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Dare to be Three (Dare Menage Series Book 3)

Page 4

by Jeanne St. James

  “Kissing my wife…” Connor said from the other side of the room. His hair appeared mussed as if he’d ran a hand through it once or twice. His face looked flushed.

  Paige couldn’t tell if he was pissed or excited with what he witnessed.

  Without moving away, not even turning his head, Graedon said, “That’s what you brought her here for, wasn’t it?”

  Connor didn’t answer until he moved farther into the room, closer to the two of them. “You’re right, it was. I’ve never seen her kiss another man.”

  “Did you enjoy it?”

  Connor ran a hand over the front of his jeans where it bulged. “I did.”

  Graedon pushed away from Paige, turning his back to her as he moved behind the wet bar. He opened a small fridge and pulled out a beer. He twisted off the top and offered it to Connor. “Do you want a glass?”

  Connor shook his head and moved up to the bar. “No. Thanks.” He took a long pull from the bottle, then placed it on the marble bar top.

  Paige hadn’t moved a muscle. She remained pinned against the wall, though no one or nothing held her there. She wasn’t sure how Connor would react catching them kissing and felt pleasantly surprised there were no signs of jealousy. A good start for sure.

  “My turn,” Connor stated as he rushed across the room and smothered her lips with his.

  His mouth was wet, cool, and flavorful from the cold beer. Her husband had never been this rough with his kiss before. Where had this man been hiding? Their sex life was awesome, and nothing had ever been lacking, but tonight, after seeing Graedon kiss her, a fire burned within him. A strangled moan escaped her as he dug his fingers into her hair, pulling her head back. He caught her bottom lip between his teeth and gently bit down. She melted against the wall and reached between them, finding him hard and ready.

  He straightened and brushed a knuckle over her cheek bone. “I want to watch him fuck you.” His voice sounded low and rough, his eyes hooded.

  Paige stared at him in surprise. “I need you to be one hundred percent sure.”

  With a quick nod, he backed away from her.

  “I want to hear you actually say it, Connor.”

  “I’m sure, babe. Just watching you kiss him did it for me.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it against his zipper. “You can feel how hard I am.”

  Paige snuck a peek at Graedon. He leaned against the bar, a drink paused at his lips.

  She quickly stepped up to the other man, grabbed the glass out of his hands, and downed the contents in one swallow. She slammed the glass onto the bar top. “Damn, that shit is nasty.” She wiped the back of her hand over her mouth.

  “I can make you something you’d like. Simply say the word,” Graedon said, watching her with amusement.

  She popped her hands on her hips and looked up at him. “Did that do it for you, too?”

  “It did.”

  “Good.” She moved behind the bar and looked at what he had in stock. “I need a Long Island iced tea or something strong. No foo-foo drink.”

  Graedon came behind the bar to stand next to her, pulling bottles off the shelf. “I can make you one. Then we can move into the kitchen and have dinner.”

  She grabbed the bottom of his tight sweater and yanked it up enough to see his well-defined abs. Then ran a finger along the indentations of his muscles. “Fuck dinner. We have more important things to do.”

  “Like you?”

  “Yes, like me. Connor wants to watch.”

  As Graedon poured various types of alcohol into an ice-filled pint glass, his eyes flicked to Connor. He stirred the contents and took a sip before handing it over to Paige. “Perfect,” he stated.

  Paige wasn’t sure if he referred to the drink or the idea of Connor wanting to watch. She swallowed a mouthful, the sweet and sour drink going down smoothly.

  “I’m not going to complain that I get her to myself the first time,” Graedon said to him.

  “Don’t get used to it,” Connor replied, returning to the bar to pick up his beer.

  Graedon arched an eyebrow and gave Paige a look. “You did tell him my conditions, right?

  “Yes, we discussed them,” she answered while regarding her husband. He had agreed with them at the time. Did he change his mind?

  Connor took a deep breath, then said, “I heard your conditions. I’m out of town a lot, so I get where you two would want to get together when I’m away.”

