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Miss Verey’s Proposal

Page 6

by Nicola Cornick

  ‘Alex!’ Lady Eleanor had regained her sangfroid by the time they arrived. ‘Must you create such a commotion wherever you go?’ She turned to smile at Simon and Lord Henry. ‘Gentlemen…allow me to congratulate you on turning an evening at Almack’s into an event! If you are the cavalry you are sadly late, but fortunately there is no need of rescue! Philip has been before you and has done the pretty!’

  The Duke raised his black brows. ‘I saw that Ponsonby, Malters and Cheriton were expecting a show!’ he said drily. ‘I trust there were no problems, ma’am?’

  Lady Eleanor smiled at him, in perfect understanding. ‘Now, Alex, not even Philip would show such bad ton as to make a scene at Almack’s!’

  ‘I wish someone would tell me what all this is about!’ Lady Verey said plaintively. ‘I have heard nothing but veiled hints and mysterious remarks all evening!’

  Simon cleared his throat. ‘I’ll go and find a drink, then, if the crisis is over! Harry? Alex? Can I fetch anything for you?’

  Alex! Jane thought. It had not taken the Duke long to achieve a friendly footing with Simon! That did not augur well for her plans at all. She was aware that Henry Marchnight was looking at her thoughtfully and suddenly she felt rather hollow. Harry knew her well enough to guess at what she had done to get rid of Lord Philip at Ambergate. Would he give her away? Worse, Alex Delahaye was clearly no fool and he was watching her with a mixture of amusement and speculative consideration that was far more disturbing than Henry’s friendly scrutiny. Suddenly Jane felt as though all her difficulties had caught up with her with a vengeance.

  ‘Miss Verey.’ Alex drew her to one side, speaking softly. ‘I hope that you are recovered from your accident earlier. It seems that you came to no lasting harm, for you are in excellent looks this evening!’

  Jane caught sight of Lady Eleanor looking absolutely stunned, her eyebrows almost disappearing into her hairline. Evidently the Duke of Delahaye paid a compliment as rarely as he attended Almack’s, but Jane did not flatter herself that he meant it. She had a deep conviction that he was making the opening moves in a game he was intent on playing with her.

  ‘Yes, I thank you, your grace. I am much better and I must thank you for your help.’ Jane was glad that she still sounded so composed when her heart was racing.

  The Duke shrugged negligently. ‘I am glad that I was able to be of service, Miss Verey. Now, I see Lady Sefton approaching. May I ask her to grant you permission to waltz with me?’

  Even Lady Eleanor, for all her town bronze, gasped at that one. Jane met the Duke’s dark gaze and saw the laughter lurking there. So she had been correct in thinking that he was making a game of her! The temptation to respond was very strong, to show him that she was no milk-and-water miss. However, that was too dangerous. She would not play.

  ‘I thank you, your Grace, but I do not waltz,’ she said steadily.

  She had the satisfaction of seeing the lazy amusement fade from his eyes, to be replaced by shrewd calculation. Lady Verey, unaware of the by-play, stepped in hastily to smooth over any awkwardness.

  ‘Oh, Jane, you need have no concern as to that! It is perfectly proper for you to waltz if one of the patronesses of Almack’s gives her permission-’

  ‘Thank you, Mama.’

  Jane, exasperated by her mother’s well-meaning intervention, looked up to see the Duke’s eyes still on her and, worse, that he had read her thoughts. The amusement was back. She knew that she had been checkmated.

  ‘Lady Sefton,’ Alex said clearly, turning to the approaching patroness, ‘will you present me to Miss Jane Verey as a suitable partner for the waltz?’

  Lady Sefton’s good-natured agreement and Jane’s acquiescence followed. It had to-she knew that he would brook no refusal. Meanwhile, across the ballroom another intriguing tableau was developing as Lady Jersey, not to be outdone, could be seen giving an eager Lord Philip her permission to waltz with Sophia.

  Lady Verey, suddenly becoming aware that she had been neglecting Sophia in her concern for Jane, gave a little gasp. ‘Oh, Eleanor, he has asked her for a second dance and immediately after the first! I am sure that Sophia knows how to go on, but I feel she should have a little more care! Besides…’ her gaze swung back to Jane ‘…Lord Philip should surely be dancing with Jane!’

