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Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1)

Page 5

by Jessica Gray

  Sadness clouded her eyes and his heart, and Fernando spoke up, “I can change, you know.”

  Gwen grabbed her coffee mug with two hands and leaned forward. “Can you?”

  Fernando nodded, never more serious in his life. “I can. For you.”

  A blush climbed up her neck and settled in her cheeks once again, but this time, she didn’t turn her head away. Her baby blues had turned dark, and he could see she meant every word. “Then change. Use your probation period wisely, and if you still feel the same way twelve months from now, we can revisit this subject.”

  “Twelve months? That’s an awfully long time.” He gulped down the hot coffee in the hope of being distracted from the ache in his chest by the physical pain.

  “Not to make the kind of changes you need.” She leaned back. “This is my last word on the subject, and as much as I hate it, I will report any further advances.”

  Fernando wished there was some argument he could make, but the seriousness in her eyes kept him from saying another word. At least he’d still be seeing Gwen every week and could work on changing her mind.

  Chapter 8

  Gwen needed to focus – on anything but her attraction to Fernando. If she could have willed it to go away, she’d done it already. But time and again her mind went back to his kiss. How it had reduced her world to the two of them, blocking out everything else, including her elevator phobia.

  Even now her skin tingled remembering the touch of his strong hands. This has to stop right now.

  “Fernando. Tell me what you like to do. If you could do anything, what would it be?”

  He thought for a minute and then answered her. “When my parents were still alive, I liked to construct things. I was always building something or other, driving my parents crazy with my habit of taking things apart and repurposing them.” He chuckled at the happy memories. “Sometimes, I’d put them back together in their original configuration, only taking them apart to see how they actually worked. I like knowing how things work.”

  “Why haven’t you put this skill to use?”

  His smile fell, and he added, “I have. In our gang, I was the one to fix broken stuff or to disable stuff that worked. I started out picking locks and got really good at it. I’m the best there is, and I haven’t met a lock I couldn’t open. Others noticed. One day, Sandro, the leader of one of the gangs, came up to me and asked me if I wanted to join them. Me, a fifteen-year old. Can you imagine my pride? I was elated, and of course I said yes.”

  His brows furrowed. “It was fun. Dangerous. Thrilling. Shots of adrenaline coursed through me when I did my first job for them. I’ll never forget that moment. Suddenly I was someone. The gang became my family. I got my share of the booty and for the first time since our parents died, my sister and I didn’t have to worry about paying the rent.”

  Gwen longed to touch his hand to encourage him, but she carefully clasped them around her mug. It was a good sign. If he trusted her enough to tell his story, maybe he really was able to change. A flicker of hope settled in her heart before she carefully controlled her voice and asked as professionally as she could muster, “And then?”

  “I got promoted.” He grinned at her. “Head of anti-security you might call it. We set out for bigger goals, and I studied security systems. Everything I could get my hands on. Plans. Models. Old devices some gang members had ‘found.’ It was my job to figure out the best way to bypass it.”

  Gwen laughed. “You really love that. Why don’t you use your skills for something positive?”

  “Easier said than done. I can’t well go to some shop and tell them, ‘hey, I can easily break your security system, wanna know how?’”

  “Believe me or not, but some people do exactly that,” she said in a steady voice. Now that their topic of discussion had changed, she stood on firm ground again. Work-related talk. Yes, she could handle that. No swooning involved.

  “Nah. Without a high school diploma, they won’t even employ me as a courier.”

  “You can still finish school. You told Mrs. Samuels–”

  “I know what I told her.” He shrugged. “And you also heard what she said. But things are the way they are. I’ll have to cope with what I’ve got. That’s life. So what about you? Any hobbies?”

  She frowned at his change of subject but allowed it for now.

  “The ocean. Anything to do with the ocean. Swimming. Snorkeling. Surfing. If it involves water, I love it. Water is my element. My best friend always teases me that I probably should’ve been born as a fish.”

