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Exposed: Book 2 MAC Security Series

Page 10

by Abigail Davies

  The victim. I wasn’t that anymore. No, I was a survivor.

  I moved my eyes to Serena, she was sat in my seat with her hand on Ty’s arm. Taking a deep, calming breath, I took stock of the situation. If I couldn’t sit in my seat, then I’d have to find somewhere else to sit, wouldn’t I?

  Walking forward, swaying my butt a little, making sure to show off how tight my jeans were, I made a beeline for Ty. I winked as I got closer and he spun around in his chair to face me.


  “Hey,” I purred. Then sat straight on his lap, not waiting for him to say another word before I attacked him with my lips.

  He gasped, not knowing what was happening at first but when my tongue met his, he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer.

  Deepening the kiss, I moaned at the feel of his erection at my hip. Yep, it was so satisfying knowing I did that to him and in a room full of people.

  His one hand cupped my butt, squeezing, and the other gripped the base of my neck, turning my head so that he had better access.

  What was meant to be a kiss to show her that he was mine, turned into something different. I should have known that a kiss with Ty was never just a kiss. It was always so much more.

  “Ahem,” I heard her say. But I wasn’t stopping for anybody.

  Pushing closer to Ty, I moved my hand down his chest and across his erection, eliciting a groan from him. The sound so satisfying that I moaned in response.

  “Ty Ty,” Ugh. Why does she call him that?

  Pulling away slightly so my lips were centimeters from Ty’s, I whispered. “I missed you last night.”

  It was true, I had missed him. I knew that it was my choice to keep him out by putting the chair in front of the door but that didn’t mean that I missed him any less.

  I missed the way he always had one hand on me at all times, no matter where it was. How he always liked to touch my bare skin, whether that be my stomach, my leg or my face.

  I wouldn’t spend another night away from him, not only because he kept the nightmares at bay, but because I genuinely missed having his warmth beside me.

  “Have I got to watch you and your bit on the side all day?” Serena sneered.

  Wincing, I turned on Ty’s lap to face her. “Hi, Serena.” I smiled, one of those sickly sweet, girl next door smiles.

  Rolling her eyes, she looked back to Ty and said, “Isn’t it time for the little girl to go now? We have adult things to discuss.”

  “Watch your mouth, Serena,” Ty warned, wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. “Kay is an important part of this team.”

  “She works for you?” she said, in that screechy voice again. Turning my eyes to Luke, I grimaced at the sounds that she made. He smirked and hid his chuckle behind a cough, making my own smile spread.

  “Yes, she works for me, not that it’s any of your business.”

  “I’m still your wife Ty.” I turned to face her, catching the tail end of her smirk.

  Ty tensed underneath me and let go of my waist, I could feel him try to lift up so I turned to him and whispered in his ear, “She’s just trying to get a reaction.”

  “I’m not gonna have her do this, Kay, not in front of you,” he growled into my ear, I shivered from his breath and the soft touch of his lips as they moved against my skin.

  “Don’t give her what she wants.” I warned, pulling back and looking him square in the eyes. If he was afraid of upsetting me, then that was the furthest thing from my mind.

  I knew that this day would come sooner or later, I could see that she wanted Ty back but I was confident that he didn’t want her.

  “Time to go Serena,” Ty said, not moving his eyes from mine.

  “But…But I haven’t-”

  “I don’t give a shit; you haven’t told us anything that we didn’t already know.” Smiling softly at him, I placed my hand on the side of his face and relished in the scratchy feel of his scruff. “Luke, see that she makes it off my property.

  “You got it, boss,” he said brightly.

  I didn’t move my eyes from Ty; not when she huffed and scraped the chair back, not when she shouted at Luke to not touch her and not when I heard all the other chairs scrape against the floor and the warehouse emptying.

  I kept my eyes firmly to his.

  “Think it’s about time we talked,” he said, his eyes filling with a mixture of anger and sadness.

  “Yeah,” I huffed. “Let’s start with why she was here in the first place?”

  “Or we could start with why you barricaded yourself in your room?”

  I raised my brows at him and shuffled on his lap, his erection still poking me in the hip.

  “Fine.” He chuckled. “She said that she had information on Daley that we’d want to know.”

  I squinted my eyes at him. “And how would she know that we’d want to know?”

  Shrugging, he said, “She knows what I do, which means she knows that I was at the charity function for work. She’s probably put two and two together.”

  Opening my mouth, I was ready to tell him that there must be more to it but then I remembered my plan; there was no point in saying anything, it’d fall on deaf ears anyway. So I closed my mouth and smiled instead. I’d get to the bottom of this. One way or another, I’d make sure that I found out what she was up to.

  I never expected Kay to come into the warehouse like that, especially after last night. When she walked through the door I had no idea what to expect but it certainly wasn’t what had happened.

  Even though I knew what she was trying to do, I still got caught up in her lips. I always did. The way her ass rubbed against me, giving just the right amount of friction. Damn.

  I’d expected her to go on about Serena when she left, she’d done that a lot lately. Saying that she didn’t trust her, but then again, neither did I. Though Kay had nothing to back it up with, she said she could see it in her eyes that night. I didn’t know what to believe so I stuck with the facts.