  Jane dropped a neat curtsy. ‘Oh no, Mama!’ she said sweetly. ‘If I am favoured with the Duke’s attention I can have no complaint!’

  ‘Then come along, Miss Verey,’ Alex said gently, in a tone that suggested he would have liked to call her a minx, ‘for the music is starting!’

  Jane took his hand, with a feeling that she was about to step right out of her depth. The gossip was deafening. Part of her was aware of the hum of discussion all around, but most of her senses were concentrating on the experience of being in Alex Delahaye’s arms.

  The sensation of closeness was intimate but in no way unpleasant, more intense than it had been that afternoon. One of Jane’s hands rested lightly on his broad shoulder whilst the other was clasped in his. The touch of his fingers threatened to disturb her, for she found that she was very aware of him, and she tried to shut her mind to it. It would never do to make a fool of herself at Almack’s!

  Jane tried to concentrate on the steps of the waltz. She was a good dancer and it was easy to waltz with Alex because he, too, was so good at it. Besides, it gave her the excuse to stay silent and avoid looking up at him, which she was sure would unsettle her completely. Instead, she looked around at their fellow dancers, noticing that Sophia was whirling around and chattering nineteen to the dozen to Lord Philip. He was smiling and looked boyish and happy. It was an extraordinary transformation.

  ‘It is not really so bad, is it?’ the Duke said ironically, after they had circled the room twice in silence. ‘I realise that, given a choice, you would not have danced with me, Miss Verey, despite your pretty little remark just now! You have a neat way of administering a set-down! It was a salutary experience for me!’

  Jane raised her eyebrows, biting back a smile. The twinkle in his eyes was infectious. ‘You surprise me, your grace! I would imagine your self-esteem to be much more resilient than that!’

  Alex Delahaye smiled, looking suddenly as boyish as his younger brother. ‘But appearances can be so deceptive, Miss Verey! Do you not find that?’

  Jane was suddenly on her guard. There was no reason to read anything into his words and yet she was wary. He was too perceptive and she could not afford to trust him.

  ‘I must allow that to be true sometimes, I suppose,’ she said carefully. ‘This is not a society where one sees much below the surface.’

  She saw his smile broaden with real amusement. ‘Indeed, Miss Verey! Yet sometimes it is the surface itself that is misleading! Take my brother’s visit to Ambergate, for example!’

  Jane felt herself jump in his arms and was sure that he had felt it too. She cast one swift glance up into his face and saw that the smile held a hint of challenge now.

  ‘I have no notion as to your meaning, your Grace,’ she said, with more composure than she was feeling, ‘but I cannot regret the outcome of Lord Philip’s visit. I am persuaded that he and I should not have suited at all!’

  ‘Or was it that you took steps to ensure that you should not suit?’ the Duke asked, his lazy gaze still watchful. ‘As I say, I have the oddest suspicion, Miss Verey, that you have made a fool of my brother!’

  ‘Oh, no, your Grace!’ Jane avoided his gaze, her eyes fixed on the swirling dancers. ‘Whatever your brother has achieved has been on his own account!’

  The Duke’s arm tightened momentarily around her waist. He gave her a look of brilliant amusement. ‘Touché, Miss Verey! You are quite right that Philip’s indiscreet descriptions of his visit have been most ill bred. But perhaps he was provoked? Perhaps you gave him a very different impression of Miss Jane Verey from the one that is on show tonight?’

  Jane hesitated. She had no way of knowing how much he knew and what was mere guesswor
k. How she wished that she had never started this! In deception one could give oneself away so easily…

  Whilst she hesitated, the Duke said blandly, ‘Philip has already described your meeting, of course. Perhaps you would care to give me your version of events?’

  Jane made up her mind. ‘I think not, sir. That would be…embarrassing and unnecessary. You have seen that all has been forgiven and forgotten tonight!’

  The Duke nodded. ‘Of course,’ he murmured, ‘it may be better to let sleeping dogs lie. But indulge my curiosity, Miss Verey! How did you disguise yourself? You must be an accomplished amateur actress…’

  The colour flooded Jane’s cheeks as her guilty conscience, fully awake now, gave her a prod. He might as well have called her an accomplished liar!

  ‘Please, your Grace, may we not change the subject?’

  ‘I can see that it might not reflect well on you!’ the Duke agreed. ‘The disguise, the deceit…’


  ‘No, no,’ the Duke murmured, ‘say no more, Miss Verey! I would not wish to cause you mortification!’

