Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1)

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Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1) Page 3

by Amanda Mariel

  “I suspect I would not, but I am not sure I could be happy with him all the same.” Amelia folded her hands in her lap and exhaled a deep breath. “I think his clumsiness might be a bit much to live with on a daily basis. Besides, I would not like my husband appearing more fashionable then me.”

  The room filled again with the trio’s exuberant laughter.

  “Yes, you will want to choose a comfortable match.” Grace set her teacup down with a slight clink. “Who else have you considered?”

  “Lord Roleings might do well. I have always been fond of him. And we have gotten on well in the past.”

  Sarah’s face twisted up in an odd way. “He’s a known rake, Amelia. Even if Lord Roleings compromised you, he might still refuse marriage. You would be completely and irrevocably ruined.”

  The duchess waved her hand in the air. “Come now, he’s not completely dishonorable. He simply fails to hide his affairs as successfully as other bachelors do.” Turning from Lady Sarah to Amelia, the duchess added, “It would be highly believable that he compromised you with little evidence to support the fact. His reputation for being a rake would benefit you.”

  “I imagine you are quite right, duchess. All the same, Sarah made an astute observation.” Amelia nodded at Sarah. “I would like an honorable husband. One who has not been labeled as a rake by the ton’s occupants.”

  Sarah moved her hand slightly. “The scandal of it all would be more easily forgotten if you married a man of good character.”

  Amelia massaged her temples in frustration. There must be an eligible man in London whom she could be happy with.

  “By God, I have the ideal candidate.” Excitement dripped from Sarah’s voice. “My brother. The next Marquess of Havenshire. He is in want of a wife and would be hard-pressed to find one more suitable than you, Lady Amelia. Why, he said himself, not even a fortnight ago, he would find a wife this season if he had to marry a merchant’s daughter.”

  “Lord Roseington would be a fine match,” Grace agreed. “The two of you are already well-acquainted, and he is most honorable. He wouldn’t deny you marriage if you became compromised in his company.”

  The room around Amelia seemed to tilt, then right itself again. It would be wonderful to have Sarah as a sister. She closed her eyes for a moment.

  “He is a great catch, Lady Sarah, but he is your brother. Could you live with our highhandedness if he hated it...if he hated me?”

  “Oh, how you carry on. My dear brother could never hate you.” She smoothed her hand down her skirt. “He may be a tad angry about being ensnared at first. But he would overcome the initial upset, and grow to be happy with you.”

  Sarah waved her lace glove-clad hand through the air. “Lady Amelia, I am certain he would grow to love you just as I have. And I could never dislike you. You are like a sister to me. Just think, if the plan works out, we will truly be sisters. Consider how marvelous it would be.”

  It would be wonderful to be a part of Sarah’s family, but only if Lord Roseington could be happy with her. What if he could not? Then, it would be a disaster. Could she live with the ill effects?

  Grace stood, walked to the hearth, and placed her hand on the mantle. “I think Lord Roseington is a perfect match, Lady Amelia. Truly, you must realize no man will be instantly happy about being duped into matrimony.” She moved her hand to her hip. “Well, with the exception of Lord Shillington, of course.”

  They erupted in a fit of laughter. Images of Lord Shillington dressed to the hilt and bumping into ladies filled Amelia’s mind once again.

  She snapped out of her laughing fit. “Lady Sarah, you said your brother is determined to marry this season. What makes you think he has not already decided on a lady?”

  Sarah shook her head, causing her blond curls to bounce. “He would have mentioned it.” She drew her brows together. “There are a few ladies he’s been courting, but he’s not seriously considering any of them. I am quite certain of it.”

  Amelia locked gazes with Grace. “Do you think it a good idea when Lord Roseington is openly courting other ladies?”

  “Indeed I do.” Her no-nonsense tone dominated the room. “It shows he’s searching for a bride. And why should that bride not be you?”

  Amelia shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “Very well, Lord Roseington it is.”

  Sarah beamed at Amelia. “I am so happy. You just watch. My brother will be happy too. Once he gets past having been duped.”

  Amelia grinned, despite her reservations. “I hope you are correct in that assumption.”

