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Dirty Games

Page 11

by HelenKay Dimon

  The doorbell rang right as Rania was checking the small patio off the dining area. Her gaze shot to his. “Stay here.”

  He knew the drill. Both she and Karim had gone over the house safety rules with him about twenty times since he moved in. “I think you like bossing me around.”

  She didn’t answer as she walked toward the front of the villa. She had her gun out as she peeked out the slim window that ran along the side of the door. “It’s Justin.”

  Finn was pretty sure his brain stopped functioning because…“What?”

  “Should I tell him to leave?” She sounded pretty eager to do just that.

  Since she championed Justin when Finn first met her, the change struck him as odd. Maybe Justin’s charm had faltered around her, too. “Tempting.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  So tempting. “No, Rania. Let him in.”

  Finn wasn’t in the mood for another dismissive assessment of his life from Justin. Hoping to keep that to a minimum, he circled around the dining room table and held onto one of the chairs for support.

  Justin stepped inside and nodded to Rania. “Hey.”

  He wasn’t yelling or bitching. Finn knew then something was really wrong. “What happened?”

  Justin’s steps faltered on the way into the living area. After a quick stumble, he regained his balance and stopped on the other side of the dining room table, across from Finn. “Where?”

  Finn was already lost. “At camp.”

  “I’m not here about work.”

  Finn had no idea what to do with that information. He didn’t respond because, really, what the hell could he say? The littlest thing set Justin off, so Finn waited.

  Rania didn’t have that luxury. Her gaze traveled between the men before she put her gun away. “I’ll be outside.”

  He should call her back. Having her in the house would provide a barrier of sorts. But Finn knew Justin was here for a reason, so why bother trying to run from it. He wasn’t that kind of a runner anyway.

  Justin stared at the door Rania just closed. “Is she really going to stand outside?”

  Small talk. Finn had been to enough fundraisers and business events that he could handle this without trouble. “She and Karim are staying in the place next door. They’re stationed there and take turns keeping watch. They have outside surveillance and guards to handle the rest. That and my panic button.”

  Finn slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out the device. He had a matching one upstairs by the bed and another under the far-right sofa cushion.

  “Thorough,” Justin said.

  Finn’s patience expired. “Okay, I give up. Why are you here?”

  A harsh guttural sound echoed through the room. It took a second for Finn to figure out it was a laugh. Justin’s laugh.

  He wrapped his fingers around the chair in front of him. The tight grip turned his knuckles white. “I don’t know.”

  That might have been the first honest comment Justin made that didn’t piss Finn off. But that didn’t make it any easier to respond. “One of us should probably have an idea.”

  The chair squeaked under Justin’s hold but he didn’t let up. His gaze traveled around the room. “This place is pretty nice.”

  Finn didn’t wait for the next horrible sentence to come. “I’m not going to fight with you about money, Justin. If you’re looking for round two—”

  “I’m not used to people trying to protect me.”

  Justin avoided eye contact until he finished the sentence. When he did look at Finn, it was unblinking and intense, as if he were trying to say something more than the words he forced out. Those sexy eyes, the mix of colors, held Finn. Mesmerized him.

  Words stuttered in Finn’s chest but he didn’t shut down. This, whatever it was, seemed too important to let drop. “That can’t be true. You were in the army. Isn’t there that whole band of brothers thing?”

  “Yeah, well. For me that backfired a bit.”

  Finn thought about that file and the information Alec had collected on Justin. This part was spotty. So were the news reports. Finn knew, because he’d looked it up and didn’t find much. Lots of “top secret” talk but few details.

  “I guess you know about that, too,” Justin said.

  “Not really.” And that wasn’t a lie. Finn knew the general outline. He wanted Justin to fill in the details.

  “I thought I was doing the right thing but it cost me everything.”

  That sounded bigger than Finn had guessed. “Everything?”

  “Look, none of that matters, because I meant protecting me on a personal level.” Justin’s nails dug deeper into the top of the chair. “My mom took off before I was old enough to remember her. My dad drank what little money we had. I took care of myself. I’ve been doing it a long time without help.”

  Finn had no idea what to say to keep Justin talking. “Okay.”

  “That’s it.” Justin lifted his hands and stepped back from the table. Not far, but a step or two. Enough to put a bit more distance between them. “That’s the explanation.”

  Good enough. Sure, Finn could pepper him with questions and try to demand more, but he suspected Justin had shared more than his usual amount right there. Finn didn’t want to push. “You know what? I’m going to take it easy on you and accept that as an apology.”

  “Good, because that’s as close as I get.”

  Just as Finn thought. “I figured, but I’m confused why you came all the way over here to tell me this.”

  “Oliver says I probably acted like a dick. He wasn’t in the tent with us, so he’s guessing.”

  The more Finn heard about and dealt with Oliver, the more he liked the guy. He had a sort of buttoned-up starchy look to him, even when he wore jeans. Finn chalked it up to the perfect accent, because the assessment didn’t fit Oliver’s personality at all. “I’m pretty sure I told you that, too.”

  “Two against one and all that.”

