Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1)

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Scandalous Endeavors (Ladies and Scoundrels Book 1) Page 4

by Amanda Mariel

  He settled in, content to listen to her prattle on about anything other than Lady Amelia. She was a subject he no longer wished to explore.



  Amelia’s horse shifted under her to nibble at the grass as she admired the park’s vegetation. Lush greenery surrounded her, speckled with bits of color where flowering bushes bloomed.

  Grace agreed to allow one of her footman to chaperone Amelia on a morning ride. But only after Amelia told her it would do her good to get on a horse again. Riding had been such a big part of her life before Papa’s death. She hadn’t ridden in over a fortnight, and desperately missed it.

  The only thing she enjoyed more than nature was sitting atop a fine muscular beast. Papa bought Amelia her first horse at the age of three. And Mama gave her lessons daily, ensuring she became an accomplished horsewoman. Ever since girlhood, she had enjoyed a daily ride. As a result, she became overjoyed when Grace ordered Ruby brought to Abernathy House and placed in the stables.

  Amelia caught sight of Sarah riding toward her. She tapped her heel on Ruby’s side, urging her into a gentle canter. Sarah waved before pushing her own mount into a faster walk. As they approached one another, they pulled their reins, slowing their horses.

  Sarah tipped her head at Amelia.

  “Good day, Lady Sarah,” Amelia said, greeting her with proper etiquette in case anyone should overhear.

  Sarah smiled. “Good day, Lady Amelia. It’s good to see you out enjoying a ride.”

  “It is a beautiful morning for it, and I have missed being on Ruby. Would you care to join me, Lady Sarah?” Amelia asked, with the required formality.

  Sarah gazed at her with a crooked grin. “I would be happy to join you.”

  Amelia nodded at Sarah and turned Ruby toward a more secluded area. She wanted a bit of privacy.

  Sarah rode next to her and guided her own mount to keep pace with Ruby. “How is everything at Abernathy House?”

  “I am getting on just fine. It is a splendid home, and her grace is the perfect hostess.” Amelia glanced about surreptitiously to see if they had managed to find the privacy they sought. The trail they entered was not as popular with riders as the one they were leaving behind. It was much narrower and quite outside of the landscaped boundaries favored by most.

  Amelia loosened the reins so Ruby could chew the long, lush grass while they conversed. “The Duke of Goldstone is quite a surprise. I had no idea her grace had a nephew from Scotland.” She moved one hand from the saddle to her lap. “I cannot imagine why she did not tell me about him before.” Amelia shook her head slightly, and hoped Sarah would engage in her chosen subject.

  “Nor can I.” Sarah shook her head. “But she must have had her reasons. Perhaps it simply never occurred to her with everything else going on. It is likely the ball and your coming to stay with her made her forget to mention it.”

  Sarah’s horse sidestepped, causing her to grab the reins. “Has an opportunity arisen for you to become better acquainted with him?”

  Amelia slid further into her saddle. “As a matter of fact, I have hardly seen him since the day he arrived. I spend most of my time either in the library or promenading through the gardens. The duchess and I only enjoy each other’s company at tea and meal times, and she hasn’t mentioned much about his grace.” Her pulse quickened at the mere thought of the duke.

  Sarah tilted her chin slightly. “I made mention of him when I arrived home that day after luncheon. Papa said the Duke of Goldstone moved to Scotland when he inherited a distant relative’s lands and title.” Sarah moved one hand to her lap. “Prior to that, he resided in Leeds. Papa said the duke’s father was an earl, and the duke now holds that title as well.”

  Leeds. “I cannot imagine what brought him to London for the remainder of the season. It is quite far from Glasgow,” Amelia said, pursing her lips in contemplation. “Never mind that the Scottish have their own season.”

  “Business, I imagine, leastwise that is what I gathered from what he said.”

  Amelia picked a piece of lint off of her riding habit. “I have a hard time believing his business will take our whole season.”

  “Whatever the reason, I am glad he came.” Sarah’s face lit in a smile so bright, it rivaled the sunbeams washing over them. “I am hoping to dance with him tomorrow night.”

