick took her hand within his. He placed a kiss to her knuckles and then stared at her for several minutes.

  “I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks, Jennifer. I care about what you think. How you’re feeling. The rest of the world can go to hell. No one will force me to do something I don’t want to do. Your parents are not forcing me to do anything. I want to marry you.”

  “Because of the baby,” she said. The first time a guy wanted to marry her, and it was because she was the one carrying the package.

  “No. I want to marry you because I like you. I’ve never been open with another woman before, Jennifer. You’re different, and you’re not like any other woman.”

  “Great, we’re marrying because we like each other.”

  He dropped her hand. “I think liking each other is a pretty good start. Could you even imagine being married to me and hating my guts?”

  She shook her head. Patrick was right.

  “We know nothing about each other,” she said, biting her lip. Her argument sounded pathetic.

  “Ask me any question you want. I’ll answer it.”

  She stared at him. Patrick picked up his fork and began eating.

  “Okay, I’ll start. How many guys have you slept with before me?” he asked.

  She paused with a piece of chicken perched in front of her lips.

  “You’re asking me that question?”

  He nodded. “Yep, how many guys have you slept with? I want to know who I’m up against.”

  Jennifer tried to stop the blush filling her cheeks.

  “Erm, can we talk about something else?” She moved her salad around the plate.

  “That many?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’ve had one guy. That’s all.”

  He stopped, and she felt his stare right down to her soul. She dropped her head and concentrated on her salad.

  “One guy? That’s it. One?” Patrick held up his index finger.

  “Don’t make a big thing out of it. Yes, one guy and then I found out he was only doing it to try to keep me out of the way so his friend could be with Linda. It was humiliating, and I never wanted to repeat that experience of being that. I’ve not slept or had sex with another man again until you. You broke my six year fast.” She might as well put it all out on the table. He should know who he was marrying.

  He took her hand. “I thought you’d have at least five or something.”

  “No. I’ve had two men, and that’s including you.” She pulled her hand away not wanting him to touch her.

  “You’re a passionate woman, Jennifer. You shouldn’t be afraid to show it.”

  She tucked her hair off her face and stared at him. “How many women have you slept with?” she asked.

  “Enough to know you don’t want the answer.”

  Shrugging her shoulders she went back to her food. “This tastes good.”

  “Can you cook?” he asked.

  “Yes. It is one of the few things I actually like to do.”

  “Where did you

  She smiled. “Cookery shows and books. Linda is my tester, and she thinks I’m pretty good. I haven’t killed her, obviously, and she’s never had food poisoning.”

  He chuckled. “I’d love for you to cook for me sometime.”

  “I imagine I’ll have plenty of occasions to cook.”

  His gaze drifted down to her stomach. She saw the arousal fill his eyes as he stared at her stomach. “Do you have any idea how turned on I am? I made you pregnant the first time we were together.”

  Her pulse leaped in her throat. “It’s a bit archaic, but I can see why you’d like that. You feel all manly.”

  “No, it’s like you were supposed to be the woman I was with.”

  “You’re talking funny, Patrick.”

  She watched him shake himself.

  “You’re right. I’m not making much sense.”


  His cock was thick with need. Didn’t she have any idea how sexy she looked in his shirt? Patrick wanted to bend her over the table and fuck her hard. Her body was to die for. He knew he could sink himself inside her warm heat and never want to leave.

  She’d taken over his world within a matter of moments.

  He thought about her answer to his question. She’d only been with one man. He didn’t like her being with anyone else but him. Whoever the jerk had been, he’d wipe her memory of him. He felt possessed with the need to prove to her he was worth her time. The baby she was carrying was a godsend to him. He wanted her and the baby.

  “The food is pretty good. The chicken is great.”

  “I had it left over from last night,” he said. “I hate wasting food.”

  She smiled. “I’m the same. I love trying to find new ways to cook with it.”

  If he’d said that to any of the other women he’d been with they would have wrinkled their nose. Half of the women he had dated survived on a celery stick. They never appreciated cooking.

  He leaned over the counter and took her hand.

  “I’m not going to make a run for it,” she said.

  “I know. I’d catch you before you made it out of the door.” He smiled at the blush that filled her cheeks. She looked so damn charming.


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