  Finn couldn’t help but take pity on him, watching Justin stand there, looking less sure than usual. His eye contact bounced around the room. Finn started around the table. “Justin.”

  “We shouldn’t…” But Justin didn’t back up this time. He stood there, staring at Finn, his gaze touring up and down Finn’s body. “I made the comments about sex and now I’m here and you probably think…” Justin shook his head. “I should go before I fuck this up.”

  The stumbling and uncertainty were kind of adorable. Finn didn’t know Justin had either trait in him.

  But Finn didn’t want apologies or confusion, so he took over control of the visit. He closed the gap between them and rested his hand on Justin’s forearm. “You just got here.”

  “Oliver made it sound like calling wouldn’t be enough and that I shouldn’t wait until tomorrow.” Justin shook his head. “It’s probably some stupid British thing.”

  The babbling continued. It broke Finn’s control. Not that he had all that much when it came to Justin anyway.

  “I think it’s a human thing.” Finn ran his hand up and down Justin’s arm, enjoying the tremble that seemed to move through Justin at the soothing contact.

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  Finn trailed his hand up Justin’s body to cup his cheek. “What if I wanted you to stay?”

  “What the hell are we doing?” But there wasn’t any heat in Justin’s voice and his hand came up to cover Finn’s.

  Finn took that as a good sign and moved in closer until his mouth hovered over Justin’s. “I’m not sure.”

  He brushed his lips over Justin’s mouth, barely touching before moving his lips to Justin’s cheek. Then to that sensitive spot right behind Justin’s ear.

  “What is it about you?” Justin balanced his hands on Finn’s hips. “I don’t understand this hold.”
r />   “We’re attracted to each other.” That amounted to the ultimate understatement. What they did to each other, for each other, didn’t feel ordinary at all.

  Finn licked his way around the outer ridge of Justin’s ear and felt him shiver again. Heard the sharp intake of breath before Justin started talking.

  “Finn…damn.” Justin’s voice shook as if he were having trouble keeping it steady.

  Finn loved that. “We can deny and argue and piss all over each other…well, not literally. I’m not into that.”

  Justin let his head drop to the side. “Don’t make me laugh now.”

  “Then let me do something else for you.” Finn didn’t hesitate. He skimmed his mouth over Justin’s chin and down his throat. Sucked on the sexy spot of skin on the side of Justin’s neck and felt the vein thump underneath.

  “We’re good at the fighting.” Justin finished the sentence on a harsh gasp.


  “And other things.” Finn slowly undid the top two buttons of Justin’s shirt. “I’m willing to give us some time to keep testing, to figure out what’s happening here.”

  “Nothing should be.”

  Finn didn’t take offense. He understood Justin was fighting the battle and losing. His arguments didn’t convince or carry any heat.

  “You said that last time.” Finn touched his fingers to the top of Justin’s waistband to remind him how they could get right back to that place if he wanted. “You know, before you stripped my pants off and slipped your mouth over me.”

  “You are so fucking tempting.”

  “I have condoms upstairs.” That was Finn’s final play. Well, that and the touching.

  His mouth settled on the pronounced edge of Justin’s collarbone. His tongue dipped along Justin’s shoulder muscles, learning every line. It didn’t take long for Justin’s hands to slip into Finn’s hair. He held Finn’s head steady as the kissing continued.

  “Were you a Boy Scout or something?” Justin’s breath came out in harsh pants now. “You’re very prepared.”

  “I’m pretty sure they don’t hand out condoms in the scouts.” Finn barely knew what he was saying as he lifted his head. His mind was a blur of activity. Words and stray thoughts ran through, none of them taking hold.

  He slipped his fingers under Justin’s waistband. Just along the edge. Only enough to tempt, not satisfy. That last part would need to wait until they found the bed…or a sturdy wall.

  “It’s a lesson from Alec. Always carry condoms, just in case.”

  “You Drummond boys are practical.” Justin’s knees buckled.

  Much more of this and they’d have to crawl upstairs. Enough talk. They needed to go back to kissing. The thought ran through Finn’s mind. He was about to act on it when Justin leaned in and kissed him again. Knocked him out with the kind of kiss that destroys brain cells and strips the strength away from muscles. Finn tried to balance his body against the dining room table and then he heard the chair skid against the floor.

  This was both too much and not enough. Finn wanted them naked. “You have five seconds to make a decision before I bend you over this table.”

  Justin lifted his head. “We need a bed.”

  Finally, something they agreed on. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 11

  They stumbled up the stairs. Finn didn’t even know how they managed it without breaking their necks. Clothes flew here and shoes were kicked off there. They knocked against the walls as they kissed and stripped. By the time they hit the landing Finn wore only his pants and socks. His zipper was down with Justin’s hand lodged inside.

  “Which way?” Justin asked as he sucked on Finn’s lower lip.

  All Finn could manage was a grunt but he pulled their bodies in the direction of the bedroom. Off-balance and half falling, they crashed into the doorjamb before slipping into the room. Finn barely had a chance to lift his head before Justin plowed them down onto the middle of the double bed.

  The mattress bounced and a pillow fell to the floor. Finn didn’t care about any of it. He had his arms wrapped around Justin. Their chests rubbed against each other as he licked and kissed his way up Justin’s neck and back to his mouth.

