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Challenging A Rake (A Rake's Redemption Book 4)

Page 20

by G. L. Snodgrass

“I am sorry My Lord, Please pass my apologies to His Highness, Unfortunately, I will be unable to assist in this matter. I will be unavailable for the next several months.”

  “Why not?” the Prime Minister asked, obviously upset.

  “Because I am getting married,” Lord Warwick replied.

  “What?” Amanda demanded as her world shattered around her. How could he? So quickly. Who? Was she some Duke’s daughter, or a foreign princess perhaps? Who was the woman and how had she captured him?

  A fiery anger built inside of her. A fire that threatened to erupt right here in front of the Prime Minister.

  “Who?” she asked before he could answer her first question.

  Lord Warwick smiled weakly and raised an eyebrow. She held her breath as she waited for the word that would end any chance at happiness.

  “Yes, who?” The Prime Minister asked. “And I would remind you that, as an Earl, you need His Highness’s permission to marry. A boon I am not sure he will be willing to grant.”

  Amanda ignored the Prime Minister as she continued to stare at Warwick. Her world was destroyed. She had always known this would happen. But to find out here, at the moment of her triumph. He had ruined everything, in so many ways.

  He continued to hold her eyes with his as he answered the Prime Minister. “I am sure that His Highness will allow me this. After all, the woman has just helped the Empire by discovering a bevy of French spies. It would be sort of churlish to not allow her to marry a man who loves her so much.”

  Every nerve, every fiber of her being froze solid. Could it be? Was he? No, but who else?

  Her eyes searched his.

  He smiled widely and nodded, raising one eyebrow in question, obviously asking her.

  “Me?” she whispered, unable to speak correctly.

  He smiled, “Of course, Amanda,” he said, “You know perfectly well that I can’t go through this life without you at my side. It just wouldn’t be right.”

  Amanda stared back at him in disbelief, “This is how you ask me, here in front of the Prime Minister? The one place I can’t cry with happiness. The one place I can’t throw myself into your arms.”

  The Prime Minister laughed, waved his hands at them and said, “Oh, don’t worry about me.”

  The last word was no sooner out of the Prime Ministers mouth before she threw herself into her true love’s arms.

  “Yes,” she said as she kissed him. “Yes, a thousand times yes.”

  His strong arms snaked around her as he kissed her back. Then stopping for a moment, he looked into her eyes. “Just because you have me wrapped around your little finger. Do not think this puts you in charge.”

  She laughed at him as her heart bubbled over with happiness. Leaning down so that she could whisper in his ear, she said, “I am yours, in every way. I have always been and always will be.”

  He sighed heavily as he pulled her in tight.

  Yes, she thought. This was how her life was meant to be. With this man.


  The church bells stopped ringing. Amanda sighed, it was almost time.

  She stood next to the vicar and turned slightly so that she could find Olivia. Her friend held Arabella for her. Little Lady Arabella Warwick. The pride of her life.

  James, Bradford’s and Olivia’s son, dangled a ribbon in front of the baby, keeping her distracted. The two families spent so much time together, the boy had become very protective of the baby. As if he had taken on the responsibility as his. And at such a young age.

  Amanda’s heart melted with happiness at the knowledge that her daughter would grow up with such a friend in her life.

  The vicar coughed, breaking her daydream. A disturbance at the rear of her church made her shift her attention. There he was, her John, her Warwick. Molly on his arm, dressed in white, her eyes big, but a determined set to her lips.

  Molly glanced at her, a huge smile breaking across her face. The girl had been so thrilled when Amanda agreed to stand with her as she wedded Anderson.

  Amanda glanced at Anderson to see his reaction. The big man looked as if he had been hit by a charging bull. But the look of shock was almost instantly replaced with a look of pure love.

  Yes, she thought. Molly had chosen wisely. This man would love her. Just as her own husband loved herself. A woman could not ask for more.

