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His to Protect: A Bodyguard Bad Boys/Masters and Mercenaries Novella (Lexi Blake Crossover Collection Book 5)

Page 4

by Carly Phillips

  “I could eat.” In truth, she was starving, but she hadn’t said anything since lunch. She didn’t want to hold them up or be a problem when they had a timetable to stick to.

  He nodded. “Me, too. And we should stop someplace where we can get a room and a good night’s sleep. We’ll start fresh in the morning.”

  “A room? As in one?” she blurted, immediately wishing she’d stopped the words before they’d spilled out of her mouth, because really, she didn’t want to come off as a prude.

  “One room, two double beds. That’s as far as I’m willing to compromise and still be able to keep you safe.”

  She nodded, biting the inside of her cheek so she didn’t speak again and say something stupid. It was bad enough she’d been an awkward teenager around him, but she was an adult now, and she didn’t want him to see her as anything but a capable woman.

  A sexy woman he desired might be too much to hope for. She knew herself. She attracted brainy guys. Scientists. Not hot-as-sin bodyguards like Shane.

  Chapter Four

  Shane picked up fast food on the way to a cheap motel, wishing he could take Talia to a nicer place and at least get her a decent meal and higher-quality lodging. But they were better off holing up at an off-the-beaten-path dive where he could see the parking lot from his window and hear if anyone came up the walkway outside.

  She didn’t seem to mind, which he appreciated. They ate in their room. She curled her legs beneath her on one of the beds, ignoring the ugly plaid covering, and ate quickly, devouring her food.

  She was obviously hungrier than she’d let on, and he felt bad he hadn’t thought to offer an extra stop.

  “Next time you’re hungry, say something,” he instructed as he finished his burger, balled up the wrapper in his hand, and pitched it into the trash can across the room.

  She paused, french fry in hand. “You know what? I will. I hate being hungry.” She laughed and picked up the soda, taking a long sip.

  He studied her intently. She didn’t react the way he expected. To anything. She wasn’t frightened and fragile, she was dealing with the situation with humor, even joking about her predicament earlier. Nor was she a panicked mess of nerves, and he had to admit, maybe she was made of sterner stuff than he’d given her credit for.

  It bothered him, though, the way she spoke about relationships. A warm, giving woman like Talia shouldn’t close herself off from experiencing love because she was afraid of loss. Of course, he understood where she was coming from. A teenage girl losing her mother at such a crucial age, and her father a few years after that.

  He might have given up on having that in his life now, but he hadn’t ruled it out forever. When he was ready to slow down or take a desk job, he figured he’d be able to open himself up to trying again. But Talia deserved to have someone to come home to at night. To take care of her, to be there for her when she needed him.

  His chest ached at the thought.

  Before he could think on it further, she cleared her throat, capturing his attention. “I could use a shower and that good night’s sleep you mentioned.” She scooped up her garbage and rose from the bed. She threw all of it in the trash.

  He nodded. “I’ll wait until you’re out and then I’ll take a quick one, too.” He dug through his duffel and pulled out a stun gun. “Here. Keep this on the dresser. Just in case.”

  Her pretty brown eyes opened wide behind the frames. “What? No. I don’t even know how to use one.”

  “And that’s what lessons are for.”

  He stood beside her, breathing in her sweet scent as he walked her through the basics of use. He couldn’t stop the reaction to being so close, his dick hardening in his jeans. It didn’t help when she left to shower, leaving him pressing a hand against his cock to alleviate the discomfort caused by the vision of hot water running over her naked curves.

  His imagination went wild with thoughts of the drops sliding over her slick body, following them with his hands, catching them with his tongue as they trailed over her dusky nipples.

  He groaned, knowing it was going to be a long fucking night, sleeping in the same room and not being able to touch.

