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One for the Road

Page 18

by Lynne Marshall

  “It’s D’Anne, lady. Thought you might like to hear them, again.”

  “I’m gonna do better than that,” Marlene said. “I’m coming to Vegas!”

  D’Anne made it through the second set and a total of four cans of diet soda, half expecting to float away. Tammy escorted her to the bathroom each and every time she felt the call, insisting on talking about the future and what she should do with her life.

  “Go back to school,” D’Anne repeated for at least the third time. “It doesn’t have to be college. Adult schools offer classes on computers, secretarial studies, medical technology, court reporting, all kinds of things.” D’Anne stood in front of the mirror and combed her overgrown bangs and shaggy hair. “You name it, you can get training.”

  She stopped dead and stared through the mirror at the pretty young woman standing beside her. She could almost see the light bulbs flashing on and off inside her poofy, Barbie-haired head.

  Tammy crossed her arms. “Well, maybe.” She put bright pink lipstick on and blotted her full lips together with a smack.

  D’Anne was fairly sure she understood what J.T. found so enchanting about the girl. Tammy seemed naturally sweet and unaffected by life. What she lacked in drive, she made up for in looks. And there was more to her than that, she had a desire to make something of herself, a longing to grow as an individual. Yet insecurity seemed to nag at her. D’Anne fought back envy of Tammy’s age and beauty with a reality check. Thank God, that stage of my life is over. Other than more youthful skin and better muscle tone, emotionally there wasn’t one iota of reason to turn back the hands of time.

  They rushed out of the filthy and foul smelling bathroom in time to hear the band’s closing song. Tyler had decided to close with a dose of patriotism. D’Anne heard the snare drum’s marching beat, and felt chills when Tyler’s clear, deep voice began to sing.

  She thought she’d never get tired of hearing him.


  Tyler poured a second cup of coffee and handed it to Dee, then sat beside her in the cockpit. The comforting diesel hum from the RV engine made him feel ready to travel. They’d played great tonight. Every time the band performed they got tighter. Something about the four of them clicked and he wanted to keep it that way. This was the sound he’d been striving to achieve all his life, his musical signature.

  He looked over at Dee sipping from her mug and letting the engine warm up. There was something about her he might have been searching for all of his life, too. A steady, good woman, she’d been around the block and learned her lessons. She had her head on straight. The last thing she’d ever have was unrealistic expectations about love. And their chemistry was right on target, too. Man, something about her x’s made his y’s perk right up.

  Dee shifted the motor home into drive and pressed on the pedal. The huge vehicle lurched forward and headed for the open road as if it had a mind of its own. US 385 toward I-20, that was the plan.

  Tyler and Dee had said goodbye to his mother that evening before he went to work. He held her birdlike frame ever so gently in his arms and kissed his momma on the top of the head. “I promise to come home for Thanksgiving.”

  Tyler was touched by how tenderly Dee and Lura Mae had hugged and said goodbye. He felt a little uncomfortable when his mother asked Dee to come home with Tyler for the holiday.

  “I won’t take no for an answer.” She grasped Dee’s hands and squeezed them tight.

  Tyler’d seen Dee blush and nod her head and with all the day dreaming he’d been doing about how great things were with her, and how right she was for him, he knew that’s all it was, a day dream, a wish for something more out of life than the road. He wished it could be true, but knew better. History had taught him all he needed to know about women. She had a family waiting for her back in California. This wasn’t a forever thing. What they shared was just for now, but a man could hope.

  He drank some coffee and watched Dee concentrate on the road. She sat straight, her hands at ten and two. Occasionally, she bit her lower lip, the lips he’d come to love, and he wondered how soon it would be before he’d have to say goodbye.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After talking Tyler into a short detour through the Franklin Mountains National Park just thirty minutes outside of El Paso, Dee jumped out of the RV. Wearing the cowboy hat he’d given her, she twirled around in a circle. “This is gorgeous!”

  She walked toward some boulders at the base of a hill. He followed her to a secluded area away from the RV where Bear and Ricky-Bob sacked out. J.T. and Tammy lagged somewhere far behind in the Mustang.

