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Lover's Betrayal: Misfits of the Lore Series

Page 7

by Hopkins, J. E.

  “I’m so sorry for not helping you deal with this sooner. I hid from this truth rather than discussing it with you as you needed me to do. When did Daughton tell you all of this? I thought he had only told you the night you two fought, but now it’s clear you have known for quite some time.”

  Kaden released her, but remained at her side. “He told me when I was eighteen. We had gotten into one of our gazillion arguments about his other women. I hated the fact that he was with others when he was supposed to be devoted to you. He told me that you were a cold fish and that he had no choice to seek comfort from others when his wife refused to warm his bed. I called him a lying bastard. I told him that no one could love someone like him and he told me that no one could ever love me as well, especially you. Then he told me about the rape and how you agreed to marry him as a result of me. You were shamed into marriage because of me.”

  “That’s not true, Kaden.” Olivia did not want to explain the whole story to Kaden, as that would have meant a discussion about Lucian and she was not prepared to talk about her true mate. Neither Kaden nor Julian knew about Lucian and their unbreakable connection. “Why didn’t you come to me about this then? You waited so long. What finally pushed you to…”

  “To kill him? What pushed me to kill my own father? Years and years of wanting to kill the SOB finally were realized five years ago. That night, I was about to go out and I heard him telling one of his twisted friends that he was tired of playing games with you. After all these years, you still would not desire him. He said he wanted you that night and that he would have you one way or the other. I knew what that meant. I couldn’t save you before, but I could now. I waited to see what he would do. I followed him to your room and I heard him threaten you. I was afraid to go in there. He was my father and he was much stronger than I could ever be. I sat there shaking by your door as he taunted you. I don’t remember anything he said, but I remember the sound of that whip slicing into your flesh and the cry you screamed in response. Whatever fear I felt at that moment faded and it was replaced by a rage I had never imagined. My whole body was on fire and I just wanted to destroy everything. The door just flew off its hinges and I saw him there with the whip in his hand ready to unleash another blow as you were on the ground crying. The next thing I remember is your voice calming me telling me to come back to you. Then I saw his ashen body on the ground and I realized that I had finally killed the monster. We were all free.”

  “I had never seen anything like you. Your body was a complete blaze and you released your power on him. He burned and you passed out. I was afraid I had lost you, but then you awakened. My first instinct was to lie and tell you that I had killed him, but I knew you would know the truth and my lie would just hurt you. It was such a surreal moment. There was no sense of loss. I felt nothing but relief, and then I felt guilty that you were forced to kill him to protect me. No child should ever be put in that position.”

  “Don’t feel bad about it. I don’t. I’m glad he’s dead, and I’m glad I was the one to do it. My only regret is not doing it sooner so you wouldn’t have had to suffer for so long. You suffered because of me. The least I could do was rid you of him.”

  “It’s my job to protect you. I’m the parent. I’m grateful that you risked so much for me, but please don’t blame yourself for the mess I made of my own life. I could have and should have done things differently. Those mistakes are mine. Not yours, not Daughton’s. Please stop blaming yourself for things you could not control.”

  Despite Olivia’s words, she could still see the pain in Kaden’s eyes –a pain that had festered and grown throughout these years. A pain she could have prevented had she been stronger and braver. Yet her weakness led to Kaden’s misery and no words would ever heal the ache inside his heart. He may have despised his father, but no child should be put in a position to kill his own father to protect his mother. No matter how justified, this sin of patricide would always haunt Kaden.

  Olivia and Kaden sat there for another hour thinking about all they had revealed, and the impact it would have going forward. Night was rapidly approaching and they needed to begin the investigation to clear Kaden’s name.

  “There you guys are,” Corinne pouted as she approached the river. Both were startled by her sudden appearance.

  “Can’t you announce yourself before you pop in out of the blue?” Kaden admonished.

  “Don’t be a hater because you don’t have my special abilities.”