  There was nothing gentle about this mating, or about the demanding kisses and labored breathing. Finn tried to stop for a second to get his bearings, but Justin did not slow down. His body slid over Finn’s, going lower and stripping his pants and briefs over his hips, to his knees, then off. Before Finn could inhale, Justin’s mouth was there, on his length, his tongue traveling around the tip then down. Getting Finn ready.

  Finn’s hips arched off the bed. “Fuck me.”

  “Not yet.”

  Justin’s deep voice vibrated against Finn’s skin. Every nerve ending fired and every cell was primed. A heat swamped him. He ached to feel the same explosion of sensations he’d experienced at the hotel.

  But he wanted to see one thing first. To watch Justin lose a bit of his rock-hard control.

  “Roll onto your back,” Finn whispered as soon as he found the strength to make a sound.

  “Really?” Justin lifted his head but didn’t move from his spot between Finn’s thighs. “You sure?”

  “Oh, we’ll come back to this part later.”

  Justin laughed then and the rich sound filled the room. He spent so much time being in charge and serious. Finn loved seeing Justin this way. In bed, just the two of them, the structured military side and organized leader fell away. He morphed into a man with needs and a steady focus to have them met.

  Finn was determined not to disappoint.

  Somehow Justin managed to turn over and shove his pants down at the same time. The guy could multitask better than anyone Finn had ever known.

  One of Justin’s eyebrows rose. “Is the plan to torture me by making me wait?”

  Finn thought about it. Bring him to the edge then soothe him, cool him down and prolong satisfaction. But he wanted them both wild with excitement and begging for mercy. Forget waiting and holding back.

  With a few tugs, Finn had Justin completely naked. He lay there, watching Finn through half-closed eyes. His chest rose and fell on harsh breaths and his legs kept moving, as if he were searching for a comfortable position. But Finn didn’t want him comfortable. Not at all.

  Which led to the first step of Finn’s fantasy. “Touch yourself.”

  A small smile played on Justin’s lips. “What?”

  “I want to watch you.”

  “So, I have to do all the work?” But Justin clearly didn’t hate the idea because his hand went to his cock. He stroked up and down in a lazy motion.

  Not good enough.

  “Pretend I’m not here.” Finn made sure to issue it as an order.

  “Wrong.” Justin started to turn, to reach for Finn, but Finn pulled back, just out of reach.

  He stretched out beside Justin with his head balanced on his hand and his elbow propped up on the bed. It was the perfect position, halfway down Justin’s body, to watch the show.

  “I want to see you.” Finn hooked his ankle around Justin’s and dragged his legs further apart. “Do it.”


  “I promise I’m going to lick you and fuck you, but not until you show me how you handle those long nights alone.” Finn bent down and skimmed his lips over Justin’s flat stomach. When he inhaled sharply, Finn did it a second time. “Your hand is going to feel so good.”

  “Yours will feel better.” But Justin increased the pressure. Tightened his fist and slid his hand up and down while a soft groan escaped his lips.

  “That’s going to happen. But not yet. I want this first.”

  Finn decided Justin needed a little push. When his hand slipped to the base of his cock, Finn leaned in and licked his tongue across Justin’s tip.

“Yes.” His hips lifted off the bed to meet Finn’s mouth and a growling sound traveled up his throat.

  But Finn wasn’t done. He wanted to see Justin’s eyes slide closed on the edge of ecstasy as the heat overtook him. He needed Justin’s participation for that.

  “After you come, I’m going to flip you over.” Finn ran his fingers up the inside of Justin’s bare thigh. “Push inside you.”

  “Do it now.”

  “No.” Finn used his best fake scolding voice. “You know what you need to do.”

  Justin’s eyes opened a little wider. His unblinking gaze never left Finn’s face as his hand quickened its pace. Up and down. Squeezing. Swirling his thumb over his tip.

  His hand jerked over his length until his hips bucked off the mattress. Finn watched, fascinated, as Justin’s breathing deepened, and he smiled when his head sank deeper into the pillow and his eyes drifted shut.

  So fucking sexy.

  “End it, Justin.” Finn wrapped his hand around Justin’s fingers and sped up the pace. “Get yourself off.”

  “Damn it, Finn.” But Justin’s voice barely registered above a whisper.

  His head had fallen all the way back and Finn leaned over to kiss his exposed neck. Ran his tongue over Justin’s Adam’s apple. “You are so close.”

  “This fuck better be worth it.”

  Only Justin could get grumpy about a hand job. Finn shouldn’t have been surprised. “It will be so good.”

  Justin made a grumbling sound and Finn took pity on him. He tightened his fingers around Justin’s, taking over the rhythm just as Justin’s arm began to shake. He pumped, stopping only long enough to reach over to the drawer in the stand beside the bed.

  He had the lube in his hand when he returned to face Justin. Balancing the tube, Finn touched Justin’s fingers again. Without breaking contact, Finn ripped the cap off with his teeth. Now he had to let go, but not for long. He slicked the lube over his finger as Justin continued to shift and moan on the mattress.


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