  “I also travel often due to my position, so I want to make it fair, and make sure there are no hard feelings.”

  Connor nodded his head. “Maybe that’s what we should agree on. If I’m out of town, it’s okay. If I’m in town, I have to be included. Same for you.”

  Graedon placed a hand along Paige’s lower back. “I’ll agree with that if Paige does.”

  Paige shrugged. “Hey, I can’t bitch about that. I’m the one benefitting here.” She took a long drink from her glass.

  “Whoa, you need to slow down there, babe,” Connor said, a worried look in his eyes.

  “Why don’t we go relax? I’m not sure if you heard, but Paige suggested skipping dinner for now and—“

  “Get busy,” Paige interrupted Graedon.

  “Yes, apparently the phrase is get busy.”

  “Seriously, you were a football player in locker rooms, how can you not use slang or even curse?” she quipped. He seemed a bit uptight when it came to the English language. Little did he know that she was a professional potty-mouth. He would figure it out soon enough.

  “Paige curses enough for both of us; she’ll sear your ears,” Connor warned him.

  True, but… “If you’re going to be offended by my creative use of the English language, then this may not work out.”

  “I won’t be offended,” Graedon said. “Just because I choose to speak a certain way, doesn’t mean you can’t be yourself around me. It’s important we all feel comfortable with each other.”

  Why did she get the niggling feeling that he’d done this before? What would the odds be that they picked someone who had more experience than her or Connor when it came to multiple partners? Hell, they had zero experience with multiple partners. Only fantasies. Maybe having someone with expertise would be an advantage. Now that she considered it, if he had been in a relationship or situation like this before, what happened to it? What went wrong? Shit. Paige chewed her bottom lip.

  “Every time you do that, Connor or I will have to distract you. You shouldn’t bite your beautiful lips.”

  Beautiful lips? Huh. “Distract me, how?” She got a feeling she knew what he meant, but she wanted him to show her anyway.

  “Like this.” He reached for her hips and pulled her close, kissing her hard and quick.

  Connor came up from behind, sandwiching her between them. With his hands on her waist, they both turned her around, and Connor whispered, staring at her mouth, “And this.” He kissed her fiercely, taking his time, unlike Graedon. He lifted his lips long enough to say, “You taste so good,” before taking her mouth again.

  Being kissed by her husband while another man pressed against her from behind was so…erotic. And she realized this was only the beginning.

  Graedon brushed her hair away from her neck to blow his warm breath against her heated skin. His mouth followed, his tongue sliding along her spine, stopping only when he reached the neckline of her sweater.

  He felt hard against her ass, and it was difficult to miss how large he was. From what she could tell, even with denim separating the two of them, he was much larger than Connor. And Connor was no joke either.

  Graedon’s hands slid from her hips down to the globes of her ass, squeezing them together as he thrust against her. He found the back of her neck again, sinking his teeth softly into her flesh.

  Paige pushed her ass against him while leaning into Connor, grabbing her husband’s biceps to steady herself. She groaned into his mouth as Connor played with the peaks of her nipples through the soft, knitted fabric. Hard and s
ensitive, she wanted someone’s mouth on them.

  But the three of them were fully dressed, standing behind a bar in a game room. This was not where she wanted to be taken by another man in front of her husband for the first time.

  She flattened her palms on Connor’s chest and pushed him slightly. “Where?”

  Graedon smoothed his hands up her ribcage until he cupped her breasts from behind. He murmured against her skin, “Follow me.”

  Though slightly disappointed when Graedon stepped back from her, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he would be touching her again. Her breathing became rapid and shallow as Graedon took her hand, leading her from the room, back to the foyer, and up the stairs. Connor gripped her other hand as she pulled him along.

  Not that he needed urging. Excitement and anticipation filled his eyes, and he couldn’t keep his free hand off his hard cock hidden behind his denim.

  Paige felt tempted to watch him because whenever Connor touched himself it turned her on, but at the pace Graedon traveled up the stairs, she was forced to keep eyes forward to make sure she didn’t trip and accidently tumble all of them down the steps.