  Fernando laughed. “A fish? One of those slippery, scaly creatures?”

  “Okay, maybe a dolphin, would that be better?”

  “Much better.”

  The new lightness in their conversation surprised her. When had they gone from talking about his dreadful past to joking about being a fish? “What about you, do you like the ocean?”

  He gave her a sheepish look before he admitted. “I’ve never been to the beach.”

  “What? You live in Los Angeles. How can you never have gone to the beach?” She tossed her empty coffee mug while gesturing at him.

  “There was never an opportunity for it.” He picked up the mug and placed it on top of his.

  “I need to take you to the beach one day soon,” she blurted out, covering her mouth with her hand when she realized what she’d just said.

  Fernando grinned. “See, you want me? You can’t resist my boyish charm.”

  “I should have clarified my offer. You have to finish your probation first. Then I’ll take you to the beach. There cannot be anything between us but friendship for now. It wouldn’t be good for either of us.”

  He nodded and held up two fingers. “I promise to stick to your rules. Scout’s honor.”

  Gwen laughed. “You were a Boy Scout?”

  “No. How about a hand shake instead?”

  She nodded, but the minute her palm connected with his warm flesh, her insides melted and she longed to throw herself into his arms. So he could reduce her universe to the two of them. To make her head spin with his kiss.

  Darn it! She needed to return to safe territory with him. To let go of his hand. Now. But her hand wouldn’t follow her orders; it was glued into his strong palm, unable to move. Yes, she’d say goodbye and leave the coffee shop. In a few moments. Not just yet.

  “Do you want me to get us refills? Or better yet, how about sodas? I’ve had enough coffee for the day.”

  Fernando looked surprised for a moment but then readily accepted. “Let me get the sodas.”

  Gwen handed him money, trying to rationalize her decision. She had no other appointments for the remainder of the day, and a soda couldn’t hurt. It would serve to get to know him better and help him find a job. It was purely work-related.

  Bullshit. You know why you’re here.

  “Want me to look over your resume while we’re sitting here?”

  See, it is work-related. She nearly pumped her fist in the air because she was so glad to have the excuse.

  “Sure.” He pulled it from the folder he’d been carrying around and handed it to her. “Knock yourself out.”

  “Your wish is my command.” She grinned at him and pulled a pen from her bag. While he trotted away to get their drinks, she read through the resume and jotted down her remarks. When he returned, she suggested he sit on the same side of the booth as her. “That way you can see the changes I’m suggesting.”

  “Okay,” he said, sliding into the booth and crowding her against the window. They began working on his resume and completely forgot the time. Gwen also tried her best to ignore the sexual tension between them, but that was hard with him beside her, just a few inches away. To his defense, it must be said that Fernando also tried his best to stay true to his word and keep his distance, but every accidental touch ratcheted up her pulse some notches.

  When they finished his resume, she glanced at her watch and realized several hours had gone by. “Wow, we’ve been
here all afternoon.”

  Fernando joked, “Time flies when you’re having fun.”

  She wrinkled her nose at his cliché but laughed at the sparkle in his dark eyes. “I need to head back to the office and finish up some paperwork for court tomorrow.”

  He slid from the booth, putting his revised resume into the folder. “I’ll walk you back.”

  “That’s really sweet, but I don’t need an escort. Besides, my car is parked at the other end of the block.”

  “On the street?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. In an underground parking garage. I’m always afraid I’ll get sideswiped if I park right along the street.”

  “Then I’ll walk you to your car.” He chuckled. “You of all people should know how dangerous L.A. can be. Especially in the center and in an underground parking lot no less. Don’t you watch the news?”

  “I don’t have to watch the news. Those cases land on my desk a few weeks later.” She stopped smiling when she saw the honest concern in his eyes, so she relented. “But since you offered, an escort back to my car would be appreciated.”

