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The Decent Proposal (Trust In Me)

Page 11

by LB Shaw

  “Oh yeah… it’s kind of a blur, but…” her voiced trailed off.

  “I would have never done something like that if I didn’t think it would be a turn-on for you. But the way you were taunting me, saying I could turn you over my knee. Damn woman, you made me so hard. Oh, and yesterday afternoon when I threw you into the pool, you took your best shot at my ass, gave it a good whack. I said to myself, I said, ‘Self, this girl is going to get a good spanking, hand delivered, first chance you get.’ God, when you did that, I had to go inside to hide my shame.”

  They continued to talk about the nights they had shared, arguing about who was more turned on by the end of the evening. Then Ana asked a question she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer to.

  “You said you were concerned about the age difference. Are you still worried?”

  Rob stared at the ceiling pensively. “Yes, and no. I am concerned because we’re talking about almost twenty years difference here. That’s not insignificant. But on the other hand, you’re a lot more mature than most women your age. You’ve been on your own for a while. You’re strong and independent, goal-oriented, which is very sexy by the way. And you know how to take care of yourself.” He looked at Ana. “I don’t think anyone or anything could ever stop you from getting what you want. That’s one of the things I love about you, and ultimately, what drew me to you—you wicked, wicked woman.” Rob leaned over and kissed Ana sweetly, slowly; a kiss devoid of lust and filled with emotion, feelings, and tenderness. The way he had casually tossed the word ‘love’ into their conversation, Ana wondered if that meant he was falling in love with her. She was well on her way but wasn’t ready to tell him that.

  “You’re pretty wicked yourself. And about the age difference, it doesn’t bother me at all. You’ve become very important to me, and at the risk of sounding cliché, age is just a number.”

  “I totally agree,” Rob replied. “But when a young stud comes along and sweeps you off your feet with his all night power drilling sessions, just promise me you’ll let me down easy, okay?” There was a hint of regret in his statement, as if he was already disappointed because he knew it would happen.

  “Wait, wait… all night power drilling? Elaborate, please.”

  Rob seemed to choose his words carefully. “Twenty-something-year-olds have skills that men my age don’t—the ability to go all night.” Ana stared at him blankly.

  “I’m forty, sweetheart. I don’t have the energy that guys your age have. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I can last a long time, but I’m no energizer bunny,” he added.

  “Is that what you think I want? I don’t have the energy to go all night, either. And besides, there are lots of things we can do to satisfy each other besides fucking all night. Believe me, that’s the least of my worries.”

  Leaning in to kiss her gently, Rob seemed comforted by her reassurance. “Hey, did you hear the one about the kid who lived on a farm with his dad, and they had a really bad year, went broke, and had nothing left but a duck?” he asked.

  “Um, no?” Ana laughed.

  “Alright, well, there was this boy. He and his pop owned a farm. One year, they had harvested everything they could, but they had suffered through a drought, so things were really bad financially. They had no crops left, no food, and no money. The only thing they had was a duck. So the father told the boy, ‘I want you to go into town and sell this duck. Get whatever you can for it, and don’t come home until you sell it.’

  So the kid walks into town with the duck in tow. He wanders the streets for a while asking people if they want the duck, but no one bites. By the afternoon, he’s starting to get discouraged. He comes across a hooker standing on the street corner, and she stops him. She says, ‘Hey baby, how ‘bout a good time?’ Now the boy really wants to fuck her, but he has no money, so he tells her he’s broke, that all he has is this duck. She says that’s fine, that she’ll take the duck as payment. He figures what the hell, right? Nobody wants to buy his duck anyway.

  So they go up to her hotel room, and he nails the ever-loving shit out of her. It’s the best sex she’s ever had, I mean, she’s never been pummeled like that. She looks at him and says, ‘Damn! That was the best sex of my life! I’ll tell you what—if you fuck me like that again, I’ll give you your duck back.’