  “I just know I am. You will see.” Sarah stood up and set about smoothing the crinkles from her tangerine silk gown. “Now that everything is settled, I must be going. I have an appointment at the seamstress to get final touches on my new ball gown.”

  The duchess clicked her tongue and sauntered back to her seat. “The man is but part of the plan. Now we must determine how to get Lady Amelia compromised. My ball next week will provide the perfect opportunity. But we still lack a well-laid plan.”

  As Amelia fiddled with her crape mourning collar, the duchess glanced her way.

  “Because you are staying at my home under my chaperonage, you will be able to attend. However, you will not be allowed to dance.”

  Sarah dropped back into her chair with a loud swoosh as her skirts billowed into place. “A few more minutes will not interfere with my appointment.”

  “Of course you are right, duchess. Have you any ideas?” Amelia asked.

  The duchess tilted her head a margin to the left. “I am afraid not. Do either of you?”

  Amelia’s gaze met Sarah’s. She hoped for inspiration, but did not find it. “As much as I desire to attend, I think it may be easier to pull off a plan if I refrain.”

  Sarah folded her hands back into her lap. “Nor have I, but you are quite right. If you linger nearby the ballroom we can find a way to bring him to you. But how?”

  Amelia nibbled her bottom lip. “I have not the slightest inkling”

  “Well then, we shall have to ponder the matter further. You should join us at Abernathy House for luncheon tomorrow, Lady Sarah. Then we can discuss our course of action.” Grace’s head dipped, setting her pearl earbobs dancing.

  Sarah found her footing once again. “I think it is a grand idea. Now I must be on my way.”

  As she bid her friend adieu, Amelia prayed they would come up with something tomorrow.



  Upon her arrival at Grace’s townhouse, Amelia settled into a large guestroom. It featured a grand mahogany four-post bed against one wall, and an ornate cream-colored vanity on the other. The marble fireplace boasted Roman columns and a carved mantle. A cream and mint floral design papered the walls.

  Amelia’s feet sank into the soft cream carpet as she moved across the room to a large window facing the back garden. It let in plenty of daylight, and a mint green chair was positioned next to it. She arranged herself in the chair and gazed out at the garden while she waited for Edna.

  Edna breezed into the room moments later to ready Amelia for luncheon.

  Unfortunately, she must still wear the drab black parramatta silk and crape mourning garb with a weeping veil. It seemed so out of place in this stately home, and only served to make her sadder. The mourning gowns would make it harder for her to ensnare a husband too. She hated looking like an old widow. What would Grace and Sarah think if she came down wearing a brightly colored day gown?

  A mischievous smirk crawled across her face, then quickly faded as she drew her brows together. She would never find out.

  Amelia admired Grace’s home as she made her way to luncheon. Despite the number of times she had walked its rooms, they always captured her admiration. Light poured through the grand windows and filled the space, reflecting off looking glasses and knickknacks. Ornate wallpapers in shades of blue, green, red, and cream covered the walls. Beautiful dark oak and mahogany upholstered furniture
was situated gracefully about every room.

  Amelia studied the large brass chandelier encrusted with jewels that hung above the vast split staircase in the foyer. No doubt she would be at ease here for the duration of her stay. Even the royal family would find the duchess’s townhouse comfortable. She entered through a set of French doors into the dining room and took the chair across from Sarah.

  Grace winked at Amelia. “Lady Sarah and I were just sharing ton gossip while we waited for you to arrive.” She lifted her glass, then took a sip before setting it back down. “Please fill your plate. Then we shall discuss your endeavor.”

  “Very well, thank you.” Amelia replied.

  Tasty-looking morsels dispersed a sensational aroma throughout the room. She inhaled deeply, allowing the mingling scents of sweet treats, ripe fruits, and savory meats to fill her senses. Silver platters heaped with food lined the sideboard. Amelia glanced at the fresh flowers surrounding a candelabrum in the center of the royal blue table runner. Her gaze wandered down to the fine china plate in front of her, framed with silver utensils. All waiting to be filled with sweet and savory morsels to break her fast. A crystal glass sparkled nearby as if to emphasize the beauty and wonder of the rest of the meal. Amelia’s stomach rumbled at the marvelous sight.

