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The Decent Proposal (Trust In Me)

Page 2

by LB Shaw

  “Oh dear God. I’ll talk to you later,” Ana mumbled. “If I’m still alive.”


  Ana was home from her shift at work by 4:00 Saturday, deliriously happy that her weekend could finally begin. Not only that, but she had a date for the first time in almost three months. Okay, a blind date, but it was a date nonetheless. Maybe she was allowing herself to get a little too worked up over this guy. What did she really think was going to happen? She stripped out of her work clothes, turned her window air conditioning unit on high, and snuggled deeply under the covers to rest, reflecting on her situation.

  Ana spent her childhood growing up in foster homes. She beat the odds against her by staying out of trouble, taking a vow that she was going to make something of herself and, if nothing else, just be a normal person in a normal relationship with a normal guy. Unfortunately, all of the foster homes she had managed to survive left her with a very unclear and dismal understanding of what a normal relationship looked like.

  Despite having survived a rough and unpredictable childhood, she knew that she wanted to get married someday and have children of her own, but establishing a career and being independent was her first priority. However, it was no surprise the sugar daddy fantasy had crossed her mind more than once. She had no family to fall back on if she got into a financial bind. But what about her vow to have a fulfilling career so that she wouldn’t have to depend on a man for anything? Having a sugar daddy was the complete opposite of the independent life she so desperately craved.

  To top things off, her busy schedule left her with so little extra time, yet simultaneously created this huge void in her life. It was, ironically enough, because of work and school commitments that she couldn’t find a man to fill that void. And having an on-campus job made it that much harder. She worked at the school bookstore with mostly female co-workers, and the few guys that did work there were not anywhere near her type. She had always preferred older men, anyway. Ana drifted off to sleep, thinking about the father figure that had always been missing from her life.

  * * * * *

  A little before six o’clock, Ana was ready to go but feeling a little nervous, so she decided to pour a small glass of wine. She turned on the radio and heard “First Time” by Lifehouse blaring through the speakers. Singing along to the lyrics, she couldn’t help but think of all the possibilities that lie ahead. Could this be their song? Just as the music was ending, she heard a car pull into the driveway. When she looked out the window to make sure it wasn’t one of the neighbors, what she saw took her breath away—a beautiful, white stretch limo.

  “Holy shit,” Ana muttered under her breath. She suddenly felt intimidated and definitely out of his league. Jesus, this is just great. Maybe I should ask him if he wants to go for a spin in my Pinto before we take off. Ana cleared her voice. “Beautiful leather interior, fully reclining seats, fresh smell of gasoline… envelop yourself in my four cylinder luxury with a smooth, manual shift that makes any drive seem like an endless vacation—”

  Her speech was interrupted by a quick knock followed by Beth’s sudden entrance.

  “Bathroom!” she barked, breezing past Ana. Rich and his guest followed right behind her, pausing at the doorway.

  Ana smiled nervously at the two and said, “We’re a full-service station.” Her eyes were immediately drawn back to her mystery date. Ana drew in a deep breath. She was stunned at how gorgeous he was. Standing about six feet tall, he had a medium build with short, dark hair and stunning, soulful green eyes—eyes that could easily take hold of her and possess her if she wasn’t careful. Oops… too late. His hair was dusted with a hint of gray. Not much, but enough to say I’ve been places and done things.

  “You look nice, Ana,” Rich said.

  Her mystery man smiled. “Yes you do. I’m Rob, pleasure to meet you.”

  “You too. Come on in. Can I get anyone a drink?”

  “No thanks. We had some beer at Rich’s,” Rob replied. “There’s plenty in the limo if you want some.”

  “Alright. Let me just grab my purse and we can take off.” Ana pulled her bag from the chair, and once Beth came out of the bathroom, they followed the men outside.

  “So Rob,” Ana said. “Do you always drive this thing around, or is your Jaguar in the shop?” Ana immediately regretted the question. She always acted like a dork around men she felt were too good for her. Maybe she should just keep her mouth shut the rest of the night.