  “I see that you haven’t changed much. Still delusional about your talents, and you dress like a teenager.”

  “Clearly you have an allergy to style, which is why you’re wearing those heavy metal rocker leather pants that should have been burned when you bought them, ’80s punk boots, and your hair looks like an unkempt mess fitting for Woodstock. This is what happens when you don’t have your mommy or auntie around to remind you what decade it is and dress you accordingly.”

  “The ladies love my style,” Kaden mocked.

  “The ladies love the green in your wallet. Pay me enough and I might like your style as well.”

  “Ok, Britney Spears wannabe.”

  “Ok, Eddie.”

  “Eddie?” Kaden questioned. “Are you referring to Eddie Van Halen?” Trying to figure out the puzzle that was Corinne had always been a challenge.

  “Nope. I’m referring to Oedipus. Maybe I should call you Hammy, short for Hamlet.”

  Olivia was mortified. Kaden stood there for a moment pondering those words, and then he threw his head back and laughed harder than he had in years. Only Corinne could get away with a comment like that, especially after the conversation he just had with his mother. She was the only other person who knew the truth about his father’s death, and she rejoiced at the news of Daughton Gaspard’s long overdue demise.

  “Ah, I have missed your crazy ass.” Kaden walked over to Corinne and they embraced.

  “I’ve missed your rudeness. I don’t have anyone else to verbally spar with that can keep up with me. I wish you called more.”

  “You’re right. I have no excuse.”

  “You’re just a selfish ass, but that’s why we love you. Speaking of love, have you been loving the ladies and then strangling them to death in your spare time? Did you really kill Tinkerbelle? I know you don’t like emotional attachments, but you don’t have to kill them to get rid of them.”

  “I rely on the erasing their memory approach, as opposed to erasing their life.”

  “I suspected as much. You’re not that twisted yet.”

  “I have contemplated strangling you.”

  “I guess I’ll make sure we never have sex.”

  Kaden tried not to gag. “That’s just nasty for so many reasons. I do have some standards.”

  “Apparently, dead is your thing.”

  “If you’re done, we do have a crime to investigate,” Olivia reminded them. “You guys act like children with a very sick sense of humor. I don’t understand you two.”

  “He started it,” Corinne whined.

  “No, she started it,” Kaden whined in response.

  “Do I need to separate you? We have more pressing things to deal with at the moment. We need to get this investigation rolling. Let’s get a quick bite to eat and then the four of us can start.”

  “Mom, do you really think Julian tagging along is a good idea? He might plant evidence to frame me. He’s convinced of my guilt. I can’t really trust him to help free me.”

  “I hate to say it, but I actually agree with Eddy.”

  Olivia would not exclude Julian if he wanted to help. Working together might go a long way to improve their relationship, if they didn’t kill each other first. “We do this together as a family. We need as much help as we can get. The quicker we solve this, the better. Time is of the essence. We can’t afford to have the Council get involved.”

  “That’s true,” Corinne acknowledged. “Kaden would look even worse without a head.”

  Chapter 5

/>   “Time to find out if Kaden is the sex butcher or not.” Corinne strolled into the dining room where Kaden, Olivia, and Julian were finishing up dinner. Kaden looked curiously at his aunt, dressed in a short leather skirt that barely reached her mid thighs, her breasts nearly exploding out of the red leather tank, and on her feet were five-inch platform red Jimmy Choos. Her blonde locks were worn in a French twist highlighting her elegant neck.

  “None of the victims were prostitutes, so that outfit is really not going to help with the investigation,” Kaden chided. Olivia and Julian tried to stifle their laughter as Corinne glared at Kaden.

  “You’re a 1980s reject and you have the nerve to criticize my outfit? When you actually wear clothes from this century, then you can talk to me about my style.”

  “Well, at least the club I want to check out has a stripper pole, so you’ll fit right in. Just make sure you have a place to put all those dollar bills.”