  She went to the sideboard and selected a variety of meats, cheeses, tarts, and fruit before she sat back down.

  Sarah swallowed. “Have you thought of how you will get my brother to compromise you?”

  “Not beyond the fact that I will have to steal away with him, or lure him to me, and I am not sure how to accomplish it.” Amelia picked up a strawberry and placed it in her mouth.

  “Getting him alone will do you no good at all if someone does not catch you.” Grace shook her head with vigor. “We must formulate a solid plan which ensures you will be found out.”

  “My brother is much too honorable to ever truly compromise you, Lady Amelia. The real trick will be in making it appear like he did.” Sarah took another drink from her sparkling crystal glass.

  “What if I were to somehow trip us both and land in his arms. Then one of you could come upon us and make a ruckus sure to draw a crowd.” Amelia blinked. “It would work, and if necessary, I could even be so brazen as to kiss him.” She felt heat climb across her cheeks as she looked between her friends.

  Sarah stared at Amelia, her eyes shining in the sunlight. “Could you truly... I mean, would you actually throw yourself at him? What if he refused to kiss you back?”

  Amelia drew her brows together in contemplation. “I do not suppose it would matter as long as it appeared like he did.”

  Grace set her pastry down. “You are quite right; it only matters what people think. If it looks real, the ton will believe that it is.”

  Amelia cleared her throat. “During the ball, I will sit in the library reading.” She gazed at Grace. “Honestly, I would be uncomfortable in the ballroom. All I could do is stand around, and everyone would be staring at me wondering how I am getting on.” A stab of regret passed through her at having to forgo her opportunity to participate even in a limited manner. All the same it was for the best.

  Grace nodded. “If you are certain that is your desire, I will allow it.”

  Amelia smiled half-heartedly. “It is necessary to my plan.” She tilted her head in Sarah’s direction. “You can ask your brother to retrieve a book that the duchess has agreed to lend you.”

  Amelia directed her gaze to Grace. “Then when Lord Roseington enters the room, I will find a way to trip into his embrace.” Amelia picked up her glass. “Lady Sarah will wait in the hall until she hears the commotion, then enter the room and catch us.” She took a drink, needing to wet her parched throat.

  Sarah grinned at her, a light rosy hue ensconced upon her cheeks. “I will scream at the sight. My racket will surely draw a crowd and you will be compromised.”

  “It is perfect, ladies, and sure to work without a hitch.” Grace set her fork down. “The whole ton will come running to witness it. I do not believe I could have devised a better plan myself.”

  Amelia’s face lit up at the compliment, and Sarah grinned like a wicked child. The scheme did seem rather fool proof. Once it was done, she would have to wed Lord Roseington and would remain in England permanently. With her heart full of joy she lifted her glass for a celebratory sip.

  “Ahem, ladies.” A masculine baritone sounded from behind her.

  Amelia stood and turned around to see who had intruded on their meal. Her gaze landed on the most perfect man she had ever seen. Tall and muscular with onyx hair and gorgeous sapphire eyes. A peculiar jolt of tingles ran through her body as their gazes met. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out who he might be.

  Grace walked toward him. “Come in, dear; join us and have some lunch, won’t you?” She motioned with her head toward Amelia and Sarah. “Allow me to introduce Lady Sarah, Marquess Havenshire’s daughter, and Lady Amelia, the Viscountess of Everthorne. She is staying here under my chaperonage.”

  With another slight bow, he said, “It is my honor to make your acquaintances.” His gaze met Amelia’s again as he straightened back to his full height. A rakish grin sat proudly upon on his full lips.

  “Ladies, this is my nephew, the Duke of Goldstone.”

  Amelia smiled back at him, her knees suddenly weak.

  “It is lovely to meet you, Your Grace.”

  Sarah’s greeting broke through the sudden fog clouding Amelia’s mind. “Pleased to meet you, Your Grace,” Amelia replied. How had she not known about him?