  Rob smiled. “No, it’s the company limo. I’m just borrowing it. We do these banquets pretty often, and normally I just drive myself, but I wanted to have a little fun tonight.” Rob opened the door and everyone crawled inside. There was a hot tub nestled in the back, and she wondered what kind of company would own a limousine with a hot tub. Awkward, but potentially useful. I’ll take it!

  On the way to the banquet, they all made small talk. On several occasions, she noticed Rob steal some glances at her bulging cleavage, but he put a little too much distance between them in the seat. Giving no other indication as to whether or not he found her as attractive as she did him, he remained as mysterious in person as he had been in her mind over the past few days.

  The banquet was nice, filled with great food, free drinks, and live music. When the band started playing the country song, “When You Say Nothing at All,” Rob asked Ana if she wanted to dance. She was feeling very relaxed from the wine and the company of good friends, and falling into his arms came easily once they hit the dance floor.

  “So,” Rob said. “Rich mentioned that you were in school.”

  “Yep, UCLA,” she responded, relieved that at least he knew how to make conversation. “What about you?” Rob stared blankly at Ana, and she quickly added, “I mean, where did you go to school?” Dork patrol, stat!

  “UC Berkeley,” Rob replied. “It was hard making the decision to go. Most of my friends were headed to schools in Arizona, which is where I’m from. But I really liked their business program.”

  “You studied business? That’s my major.” Ana grinned. At least they had something in common.

  “No kidding? Ah, a woman after my own heart,” he said, smiling.

  “Yeah? Well don’t get too excited. I really wanted to go to art school but my rational side got the better of me. So now I just spend my down time painting.”

  Rob nodded quickly. “Wise choice. But there’s nothing wrong with following your heart, either. I have a cousin who owns an art gallery in downtown San Diego. She’s definitely not rich, but she does quite well, and she gets to be involved with a lot of fundraisers and benefits. They really do a lot of good for the community there.”

  “It’s nice to hear stories about successful artists. Maybe someday I’ll be able to use my business management skills to do something similar.” Ana laughed nervously. “So what do you do when you’re not working?”

  “Good question,” Rob grumbled. “I’m still figuring that out. I just got out of a long-term relationship, so that’s taken a little time to adjust to. But we used to do a lot of traveling, especially back to Arizona. I love to hike, and they have some awesome trails in the Camelback Mountain area.”

  “Mm, that sounds nice. I’ve always wanted to travel,” Ana stated dreamily. “Just never had the chance.”

  “Maybe you’ll get that chance someday.”

  Ana looked up at Rob and his green eyes blazed right through her. She felt a stirring in her stomach, a telltale sign that she was getting aroused. Disappointed when the slow music segued into a loud pop song, she headed back to their seats while Rob made a beeline for the dessert tray across the room. At their table, Beth and Rich were engrossed in conversation with another couple.

  “How are things going?” Beth whispered as Ana sat down. “You two seem to be hitting it off.”

  From her lap, Ana gave her two-thumbs up. “I don’t know if Rich had intentions of setting us up, but I’d really like to see him again.”

  Rob returned to the table and stood next to A
na. “Cheesecake or chocolate meringue pie?”

  “You’re my hero! How did you know chocolate meringue was my favorite dessert? Are you reading my diary?”

  “I hope your diary is filled with more than what you like to eat.” Rob laughed then quickly introduced Ana to the couple seated across from them.

  “Ana, this is Jack and his wife, Caroline. He works at our satellite office with Rich.”

  “Nice to meet you both. Sorry you have to put up with Rich all day,” Ana joked.

  “Well, somebody has to do it. Might as well be a sharp-minded individual who knows how to keep him in line,” Jack replied.

  “Hah! More like I have to put up with him,” Rich argued. “Of course when the boss lady’s around, you won’t even see him. He’s in his office, feverishly cranking out the latest assignment. It’s quite nice, actually.”

  “With all the rumors here lately, we should all be doing a little extra. Believe me, it’s not just for Stephanie’s benefit,” Jack added.

