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Dare to be Three (Dare Menage Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Jeanne St. James

  Grae schooled the pleased look from his face. “How long ago?”

  “Not since college.”

  He looked up at Connor in surprise.

  He shrugged and said, “She’s never offered.”

  The man waited for her to offer instead of just taking what was his? How foolish. You’d never get what you want if you don’t try, Grae thought. His first rule of being successful.

  He reached above him to one of the small cabinets above the bed and pulled a condom from a box. He regretted finding no lube, which was what he had suspected, and made a mental note to make sure the boat always had a supply on board. He would not be caught unprepared again.

  He held out the unopened condom to Connor. “Here, come put this on me, so I can fuck your wife.”

  A look crossed the other man’s face, but he moved forward after a slight hesitation, to pluck the condom from Grae’s fingers and rip the wrapper open. Connor’s thighs brushed against Paige as he reached out to grab Grae’s erection and roll the latex over his length.

  Grae gritted his teeth until Connor was done. He released his breath slowly, his eyes not leaving the other man’s. “I want you to watch us, but when I give you instructions, I want you to obey. Do you understand?”

  Again, Connor hesitated, his lips flattening out while his fingers curled into loose fists. His chest rose and fell. Once. Twice. A third time.

  “Do you understand?” Grae asked more slowly, each word precise and firm. He wanted to leave no room for Connor to get the idea he could disobey.

  With a slight nod of his head, Connor said, “I understand.”

  The power struggle between the two men quickly dissipated as Grae turned his attention to Paige. On hands and knees, her pussy was a deep pink, and slick with excitement. Her body tremored slightly.

  Grae stroked a hand along her spine, over the crease of her ass, and he parted her with two fingers. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. He glanced up. “Your wife is beautiful. She’s so wet and hot, I can feel how ready she is for me to be inside her. Do you think she wants me to fuck her?”

  Connor visibly swallowed, his spent cock stirring enough for Grae to see how turned on the other man was.

  “Yes,” he answered Grae.

  Grae leaned down to nip Paige’s ass. One cheek then the other. “Are you ready for me, Paige? Was me sucking your husband to completion enough foreplay for you?”

  Paige did not turn to him when she answered, but remained facing Connor. “Oh yes.”

  He slid back enough to plunge his face against her, inhaling the scent of her arousal, tasting her need. He licked her luscious folds then sucked them, making her flesh swell even more. Swiping his thumb through her wetness, he pressed the slick digit onto her tight, puckered anus. He kissed her clit gently before going to his knees behind her.

  With one hand gripping his cock, he pressed against her entrance, while his thumb worked her tight ring. He shifted until he was barely penetrating her, gripped her hip with his free hand, and thrust into her with his thumb and cock all at once.

  Paige cried out, her hands sliding a little from underneath her from the power of his thrust.

  The initial warmth and tightness surrounding him made him slow to a stop. As he stilled, her body adjusted to him in both entrances. Her wetness made his entry easy, her body accommodating him like she’d been made specifically for him.

  His hips remained still as he worked his thumb in and out of her. “Relax. You need to relax.” He knew it could be dangerous to tell a woman to relax. But in this case, it was needed. Her body fought the onslaught of his thumb inside her.

  “I can’t relax. It feels too good,” she cried out breathlessly.

  “Come, Connor. Help her.” Grae glanced at the other man pressed against the hull of the boat, his eyes hooded, his hand cupping his semi-erect cock.

  Within seconds, Connor moved forward on hands and knees until he was directly in front of Paige. He leaned down to take her face in his hands and he kissed her hard, his head tilting, his jaw moving as he thoroughly explored Paige’s mouth and lips.

  As Grae watched the two of them kiss, he began the age-old rhythm of satisfying the woman his body was connected to. He synchronized the rhythm of both his thumb and cock, plunging in and out of her. He heard her groans mix with Connor’s, both muffled by the intense kiss.

  Connor released her face to grab her breasts, which swung beneath her body with each thrust.

