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Becoming Elemental

Page 5

by Ryann Elizabeth

  “No, it’s okay. Do you want to see it?” he asked.

  “Hell yes! It’s a Shelby Cobra, right?” I asked.

  He chuckled and said, “Yes, it’s a 1965 Shelby Cobra Convertible, and she is my baby.”

  “She is beautiful. I used to call my Mustang my baby. I miss it,” I said.

  “I’m glad you came in when you did. I need some help. Can you start it up for me while I watch the engine?” he asked. “It’s been having a little trouble starting and I want to see what happens.”

  “Um, sure.” My heart started racing and I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I had to remind myself that all I was only starting it, I wasn’t driving it anywhere. Slowly, I sat in the driver’s seat and pushed the clutch in. I turned the key and she roared to life. The engine had a deep rumble that I loved. I really didn’t understand those people that drove Ferraris. I got that they were pretty and sleek, but that whiny engine sound drove me crazy. It seemed fake and electrical to me. Not like this beauty. She was a medium blue with a white racing stripe down the middle and one roll bar behind me. The engine was rumbling so hard that the seat I was sitting in vibrated with its power.

  “Rev the engine for me,” Chase ordered. I did as he asked and closed my eyes, enjoying the sound and feeling. I thought about how it would feel to be driving down the road with the wind in my hair and the car taking the turns with a squeal of the tires. I remembered the dream I had about Chase and me riding in my car. I started to blush thinking about how happy we were and how beautiful he was in the dream. But it had only been a dream. As soon as I thought that, Chase closed the hood and climbed into the passenger seat.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, startled.

  “I just need you to drive it around the block to make sure there are no ticks. It won’t take a second,” he replied and then looked forward at the driveway like he was just expecting me to start driving.

  “Chase, you know I don’t drive. I’ll ride with you while you test it out, but I am not driving this car,” I said, starting to get out. Chase placed a hand on my shoulder in a gentle and not-so-Chase way.

  “Bre, I understand survivor’s guilt, because I went through it and still do. My sister was killed by a demon. I was the older brother at eleven and was supposed to be watching her, but I didn’t. She wandered into the woods and, from what we gathered, was taken by a demon. She just disappeared. About a week later, we found her body and…and I’m not going to go into the details, but she was dead. I was distraught. She was only four at the time. I should have been watching out for her,” he said as he roughly ran his fingers through his hair. “I should still be watching out for her. After that day, I wouldn’t get close with anyone. I even distanced myself from my best friends, well, at least I tried. They never gave up on me, no matter how mean I was to them. They made sure I knew it was not my fault. They also made sure I didn’t go into a deep depression like my mom did. I owe them my life. If it wasn’t for them, I don’t think I would be here today. It took me years to forgive myself and I was unhappy that entire time. Don’t take as long as I did to find happiness again. You did nothing wrong and you did not kill your friend. Enjoy what life has to offer and to hell with everything else.”

  “Chase,” I said as I placed my hand on his, “I’m so sorry about your sister. What a horrible thing to deal with at such a young age.”

  He looked at me with those sad but hopeful blue eyes. “I am sorry for treating you the way I did when I first met you. I was just afraid, I guess. But I should have known you weren’t a demon. You have such a sweet and caring way about you. If I had taken two minutes to speak with you or observe you without jumping to conclusions, I would have immediately known you were one of the most thoughtful and sincere people I have ever met.”

  I almost fainted from his words. Was this really Chase, the one who threatened me over and over? How could he be this sweet when he was so venomous before? I decided to forget the past and start fresh with him. “I forgive you,” I said.

  Chase looked up at me with a new hope in his eyes. The sadness seemed to have dulled some and a light was coming through. “Thank you. I am not sure I deserve it, but thank you.” He stared at me for so long that I thought he might lean in to kiss me, but he let go of my hand and turned toward the driveway again. “Onward James!” he yelled.

  I was scared.

  I was scared of driving again and I dreaded the guilt I would feel afterwards. And I was scared to drive this really freakin’ expensive car. What if I wrecked it? He would definitely not kiss me then. Get it together, Bre. He was not going to kiss you. Or was he? Ugh, again, what is wrong with me?

  I took a deep breath and thought, I can do this. What happened to Callie wasn’t my fault. I am a good driver. I will go slow and just a little way down the road. “Okay, but just around the block. It’s been a while and I am scared to death to wreck your car,” I said shakily.

  “You’ll be fine. I trust you,” he said while looking me straight in the eye.

  “Here goes nothing.” We moved slowly around the fountain and out to the road. I looked left and right about five times before I finally pulled out onto the road. I shifted into second and then into third and fourth. Okay, I was doing alright. 45 mph was a good speed. We drove like that in silence for about five minutes down the road.

  “Let’s turn around here and head back,” Chase said. I let out a long breath that I didn’t remember holding and slowly turned around in someone else’s driveway. We were heading back at my 45 mph when Chase said, “Gun it. I need to make sure she sounds clean at higher RPMs.”

  “What?!” I screeched. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, now hit it!” he yelled. “See how fast you get her up to before the house.”