  We hadn’t found a thing on Serena but we had found plenty on Daley, we even had a possible location that we were gonna check out.

  Tapping her ass twice, telling her to get up, I said, “Let’s go home and talk.”

  “Do we have to?” Kay murmured as she lifted up.

  She knew what I wanted to talk about and there was no getting around it, I didn’t expect her to tell me everything but I wanted to know what had gone on last night; why she locked herself in her room.

  “We can do it right here, sweetheart.” I shrugged, standing up and continued, “Why did you lock yourself in your room?”

  “I just needed a break,” she whispered and perched on the edge of the table.

  “From what? Me?”

  “I…I don’t know.” She twisted her hands in her lap, something she only did when she was nervous or on edge.

  “Kay.” I took hold of her hands and stepped forward. “If it’s too much, we can cool it off.”

  “I... Is that what you want?” she asked, looking up at me with sad eyes.

  “Hell no.”

  She searched my eyes and blew out a big breath. “I don’t want that either.”

  “Good,” I said, letting go of her hands and cupping her face.

  “Good,” she mimicked.

  “Now, what do you say we finish off what you just started?”


  “Kay…” I tilted my head at her, daring her.

  “I need to get Eli in a while, I didn’t take him this morning and-”

  “It’s all arranged,” I interrupted. I’d talked to Eli this morning about it, ma said that there was this fair that was on the big field that backed on to the edge of her property. She’d asked to take him but I’d said that I’d talk to Kay about it first.

  I may have let it slip to Eli this morning and, once I said it, I couldn’t take it back.

  “What’s arranged?” she asked, pulling away slightly.

  “Look.” I
held my hands up in the air, not knowing if this would go over well or not. “Ma asked to take Eli to the fair-”

  “The one that’s behind her house?”


  “Okay, continue.” She waved her hand in the air.

  “Well, I may have let it slip to Eli this morning and he wants to go. Ma said that if Luke picks him up from preschool and takes Eli to hers, she’ll bring him back by bedtime.”

  “Okay,” she said, and jumped down.

  “Okay?” I furrowed my brow, confused. I was sure that she would have been mad that I’d done that without asking her first.

  “Here’s the thing, Ty,” she said, backing away from me slowly. “Your ma called me already and asked. She said that she realized she should have asked me in the first place.”

  “She called you?”

  “Yep,” she said pulling the door open. “I like your ma.” She smiled and walked backwards out of the door. I followed her out and let the door close behind me.

  “You do?” I said, mesmerized by the sway of her hips.

  “Yeah.” She stretched her arms above her head, a slither of creamy skin exposing between her jeans and where her top had risen up. “Now the question is…” She smirked, still backing away from me towards the house. “Do you want to finish what I started?”

  Licking my lips, I took in the length of her; those jeans were like a second skin and showed every curve she had. There was something to be said for a woman wearing jeans and combat boots with weapons on a belt.

  “Damn straight I am.” I picked up the pace. When I was a few footsteps away from her, she squealed and spun around, running as fast as she could.

  She’d got faster since she’d started to run, but that didn’t mean she could out run me. Catching up to her at the bottom of the steps, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder and tapping her ass as I went up the steps.

  “Ty!” She laughed, her whole body shaking with the force. “Put me down!”

  “Nah,” I said, opening the door and tapping her ass once more. “I like the view from here.”

  Kicking the door shut, I carried on up the stairs with her still over my shoulder. I gripped her ass once more, my fingers sliding across her pussy.

  “Ty…” she breathed out. Smirking, I did it again then yelped when she slapped my ass.

  “What the hell?” I gasped.

  “It’s only fair,” she cooed. “I think I like the view from here too.”

  Chuckling, I pushed through my bedroom door and threw her on the bed. She bounced up a couple of times, her chest going in the opposite direction.

  “Now, what was it you were sayin’?” I pulled my t-shirt off and threw my beanie across the room with it. “Let’s finish what you started.”

  Her eyes were hooded and her tongue came out to wet her lips as they followed the path of my chest and arms. I knew she loved my tats, and it was something I was willing to use to get what I wanted.

  Undoing the top button on my jeans, she tracked my movements.

  “Yeah,” she breathed out heavily. “Let’s finish what I started.”

  Pulling up into the parking lot at the vets, I took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare myself for being alone with Ty’s mother. Sure, we had spoken over the phone but that was different than being in the same room as her; without Ty.

  Jumping out of the truck, I walked through the entrance, the door making a dinging noise as I opened it.

  I spotted Elena straight away behind the main desk. She smiled when she saw me and stood up to greet me. She’d phoned the office an hour ago to say that we could pick up Monty. We’d waited for the call all week and I was ecstatic that he was coming home.

  I knew that Ty would have wanted to get him but he was out with Luke and Kitty, scouting a possible location. I didn’t want Monty to have to stay at the vets an hour longer than he had to so I came straight away, only managing to get lost a couple of times before I found the place.

  “Kay!” She came around the front desk, her arms open wide and pulled me in for a hug. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do so I awkwardly patted her on the back and pulled away when she did.