  Amelia grimaced at the image that formed in her mind of Sarah in the duke’s masculine arms. What was wrong with her? She did not want a Scottish gentleman; she would marry Lord Roseington and live happily in England. Forever.

  Amelia forced a grin back onto her lips. “Have you taken a fancy to the Duke of Goldstone?”

  Sarah glanced away, “I most certainly have not; why, I hardly know the man.” She gazed back at Amelia with fluttering eyelashes. “Though he is nice to look at, and I do find him interesting.” Sarah’s cheeks blushed, giving away her secret.

  “It is true, Sarah. You do fancy him. That blush across your cheeks says it all.” Amelia should encourage Sarah, be happy that she fancied someone. Why did she feel so vexed?

  Sarah locked her perplexed eyes on Amelia. “Stop teasing me. I simply want to become better acquainted with him.” Her blush deepened to a scarlet hue. “I am not intending to marry this season. And if I were, it would not be to a Scottish lord. I will only marry for true love. It takes more than a season for such an emotion to form.”

  Amelia grinned at Sarah’s obvious discomfort.

  “Of course not, Sarah. Please do forgive me. I aught not to have teased you. I did not mean to cause you any discomfort. You are my dearest friend. I am just nervous about tomorrow night. It’s muddling my thinking.” She smiled in apology.

  Sarah nodded her head. “I am such a goose, Amelia. Naturally you’d be nervous. And here I am going on about myself.” She sighed. “I am confident things will go as planned with my dear brother. So you see, there is nothing to be worried about.”

  Amelia glanced down at Ruby, who sniffed at a patch of green and yellow weeds, then back at Sarah. “Of course, you are right. I mean, truly, what could go wrong?” She paused for a moment, catching her breath. “All the same, it is unnerving. I keep trying to figure out how to land in your brother’s arms without making a complete ninny out of myself.”

  Crunching noises nearby caused Amelia to jump and startle her mount. She pulled on the reins while cooing to the horse in an attempt to settle it back down. What if someone heard them? Amelia’s gaze landed on a squirrel moving the branches overhead.

  Sarah giggled, and peered up at the intruder. “I daresay you are on edge today. You must relax before you drive yourself mad. Your secrets are surely safe in a rodent’s care.” Sarah began to giggle again, and her horse danced beneath her.

  Amelia shrugged her shoulders. “Perhaps I need a small distraction. Let us ride back toward the main trail. You can tell me all about your ball gown.” Sarah always ordered the latest fashions. A topic that fascinated Amelia more than just a touch, her interest wasn’t at all feigned. Moreover, she needed a change of topic.

  She gathered the reins tighter and nudged Ruby with her riding boot. In a moment’s time, they cantered back toward the main areas of the park. Sarah looked every bit the societal lady on her white mare. She sat tall in the sidesaddle, draped in a burgundy riding habit trimmed with creamy lace. Amelia must have appeared frightful next to her in the bleak mourning garb.

  Sarah glanced at Amelia. “The seamstress said it enhanced the color of my eyes a great deal and showed my figure off to the best advantage.”

  “Do not be a goose. Tell me what the gown looks like.”

  “It is the most marvelous ball gown, made of an exquisite royal purple material. There are little crystals scattered about the skirts and neckline as well.” She glanced at Amelia and grinned. “The entire top half is beautifully embroidered in a scrolling white pattern. I even ordered matching gloves with the same embroidery.”

  She peered bac
k at Amelia with excitement evident in her expression. “Then I got lucky enough to find a matching fan and feathered hair piece. Can you believe it? I did not even have to order them. Mama and I went into a shop, and there they were, just waiting for me.” She nodded as if confirming she spoke the truth.

  Amelia could not help but be a little green with envy. She sighed. “It sounds delightful. I am certain you will be the most elegant lady at the ball.” A part of her wished she, too, could get a new ball gown and dance at the party.