  “Just make sure you make room for my foot when I stick it up your …”

  Before Corinne could respond, Olivia interrupted. “Cori, you look great, but it might be uncomfortable for you to get around in those heels.”

  Corinne calmed down as she addressed Olivia. “I’ll be fine. Besides, it will be easier for me to extract information from men dressed like this. Who could refuse this?” Cori asked as she spun around making sure they saw her entire outfit, which was not much.

  Olivia could not deny that Corinne had a good point. Men responded well to her and if they had information that could be of use, Corinne’s charms would certainly come in handy. Rather than belabor the discussion any more, Olivia nodded in agreement and silently encouraged Kaden to let it go.

  Kaden reluctantly agreed, but as the group left the dining room, Kaden could not help but make one more comment. “Just watch out for those beastly Lycans when you bend over in that barely there skirt.”

  Corinne purred, “As soon as I spot one of those sexy dogs I’m going to bend over and let him know just how flexible I really am.”

  Julian and Olivia blushed while Kaden laughed at his devilish aunt. As they headed toward the door, a startled Olivia nearly collapsed, but Julian caught her. He sat her on the chair in the foyer while Corinne and Kaden rushed to her side.

  Olivia was deathly pale and her eyes began to water. She fought to hold back the tears, but she could barely breathe as the presence grew stronger. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably as she tried to steady herself, but the pain her chest, like knives ripping through her chest, left her gasping for air.

  She could hear Julian and Kaden begging her to speak, but she could not find any words. Her heart was still racing and her breathing labored as she felt him getting closer. She looked at Corinne, who stood there silently. No words needed to be spoken. Corinne understood. She reached over and grabbed Olivia’s hand, feeding her friend her strength and courage. The ache in Olivia’s heart eased as she began to catch her breath.

  “What the hell’s going on?” Kaden demanded. His fear and frustration over his mother’s condition was evident as he stood by helplessly watching her fall to pieces. He had never seen her react this way.

  Olivia wanted to respond, but could not find the words to explain that the other half of her soul was so close to her that she could feel him with every fiber of her being. How could she explain to her sons that her true mate was here and that her marriage to their father was a farce from the beginning, as her heart and soul had already been given to another?

  Before she could muster any response, there was a loud knock at the door. Julian was too shocked by his mother’s reaction to move. He could see the fear and pain in her eyes. He knew the cause had something to do with that knock on the door.

  As the knocking grew louder, Julian awoke from his daze. Someone had breached his security, which meant he had to possess considerable power. His curiosity was piqued. He slowly walked over to the door and opened it. There stood two men, but Julian could focus only on the one with eyes as blue as the Mediterranean Sea. The aura of power surrounded him. He was only a few inches taller than Julian, but the strength emanating from him made him appear like a giant. To say he was intimidating was an understatement.

  The stranger was wearing a black Armani suit with a matching black silk shirt. His wealth was evident, as Julian noticed the flashy Breitling watch that had to cost at least thirty thousand.

  Julian could not help but notice that the stranger’s eyes possessed the same haunted look as his mother’s. He was pale and sweaty and he looked increasingly uncomfortable as they stood there in silence. Suddenly, the stranger pushed his way through the room, knocking Julian to the side as he stood in the foyer staring at Olivia. He clutched his heart as he looked at the woman who had crushed it so many years ago. The pain was still ever present, and even stronger as he stared at the cause of his greatest torment.

  They all stood there in silence watching Olivia and the stranger. Olivia knew she could not hide the yearning in her eyes as she stared at Lucian’s mesmerizing oceanic baby blues. Her heart’s rapid beating matched his as her body, her heart, her soul recognized the presence of her mate—the only man she could ever love, the only man who could make her feel alive.

  As the awkward silence continued, Lucian’s traveling companion took the initiative to end the uneasiness of this moment. His golden eyes focused on Corinne. “I am Lorenzo Albertis of the Lycae Clan, and this is Lucian Santoro of the Vampires. Lucian is the new leader of the Council that represents all creatures of the night and I serve as his right hand on the Council. We’re here to see the vampire Kaden Gaspard, son of Daughton and Olivia Gaspard.”