  So the kid’s like, ‘Okay. I can do that.’ So he boinks her again, and it’s so good, she gives him back his duck, and the kid sets out on his merry way. He spends the rest of the afternoon trying to sell the duck but to no avail. It starts to get dark, so he heads home. As he’s walking down the road to his farm, he’s kind of bummed out because he knows his dad is going to be pissed, but he figures he can try again tomorrow. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, an eighteen-wheeler comes barreling down the street. The duck gets spooked, starts quacking and flailing all over the place. The boy loses his grip, and the duck flies right into the path of the oncoming truck, killing it instantly.

  The truck driver stops and gets out to make sure the boy is okay. Of course the kid is freaking out. He’s like, ‘Jesus Christ, man! You killed my duck! I was supposed to take it into town and sell it, but nobody wanted it. Now we have nothing! No food, no money, and no duck. My dad’s going to kill me!’ The truck driver apologizes profusely and gives him twenty-five dollars for his trouble before driving off. Now the kid is skipping home. His dad will be so proud.

  When he gets back, naturally, his dad is waiting on him and asks him how things went. The kid says, ‘Great! I got a fuck for a duck, a duck for a fuck, and twenty-five bucks for a fucked up duck!’”

  Ana spat out a laugh and said, “And the moral of the story is, if you have to take your duck into town and sell it, make sure the truck hits it on the way in to town.”

  “See, no,” Rob argued. “The moral of the story is, if you have to take your duck into town to sell it, and you get solicited by a hooker, and she’s willing to pay you, accept nothing less than cash. Then you can take the duck and try to sell it. Or let a truck hit it and get paid for your troubles.”

  “Oh my God, that is so wrong. If he had just taken the duck to a butcher, he could have gotten cash—straight up. Then he would have had enough money for the hooker and still have some left over to take home to his dad.”

  Rob paused before responding. “Yeah, but if he sells the duck to a butcher, then there’s no duck to get hit by a truck.”

  “Yes… but… he’s got the money. Which was all he needed to begin with,” Ana argued back.

  “Huh-uh. I still say keep the duck, fuck the hooker, and make her pay you cash for the second fuck.”

  Ana thought for a moment. “But he can’t keep the duck. He has to give it to her for the first fuck because he has no money. Now she can give him the duck back for the second fuck, or cash monies if he prefers, but he can’t have both.”

  “Oh Jesus Christ, I’m so confused. Fuck the duck. I just want you right now.” Rob fell on top of her and kissed her as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him close.

  * * * * *

  The next morning Rob and Ana made no effort to get out of bed early. Upon waking, memories of the previous night’s escapade came rushing back. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt happier or more at peace. As they lay there, they caressed each other, admiring the warmth of their bodies and the ease with which they revealed themselves, one to the other.

  “I’m going to start the shower. Care to join me?” Ana asked.

  “Mmm-hmmm,” Rob replied in a trance-like state.

  She stumbled to the bathroom, still half asleep. As she was leaning into the shower adjusting the temperature of the water, Rob snuck up behind her, grabbing her on the butt.

  “Hey! No distractions just yet. I’m trying to get the water just right.”

  “Fine. But I can’t promise I’ll keep my hands off you once we’re in there,” he growled, nibbling her shoulder.

  “That’s why I invited you. I need you to wash me. All of me. You know,
get those hard to reach areas,” Ana purred.

  “Mmm… is this one of those areas?” he asked, placing his hand between her legs.

  Ana giggled as she stepped into the steaming enclosure, pulling Rob in with her. Smiling, she moved her lips to his. As they stood under the showerhead kissing frantically, water rained down on their heads, spilling into their faces. They were completely lost in one another, temporarily unaware of everything, from the water pouring down to the passing of time.

  Rob grabbed the soap, feverishly worked it into a lather, and began to wash Ana. He started with her breasts, gently massaging them in a circular motion, then moved to her back. He slowly spun her so he could work his way up from her backside to her shoulders. He found her neck, then moved down the length of her arms as she let out a soft moan. He opened the bottle of shampoo and washed her hair for her, then ran his fingers through her long strands as she tilted her head back for the final rinse. She was putty in his hands.