  Though Grae couldn’t see what Connor was doing to her nipples, he could feel the effect. The squeeze of her walls around him, the sudden upward tilt of her pelvis to open herself to him more.

  Her muscles pulsated and rippled along his length as he slammed her harder, his hips slapping the flesh of her ass. He pushed his thumb deeper. Once, twice. Then he pulled it out and replaced it with two fingers.

  Her gasp was loud against Connor’s lips. Connor pulled back and whispered words to her which Grae couldn’t hear.

  An intimacy existed between the two that Grae wanted to be a part of. Needed to be included in.

  It would get there, but he needed it sooner than later.

  It would come, he told himself.

  Then Paige was murmuring words. The demand was repeated over and over until she shouted, her fingers gripping the bedspread tightly. Hard enough he wouldn’t be surprised if she shredded it with her nails.

  “Fuck me! Oh—fuck! Fuck me!”

  Connor fisted his own cock as he watched his wife’s unrestrained passion. Her encouragement quickened Grae’s pace until he stood on the same precipice as Paige. The pull and release of her inner walls made him falter, his fingers and cock deep within her. He threw his head back and closed his eyes as her wet heat enveloped him, drew him in.

  The intense ripples along his length as she climaxed was his undoing. His fingers dug into the curve of her hip as he became still, his cock pulsating his release within her. With eyes remaining closed, he sucked air deep into his lungs, his body humming from his explosive reaction. Paige’s body still held him tight.

  When he felt Paige’s arms collapse, he opened his eyes to see her head on Connor’s lap. Connor was spent, evidence of his own release across his lower abdomen.

  With a groan, he disengaged from Paige, allowing her body to fall to the bed. Grae smiled when he heard a loud sigh.

  Paige looked as satisfied as a kitten who drank a bowl of warm milk.

  Paige curled sleepily between them, the heat from their bodies not helping her stay awake. Their low male voices soothed her like a lullaby. The men talked to each other while their fingers slowly caressed her thighs, her arms, her belly.

  If she were capable of purring, she’d be doing it right now.

  She hadn’t been paying attention to what they were talking about. Something dull like football and other sports, or some such shit. The only reason she watched football was because her brother’s business was involved in it and her brother-in-law was a retired NFL player. Whenever Connor talked about football, he insisted on addressing the difference between American and Australian football and Paige heard the same diatribe a million times before. She tuned it out and simply enjoyed their light touching.

  Then every once in a while, she’d rest her eyes. Like now. Her eyelids became too heavy for her to haul them back up. But before she could drift off to la-la land, a few particular words about male body parts caught her attention. Graedon’s tone had become reassuring, while Connor’s a little tighter.

  Paige’s eyes popped open. Any sleepy thoughts quickly cleared from her mind as she listened to the two men.

  “I can’t,” Connor said, his eyes wide.

  “You will.”

  Graedon’s commanding voice sent a thrill down her body, her nipples pebbling instantly. Which seemed to happen every time he showed his dominance.

  “Impossible,” Connor insisted.

  It wasn’t hard to figure out what they were discussing. Paige sat up, almost dislodging th
eir hands.

  “It may not be today, but soon. We’ll prepare you. I promise,” Grae assured Connor. “This relationship is going to be one hundred percent give and take. And that means…“

  “We all give. We all take,” Paige finished for him.

  Both sets of eyes landed on her.

  She gave them an impish smile and turned to her husband. “Are you willing to try it?”

  “On Graedon? Sure.”

  Graedon shifted next to her as Connor purposely misunderstood her. “Um, baby…I meant the other way.”

  “That’s what we’ve been talking about,” Graedon told her.

  “I’ll tell you what. I’m willing to try. As Graedon said, he’ll have to prepare me. But like you said, it’s give and take. And I want to explore new things too.”

  “Please, the two of you may call me Grae. We’ve been intimate. No need to keep my name so formal.”