  * * * *

  Aware of Shane just a few feet outside the small, dingy bathroom, Talia showered and changed into a T-shirt to sleep in. She wasn’t a girly girl, didn’t dress up to climb into bed, and rarely had a man she needed to impress in the same room. It was too late to wish for something sexier to put on that showed off her curves, reminding herself she was on the run, not looking for sex with her hot companion. Although she had to admit, she wouldn’t turn him down this time.

  She drew a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom. Shane had taken off his shirt, revealing the muscular body with tanned skin she’d seen so much of earlier that morning. Had it only been less than twelve hours ago that this crazy journey had begun, bringing Shane back into her life?

  She swallowed hard. “Bathroom’s all yours,” she said, glancing away from his spectacular body.

  “I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “Take your time.”

  He strode into the bathroom and shut the door, turning on the water, which she already knew was tepid and weak. But that didn’t stop her from envisioning him naked, as he’d been in the outdoor shower.

  He’d wash himself, only this time, maybe he’d be thinking of her in the next room. And if his thoughts were going the way of hers, he’d be hard and in need of relief. He’d grip his cock in one hand and pump himself with a meaningful stroke.

  She moaned out loud at the sensual notion. She shook her head and grabbed a hairbrush from the bag, pulling the bristles through her thick hair, the pain from the tugging helping her to forget the arousal ever present around Shane.

  Without warning, a loud bang sounded and the entry door came crashing open. She screamed and dove to the far side of the bed as a big intruder loomed large, scanning the room. A glance and he found her, crouching low beside the furniture.

  She didn’t recognize the man who stalked toward her.

  “Just give me what I want,” he said in a too-reasonable tone.

  He wanted the formula she’d put her sweat and tears into. “No way.”

  He reached for her at the same time she lurched backward to get away from him, her back hitting the nightstand hard.

  She was trapped with nowhere to escape.

  “Formula, bitch. Where is it?”

  She shook her head in refusal.

  He put his hands around her throat and squeezed, cutting off her airflow. Pain shot through her and spots appeared in front of her eyes.

  “Feeling more cooperative now?” He eased the pressure off, hoping for an answer.

  She coughed and remained silent, glaring at him defiantly. She wasn’t about to give up her life’s work. He squeezed his big hands tighter. Her head spun until she began to crumple against the dresser.

  Suddenly he released her and she gasped for air, drawing a big, gulping breath, as she realized Shane had thrown the man off her, slamming him into the wall across from her.

  Unfortunately he came up swinging.

  The room still spun, but Talia pushed herself to her feet, catching sight of the Taser. She grabbed the gun. Shane swung at the man, the blow hitting his jaw, and he went down. Before he could shake it off and rise again, Talia aimed at the intruder and fired.

  He jerked hard, his body in spasms, giving Shane time to rise over him and place a foot on his chest, ignoring his twitching form.

  He glanced at Talia. “Grab my bag. There are zip ties at the bottom.”

  She pulled out the restraints, and in no time Shane had tied up the man, leaving him in flex-cuffs, writhing on the floor.

  “Are you okay?” she asked Shane at the same time he asked her the same.

  He came up beside her, fixing her glasses, putting them more securely in place before running his big hands gently along her sore neck. He rubbed his thumbs over her skin, causing her to shiver. His e
yes were glazed with a combination of concern and anger, but his touch was so very gentle.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. She was trembling, but since this ordeal had started, she’d learned quickly to adapt.

  He’d shown up in time, she thought, and she exhaled a long, relieved breath.

  He glanced at her, scowling as if he didn’t quite believe her. Her scratchy voice might not sound great, but she’d live. And that’s what mattered.

  “How the hell did he find us?” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “We must have had a tail I missed. Grab your things…” He hesitated. “No. Get dressed but leave everything you can behind. We can stop for new clothes and shit when we put miles behind us. Let’s get out of here before someone comes looking for him.”

  “What about the bag with the formula?” she asked quietly.

  “We’ll put the items in my duffel. Leave the satchel itself here.”