  She wasn’t afraid to walk back to her car by herself, but she liked being near him. Apart from the sizzling attraction, he made her feel safe. Protected even. They walked in silence and Gwen started to doubt if it had been a good idea to let him accompany her. What if he assaulted her in the garage? Surprisingly that thought didn’t frighten her in the least. On the contrary, hot shots pulsed through her core, wetting her panties as she imagined his “assault.”

  But it was wrong to have feelings for him. He was her client, for God’s sake. As soon as they’d reached her vehicle and the time to say goodbye had come, she faltered once again. “Thanks for the company. Can I take you somewhere?”

  He shook his head. “Nah. That’s not necessary.”

  Gwen thought it was. “Really. It’s no trouble. At least let me drive you out of the garage.” They’d walked down two levels of an older parking garage. One without an elevator.

  “If you insist.” He didn’t put up much fight and quickly slid into the passenger seat. Gwen put on her seat belt and had the alarming feeling of being trapped. Trapped inside this tiny space with Fernando. Images of their kiss in the elevator flared up, and she needed three attempts to start the engine.

  His presence filled the inside of her small car, his sexy masculine smell wafting through the air and clouding her thoughts. How on earth would she be able to drive the car while every cell in her body longed for his touch? Her lust-fogged brain recognized at the last moment that she was about to exit the second level via the entry lane, and she swerved sharply.

  Fernando said nothing, and she reminded herself to focus on the task at hand. Getting them out of the garage in one piece. But she couldn’t quite keep her eyes on the path in front of her. His strong hands captured her attention, and she imagined how they would feel on her bare skin. Demanding. A little rough. A volatile combination when mixed with her lust.

  She finally gained the exit without wrecking her car, and she paused in the entrance. When he turned towards her, she thought – hoped – he might kiss her. But despite the evident longing in his dark brown eyes, he quietly murmured. “Thanks for coming today.” He slipped from the vehicle, hurrying down the block without looking back.

  Disappointment settled in her stomach, and as she drove back to the office, a sense of loneliness hit her.

  This is going to be a very long year.

  Chapter 9

  Walking away from Gwen without acting on the impulse to kiss her had probably been the hardest thing Fernando had done in his life. He knew she’d wanted him to kiss her. Her eyes couldn’t betray her feelings for him. But he also knew she’d never forgive him if he didn’t stick to her rules.

  Stupid rules.

  He kicked a can along the sidewalk. Everything about Gwen was confusing. Her feelings. His feelings. The whole absurd situation. He didn’t fall for her kind. And especially not for a probation officer. He must have lost his mind.

  Fernando chuckled dryly. He’d not only lost his mind, but heart, soul, and body as well. Being with Gwen today had felt so good, so right. It wasn’t just the sexual attraction, there was much more to it.

  The advice she’d given him during their first meeting replayed in his mind. “You need to find your reason to change.”

  You are my reason, Gwen.

  He promised himself to try harder. No relapsing. He’d make the effort, and once his probation was over, there wouldn’t be anything to prevent him from wooing her. Even though twelve months was an awfully long time. Eleven months and three weeks, he corrected himself.

  About a block away from his place, he ran into two of his former gang members. Former in his mind, not theirs. One of the conditions of his probation was to stay away from his gang. He’d figured that would be easy, since most of them were in prison. He nodded a quick hello and tried to continue on his way. But they had other plans in mind.

  Tito lifted a hand. “Yo, Fernando, don’t run off. We’ve got something big planned. Real big.”

  “Guys, I’m not…”

  “Don’t bail on us,” Tito said, a warning glint in his eyes. “Everybody else is in prison, meaning you’re the only one with the skill to get past the security measures.”

  Fernando sighed. “What are you casing?”

  “A warehouse over on South Street,” Carlos responded. “Tito heard they’ll receive a new shipment of smartphones and tablets in the next two weeks. Easy money on the black market. We stand to make a killing on this one.” The two young men high fived each other and then looked expectantly at Fernando.