  Unable to stop herself, she looked at Warwick, so strong, so handsome. Hers, she thought with amazement. This man was hers, to have and hold forever. How had such a miracle ever happened? Even after two years, she still felt a need for him. A rightness when she was in his arms.

  Without thinking, her hand came to rest on her stomach. She would tell him tonight she thought as she smiled to herself. Perhaps this time it would be a son. A future Earl of Warwick.

  Yes, she thought, it felt like a son.

  Smiling to herself, she fought to contain the sheer happiness inside of her. Life was as it should be. Life was as it was meant to be. Filled with family and friends and with the man she loved.

  The End

  Author’s Notes

  Thank you for reading ‘Challenging a Rake.’ The final book in the ‘A Rake’s Redemption’ series.

  I would love to know what you think of it. My readers make it possible for me to do what I love so I am always grateful and excited to hear from you. Please stop by my website or send me an Email at Feel free to sign up for my newsletter. I use my newsletter to announce new releases and give away free books. I also post on my Facebook page.

  As always, I would like to thank my friends for their assistance with this book. Sheryl Turner, Anya Monroe, Eryn Carpenter, and Kim Loraine. I couldn’t have done it without them.

  If you enjoyed ‘Challenging a Rake’ please tell a friend or two. And please help out by rating this book at Amazon, Bookbub, or Goodreads. Reviews from readers make a huge difference for a writer.

  I have also included the first two chapters to my book The Reluctant Duke, the first book in the ‘Love’s Pride’ series.

  Again, thank you.

  The Reluctant Duke


  Wet cobblestones echoed with the slap of her bare feet as the cold night air bit through her thin cotton nightgown. Turning and peering through the fog the young woman searched to see if she was followed. Her heart raced, beating so loud she was sure they would hear.

  Was that movement, had they found her already? With a stomach turned to stone, she fled. Where in this town would ever be safe? How truly alone she was flashed through her mind as she tried to think of someone to help.

  There was no one. No one powerful enough to stop him. London was lost to her.

  Chapter One

  Duty is like a double edged sword hanging over a man’s neck. It dictates everything.

  Major Thomas Marshal’s horse slowly walked up the long path towards his new home. It had been a long ride from London. His back ached, and his leg screamed in protest.

  “God, it’s worse than I thought,” he said to himself as he looked over the dark and imposing building.

  Dead flower beds and fallen tree limbs made the area look like a neglected step-child. Chipped bricks, a broken window on one of the upper floors, at least a dozen little things showed significant neglect.

  His stomach turned over with the thought of what lay before him.

  Brookshire! At least one Prime Minister and two pirates had been born here. Kings and Queens had dined at its table. This old palatial estate was known throughout the Kingdom and most of Europe as the home of the Duke of Bathurst. Center of a vast estate with properties throughout Britain and the continent.

  Squaring his shoulders, he sat tall in his saddle and waited. No one came out to greet him, no stable boy appeared to take his horse, and no footman in full livery scurried down the front steps.

  “What’s the meaning of this,” he wondered aloud as his stomach turned over with the first inkling
of worry. Sighing, he gingerly swung down from his horse and limped up the steps using his cane to rap against the heavy oaken door.

  He paused, he waited. Still no one arrived. Heaving a heavy sigh again and shaking his head he slowly opened the door and crossed the threshold.

  The house was huge. It always had been. Built in Elizabethan times with that typical Tudor thirst for function and efficiency. A memory of getting lost in the upper floors when he had been very young flashed through his mind. Of sliding down the banister when no one watched. There had been a few good things.

  Glass windows allowed enough light to examine his surroundings. Solid English oak greeted him wherever he looked. Brown, a lot of brown, just like he remembered it. Clean, but old. Well-worn and showing its age.

  Still no one came to greet him. The place was as empty as a mausoleum. The butler or footmen should be scurrying to take care of his needs. That tense feeling at the bottom of his belly didn’t go away. He could remember the house having dozens of staff, people to take care of every wish and whim of the old bastard.