  “Now this is what the Old West looks like to me.” Grinning toward the sun, she snapped her fingers with arms extended, and did quick foot patterns on the dry, brown earth. Dexter followed her around in circles yipping and sniffing as if she’d found water. Tyler stood by enjoying the view.

  “God, this is great!” she said, breathless.

  Lord how she could smile. The woman had a fine, sexy mouth filled with bright teeth, and when she grinned at Tyler, it made him weak in the knees.

  “I’m partial to the scenery, too,” he said.

  He found a big rock to sit on and settled down to watch Dee do her nature ballet to the goddess of earth, and in the process, she danced a little deeper into his heart. He appreciated the stark beauty as much as Dee but was seriously glad they were just passing through.

  “Go on,” he said, “don’t stop dancing on my account.” Some words formed in the back of his mind while he watched her prance. What would it take to make you mine? He sensed the beginning of a new song and tapped his foot to the tune in his head.

  She looked at him with brilliant emerald green eyes, impish and daring, glanced right and then left. Coast being clear, she began to unbutton her blouse. Tyler sat straighter, cocked his head. Her grin widened. So did his. Dee stripped down to her bra and reached for her boot, hopping on one leg while she pulled it free. In a flash, she removed the other boot and jumped from foot to foot on the hot, gravelly sand. But that didn’t stop her. Tyler’s heart lurched, and his brow broke into a sweat. One quick tug and her shorts were snatched off. His mouth grew dry, and his groin went on alert. Down to French cut panties and bra, she turned and checked over her shoulder to see if Tyler was still watching. Of course he was. With one sexy peek-a-boo twirl, she removed her bra with the flair of a stripper.

  Tyler pushed his hat back with a knuckle and cleared his throat, afraid to draw attention to himself or spoil the moment. Dee spun around, baring her full, pale breasts with deep rosy nipples, and he lost his breath fighting an urge to reach for her. His gaze drifted upward to a look he’d never seen on her face before. Her eyes burned with passion and seemed to say “This is for you. Only you.”

  Dee snapped her thumbs under the elastic and wiggled out of her underwear. On a deep inhale, a rod of heat shot through Tyler’s core. His gut tightened. Damn. He wanted her, now…and for the rest of his life.

  With the cowboy hat snug on her head, Dee giggled and used the bra like a feather boa, as if she heard striptease music in her head. She slapped the ground with it, drew it through her other hand like a scarf, raised it up and dropped it behind her neck, punctuating the move with a shimmy and a Marilyn Monroe giggle. Tyler could barely keep from sweeping her into his arms and telling her something he shouldn’t. Something beyond his reach and best kept to himself.

  When she’d finished prancing around, she approached him beaming, adding agony to his ecstasy. He stood to welcome her in his arms.

  “I swear I’ve never felt this free in my life.” She spoke excitedly, arms outstretched, palms lifted upward. The hot, bright sun seemed to wash away her cares.

  Tyler grinned back at Dee…like a fool in love. “You might want to use some sunscreen,” Bear’s

  undeniable voice broke in. So caught up with the moment, Tyler hadn’t heard him step around the boulders, or clear his throat.

  A squeal escaped Dee’s mouth as she scuffled
to gather and hide behind her bundled clothes. Tyler stepped in front to protect her from Bear’s view. “Give us a minute,” he shot a look over his shoulder and found Bear in full blush with no intention of leaving. “We’ll be right there. Go on.”

  He turned back to find Dee scrambling into her underwear, shorts and blouse, beet red and frantic. After Bear left, they caught each other’s gaze and broke into embarrassed laughter.

  She shook her head in chagrin. “Just my luck.” He didn’t think he could smile any broader.

  Like a trooper, she got back to business, dusted sand from her feet and slid them into her boots. With a sweep of her gaze to his, her eyes suddenly brimmed with sincerity. “Thank you.”

  An arrow of gratitude struck him deep in the heart. “No darlin’. I thank you.”


  The group didn’t arrive in Tucson until close to five o’clock on Tuesday evening. Theresa’s sister, Jilly, met them in the parking lot at the back of the restaurant.

  “Hey! You look great!” Jilly said when she saw D’Anne. “This road life agrees with you.” They hugged and laughed.