  Rob began shifting uncomfortably in his seat, and Rich quickly put an end to the conversation. “Hey, let’s not talk about it. That’s all it is, a bunch of rumors. Besides, I’m sure the ladies don’t want to hear us go on about work all night.” Rich stood up, extending a hand to Beth and pulling her to the dance floor. That was strange. As long as she had known him, Rich had never showed an interest in dancing. Beth even complained about it on more than one occasion. This so-called rumor must be a sore spot for him. And Ana wasn’t about to contribute to the mounting tension by asking what it was all about.

  They spent the remainder of the evening talking with some of the other guests. By the end of the night, Ana realized how isolated she had been lately. Although she and Beth always made time for each other, she hardly ever went out and socialized with other people. She missed it.

  When it was time to go, they gathered their things, said their goodbyes, and made their way to the limo. Once inside, everyone seemed unusually quiet. She was probably the only one who didn’t want the night to end.

  “Okay lovebirds,” Rob said. “I suppose we’ll drop you two off first, unless there’s somewhere you want to go?”

  Without hesitation, Beth answered. “I, for one, would like to go to paradise in the hot tub.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” Ana said. “Paradise? Really?”

  Beth shrugged. Under entirely different circumstances, Ana really wouldn’t have cared. But the thought of getting undressed in front of the three of them made her want to crawl under a rock. She was no Mother Theresa, but group nudity? Not her thing. Plus, she was anxious to get Rob alone and see where things went.

  “Go for it,” Rob replied. “Someone might as well enjoy it. I doubt that thing ever gets used.” Ana noticed that Rob didn’t extend the same offer to her. Why was that? Did he not want to see her strip down to her birthday suit? Or was he sparing her the embarrassment of it all? She had no way of knowing, and she wasn’t going to ask what his policy was on first-date-naked-hot-tub-usage.

  Beth peeled off her clothes, stopping at her underwear, and Ana was grateful for that. She looked away as Beth stepped into the tub and noticed that Rob was watching Beth. Then again, what man wouldn’t? With a trim waistline, a firm but large, round ass, and perky, little breasts, Beth was a pretty hot item. It didn’t take long for Rich to join his girlfriend, and before Ana could say the words ‘indecent exposure,’ the two of them were lip-locked.

  As if snapping out of a trance, Rob cocked his head toward Ana. “You know, I think I’ll have the driver stop somewhere, and we can get out and walk around.”

  Ana hadn’t realized she had been holding her breath. “That’s a great idea,” she exhaled.

  The nearest stop was Castaic Lake where Ana and Rob got out and admired the view from a distance. The moon cast a soft glow on the water as it rippled like a dancing sheet of glass. Leaning on the hood of the limo, she tried to relax a bit. Feeling a little concerned at Rob’s silence, she wasn’t entirely sure he was aware of her presence. Was he bored? Tired? Both? Maybe she could spark his interest in something familiar.

  “So, where do you go to hike around here?”

  “I usually go to Solstice Canyon, but I like the Griffith Park Trails, too. Have you been up there?” Rob asked.

  “Yeah, a couple of years ago, I had a date that took me up to Bronson Cave. I think we walked around some other areas, too. It was nice.”

  “Bronson Cave is cool, but there are so many other great trails in the area. We should go sometime. And if you’re feeling adventurous, I could take you off the beaten path. It’s something I like to do. Not recommended unless you’re a skilled hiker, though.” Rob smiled as he talked of going off-trail. The confidence with which he spoke excited Ana, and she thought she would feel safe with him anywhere.

  “I’d love to go! I’ll bring the food if you bring the bear repellent.”

  Chuckling, Rob replied, “You probably won’t see any bears. There are coyotes and bobcats and of course the occasional mountain lion, but you’re not likely to see them during the day. Trust me, you’re safe… for the most part.” Rob cast a surreptitious glance at Ana, laughing at her raised brow.

  “Look, I’m a student in business school and a book store wench. You can’t screw with me like this. If we go hiking around mountain lions and crap, you damn well better protect me!”

  “Of course I will,” Rob said. “Seriously, you’ll be fine.”

  Thirty minutes later, they were saying goodbye to the horny duo and on their way to Ana’s. Wanting to be sure there was no confusion that she was attracted to him, Ana spoke up.