  As he kissed her again, she grabbed his member and was amazed at how hard he was. Without wasting a second, he picked her up and pushed her against the tile. The cold sliced into her back, but the chill quickly abated as he pressed his cock up to the opening of her lips. He slowly let the length of his shaft slide back and forth across her opening, glazing it with her sweetness. The dark green of his eyes pierced into her, and for a fleeting second she saw something dark within him—not evil, but something fiery, wild, animalistic, and full of uninhibited passion.

  “My God, you are so beautiful, you know that?” The intensity with which he spoke took Ana by surprise. She had never seen this side of him, and she loved it. With his cock thoroughly coated in her juices, he plunged deep inside her, causing her to cry out in pleasure. She welcomed his entrance by thrusting forward, and he continued to plow in and out of her, hard and fast. With each thrust, the slapping of their legs brought Ana to new heights of ecstasy. The slapping grew louder and closer together, and she could feel an orgasm welling up, rising higher and higher as he continued moving in and out.

  “Ah… don’t stop!” she yelled, digging her nails into his shoulders. As she came, the rippling contractions squeezed him, and with each plunge, she had another contraction, extending her orgasm into the longest one ever for her. Her body was working its magic, milking him until he finally gave in, releasing his load inside of her.

  As they caught their breath, Rob’s face was buried in her neck, he was still holding her up against the tile, and all she could hear was the water spilling on the tub floor. It would be a long time before she would be able to take a shower without being reminded of this moment. He slowly pulled out of her and let her back down, holding her until she was steady on her feet.

  “Rob, how in the hell did you do that?” she asked.

  “It’s called a bathmat. Works great for preventing shower accidents. Trust me, I know from first-hand exper—” he said, stopping when he realized it was too much information.

  Ana slapped him on the arm. “No! How did you make me come like that? I’ve never been able to have an orgasm from sex.” She had always thought that something was wrong with her, but Beth had been saying for a long time she just needed the right guy to ‘hit it right,’ as she had so eloquently put it.

  “You’re kidding? Well, I guess I just know how to make an entrance, huh?”

  “You’ve left me utterly speechless.”

  Rob smiled at her. “That makes me feel good. Glad to know I was your first for something. Maybe you’ll remember that when you get mad at me.”

  Ana laughed and threw her arms around him. “How in the world could I ever get mad at you?”


  Over the next week, Ana and Rob saw each other every day, enjoying dinners, walks in the park, and steamy, hot sex. He had planned on taking that Friday off so they could go on their first hiking trip together, but she and Beth had already made plans to go shopping at the mall for new swimsuits.

  “I really wish we could come to Rob’s pool party this weekend,” Beth said. “Jesus, I’m dreading this trip already, y’know? Why in the world did I say I’d go visit Rich’s parents with him? He’s the one they want to see anyway.” Beth wasn’t crazy about his parents, especially his mother. And if Rich didn’t agree that they were a little off-the-wall, it would have caused problems between them for sure.

  “Are you guys staying at their house again?”

  “Hell no. Never again will I spend the whole weekend listening to his dad bash liberals and his mom critique every decision I’ve ever made. Rich wants me to go, so, we go. But I told him we have to get a hotel. You remember the last time we went up there they wouldn’t let us share a room. And they put me on a freaking cot in the living room. The living room, Ana! I swear to God, that woman needs to pull her head out of her ass and deal with the fact that her precious son is not only having sex, but he quite enjoys it.”

  “They’re probably closet porn addicts,” Ana joked.

  Beth shot her a hard look. “No way. Trust me, if you met these two? Oh my God! I bet when they have sex, they put a sheet between them and just cut a hole in it. They take old-fashioned to a whole new extreme. When they found out Rich’s sister was having sex, they sent her away to bible camp for the whole summer. She was seventeen, for crying out loud!” Beth continued, laughing. “Oh and get this—the camp is called ‘God and Youth.’ Each summer they would have different themes like resisting peer pressure or obeying your parents.” Beth let out a little snort. “Well, the year Sara went, the theme was on virginity and was called ‘God and Youth: Saving Love Until Tying-the-knot.’ You know what the acronym for that spells? GAY SLUT! Jeez, poor Sara! Rich said that all their friends teased her about going to gay slut camp.”