  Grace motioned for him to join them as she took her seat, signaling them to sit back down. Amelia nibbled her bottom lip as she watched him move.

  “I assure you the pleasure is all mine, ladies.” He lowered himself into a chair.

  Amelia’s stomach tightened. What if he heard them talking before he came in? Her heartbeat quickened to the point that she could feel the blood pulsing through her veins. He could ruin everything, or worse, think poorly of her. No longer hungry, she folded her hands in her lap. Why did she care what a stranger thought of her? She needed to get hold of herself. As hard as she tried to keep from looking at him, her gaze kept wondering back.

  “The Duke of Goldstone will be staying here for the remainder of the season.” Grace grinned in Amelia’s direction, then turned her attention back to him. “I had not expected you to be joining us for luncheon, dear”

  “I finished my business earlier than planned.” He took a seat, smiling at Grace. “When I return home to Glasgow it will be with good news, but I do not wish to bore you ladies with my business matters.”

  Amelia’s heart skipped a beat. Glasgow. He’s from Scotland.

  Grace set her fork down. “You could never bore me, Richard. I love hearing about your business, and you are well aware of the fact.”

  He replied, “All the same I will spare you the details.”

  His masculine voice wrapped around Amelia, and an odd flutter took hold in her abdomen. She had never responded to a man in this way before, but somehow knew it to be a dangerous reaction. She needed to get away. “If you will excuse me, I am suddenly in need of rest.”

  “Yes, of course, dear. I will see you this evening,” Grace said.

  The duke winked at her as she exited her chair. Heat flared in her core, spreading through her body. Mercy, the man was unsettling. She exited the room without another glance in his direction.

  * * * *

  Richard strolled to the sideboard and topped of his tumbler of whisky. Why had his aunt failed to mention her other house guest? Had he known a beautiful young woman would be in residence, he would not have committed to staying for the whole season. But then, the lady wore mourning weeds. Could she be a widow? It would explain her title. “Viscountess of Everthorne.” The words rolled smoothly off of his tongue.

  No. A widow, no matter how young, would not have need of a chaperone. Something else was going on. But what? He moved to the window. The
sun poured through it warming him almost as much as the liquor. Or was it the memory of how taken he’d been with Lady Amelia’s beauty that warmed him? Bloody hell.

  “There you are, dear. I thought we might spend some time together.”

  He turned his head as Aunt Grace breezed into the room. “I was just thinking of you.” Rather he was thinking of Aunt Grace’s house guest, but he would not admit to that. He sat on the settee across from her.

  “Then my timing is serendipitous.” She flipped open her fan.

  “I am curious how you came to be Lady Amelia’s chaperone.” He studied his aunt as he waited for her answer.

  “Lady Amelia is a lovely girl who has unfortunately experienced a loss. Her father passed away leaving her under the guardianship of her American uncle. A splendid gentleman, but he wishes for her to move there. The poor dear needed more time here in London to get her affairs in order. I offered to help is all.” Aunt Grace smiled sweetly.

  He arched a brow, not at all convinced she had told him the entire truth. “When do your duties to Lady Amelia cease?”

  “Her uncle has granted her one month to settle her affairs after which she will sail to America.” Aunt Grace tipped her head to the side, studding him in an unsettling way.

  He brought the tumbler to his lips, draining the remainder of his whisky.

  “You should take the time to get to know her. She truly is a lovely lady.”

  “So you have said.” He rose to retrieve the decanter.

  “Because it is the truth and I believe the two of you would get on well with each other.”

  What had begun as a pleasant enough conversation had somehow turned into a rather unsettling one. He swallowed hard. “I am not in the market for female companionship, Aunt Grace. Promise me you are not turning into one of those tiresome matchmaking dowagers?”

  She chuckled. “Of course not dear, but we are all living under the same roof. Would it harm you to befriend her?”

  The very idea sent a chill through his marrow. Getting to know her could do far more than harm. The lady was a stunning slip of a thing with sea green eyes and dark curly hair he would love to run his fingers through. Her plump lips were made for kissing… He shook the thoughts away. “Let us talk of something else. Tell me, how you have been keeping busy since my last visit?”


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