  “The hour is growing late. I am afraid I must make my way back to Abernathy House before I start a scandal.” Amelia rolled her eyes toward the bright sun high above their heads. “I will be waiting to see you in that fantastic gown tomorrow night. Do seek me out as soon as it is proper to do so.”

  Sarah’s eyes danced with joy. “Of course, Lady Amelia, as soon as I have made my rounds at the ball.”

  Amelia pulled her reins, bringing Ruby to a stop. “Until then, Lady Sarah.” She nodded farewell.

  Sarah returned the gesture. “Good day, Lady Amelia.”

  Amelia watched for a moment as Sarah rode off toward Lady Josephine. How she wished she too could stay and enjoy the company of her peers. Her heart became heavy with the loneliness her grief brought.

  Papa had told her not to grieve overmuch. He went so far as to reassure her that he looked forward to passing on and joining her mama. But his declarations hadn’t made his death any easier on her.

  With a heavy heart, she gave Ruby a light nudge, setting the horse back into motion. The wind gently blew across her face as she nudged Ruby into a gallop. Would she ever be happy again?

  * * * *

  Amelia ran her free hand down Ruby’s smooth neck as she used the other to brush the horse’s thick mane. The stable boy wanted to complete the task, but she dismissed him. Taking care of Ruby always brought her joy. She fancied the task and rather saw it as a bonding experience, today being no different. In fact, she needed the distraction and camaraderie now more than ever before. It was imperative for her to clear her mind and prepare for tomorrow. Tending Ruby would help her do just that.

  When she was with her horse, everything else in the world melted away. Ruby listened attentively to her rambling, and loved her unconditionally. It mattered not to Amelia that most considered Ruby a beast incapable of human thoughts.

  She reached into her pocket, retrieving the smooth red apple she’d saved from breakfast. “Here you are, darling,” she said, holding it out. Ruby gently took the fruit from her palm, and then nodded her head up and down playfully. Amelia continued to stroke Ruby’s muscular shoulder. “My you are a silly beast, and I as well for loving you so much.”

  A familiar baritone filled the stall. When she turned away from Ruby, the Duke of Goldstone stood before her laughing. Richard. Her heart skipped a beat as their gazes locked. His sapphire eyes sparkled mischievously, and his boyish grin beckoned her to his lips. Heaven help her, she could not deny her attraction to him.

  She mustered all of her strength, begging her knees to hold her upright, and her words to come. “Pray tell, Your Grace, what do you find so exhilarating?” she asked, desperately trying to ignore the unfamiliar feelings overwhelming her body.

  His eyebrows shot upward in the most delectable way. “A lady behaving like a stable boy and professing her love for a beast. Why, I have never seen the likes of it,” he said, then commenced to laughing. “It is rather sweet, though odd.”

  Every muscle in her body reacted to the sound of his voice, deep and rumbling through her every fiber. His sapphire eyes threatened to suck her in once again. She shook her head, freeing herself from the trance. Anger at his rudeness replaced her previous feelings. Or did he jest? Either way she considered it to be rude. “How dare you laugh at me! Stop it this instant.”

  His laughter faded, but the devilish smirk stayed firmly ensconced upon his kissable lips. “If you wish not to be laughed at, then I suggest you act like a lady should. It is only natural for one to laugh at seeing such a flagrant display of affection.”

  Lightning shot through her body, and anger warmed her insides. “Perhaps if you acted as a gentleman should, we would not be having this conversation. Go now, and leave me in peace.” She spun, turning her back to him, and waved a hand dismissively.

  Lord help her, she felt more than anger. A new throbbing sensation invaded her core, and it took all her strength to remain standing. What was happening to her?

  “If I dare say, you are an interesting creature, Lady Amelia.” His chuckle filled the stall once again followed by the sound of his retreating footsteps echoing through the stables.

  Interesting creature indeed! The duke had fast become the most infuriating man she had ever had the displeasure of spending time with. How dare he presume to know anything about her? What an utter pity he must stay under the same roof as her. She found the way her treacherous body behaved around him to be most unsettling. Amelia wanted to slap him and kiss him at the same time. She wished he would just go back to Scotland. And the sooner the better.