  Jane’s eyes flashed with annoyance. ‘But surely it was your intention to do precisely that, sir! And you have succeeded!’

  ‘No, indeed!’ Alex’s expression of virtuous indignation was as good as anything Jane could have achieved. ‘Surely you mistake, Miss Verey! It is never the lady who is at fault in these situations!’

  Jane forced out a smile from between gritted teeth. Somehow-she was not at all sure how-Alex had managed to pin the blame on her neatly whilst turning the whole situation around to make it appear as though he was sympathising with her!

  ‘I do believe that you are spoilt, your Grace,’ she said unwisely. ‘Surely the real cause of your ire is that you are so accustomed to people falling in with your plans that you cannot bear to be gainsaid!’

  She saw Alex’s eyes narrow in incredulous amusement, then he laughed. ‘What an acute young lady you are, Miss Verey, and one who dares much! You have my measure-I have a great aversion to being thwarted! And unfortunately your astuteness only serves to convince me that you are exactly the right bride for my brother!’ This time there was steel beneath the silky drawl. ‘I intend the marriage to go ahead despite your best efforts to prevent it!’

  Jane almost stumbled over the steps of the waltz. She had never contemplated that the Duke would still be of the same mind and insist that the match be made despite all that had happened. Surely she had made it clear by both her words and her actions that she would not marry Lord Philip? Yet it seemed that Alexander Delahaye had either not heard her or had disregarded her words. His final, patronising comments had suggested that he viewed her as no more than a precocious child who might be humoured a little but whose final obedience was taken for granted.

  ‘I am sorry to hear you say that, your Grace,’ Jane said slowly. ‘I was in earnest when I said that Lord Philip and I should not suit and my mind is unlikely to change.’

  ‘But you see,’ the Duke continued softly, ‘Philip needs a clever wife and you have proved yourself to be eminently suitable, Miss Verey! Where a man lacks certain…qualities himself, it is most beneficial if his life partner can supply what is missing! A perfect combination!’

  Once again, Jane caught sight of Sophia and Philip, fair heads bent close, laughing at something Philip had just said. She felt a pang.

  ‘Would it not be more beneficial for Lord Philip to choose his own bride, sir?’ she said, a little desperately. ‘He might feel a greater commitment to the match under those circumstances!’

  ‘Happily, his wishes need not concern us,’ the Duke said a little grimly. ‘You are my choice, Miss Verey, and Philip knows it well! The financial rewards of such a marriage are his prime consideration!’

  Jane could feel her temper slipping at his arrogance. ‘But they need not be mine, I thank you, sir!’

  The Duke laughed a little harshly. ‘No, but there are other levers…I have immense social power, Miss Verey. A word here, a hint there…A reputation is so fragile. Think of the distress to your mother if doors were to be closed to you. I am persuaded that you would not want that. And Miss Marchment…she would be tainted by association, of course.’

  Jane looked at him for a long time in silence. She could hear the music sweeping on in the background but it was as though she and Alex Delahaye were quite alone. His face was expressionless.

  ‘I do believe that you are threatening me, sir,’ she said slowly. ‘Despite our differences I had considered you a man of integrity, but perhaps I mistake you. And I should warn you that I am not easily susceptible to coercion!’

  ‘No, that was clumsy of me,’ Alex agreed affably. ‘I would not stoop so low, Miss Verey, and I beg your pardon. But perhaps you are more amenable to persuasion from your own family? Investment in Ambergate would be a great help to your brother. Were we to be related, I could assist him…’

  Jane glared at him. ‘I saw the ease with which you had gained his confidence! Simon does not deserve false friendship!’

  The Duke’s arm tightened about her waist. Jane felt quite breathless, as though the music was whirling faster and faster.

  ‘Oh, my friendship would be offered in earnest,’ he said pleasantly. ‘I have the greatest respect for your brother and would never offer him Spanish coin! I only wished to point out to you that there are different ways to influence a situation! I must warn you to beware of crossing swords with me, Miss Verey. You cannot possibly win…’

  Jane was rather afraid that he was correct. The combined wishes of the Duke and Lady Verey would be difficult to oppose, particularly if he enlisted the support of Lady Eleanor Fane and Simon as well. Together they could chip away at her resistance, ignoring her wishes in their desire to achieve a mutually beneficial alliance. Jane caught sight of Lady Jersey’s fascinated face as she watched them from the edge of the dance floor. She manufactured a dazzling smile. ‘I shall bear your warning in mind, sir!’