  Terrified of wrecking his car, but thrilled to be given permission to drive it like it should be driven, I downshifted and hit the gas. We rocketed down the street as I hit 50, then 60, and the next thing I knew, we were going 80 mph. My hair was flying everywhere and I was smiling like a little kid. I quickly glanced over at Chase and he was smiling and laughing, just like the dream I had, but it was even more beautiful. I quickly looked back at the road and noticed we were getting close to the little castle. I slowed down as we pulled into the driveway. I parked in the same bay we had come out of and turned the engine off. I looked at Chase and it took my breath away. He was magnificent when he smiled. He looked at me and said, “I knew you could do it. How do you feel?”

  “Wonderful! I haven’t felt this free in a while. I feel like I can breathe a little better and I only feel a little guilty. Callie knew I loved cars and driving. She would be happy for me right now. Thank you, Chase,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for your forgiveness. It means a lot to me.” I literally swooned when he said that and looked at me that way. “Let’s go inside and see if Harrison has started dinner yet. He is a phenomenal cook.”

  We entered the house to a mouthwatering smell. Chase led me into the kitchen where Harrison was finishing up dinner. “Oh my God, that smells amazing. Harry, you can really cook!” I exclaimed. All of a sudden, all four of the other guys looked at me in astonishment. They all tensed up and then looked at Harrison. “What did I say? I was complimenting him.” They didn’t respond.

  Then Harrison said, “They are scared I am going to attack you for calling me Harry. I don’t let anyone call me Harry. They never call me that more than once, at least.”

  “Oh, Harry. I’m sorry, should I not have called you that?” I joked. The other four cringed at my question. I swear I didn’t know what it was about these guys, but I really loved pushing their buttons, especially Hot Scary Biker Guy and Oscar the Grouchy Elemental. Slowly, Chase made his way over to me and stood a little in front with his back to me. What is that about?

  They all looked at Chase, confused like I was. “Don’t worry, Chase. I am not going to attack her. I actually kinda like her calling me that,” Harrison said while winking at me. That wink
could stop traffic. Whew, is it getting hot in here? Must be the oven heating the kitchen up. Stop lying to yourself, Bre. It’s the hot surfer guy standing in front of you protecting you from the Hot Biker Guy winking at you.

  The moment died down and we all sat around the enormous island chit-chatting while Harrison finished cooking dinner. As soon as he was done, we dug in and devoured the delicious lasagna.

  “So how did the training go today, Bre?” Bryce asked.

  “It went well, I think. I feel like I have a little more control over it, but I still need a lot of work.”

  Harrison confirmed, “She did great. She still has some trouble with control when she gets excited, but it’s only her first day. I will have her throwing fire balls within a week!”

  “That’s great! Mason and I will pick you up tomorrow morning and we can train you on Earth and Water. I know a great spot where no one will be around,” Bryce said. “Then on Sunday, you can work with Carter and Chase.”

  “That sounds great!” I replied.

  “We also need to look into who keeps trying to kidnap you. You said it was the same guys as the night you met Chase?” Bryce asked.

  “Yes, they look like brothers. They said something about ‘the boss’ wanting me. They were both animal shifters, I don’t know what kind, but they each had similar claws. The claws reminded me of badger claws,” I answered.

  “Yeah, one of them looked familiar to me, but I can’t place him,” Harrison interjected.

  “I have never seen them before,” Carter said.

  “Chase, look into it and see what you can find out,” Bryce instructed.

  “Will do. Plus, Bre, we need to figure out who your parents are. Elementals are only born of two Elemental parents. The man that raised you is your stepfather, right?” Chase asked.

  “Yes, my mom told me that she met him when I was two. She never talks about my father, just says he is not in our lives and she is fine with it,” I answered.

  “And she never talked to you about Elementals? Did she ever show any gifts?” Chase asked.

  “No, never. She knew at an early age that I was different, but we never talked about it. Eventually, I just hid it from her as best I could.”

  “I know this may be an uncomfortable question, but could your mom have adopted you?” Chase asked.

  “No, there is no way. We look like sisters,” I responded sternly.

  “Okay. Don’t worry, I will look into it and see what we can find out about your father,” Chase said.

  “Good. Chase has some work to do, and Bre, you need a good night’s sleep. You will be busy tomorrow!” Bryce said. “Harrison, can you take Bre home? I have a call to make about a mission.”

  “Mission?” I asked.

  “Remember how I told you we’re trained to fight demons? Well, we are members of the Stratos Team, which is kind of like the humans’ Navy SEALs, but we fight demons. If there is demonic activity in an area, we are called in to take care of them. We also investigate things that can affect our community. Chase is a master at the computer and does research for the missions, among other things, and I am team leader and organize our operations. All of us are trained in military fighting and tactics,” Bryce replied.

  “Wow. Navy SEALs, huh? That’s impressive. How often do you get called in?”

  “Not too often, but at least a couple of times a month,” Bryce replied. “Now, off you go. Get some rest.”

  Harrison and I walked out to the garage and climbed into his monster truck. I could barely get in, it was so tall. “Good grief, Harrison. Is this thing tall enough? Boys and their toys.”