  She turned her attention back to Ruby. “Well darling, what do you think about that?” The horse shook her head and snorted in answer. “I could not agree with you more,” Amelia said. She turned and left the stall.



  Amelia clutched a copy of Old Saint Paul’s written by William Harrison Ainsworth. She desperately tried to read the words on the page in front of her. The novel and its story of historical London had infatuated her yesterday. As tales of the great plague unfolded, she could not take her eyes from the pages. Tonight her attention remained riveted on the quartet’s music that seeped into the library. Trying to ignore it proved impossible. She marked her spot in the book, then placed it on the table next to her.

  The longer she waited for Sarah to appear, the more restless she became. She stood up and paced between the warm crackling fire that danced in the hearth and the wall lined with leather bound books across from it. The duchess’s library was extensive, and included titles from all of the world’s most noteworthy authors. It seemed entirely possible that one could learn about any topic desired from the novels contained on those shelves.

  Music drifting from the ballroom reverberated through the library and filled her head as she paced. Oh, how she wished to dance! What would it hurt if she did? She was quite alone. Amelia abandoned propriety and twirled, her feet carrying her across the great expanse. The rhythm of the quartet washed over her like a soothing salve for her soul. It relaxed her in varying degrees. She imagined herself wearing a stunning ball gown and dancing in the arms of the Duke of Goldstone. In life, he proved to be an infuriating Scottish lord, but in her fantasy...he became an English lord, and quite pleasant to spend time with.

  A blush crept across her cheeks as she imagined him whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Amelia twirled back toward the hearth, batting her lashes in a flirtatious way, then smiled and curtsied to her imaginary partner as the song reached its conclusion. Smirking at her mischievousness, she sauntered back to the settee before retrieving her book from the table. Surely she would be able to focus now. She opened it, her gaze settling on the words. But her loneliness and grief crept back in. Her chest tightened with sorrow as she recalled the last time she danced with papa. The scent of his cologne, the expert way he guided her through the dance. She had felt safe in his strong embrace. Papa always had that effect on her. Dashing away the tears with her handkerchief, she attempted to read.

  “In the plague-pit,” replied Pillichody. “I attended him during his illness. It was his second attack of the disorder. He spoke of you.”

  “Did he--dear little fellow!” she exclaimed. “Oh, what did he say?”

  “‘Tell her,’ he cried,” rejoined Pillichody, “‘that my last thoughts were of her.’“

  Her tears flowed freely as she closed the book. Reading about death would not help her to escape her own sorrow. Upon standing
, she walked to the large window and worked to regain her composure while she gazed out at the stars.

  A swish of skirts pulled her attention back to her surroundings. She turned from the window and her gaze landed on Sarah standing in the doorway. The color of her new gown did accentuate her eyes, making them appear richer and darker. The color and design of the frock complemented her well indeed. “You are positively breathtaking, Sarah! Every lord here will sign your dance card.” Amelia beamed at her.

  Sarah spun around and her skirts flared out around her. “Did I not tell you it was a marvelous gown? The dressmaker certainly outdid herself.” Sarah brushed her hand across her skirt. “I feel like royalty adorned in such a stunning gown.”

  Amelia smiled despite her sullen mood. “It is perfect, Sarah, and you are quite right. It does become you.”

  “How you flatter me, Amelia. You are causing a blush.” Sarah opened her fan and attempted to cool her face. “Have you decided how to become entwined in my brother’s arms?” She grinned deviously.

  No, I have thought only of the Duke of Goldstone. Amelia sighed. “I have a few ideas. When do you plan to send him in?”

  “I am thinking after the midnight meal so the ball does not get ruined by the scandal. Once you are caught, it is all anyone will want to speak of. Surely it will put a damper on the festivities,” Sarah said.

  “I hate to wait that long, but alas, you are right. No one will care much about the ball after my little scene.” Her cheeks warmed. “It would be disrespectful of me to take away her grace’s success with my scandal.” Amelia glanced toward the door, then back to Sarah. “You’d better be going.”


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