  ‘I am still curious, Miss Verey,’ Alex said slowly. ‘You seem most adamant in your refusal to wed. Can it be that your affections are already engaged?’

  ‘No, sir,’ Jane said steadily. ‘They are not.’

  ‘Then perhaps you are of a romantical disposition? A pity-I should have thought you much more practical than that! I did not expect sentiment from you!’

  ‘I do not consider it sentimental to expect to make a match where mutual respect, if not love, is present,’ Jane said hotly. She seemed to have stumbled from one conflict directly into another! Would this wretched dance never end? She could hardly walk off the floor in the middle of a waltz. ‘Perhaps it is your Grace whose ideas of marriage are prejudiced! Your own experience, perhaps, has led you to reject romantic love out of hand!’

  She knew that she had overstepped the mark even before the flash in those dark eyes suggested that she had hit a raw nerve. Madeline Delahaye and her notorious infidelities were common knowledge amongst the ton, but Jane knew it had been ill bred in the extreme to speak of it to the Duke. She closed her eyes briefly and awaited the set-down she knew that she deserved. It was one thing to engage in a spirited defence of her own ideals and behaviour, but quite another to touch on his personal tragedy.

  ‘Perhaps you are right, Miss Verey,’ the Duke of Delahaye said bitterly. His mouth was set in a tight, angry line, but Jane could read unhappiness in his face and felt a sudden uprush of misery. It had never occurred to her that he might have loved his wife so much that she still had the power to hurt him eight years after her death. And then that she had so carelessly raked up matters best left undisturbed…

  ‘I am sorry-’ She began, only to be harshly overruled in tones that held more passion than anything that had gone before.

  ‘Do not be, Miss Verey! Do not seek to pity me! I do not require that from you!’

  Jane felt close to tears. It was bad enough to be thought deceitful without Alex Delahaye believing that she had deliberately sought to hurt him. She would hav
e tried to apologise once more, but there was something in his harsh, set expression that forbade it.

  The music finished and Jane dropped a very deep curtsy. She found that she was shaking from their encounter, an explosive mix of anger and misery flooding through her. Part of her was burning with fury at Alex’s high-handed behaviour and part was ashamed of what she had said to him. Yet her overriding feeling was shock at the sheer physical impact he had made on her. It was very distressing. Worse was the fact that she could not retire, could not escape the prying eyes and intrusive questions of her companions. Her dance card was full and she had to smile through the rest of the evening. She even had to smile when Lord Philip sulkily and belatedly presented himself for a country dance. By the end of the evening, Jane was wishing the entire Delahaye family to perdition along with the rest of polite society.

  Alexander Delahaye, strolling back to Haye House in the early hours beneath an absurdly romantic full moon, found himself beset by various unfamiliar emotions. He had declined an invitation to return to Brooks with Simon and Henry, but had agreed to meet them there the following evening. Just now he was aware only of a need for solitude.

  Miss Jane Verey…She had practically ignored him after their passage of arms during the waltz and he could not blame her for it. He was deeply ashamed of his behaviour towards her and considered it unforgivable. One did not go to Almack’s in the expectation of threats and bullying. Miss Verey was young and inexperienced and, whatever she had done, she did not deserve to be treated so harshly.

  The trouble was that she had read him all too well. It was true that he had been angry because she had overset his plans. Alex’s calculations had not allowed for Jane’s feelings at all, but now that he had met her he could ignore her no longer. Ignore her! He gave a mirthless laugh. There was no possibility of that!

  Alex squared his shoulders. He was unaccustomed to being made to feel guilty. Miss Verey had done that and had made him question his own judgement into the bargain! Well, Philip had to marry; he was still resolved on that. The Verey match had been his grandfather’s dearest wish and who better to manage Philip than a girl who had already shown her quick wit and devious ways? Besides, he was persuaded that Miss Jane Verey would soon relent. A spell in Town would make her realise that Philip was quite a good catch. All young ladies were anxious to marry well, after all, and why should Miss Verey be different? A show of reluctance was probably required for form’s sake, but would be followed by meek acquiescence.


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