  In no time, they were back on the road, her heart pounding hard in her chest.

  Shane didn’t show what he was feeling. He had nerves of steel as he focused on the road ahead… and behind them.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We’ll drive toward Portland till morning. Then I’ll call Ian, check in, and ditch the car at a used car lot. I also want to scan you one more time. Maybe I missed something.”

  His gaze alternated between the front and rearview mirror, his aggravation at being found evident.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know how they tracked me.” She curled into herself on the passenger seat.

  “It’s not your fault. As a matter of fact, you’re pretty impressive under pressure.” He turned toward her and smiled. “You stepped up and tased the bastard. Are you sure your neck is okay?”

  “It hurts, but yeah. I’m good.” She appreciated his concern.

  She was glad he saw her strength, too.

  * * * *

  While Talia dozed beside him in the passenger seat, Shane drove north, his head full of recriminations over the fact that they’d been discovered, wondering what he’d missed. He glanced over, also marveling at the fact that Talia had stepped up.

  She hadn’t shrunk in the face of danger, she hadn’t panicked, she’d done what she needed to do and helped save his ass in the process. Yeah, he’d have taken the guy, but she’d made it a hell of a lot easier on him.

  He grinned, listening to the soft little noises she made while sleeping, her eyeglasses on her lap. A glance at the clock told him he could call the office, so he pulled a burner from the bag on the floor at Talia’s feet.

  Ian answered on the first ring. “Talk to me.”

  “We were made at the motel. Damned if I know how. I’m going to switch wheels and stop somewhere we can scan everything again. Not that I imagine we missed much. Fucking big pharmaceutical conspiracy. They could have tagged her anywhere.”

  “Agreed. My sources at the Dallas PD tell me Talia’s assistant was found bound and gagged in a closet in the lab. Guy’s petrified but otherwise fine. I don’t think he’s involved in any way. Unfortunately the security guard out front was taken out.”


  “Confirmed,” Ian said.

  Talia popped up at his use of the word. He placed a calming hand on her thigh, and a jolt of immediate awareness hit him hard.

  Her gaze met his, and she drew her tongue over her lips.

  “Stay safe and keep in touch,” Ian said, disconnecting the call.

  “Who’s dead?” Talia immediately asked.

  He drew a deep breath, knowing there was no way to sugarcoat the truth. “The security guard from your lab. Your assistant was found tied up but unharmed.”

  If Shane had to guess, there’d been a confrontation with the guard. Her assistant had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Talia and her work were clearly the targets.

  She flinched at the news. “That’s awful.” Her voice cracked and he didn’t remove his hand from her leg.

  “Talia, don’t blame yourself.” He knew the tendency would be there. “They’d want the formula no matter who created it. Greed is the root of all evil, remember.”

  “Yeah. It’s just… I knew him. He was a nice man. He had a wife, kids. Suddenly it’s just so real.”

  He turned his hand over and covered hers.

  “Thanks for understanding,” she said softly. “And caring.”

  He did care. More than he wanted to admit.

  Chapter Five

  Shane ditched the car, bought a used sedan, and stopped at a Target so Talia could replace the clothing and items she’d left behind. He didn’t have a sister, wasn’t used to shopping with women, except for the few times Amy had guilted him into coming along to the mall. Not fun.

  Still, he wanted Talia to get the things she needed, so he gritted his teeth and walked into the large store, bracing himself for a long haul despite the fact that they were in a rush. To his surprise, she breezed through the aisles, picking up leggings, a pair of jeans, T-shirts, bras, and underwear, all without missing a beat or trying anything on. The toiletry trip went equally fast.

  “This was much easier than I expected,” he said as they reached the line for the cash register. He’d kept an eye out for trouble, but so far it was quiet.

  She shrugged. “I have no time to shop, so I usually buy things online. I know my size. It was easy. Why so cynical?” she asked.