  When they got to the landing of the second floor, Paige’s heart began to beat furiously. They were only steps away from this happening. She quickly peeked at Connor and squeezed his hand.

  He squeezed back, giving her a nervous smile.

  Connor had always been her rock. He needed to keep his shit together so she could. But Paige felt like a virgin about to get her cherry popped.

  At the end of the hall, Graedon opened one side of double doors, sweeping his arm toward the interior of the bedroom, indicating they should enter. “Welcome.”

  Something in that welcome held such promise it made Paige even more nervous. Graedon seemed to be rock steady, not a nerve in sight. He’d definitely done this before. He acted way too comfortable with what was about to happen.

  The bedroom looked oversized, like the man standing in the center of the neat-as-a-pin room as he observed her and Connor’s reaction. The king-sized bed was made up perfectly, not a wrinkle or a loose corner in sight.

  Paige bet the room had a luxurious en-suite bathroom and a walk-in closet big enough for her to live in.

  The rich colors consisted of tans, creams, and browns, with a little burgundy to highlight. Someone put a lot of thought into decorating this master bedroom. Paige loved it. And it fit its owner. Tasteful, refined, but subdued. “Beautiful,” she whispered.

  “Thank you. My interior decorator understood my requirements and hit it out of the park.”

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “Paige, really,” he admonished her. “Do you want to spend time asking me unimportant questions or would you rather me undress you?”

  Well, when he put it that way…

  Graedon indicated a curved upholstered chair in the corner. “You may sit there to watch.”

  Connor looked where he suggested and then back to Graedon. “And if I decide I want to participate once you two have started?”

  Graedon tilted his head. “As you wish.”

  Paige caught the flash in his eyes. Clearly, Graedon wanted the first time just to be the two of them. But if Connor decided to join in, she would never discourage him. This was for him too. Not just Graedon. Not just her.

  Instead of heading to the chair, Connor moved closer to the two of them. “I want to at least help the two of you undress.”

  “Yes,” Paige agreed enthusiastically. She loved when Connor took his time undressing her, exposing her body little by little, appreciating it along the way. It was one of her favorite acts of foreplay. Though, honestly, Paige never had done any foreplay that wasn’t her favorite. Anything that titillated her was a winner.

  Connor went behind Paige, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Ready?”

  “Oh yes. Please.” Her breathing shallowed as her husband ran his fingers down her arms to her waist, grasping the hem of her sweater.

  Connor’s gaze shifted to Graedon. “You want to help?”

  “Of course.”

  Both her and Connor were a bunch of nerves, but this man was an enigma. His words were calm. His demeanor cool. Not a quiver to his voice. If Paige didn’t know better, she’d think he was approaching this as a business transaction. But she had no doubt his passion ran high, that it was molten like lava. She just experienced it downstairs.

  Within seconds, she once again found herself sandwiched between the two men. Graedon in front, Connor behind. Both held the bottom edge of her sweater and slowly rolled it up over her breasts and her head. Connor threw it somewhere behind him, but Paige’s eyes never left Graedon. His heated gaze roamed over the flesh that overflowed from her bra. She hoped he was making plans on what he intended to do with and to her breasts. Her nipples pebbled in anticipation.

  Connor slid his fingers under the clasp and released the weight the silky fabric held up. The black bra fell forward and slipped down her arms.

  “So perfect,” Graedon whispered.

  Paige wanted him to touch her. But he didn’t. He only caressed her with his eyes. Without even a touch, the man created a pool of wetness between her legs.

  Graedon reached out to unsnap and unzip her jeans, while Connor went to his knees behind her, stroking around her ankles and up her calves until the denim got too snug for him to continue. He pulled his hands out from her pant legs and explored his way up over the top of the jeans until he had a grip on the waistband. With Graedon holding the front, Connor holding the back, they peeled the curve-fitting jeans over her hips and down her thighs until she was free.