  A slight movement down the far hall caught his attention. Leaning on his cane, Thomas limped across the hardwood entryway where he spotted the prettiest rump he’d seen in a long time. A maid on her hands and knees was scrubbing the floor. Her beautiful rear end draped in a gray maid’s uniform shifted back and forth as she scoured with a brush.

  “Freddy, if you tracked mud over my clean floor, I will butcher you alive,” the young maid said while she continued to push the brush back and forth across the floor.

  He looked back to ensure he hadn’t tracked in any mud. He was able to relax when he saw a dirt free path behind him. Standing there, Thomas admired the view.

  The young woman stopped scrubbing and looked over her shoulder then squealed.

  “I’m sorry sir,” she said rising and giving a quick curtsy. “Can I help you? His Grace is not at home,” she added.

  The Major examined the woman in front of him. Her face was flushed with exertion or embarrassment. Her hands were red and raw from the cold water and harsh lye. Even so, she was a very pretty little thing.

  A stray blond strand of hair fell from her cap. Her dress was wet to the knees, and her sleeves were pushed up to exposed two graceful arms. A pity she was totally and completely forbidden to him. A deep regret passed through him at the thought.

  “I am the new ‘His Grace,'” he answered.

  The look of pure shock and opened mouth surprise on the maid’s pretty face almost made him smile.

  “Please have the butler, housekeeper, and Cook join me in the study.”

  Years of training had created an expert at hiding emotions. The last thing he was going to do was show the servants what he was feeling. Instead, he turned and slowly walked to what used to be his Grandfather’s study.

  Thomas Marshall, His Grace, the Fourth Duke of Bathurst, Third Viscount of Readly, Baron Von Trolst of Saxony and former Major of Her majesty’s Coldstream Regiment of Foot sat at his Grandfather’s desk completely lost and unsure of himself. A rather strange and unusual feeling.

  His stomach rebelled at the thought of what he was about to take on. The soul-crushing responsibility and the complete abandonment of any chance at peace.

  Placing both hands palm down on the desk he looked out over the room. He was never supposed to be here. Not in this room, not in this chair. His eyes cataloged the contents of the room as he took in the moldy smells of leather, paper, and musty rugs. Sighing he relaxed his shoulders.

  “Duty,” he mumbled to himself while shaking his head.

  Six months ago he’d been lying in a field hospital with a French bullet in his leg. Nine years of fighting in Egypt, across the Peninsula, through France and into Belgium and he’s wounded on the last day of the last battle of the war.

  Laying there on the straw in that pest-ridden hospital, he’d thought that fighting with the doctors over whether to amputate or not had been the toughest thing he’d ever have to face. He now knew there were harder mountains to climb.

  A soft knock at the door and the pretty maid stepped in followed by what appeared to be a very young footman and an older, heavyset woman he remembered as the cook.

  “Yes?” he said, waiting patiently.

  “Excuse me, Your Grace,” said the pretty maid, her gaze shifting back and forth between her companions and then to him.

  His breath hitched, what eyes, he hadn’t realized how striking they were. The deepest blue, almost violet. They brought color and beauty to the world. What is this woman doing here as a maid? Her face, her figure, those eyes! She could command any price, demand any conditions and most men would bend to her wishes just to possess her. He was so nonplussed that he missed her first few words

  “… tell you earlier, the Butler, Mr. Evans and the housekeeper Mrs. Fischer left over three months ago,” She said looking down at her feet. Once she was done she quietly backed up to join the other two servants.

  He got up from the desk and limped towards them, resting his weight on the damn walking stick.

  “What do you mean, they left. Where’d they go?” he asked, dumbfounded. There had been no mention of this at the solicitor’s office yesterday.

  “They eloped, sir.”

  “What!” The Major turned Duke barked.

  “Yes sir,” The young maid said, cringing.

  “Well, they didn’t have to leave. I’m sure they could have continued, even as a married couple … Um, I assume that they eloped with each other that is.”

  “Yes sir, but I don’t think that’s why they left sir,” she said, raising her eyes to meet his.