  He watched them, knowing that without him they didn’t stand a chance. For a moment, he was tempted to say yes. If the deal was as big as they said, it would be the last robbery he’d need to pull because they’d make enough money to last for a year or more. Enough for him to get on his feet. To prove himself to Gwen.

  But as quickly as the thought arrived, it disappeared. It would never stop. They’d always go for more. The image of Gwen’s sweet face appeared in his mind.

  You need to find your reason why. It will carry you through the hard times.

  Suddenly, it was easy to make the right choice. “Sorry, but I’m out. I’m on probation, and I’ll be up shit creek if I’m even caught talking to you.”

  “Come on, man. Just one more job and we’ll be all set. We won’t get caught. We’ve scoped out the place and their security is pitiful.”

  Fernando stood his ground. “Sorry, my answer is no.”

  Tito glowered at him. “You’re family. Family helps each other out.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I’m helping keep your ass out of prison.”

  “Don’t play all holier than thou with us,” Tito challenged him. “You’ve been part of this gang for more than ten years, remember? You’re the best picklock around. We need you, man.”

  “I know I screwed up in the past, but I’m trying to turn my life around. I can’t live like this anymore.”

  “What? You? An honest, upright citizen?” Carlos sneered.

  “Yeah. Like I said, I’m out. I’m not robbing that warehouse.”

  “But we will. This could be our last job ever. And then we might even join you in your quest to become honest,” Tito added.

  For a moment Fernando believed him. What did one more time matter? And then they’d leave him in peace. Maybe even turn over a new leaf as well. Hadn’t Tito said it himself? But one look into their eyes told him it was a lie. That would never happen.

  “Sorry, guys. I can’t do it.” He turned on his heel and walked away. But he hadn’t even taken two steps before someone grabbed his shoulder. Fernando clenched his fists, ready to fight.

  Carlos released him and stepped back to stare at Fernando for a moment. Then he smirked. “Who’s the chick?”

  “What?” Fernando asked, stupefied.

  “You know what I’m talking about. You’re becoming bo
urgeois. There must be a woman behind that change of mind. Who is she? Your probation officer?” He laughed, a harsh barking sound. “Haven’t you learned by now? They all try to change you. Get you over to their side. But man, it’s a trick.”

  Fernando shook his head. “No woman is trying to change me. I’m simply tired of playing roulette with my life. I want something different.”

  Gwen doesn’t play tricks. Or does she?

  “Tell you what, we’ll give you some time to reconsider our request. You’ll get tired of playing nice. You belong to us. You’ll never change.”

  He merely laughed and walked away, hearing them shouting after him. “Fernando, you’ll regret betraying the gang. No one does that and lives to tell.”

  He didn’t respond, didn’t even slow down his steps. Those two were no threat to him, and they knew it. But their words echoed in his head. Were Tito and Carlos right? Once a fuck up, always a fuck up?

  Chapter 10

  Gwen completed the paperwork she needed for tomorrow’s court hearing, but her thoughts continued to drift to Fernando. And their kiss.

  Their phenomenal kiss.

  It was like nothing she’d ever experienced, but as fantastic as it was, she wasn’t willing to risk her career for a man. Still, her conscience continued to plague her. It happened under extraordinary circumstances and wouldn’t be repeated. Only her elevator phobia had driven her into his arms. Yes, that was it. She just had to make sure never again to enter an elevator with him, and she would be safe. Safe? In his arms, she’d felt safe. Protected. Wanted.

  You’re just infatuated with him. He has a super hot body and a panty-melting smile. But it’s just his bad boy charms that have you swooning. All that will fade with time.

  And if it didn’t? Her stomach clenched at the prospect of seeing him every week for one long year without being able to act on their attraction. But according to the statistics, chances were high he’d fall right back into his criminal behavior and land in jail before his probationary period was up.


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