  They left her panties on and Connor, once again on his knees, started at her feet, licking his way up her leg until he reached the bottom of her black lacy boy shorts. Taking Connor’s cue, Graedon also dropped to his knees at her feet, kissing her lower belly and circling her navel with his tongue before working his way to the top elastic band. Connor hooked his fingers in the back, Graedon worked fingers into the front, and they slipped her panties down slowly, their mouths following the panties’ path. When Graedon’s mouth was directly over her pubis bone, Paige grabbed onto his broad shoulders, trying desperately to stay on her feet. His tongue stroked the narrow, neat strip of hair she’d left, making her body clench as his hot breath washed over her most sensitive area.

  Connor scraped his teeth along her buttocks, nipping gently here and there. Not hard enough to leave marks, but hard enough to make her whimper and dig her nails into Graedon’s skin through the sweater. Her husband licked up the crease of her ass and sucked the skin at the small of her back.

  They slid her panties down her thighs, and they dropped at her feet. She kicked them off so she could separate her legs as much as possible, giving Graedon room to slip two fingers along her wet, swollen lips to expose her clit. His mouth found it, sucking, licking, and flicking until she cried out and she couldn’t hold on any longer.

  “Easy, babe,” Connor murmured, helping to support her.

  She curled her fingers tighter in Graedon’s sweater, helplessly tugging at it, wanting him to be as naked as she was.

  After a few more strokes of his tongue, he sat back on his heels and gazed up at her, his dark lips glistening with signs of her arousal. Then he stood, kicked off his shoes, and grabbed the bottom of his sweater, ready to pull it over his head.

  “No.” She stopped him with a shaky voice. “No, let us.”

  He dropped his hands to his sides and smiled at her. “Whatever you want.”

  With a last kiss to the center of her back, Connor moved behind Graedon. He and Paige repeated to him what the men had done to her. They stripped him, slowly exposing his dark, smooth skin. His tight, almost black nipples, and…

  Paige sucked in a breath and ran a finger gently over a long scar that ran between his heavy pec muscles. The scar was old and thick, but still pinker than the rest of his skin. She met his eyes, questioning.

  Graedon’s nostrils flared s
lightly, and he gave a quick shake of his head. Now was not the time.

  Paige leaned closer to kiss along the puckered scar line then she licked his nipples, flicking each tip with her tongue.

  The man had the V. The developed line of muscle that ran from his outer abs to point to secrets below. Secrets Paige wanted to discover.

  She peeked at Connor. He’d noticed too.

  Though Connor was very fit, he didn’t have that scrumptious V. And Paige hoped he wouldn’t feel self-conscious next to Graedon.

  But by the look on Connor’s face, he appeared captivated by it too.

  Graedon shoved his fingers into her long hair, gripping tight enough to pull her scalp painfully. But it felt so good. So right.

  He pulled her head back and kissed along her neck as Connor worked Graedon’s jeans open, running a hand over the bulge in his boxer briefs. “Fuck,” Connor said, as he discovered how big the other man was. He made quick work of removing Graedon’s jeans, briefs, and socks until the man stood before him nude.

  Graedon’s heavy cock fell against Paige’s belly. Between the heat and size of him as well as his mouth on her skin, she cried out in sheer desperate need.

  Connor came around the larger man to kiss Paige’s shoulder before heading to the chair in the corner. He sprawled in the seat, his legs spread wide, and he unfastened his own jeans, pushing them down enough to be able to slide his hand inside.

  Paige bit back a squeal as Graedon swung her into his arms. She felt tiny, like a doll, as his muscles bunched and tightened around her. He placed her at the edge of the mattress, pushing her upper body flat, pulling her ass to the edge, before going to his knees between her thighs. He settled her feet on his shoulders and dove in.


  Paige arched her back, her mouth gaping, as his lips moved along her pussy and his tongue invaded her. He sucked in her folds, her clit, the tender skin in the crease of her thigh. He bit her swollen flesh before plunging two fingers deep inside her. She pushed her hips off the bed, mashing herself against his mouth as he worked her. Oh, did he work her into a frenzy. Mindless, she rocked her head back and forth, as he sucked her clit hard and plunged his large fingers in and out of her until…


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