  “I need a haircut, a manicure, a pedicure, a facial and a long bath. Other than that, I feel good.”

  “I can arrange whatever you need,” Jilly said. “There’s a day spa right down the road. I’ll sign you up for tomorrow, my treat.”

  “You’re on.” D’Anne wiped her hands on her dusty jeans and attempted to high-five Jilly, who seemed unsure of what to do.

  D’Anne looked over her shoulder remembering to introduce everyone. Even in a southwestern themed town like Tucson, where turquoise routinely adorned large belt buckles and people wore expensive fancy boots, the Tyler White Band stood out as different. Tyler, the big Texan through and through. Bear the unique from Kentucky. J.T., part Native American, all Oklahoman. And Ricky-Bob, Mr. Nashville flats in the flesh. She wondered what Jilly thought of them. They looked rough and rowdy. D’Anne got a kick claiming them as her travel partners and friends. A twinge of good sense and they really don’t fit into my world do they, nagged at her and drove an uncomfortable feeling into her gut.

  “Where’d you find the hunk?” Jilly asked quietly, barely moving her tight, smiley lips.

  “He needed a ride, I had the wheels.” D’Anne whispered back.

  Jilly agreed to let the RV stay overnight in the parking lot and hook up with a long orange, heavy-duty extension cord to the restroom for electricity. She looked suspicious when D’Anne said she’d stay in the RV with the band, even after Jilly had invited her as a guest to her home. But Jilly took it in stride, didn’t press her, and welcomed them all with an invitation for a free meal in the restaurant that night.


  After washing up and changing clothes, D’Anne met Tyler for dinner. Thick adobe brick, painted burnt red, kept the cavernous cantina cool and dark. Arizona landscapes were depicted on the walls, which struck D’Anne as silly since all anyone had to do was step outside to see the real thing for themselves. That is if they didn’t mind getting hit with 105 degrees of dry heat.

  The waitresses at the Southwestern Grill and Café wore full, colorful skirts and white eyelet, Mexican-styled blouses. A buff bartender looked more like a bouncer in a tight blue polo shirt, and gave D’Anne the creeps.

  D’Anne broke her no-more-drinking rule for a refreshing glass of sangria. Tyler joined her.

  The platinum-haired and desert-tanned Jilly— distracted with her other patrons and running her restaurant—allowed D’Anne and Tyler time alone.

  “So tell me about this interview that woman Pauline has set up.” D’Anne tore a piece of thick, puffy fry bread and nibbled.

  Tyler shook his head, humble as always, brushing any notion of grandeur away. “Just some kid from a local paper willing to write about some old has-been.” He took a drink of his wine and fruit concoction, grimaced, set it back down. “It’s a syndicated column, so it’ll appear in the local Vegas paper on Friday morning.”

  While D’Anne ate the bread, Tyler looked on in a curious manner, watching her lips.

  “It’ll give us some free advertising for the weekend.” He shrugged.

  She patted his hand and reacted deep inside, like she always did whenever their skin came in contact. “Hey, the more people that handsome puss of yours brings to the show, the better impression you’ll make with the powers that be.”

  “They’re coming to see Tanya Lockwood. We’re just the opening act, remember?” he said.

  She patted more. “Once they hear that powerful song of yours, you’re the one they’ll remember, Tyler.”

  His fingers wrapped around hers and held her hand still. “I wish everyone believed in me as much as you do.”

  She smiled. “I’ve got all the faith in the world you’ll be back on the charts again, cowboy.”

  He made his handsome, cockeyed country boy grin that could knock her boots off, if she had them on. Food quickly became the last thing on her mind.

  After D’Anne and Tyler shared a satisfying dinner, Ricky-Bob, Bear, J.T. and Tammy came strolling into the cantina. Shit-eating grins adorned each of their faces.

  “We’re going to check out a club down the road apiece, after we eat,” Ricky-Bob said with beer-flushed cheeks.

  “Y’all should come too,” Bear chimed in.

  Tammy spoke next. “Did you know across the street, they’ve got free beer as the chaser, if you buy a shot?” She wobbled on her platform sandals.