  It was like the Lycae’s eyes had the power to cast a spell on Corinne. For once, she could not speak. Kaden, undaunted by the presence of the Council, spoke up. “I’m the vamp you’re looking for. Now why don’t you tell me what you want with me?” Kaden snarled at the Lycae, showing his sharp white teeth that could easily rip through Lorenzo’s tanned skin. Lorenzo was unconcerned by that threat. As a Lycae, no one possessed sharper fangs or a greater ability to rip an opponent into shreds in mere seconds.

  Lorenzo waited for Lucian to respond, but the Council leader seemed entranced, as if he had no knowledge of anything else in this room other than the striking vampire with the dark hair and violet eyes. Lorenzo knew that it was not appropriate for him to handle his matter and gently shook Lucian to wake him from his trance.

  A startled Lucian looked at Lorenzo as he tried to get his bearings. “Lucian, this is the vampire Kaden Gaspard we came to see. He is waiting for you to explain to him our presence here.”

  Lucian took a deep breath, determined to hold himself together and look like the leader he had become. He had worked too hard to establish himself as the Council chair and would not allow Olivia to distract him from his job. His father’s early retirement allowed him to assume the role he had coveted since he was a child. This was his first major test as the new head of the Council, and it would prove to be his greatest test.

  He knew coming here would be the most difficult challenge he had faced since she left him years ago. He had hoped the pain would not be as harsh, but seeing her again reignited the agony of her loss. He would not allow himself to be weak in front of her. He would not allow her to see how much she destroyed him.

  He turned to Kaden, the focus of this trip. “Kaden Gaspard, you have been accused of violating Council law by murdering innocent humans and by the brutal slaying of a rare fey. Your continued disobedience of our laws cannot go unpunished. We are here to arrest you. Justice must be served.”

  Those words awoke Olivia from her daze as she jumped up and grabbed Lucian’s arm. The shock waves from the feel of his skin against the palm of her hand nearly knocked her to the ground. She staggered for a moment, and then released Lucian. She could see the touch affected him as well as he straightened to face her. His eyes had darkened with desire, but she could not be distracted by her heated response. As much as she relished th
e thought of his desire for her, she had to focus her attention on protecting Kaden.

  “You cannot arrest my son. He’s innocent. We were just going out to start our investigation to find the real killer.”

  “Our men have been investigating these killings, and all proof leads to Kaden. There’s enough evidence for his arrest.” The desire in his eyes was replaced by a coldness that matched the harshness of his tone. Although he knew Olivia would defend her son, watching her protect the child of the man she betrayed him with fueled the anger that he has never been able to suppress. “As far as the Council is concerned, there’s nothing further to investigate.”

  “Lucian, please. I know Kaden is innocent.” Olivia needed to talk to Lucian in private without the distraction of all these eyes watching their every move. “Can we please talk alone for a moment?”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Being alone with Olivia was the last thing Lucian wanted. She would weaken him. She was always his greatest weakness, which was why she broke him so easily when she walked away.

  “Please, Lucian. All I ask is for a few minutes of your time.”

  She could see the reluctance in Lucian’s eyes. No doubt he was as uncomfortable as she at the thought of being alone together, but she needed to reach him and that could happen only if they could talk freely.

  Lucian did not want his cowardice to show, but he could not be alone with Olivia. He had to find a way to avoid a moment alone with her—a moment where his desire for her would tempt him to give her anything she asked, just to feel her arms around him again.

  “I cannot trust that Kaden will not try to run, and he has plenty of help with Corinne and this other gentleman, who I believe is your other son Julian. If I leave, it’s three against one and I will not put Lorenzo in that position. ”

  “Good to know that after all these years you still don’t trust me, Lucy,” Corinne responded.


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