  “I had a great time tonight—really nice change from my normal routine.”

  Rob looked at her and smiled, cautiously stealing another glance at her chest. Ana felt her insides begin to throb, and she wanted desperately to kiss him.

  Easy, slut…

  “I had fun too, Ana. You’re very different from what I expected, in a good way. And I really owe you for going with me. Sometimes, I don’t know,” Rob glanced out the window. “I just hate going to these things alone. I’m sorry, I really wasn’t myself tonight…” his voice trailed off. It was clear he wasn’t over his ex. She considered letting him know that the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else. She could get rid of those bad memories, wipe his local hard drive clear with some good, old-fashioned sex. Yes ma’am, she sure could.

  “It’s fine,” Ana said. “Blind dates can be… weird.”

  Rob snickered. “Yes they can. I’ve had more than my share.”

  Ana recalled one in particular she had had several years ago. “Me too. This girl I work with set me up with her cousin a while back.” She paused. “He took me to Whole Foods.”

  “Oh? You mean to pick up something for dinner?” Rob asked.

  “No. That was our date. You know how they have those sample tables set up around the store?”

  Rob threw his head back, letting out a deep laugh. But not one of mockery. It was as if he understood. “Yeah,” she added. “We started in the wine section where he discussed his life history. Then we made our way to the cheese area—that was my favorite part—where he told me all about his ex-girlfriend and how crazy she was.” Ana started giggling. “Then, we ended the tour at the power bar table where he asked me what my thoughts were on human euthanasia.” She held her hands up and shook her head quickly in disbelief as Rob continued laughing. “He kept heading back to the wine section and the lady cut him off. I excused myself to the bathroom, called Beth, and asked her to come and get me. After hiding in the stall for fifteen minutes, I womaned-up and came out. He was standing in one of the aisles looking at condoms. I literally ran out of the store, and thank God Beth had just pulled up in front. I couldn’t get out of that fast enough.”

  “Wow!” Rob caught his breath and said, “I thought I had the worst blind date ever. She just sat on her phone texting all night. Then I caught her taking a picture of me
as I came out of the bathroom, I guess to send to her friend or something. I was polite and finished the date, but never called her back.”

  The limo pulled into Ana’s driveway, and she thought about inviting him inside. Her gut told her to wait. “Well, let me just say—if you ever need a date again, I’d be more than happy to keep you company for dinner, or whatever.” Hint hint. “And of course, let me know about that hike. I’m going to be studying up on survival skills.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Smiling, Rob got out of the limo and walked her to the door. After exchanging phone numbers he leaned in and gave her a hug. He smelled delicious—like warm, spicy musk mixed with a sweetness she couldn’t quite put her finger on. It made her want to sink her teeth into his skin. Unfortunately, he pulled away from her too soon. She wanted to hang on to him longer. She felt like a five-year-old kid you see on the first day of kindergarten, refusing to let go of her parents. Only this wasn’t kindergarten, and she was no child.

  * * * * *

  When Ana walked inside her apartment, she slumped down on the couch, wide awake. Hell’s bells, it was only 10:30. The last time she got home from a date that early was when the guy’s mother had gotten sick suddenly, and he had to take her some medicine. She never quite bought that excuse. All in all, she couldn’t say the evening was a total flop, but this Rob guy needed to get with the program and get over his ex-girlfriend.

  Feeling pretty fired up, she glanced at the remote stuck between the couch cushions. But she wasn’t in the mood to watch television. What else was there to do? The only way she was going to get any sleep was if she gave herself a dose of nature’s best remedy for insomnia—an orgasm. Stripping off all of her clothes, she climbed under the covers of her bed and got her vibrator out of the table drawer. She let her thoughts wander to Rob and what she imagined he would do to her if he hadn’t been the perfect gentleman tonight:

  He was standing in front of her, wearing a tight, black pair of boxer-briefs. As he slid his underwear down over his hips, his cock quickly bounced up and down from the grab of the waistband. He was lean and solid, and his hardness summoned a moan from her throat.


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