  He squirmed under her perceptive gaze as they stepped closer to the register. “My ex-wife liked to go shopping and drag me along. Her idea of husband-and-wife bonding.”

  “I take it it wasn’t your idea of a good time?”

  “No.” He recalled how she’d dawdled, browsing and taking her time over each purchase, oblivious to his frustration, while he’d been antsy to get home to take care of things around the house on his rare day off. She’d wanted him nearby. He’d wanted downtime alone. “We were different on so many levels.”

  “How’d you get together?” she asked, placing the clothes from the cart onto the conveyor belt.

  “My partner’s wife introduced us. We were attracted to each other. I was ready to settle down, or so I thought.” He shrugged. “We didn’t take the time we needed to really get to know each other.”

  The cashier began scanning the price tags, and they turned their attention to paying. But the words lingered in Shane’s mind, because once again, he’d tried to paint Talia with Amy’s personality…and was proven wrong again. It was a minor thing, but opened his eyes even more to how much he liked and admired his little brainiac.

  After they’d paid, she changed in the rest room while he kept watch outside.

  She opened the unisex bathroom door and poked her head outside. “All set. Everything I was wearing is in the trash.”

  He nodded. “Okay. Before we go, let me come in and scan you one more time.” He raised the duffel he hadn’t let out of his sight that held not just his necessities but the formula, as well.

  She stepped back to let him in, and he slid past her, breathing in the sweet-smelling scent of her shampoo as he entered the tight space and she closed and locked the door behind him. Just a whiff of her essence had him hard.

  He frowned, placing his bag on the ledge of the sink and pulling out the scanner Hutch had given him. He needed to focus on this. Keeping her safe. Not the differences between her and his ex or the way she got to him on a visceral level that had him thinking about sinking into her warm body at very inopportune times.


  She spread her legs wide, arms following suit. “I’ve assumed the position,” she said on a laugh.

  He chuckled and knelt down, managing an objective scan of her body, even though his eyes catalogued her full breasts beneath the thin T-shirt she wore and the tight leggings that hugged her ass and hips.

  Her breath caught on an audible hitch. One that went straight to his cock.

  “You’re clear,” he said, forcing himself to rise to his feet. As much as
he was relieved, he was still uneasy. “We need to keep moving.”

  “I know,” she said in a hoarse, too-sexy voice. Her gaze met his, distinct awareness in the clouded depths.

  “So my plan is to get on the road and away from here, then pull over so I can catch some sleep.”

  She nodded. “Do you want me to drive?” she offered.

  He shook his head. “I’m fine, but thanks.”

  They gathered their things and hit the road once more.

  * * * *

  A short while later, Shane pulled over at yet another motel, where they checked in and he settled in for a much-needed nap.

  Talia was smart enough not to say a word when the motel had no double-double rooms, only one with a king-size bed. She wasn’t focused on anything except getting Shane some shut-eye. And though she might have told him she’d sleep, too, she lay awake, keeping an ear and an eye out for trouble.

  He’d been so steady throughout the ordeal, for her, it was the least she could do. She placed her glasses on the nightstand, turned on her side, and watched him sleep, his handsome face relaxing at last.

  But he never fell into truly deep breathing. He was on alert even when he was supposed to be resting and rejuvenating.

  She relaxed herself, but she didn’t truly fall asleep, either, when after only a couple of hours, Shane came alert in an instant, eyes opened wide, and turned to face her.

  “You’re up,” he said, sounding surprised.

  She smiled. “Someone had to protect you while you slept,” she said, gesturing to her friend, the Taser she’d put on the night table.

  “Tough and smart,” he said, his blue eyes twinkling.

  She grinned. “And so far so good because nobody’s found us.”

  “So either we dropped the tail or we got rid of whatever they were using to track you.”

  She sighed. “Or we got lucky for now and we shouldn’t jinx it.”

  “I don’t believe in luck.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at his serious tone. “I like that you’re careful.”


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