  “Morning, Elena,” I said, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

  “He’s waiting for you.” She spun around and went down the hallway so I followed her, not knowing if that was the right thing to do or not but wanting to get to Monty.

  We’d been to see him a couple of times, which would make you think I’d know how to get here, but no, I was a nightmare when it came to following directions. Some people would only need to drive a route once and they’d know where they were going. Me? I had no idea, I just about managed to get to the preschool and back without getting lost.

  The fact that this was a new area, not the one that I had grew up in, made things worse. At least where I grew up, if I got lost I could just make it back to a neutral spot, normally the grocery store and find my way from there.

  Here, I didn’t have a clue, it was all new to me and while that excited me, it also scared me at the same time.

  “Here he is,” she cooed as she opened the door and headed straight to the corner where he was chewing on a toy.

  They’d kept him in a room of his own because they hadn’t got any cages big enough for him. He loved it, I wouldn’t have wanted him locked up in one of those cages anyway.

  His head lifted at the noise, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. I had two seconds to brace myself before he came at me full force, lifting onto his back legs and resting his front paws on my shoulders.

  “Hey there, Monty.” I laughed as he slobbered on my cheek, his tail wagging manically.

  “He’s so much better now,” Elena said, stroking his back and then pulling him down off me. He stood at my side and didn’t move. Even when we went out to the front to get all of his paperwork, he still didn’t move.

  “Here you go, hon.” I took the paperwork and riffled in my bag for my purse to pay her.

  “Don’t worry about it.” She waved her hand in the air. “I got it.”


  “Nope,” she said, shaking her head. “Come for dinner at the house on Friday, and we’ll call it square.”


  “Yeah… You, Ty and Eli.” She walked back around the counter, stroking Monty once more and reaching out for a hug again. This time I was prepared and hugged her back, all the while, Monty stayed pressed against my leg. “Trevor is dying to meet you.”

  “Trevor?” I asked with a furrowed brow.

  “Ty’s dad.” She smiled. “He’ll just love you,” she said, the wistful smile widening on her face. It was clear that she loved him, just from the way she said his name and talked about him.

  I wondered if I looked like that when I talked about Ty.

  “Friday,” she said, bringing herself out of her haze. “Eight.” She walked away, turning at the last minute and shouted, “Bring pie!”

  Looking down at Monty, I smiled and said. “Looks like we’ve got dinner plans.”

  He barked in response and rested his paw on my leg.

  “Come on.” I nodded to the door. “Let’s get you home.”

  Monty jumped down off the seat as soon as I opened the door, his head turning all around him as he checked out his new home. I expected him to go running off to sniff the place out but he didn’t, he stayed by my side the whole way to the warehouse door. When I pulled the door open, he still didn’t move much, just enough for me to open the door.

  None of the guys were back yet so there was only Evan sat at his computer desk. He turned his head, a smile on his face when he saw me, that soon disappeared when his eyes landed on Monty.

  “Holy crapballs!” He wheeled back in his chair as if he was about to be attacked. Even though Monty still hadn’t moved from my side.

  “Evan…” I laughed. “He won’t hurt you.” I took a step closer to him but he halted me, throwing his hand up in the air.

“Don’t come any closer,” he screeched. Actually screeched.

  “Evan?” I frowned. “Are you really scared of him?”

  I looked down to Monty, a confused look on my face. He tilted his head at me as if to say, ‘I won’t hurt him’.

  “Can you not see how big he is? And look at those teeth!”


  “No, Kay. Seriously, don’t come any closer.” Looking back at him, I squinted my eyes, taking in his pale face. He was actually scared.

  I’d never seen him scared of anything and it was a lot to wrap my head around. They were all fearless, so when I was faced with one of them scared, it was an eye opening experience.

  “I’ll just sit over here then,” I said in a calm voice. Hoping that would ease him slightly. I was pretty confident that Monty wouldn’t go over to him and that he would stay at my side.

  I went over to the meeting table and pulled my usual chair out to sit down, Monty sitting next to me like a sentinel.

  I reached over and stroked him on the head, his fur so much softer than when I had picked him up off the side of the road. He wiggled closer, resting his head on my leg and closing his eyes.

  I was fascinated by him. He brought me the same sensation of peace as the woods did.

  His head shot up all of a sudden, his body shielding me, poised and ready for an attack. It became clear why, when the metal door opened and they all walked in. Kitty was first, behind her Luke and then Ty last.

  Monty barked, causing all of them to stand still and look over to us.

  “Awww, is that Monty?” Kitty smiled, stepping forward.

  Monty growled, baring his teeth, causing Kitty to stop and look at me confused.

  “Kay-” Ty stepped forward, holding his hands up and stopping when Monty barked again. “You need to tell him to heel.”

  “What?” I frowned.

  “Tell him to heel, he’s guarding you.”

  “Huh?” I looked down to Monty, “Oh. Heel?” He turned his head slightly, not taking his eyes off of them.

  “Say it more firmly, like you mean it,” Ty said with laughter in his voice.

  “Heel.” He sat back on his hind legs but didn’t stop watching them as they sat down.


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