  Paige repeated his name out loud. After calling him and thinking about him as Graedon, the shortened version seemed odd. “Well?” she prompted Grae about Connor’s request, nudging him gently in the ribs with her elbow.

  Grae tilted his head. “Understood. And I…” He hesitated. “Would be willing…” He visibly swallowed. “To see how things go.”

  Even that much seemed to be difficult for Grae to say. Paige got it. He wanted to be the top dog. Literally. Paige wondered if Grae had ever been topped in his life. She would have to ask him next time they got a moment alone. For now, it was as close as they were going to get.

  Give and take.

  “Well, anyway, we’ll be getting to know each other better as we go. Learn each other’s secrets. Our fantasies.” Paige leaned closer to Grae to trace the thick, raised scar down his torso. “Learn what makes our hearts tick. Or not tick.” She stopped at the bottom of the puckered skin, only a couple inches above his navel. “Hold back nothing,” she whispered as she met his gaze.

  Grae closed his hand over hers, squeezing it slightly, but not moving it away.

  She had searched the Internet and found why he had the scar. But she wanted to—no, needed—to hear it from his own lips what ended the professional football career of an extremely good player. An up and coming player, as the media had called him.

  Grae gave a slight shake to his head. “Another time.”

  To say Paige felt disappointed was an understatement. It showed Grae wasn’t comfortable enough around them to discuss his past. It was heart surgery. Why so close-mouthed?

  “Okay, then.” She moved back up and leaned farther to trace the raised branding on his right bicep. The chest scar might have been necessary and unplanned, but in contrast, the branding seemed to be planned, unnecessary torture. Not that she didn’t like tattoos on men, but being branded was a whole different level. “What about this?”

  “It’s a branding,” was his dry answer.

  Connor snorted. Without looking, Paige smacked him in the arm, which made him laugh even harder.

  Paige pinched Grae lightly next to the raised skin. “Very funny. I know it’s a branding. How about the what, why, when, and whatever were you thinking?“

  Grae snagged her fingers and lifted them to his lips. He kissed each tip then sucked her index finger into his mouth.

  Paige almost moaned as his tongue swirled sensuously around her digit. She tamped down her desire to jump onto his lap and finish what he just started. Her voice sounded raspy to her own ears when she said, “You’re just trying to avoid the questions.”

  He smiled around her finger before releasing it. “Not at all.”

  Paige made a tsking sound, not believing him.

  “Fine.” He linked his hand with hers, placing them on his thickly muscled thigh.

  As she stared at their entwined hands, she reached out with her left to find Connor’s, connecting the three of them.

  “I will answer your questions. But you must answer one of mine first. And I want you to answer it honestly. Hold nothing back.”

  Oh, like he did with his surgery scar?

  “Shoot,” she said.

  “What is your deepest, darkest fantasy? Forbidden or not.”

  Now she quickly regretted it after she heard the question. “Wanting a threesome isn’t enough?”


  She peeked toward her husband, who had straightened a little as if he couldn’t wait to hear the answer. She might have to turn it around and ask them the same question. Suddenly, she did feel very curious how they would answer. A thrill went through her.

  This could get interesting. “Can I have time to think about it?”

  Grae blinked at her. “You need time to figure out your ultimate fantasy?”

  Sort of. The reason she wanted time was she had a feeling whatever she told him would end up coming true. And this scared her a little, but she wasn’t telling him that. “Please. But…” She gave him a serious look. “I don’t want to be the only one of us revealing secrets. I want to hear both of yours also. No matter what it is.”

  Grae’s eyes narrowed and darkened for a moment. “I can agree with that as long as none of us judges the other for the answer. Connor?”

  “Sure. I’m game.”

  Paige knew this wasn’t a game at all. Definitely some serious shit from way down deep in Grae and once again, a tinge of apprehension crept up her spine. “Okay. The branding?” she prodded him, attempting to steer the conversation back.

  “You swear not to avoid my question?”

  “Yes. I promise I will reveal my deepest, darkest fantasy.” If Paige had a free hand, she would’ve crossed her fingers and drew an X over her heart.