  “You don’t, then why did they leave, and …” suddenly realizing something, “Where’s the rest of the staff,” he asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

  “They also left, in fact, the Butler Mr. Evans, told them too, sir.”

  “He did? Why?”

  He looked at the two other staff members trying to gauge the validity of what he was being told. Each of them nodded, confirming his worst fears. Clenching his jaw, he returned to concentrating on what she was saying. He had to fight with himself to not get lost in those eyes.

  “Mr. Evans told them that if they weren’t going to get paid, they didn’t have to stay and that they should look for other arrangements. In fact, he prepared letters of recommendations for each of the staff, sir.”

  She didn’t cringe at all, well not much. He’d been told that he could intimidate a bear. Seasoned sergeants had quaked at the thought of bringing him bad news. She wouldn’t have been the first to tremble. Instead, she’d looked him square in the face and told him his staff had deserted because they hadn’t been properly taken care of.

  The fact that he hadn’t known that he even had a staff was beside the point and did not solve the issue.

  He’d met with the solicitors and bankers in London immediately upon returning from France. They’d shown him the accounts. There was more money than Midas ever dreamed of. Granted, most of it was all tied up in court and land and what not. But there should have been more than enough to pay the staff. Obviously there wasn’t anyone here to oversee the minor detail of ensuring people got paid.

  A wave of guilt swept over him.

  Putting it aside to deal with later, he reminded himself that what he thought was important might not be viewed the same way in some London banker’s office.

  Running a hand through his hair, he studied the maid’s two companions. “Mrs. Morgan? Isn’t it?”

  “Yes Your Grace,” the cook replied with a small curtsy.

  “I remember your excellent raspberry tarts.”

  The large woman smiled and blushed obviously surprised that he would remember after all these years.

  “And you sir,” he addressed the young footman. “You must be the famous ‘Freddy” I’ve heard so much about.” This time, the pretty maid blushed slightly.

  “Yes Sir, Freddy Goodwin, sir,” he said as he bowed at the waist.

  “Well Goodwin, fix your top button and then take my horse to the stable and have …, do we have any stable hands?”

  “Yes sir, Old Jack, is still here,” he said, his fingers shaking as he fixed his top button.

  “Then have ‘Old Jack’ care for my horse, I’ll be out to check on him later.”

  “Right away Your Grace,” Freddy said, looking relieved to be able to escape.

  “And you are?” The new Duke asked the pretty maid

  “Gwen, Your Grace,” she answered, giving a quick curtsy.

  Was that a hesitant answer, he wondered, and that curtsy. He studied her closely, her intelligence was obvious, and she sounded educated. Not at all like a common downstairs maid.

  While he didn’t have a lot of experience with pretty maids, something wasn’t right. She didn’t shy away, but she wasn’t forthcoming with information either. Her ability to look him in the eye and hold his stare was unusual, but then everything around here was unusual.

  “Well Gwen, Mrs. Morgan, What’s been going on here?” He asked,

  The two women looked at each other; Mrs. Morgan said, “Sir, I have a meat pie that is due to come out of the oven, and I was hoping to start some raspberry tarts. I’m sure that Gwen here can answer all of your questions. She’s been taking care of everything since that bas… I am sorry, since Mr. Evans left.”

  “Of course Mrs. Morgan, you are dismissed,” he said.

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” the cook said, curtsied and gave Gwen a look of apology as she left.

  He focused on the maid again, God those eyes. He had to be very careful here. He knew next to nothing about being a Duke, but he did know that one did not dally with the help. Any man who did so was a cad and a scoundrel. A man without honor. One of those unwritten rules, and like the military, in society, unwritten rules were more strictly enforced than the written ones.

  Leaning on his cane, he returned to his Grandfather’s … no, it was now his desk.

  “Please have a seat Gwen, this may take a while.” Strange, he thought, one did not normally instruct a servant to sit down. Why did he feel uncomfortable sitting while she stood? It was a thought he did not wish to explore. When he reached his chair, he turned and saw that she hadn’t moved.


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