  J.T. steadied her and looked suspiciously subdued.

  “You planning to sleep in the tents tonight?” D’Anne asked, resting her chin on her knuckles, reminding them of the no drunk and disorderly conduct rules for the RV.

  “We’re staying at the Motel Eight,” Bear said. “Lookin’ forward to a real bed and shower.” He flashed a mischievous, know-it-all grin. “That is if you and Tyler don’t mind having the place all to yourselves tonight.”

  She felt awkward about everyone knowing she and Tyler’s business, especially after Bear caught her naked in the desert. “You don’t have to do that.”

  D’Anne felt Tyler’s hand on her wrist. “They’re adults, Dee. They can decide whatever they want.”

  A wistful thought about being free to do whatever the hell she wanted for the rest of her life caught her off guard. She forced a smile at the band, then popped another piece of bread inside her mouth and smiled.


  After walking Dexter, Tyler and Dee strolled hand and hand back to the RV on the hot night. He gave the dog some water and held the fuzzy Dalmatian backpack for her. She took it back to dig into the outer pocket, which represented the dog’s grinning zipper smile, for the keys.

  They stepped inside. Tyler pointed to Dexter’s round pillow bed and told him to settle down. He placed his hand on Dee’s neck. A powerful surge of desire overcame him at the touch of her silky skin.

  Dee wrapped her arms around his waist and laced her fingers together. “We better put the AC on. It’s hot in here.”

  Tyler pulled her tighter. “You ain’t kidding.” He stroked her bare arms with his fingertips, using his body to impart the only message on his mind. Let’s go make love. He took Dee’s hand, kissed each finger, and led her to the bedroom. Closing the door, he pulled her body next to his and held her tight. The feel of her soft warmth snuggled against his arousal drove him to distraction. He kissed Dee hungrily, a man that wanted—no, needed—more and more of her. Like a desperate man who might soon lose her.

  His kiss was hard, raw and deep. D’Anne needed to come up for air before diving back in for more of his pleasure. She loved Tyler’s mouth and the tickling, moist caresses he gave. His large hands skipped along her body and reached for the hem of her summer shift.

  “Let’s get rid of this,” he said, lifting it quickly up and over her head.

  She caught her breath. The sudden air-conditioned coolness in the dim twilight caused her skin to prickle and tingle. His callused fingertips explored the d
elicate bumps, searing a path through her senses, shouting the news to her nerve endings. She wanted him, loved being with him.

  Tracing a feathery trail with his tongue from her neck to her shoulder, he tugged on her bra. Reading his mind, she let go of him long enough to release the clasp behind her back. Teamwork. He snatched it away, like a child eagerly unwrapping a gift, and pulled D’Anne to his chest, spreading his large hands across her bare back.

  Electrified by his hot touch, D’Anne went frantic trying to unlatch the million buttons on his shirt.

  “Hold on, lady, let me help.” He lightly traced each of her breasts before finding even one button on his shirt.

  Chills shot up to her neck and rippled in waves across her shoulders. She tore at his shirt, popped one stubborn button, and palmed his chest, loving the clean soap and skin smell. This was Tyler, her lover…for now at least.

  He shrugged off his shirt. She held herself close to his hot skin, got a bright idea, went searching and unzipped his jeans. She reached inside and caressed him. He sucked in his breath, tensed his stomach, and repeated her name like a mantra.

  Smiling up at his wise blue eyes, she made a sultry smile and silently thanked him for the feelings he’d given back to her numb soul. With each kiss and touch, more and more of her came to life, eager and hungry for him.

  “Hold on,” he repeated. “Slow down.” He removed her hand from his jeans. “We’ve got all night to ourselves, for once.”

  They had all night…but how much longer after that? Desperate to be near him, she hugged him and held tight.

  Breathing became difficult for Tyler. She saw fire and desire in his eyes and it drove her crazy. No one had ever looked at her like that.

  “Dee,” he said, “My Dee.” He swept her up. “Lady, I’m taking you to bed.” Smiling, he plopped her onto the mattress, rid himself of his boots and jeans in a flash, and covered her. Growing lost in his body, she knew this was the only place in the world she wanted to be, right here with Tyler.


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