  “The what and when… The brand represents my college fraternity, Omega Psi Phi. If you look closely, you’ll see quite a few black football players with brands. The why is simple… It gives us solidarity. Brothers for life.”

  “I see it now.” The Greek letter that stood for Omega was what had been burned into his flesh. “Do you still keep in touch with everyone?”

  “Only a few. It’s an international fraternity, there are hundreds of chapters.”

  “That had to be very painful,” Connor said.

  “It wasn’t pleasant,” Grae agreed, mildly.

  He was downplaying it. Paige knew it had to hurt like a bitch. Who in their right mind gave themselves a third degree burn? “Would you do it again?”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s done.”

  Sigh. He certainly didn’t give up information easily. He didn’t want to admit any regrets he may have? By now, she knew he had no other marks on his body, besides the surgery scar and the one piercing in his ear. Paige realized it was rare to come across a pro football player without any tattoos.

  Yes, this man was unique in many ways. She couldn’t wait to peel away his many layers to find the true Graedon Ward.

  Chapter 6

  As Grae slid the key into the lock and turned it, he wondered how this happened. It wasn’t supposed to end up this way.

  He stepped over the threshold into his new temporary home. His intent had been for them to move in with him. Instead, he ended up here in middle-class suburbia.

  He walked into the kitchen and threw his keys on the counter.

  He loved his house, especially his master bedroom suite. It was all warm tones, wood, and rich colors. Expensive furniture and pieces of art.

  This house, in contrast, was light and airy, full of windows, floral tones and just…not him.

  Luckily, it was only temporary, he thought, as he pulled the refrigerator door open to stare absently into its cool interior. He needed a drink after the cluster of a day he had at work, but all his good liquor was at home. Instead, he was assaulted by a bunch of beer bottles from local breweries, all lined up like good little soldiers.

  Grae tamped down his disappointment. His options were to hit the local liquor store or drive the forty-five minutes home to get the good stuff. Or find a local joint that served top shelf gin or scotch.

  He gazed do
wn at his watch. It would be at least an hour before Paige would arrive home. Longer for Connor. Especially since the man flew to St. Louis this morning for his job.

  This meant Paige and he would have the house to themselves for the next few days. His spirits mysteriously brightened.

  Maybe he should head out to the farm and surprise her. Take her to dinner. Wine and dine her before ravishing her for the rest of the night. He pictured her with her hair loose and messy, her eyelids hooded, her mouth parted, crying out for him as he pounded her hard and fast, her nails raking his skin, her teeth tearing at his flesh.

  Grae dropped a hand to the bulge in his pants. His cock was stirring and he no longer needed a drink. He needed Paige.

  He snagged his keys from the counter and drove his X6 like a madman to the farm.

  When he arrived, he found the building that held the business offices empty and locked. Ty and Logan’s house wasn’t far, just down a gravel driveway, so he figured he could drive by there and check if Paige’s car was out front. When he pulled up to the sprawling log home, her red SUV was there, as well as a few others.

  In fact, when he approached the front door, it sounded like a party was going on. Grae’s temper flared a bit at the thought of Paige being at a party that he knew nothing about. He closed his eyes, took a calming breath, and let himself in the door of his friend’s house.

  Loud voices and what sounded like a televised football game came from the living room and he headed that direction. He realized no one heard him come in, nor knew he stood behind them in the entrance to the great room.

  His anger bubbled up again as he realized Paige was the only woman in the room. Yes, this was her brother’s house. And yes, she was in this house often. He recognized this fact. But Paige was sitting on the couched curled up against Ty White. Sandwiched on the other side was Ren Landis, another retired NFL player. Perched at the end of the couch was Cole Dixon, Ren’s lover and also a former Boston Bulldog. Quinn, Eve, nor her brother Logan, were anywhere to be found.

  His hands shook and he curled his fingers into fists to hide it as he moved to stand behind the couch, staring down at the arm Ty had around Paige.


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