  Harrison chuckled and got in on the other side. “So I see you and Chase made up.”

  “Yes, it was a misunderstanding and we are good now. He even let me drive his Cobra.”

  “What?! He barely lets us ride in it, much less drive it.” He paused for a second, then said, “I thought you didn’t drive.”

  “I think he felt bad about how he acted with me and was trying to make it up to me. He tricked me into the driving part. He said he needed to listen to the engine and just wanted to go around the block.” I purposely didn’t talk about Chase’s conversation with me about his sister. I knew they all knew about it, but that had been a personal conversation between the two of us.

  “Well, I think that is great! Good for you!”

  We chatted about nothing important on the way to my dorm. When we arrived, Harrison dropped me off at the entrance. “See you tomorrow, Bre!”

  “Bye, Harry.” I smiled as I walked away. Those guys were already worming their way into my heart. Each of them was special to me in their own way. It was wonderful to feel connected to someone again. After Callie’s death, I had been afraid I would never get close to anyone again. But they were barging their way in, and I loved it.


  “How can you let one little girl get away?” he screamed at them. “She is a tiny little thing and she keeps kicking your asses! You are both useless!” He raised his hands filled with fire, ready to kill both of them where they stood. His right-hand man, a mage, also stepped forward.

  “We were prepared for it just to be an Air Elemental, not an Air Elemental with her two bodyguards, which by the way, one was a Fire Elemental,” one of the brothers, Nick, said timidly. They were scared of the boss, but were even more scared of the mage. They had seen firsthand how he could work black magic that could kill a person where they stood. He had also reduced grown men to crying toddlers with his mind control; they never recovered. Dresden was the most powerful mage they had ever seen. He had been helping the boss by using mind control to get Elementals to do what he wanted. He was evil incarnate.

  “What? Who is helping her? No one is supposed to even know about her. Did you recognize them?” the boss asked as he lowered his hands.

  “I recognized the Fire Elemental; it was Harrison Greywell,” Owen, the other brother, said. “He threw fire balls at us and attacked me while the Animal Elemental went after Nick. We were handling them fine. It wasn’t until we were wrapped up in the branches of a tree that we were bested. I don’t understand how that happened? I didn’t even see an Earth Elemental around.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll let you know when I need you again. You can go,” the boss said while shooing them away with his hand. Once they were out of the room, he spoke to the mage. “She is learning about her powers. Do you think the boys are teaching her? How did they find out about her? She has been sheltered from all of this her entire life and now she is able to best my two best goons – twice!”

  “It has to be. There is no way she could have figured that out on her own. Do you want me to go get her?” Dresden asked.

  “No, let’s leave her with them for a little while and see what happens. If we are unable to transfer her power to me, then having them training my newest weapon for me will suffice,” the boss said.

  “As you wish.” Dresden nodded.

  Chapter 8

  Saturday morning, I woke up excited. I was going to train with Mason and Bryce today. They were taking me to a river hidden in the woods one town over. It was about a two-hour hike from the road, so we would eat a picnic lunch at the river. I was ready to be around nature and learn more about my water and earth gifts. Carter suggested I try to communicate with the animals on my way there. Mason pulled up in front of my dorm in his silver Mercedes E-Class. It amazed me that these guys had such expensive cars. I could see Bryce in the front passenger seat and waved at them both. I opened the back door and slid in. The seats were a soft gray leather that I could curl up on and sleep for days. “Hi, guys!” I greeted them.

  “Hey, Bre!” they said at the same time.

  “Okay, I have a personal question for you if you don’t mind,” I said.

  “Sure. We will tell you just about anything, especially if it is something embarrassing about Chase!” Bryce teased.

  “How do you guys have such a nice house and cars? I never see you work,
” I questioned.

  Bryce laughed and said, “Like I told you before, we can live up to three hundred-plus years. That gives you time to accumulate wealth.”

  “How old are you?” I asked.

  “We are all between nineteen and twenty-one,” Bryce answered. “Our parents fund us for the most part right now. I’m not sure about the others, but my parents are around one hundred. They were smart with their money and I benefited from it. Most Elementals are very wealthy.”

  “Yeah, my parents are about eighty,” Mason said.

  “Oh. Wow, it is really weird to think about a twenty-year-old having one-hundred-year-old parents. Guess that is something else I need to get used to.”

  As we drove to the next town, we chatted about school and my life before college. They told me about some of their missions fighting demons. I shivered at the thought of them fighting demons. “That is terrifying. I can’t believe you do that. How do you kill a demon?” I asked.

  “There are several ways to do it. The most effective way is to chop its head off, but to do that you have to be close and have a sword. We don’t carry swords with us on a regular basis, but if we are out hunting them, we always have them. You can also use your gift to kill them. I can use rocks and boulders to knock them out or injure them enough to kill them. Harrison can build a fireball big enough to kill them if he has enough time to build it before they are on him. Chase can use air to slam them into things hard enough to kill them, or at least knock them out to then cut their heads off. It is very difficult to kill a demon, they are very resilient. If you ever encounter one, run,” Bryce explained.


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