  “Well, that’s just poor planning on the church’s part.” Ana giggled. “What were they thinking?”

  Beth waved her hands back and forth as they walked into a store. “Anyway, she‘s happily married now. Which reminds me, how are things with you and Rob? Is he still paying you? How are you going to work all that out now that you’re officially getting those fringe benefits?”

  Ana let out a sigh. She was planning on bringing that up with him soon. Things could get sticky in a hurry if they split up, and she wasn’t quite sure how to handle it.

  “I don’t know, Beth. I’m going to talk to him about it. And yes, he’s still paying me. He wouldn’t just cut me off like that.”

  “I’m so glad you two finally hooked up. I, of course, saw it coming a mile away. Now, let’s work on finding you the perfect bathing suit. I think you should go with a thong. Rub it in Stephanie’s face a little.”

  “What? I’m not wearing a thong to a company party! Are you on crack?” As confident as she was, Ana wouldn’t be caught dead in something so revealing. She had more class than that. Now get her behind closed doors—well, that’s a different story altogether. She settled on a lime green bandeau top with straps and a matching, mid-rise bikini bottom. Okay, so she would still rub it in Stephanie’s face a little, but with style.

  * * * * *

  The next day, Ana spent most of the morning helping Rob prepare for the party. He had told her not to do anything since he had hired a caterer, but she insisted on helping set up the outdoor area. It was Memorial weekend, and she wanted to add her own personal touch in setting up a patriotic theme. After running by a florist shop, she stopped at a local outlet store and picked up several dozen pillar candles and tea lights. Decorating the tables the caterers brought with red and white tulips, she finished by dispersing the candles around the pool. They would cast a beautiful, romantic glow on the water once the sun disappeared beyond the horizon.

  “Wow! It really looks amazing out here. You did a great job.” Rob commended.

  “Thank you! And thanks again for letting me help. I never get to do anything like this. I could get used to it,” Ana replied, wrapping her arms around his neck. As she and Rob stood by the water’s edge kissing, their first guests bega
n to arrive.

  “Oh, aren’t you adorable!”

  Ana recognized the sickening sweet voice right away.

  “Steph, good to see you.” Rob extended his hand and introduced himself to her guest. “I’m Rob and this is Ana. Glad you could make it.”

  “I’m Rhonda, nice to meet you.” Rhonda took a quick glance around. “Beautiful place you have here.” Ana immediately like Rhonda more than Stephanie.

  “Thanks. I like it myself.” Rob gave Rhonda a suspicious stare then added, “Have we met? You look familiar.”

  Rhonda looked nervously at Stephanie and laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  “Ana, you look lovely,” Stephanie quickly interrupted. “You and Rob are getting along famously, I see.”

  Getting along? What does that mean? We’re not lab partners for Christ’s sake!

  “We’re more than getting along, thanks for noticing. Why don’t you two come inside, and I’ll show you where you can change for the pool.”

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary, dear. I’ve been here more than… I mean… I’ve been here enough. I know where it is. Come on Rhonda, I’ll take you.”

  Ana shot daggers at Rob, and he quickly stopped Stephanie in her tracks. “I’ll tell you what, Steph. Why don’t we both go with you, and we can all make a drink inside. Besides, the bartender’s still getting everything set up out here.”

  Stephanie cast a quick glance in Ana’s direction. “Sure. Whatever you want.”

  Once inside, Stephanie and her friend excused themselves to go change into their swimsuits, and they both came out wearing sarongs. Ana was amazed at how beautiful Rhonda was. It was intimidating, really. Ana was used to being the one that all the guys gawk at, but not today. Rhonda appeared to be around Ana’s age, had dark auburn hair, a glowing tan, and skin that looked satiny smooth. Her copper colored bikini accentuated her red hair and bronze complexion. Although it barely covered her breasts, she wore her bathing suit with elegance.


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