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Guardian's Grace

Page 15

by Jacqueline Rhoades

  He straightened and stood towering above her taking his time in letting his eyes devour the lush display spread before him. From the warm flush that spread from her face down her neck to the full roundness of her breasts, his eyes traveled slowly down her belly to linger on the soft nest of curls at the juncture of her legs. He inhaled deeply the soft, sweet scent of her sex.

  She had wanted to dance with him, had lured him, all be it willingly, into this pas de deux, but it was time for him to take control. She would have her dance but he would choose the music and the steps. This was his ballroom and he would lead.

  Grace could only lay there trembling beneath his devouring gaze. She had never lain so exposed and vulnerable to anyone. She followed his eyes as they took in every square inch of her that was open to his view. Her nipples hardened into tiny, almost painful buds when his eyes lingered there and when he licked his lips she felt the release of wetness between her thighs.

  Manon had told her how to begin the dance of love, told her that once begun, Canaan would take the lead and she had only to follow. Manon had not told her how her body would burn under his inspection or ache in anticipation of his touch.

  She closed her eyes, drew in her breath and held it only to lose it in a gasp as his lips found the tender nub of her breast. He ran his tongue lightly around the edge then drew it into his mouth suckling and nibbling with his teeth.

  She moaned and he chuckled, a deep rumble from his chest. “You like that, do you? Let’s see if the other likes it as well.”

  “It does, oh it does. Canaan, don’t stop,” she whispered as he transferred his attention to the other. She tried to bring her hands to his head to hold him to her but he pushed them back above her head.

  “All in good time, my sweetling. For now, this dance is mine.”

  He kissed her eyes, her face, her neck, reveling in the softness of her skin, the pliant wonder of her lips. With his mouth and hands he travelled the length of her body, stopping to dwell again at her breasts, kissing and fingering each of her delicate ribs, circling then plunging his tongue to the center of her navel. Her soft moans and gently mewling cries accompanied his journey until at last, he reached his destination.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, Grace,” he ordered gently.

  He watched her eyes as his fingers traced the delicate folds of her sex, saw them widen with surprise as her belly clenched with the pleasurable sensations that he drew from her, then turn to molten pools as her legs relaxed and her knees bent to splay apart offering herself fully to him and whatever he might do. He slid a finger to her entrance already slick and coated with her honey. God, she was so soft, so ripe for his pleasure.

  He smiled with satisfaction when she cried out at his hand’s withdrawal and the smile widened along with her eyes when he stripped out of his jeans and stood swollen and ready before her.

  Grace squinted her eyes shut in momentary panic. She had seen him naked the first night they met, but not like this. She wanted him, oh how she wanted him. Her body ached for him. Her insides burned for him, but she would be inadequate to his needs. A tear leaked from the corner of her eye.

  He held himself over her, supporting his weight on his arms. He’d known she was a virgin, but up until this moment she’d seemed more than willing.

  “Tell me sweetling, what’s wrong? Do you want me to stop?” he murmured with true concern in his voice.

  “No, she whimpered, “I don’t want you to stop, but it won’t work. You’re too big or I’m too small and you’ll be so disappointed .”

  He wanted to laugh. He wanted to roar, but he knew that now was not the time. “I could never be disappointed in you, my lovely Grace. Not ever.”

  He rose back up to his previous position and was pleased to find her still silky with dew. Slowly and smoothly, he slipped his finger into her velvety channel. Murmuring soft reassurance, he continued his gentle thrusts until he felt her body relax and her hips respond to his rhythm. A second finger joined the first and he felt her body expand to accept it. He found the swollen nub at her entrance and began to massage it with his thumb. She was fully with him now, her soft moans and thrusting hips a testament to her pleasure. She cried out his name when he removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock. He held himself back, going only as far as his fingers had traveled until he was sure she was with him and then with each thrust he probed deeper into that tight sweet core until he felt contact with the barrier he knew he must breach. One quick deep thrust and it was done. She cried out sharply and he paused, waiting for her guidance.

  “Don’t stop. Oh Canaan, you feel like heaven,” she cried.

  It was the ride of his life. Such sweetness and love filled him each time she cried out his name. Her legs were wrapped tightly around him, riding him as fiercely as he rode her and when he felt the tremor in her body as she reached climax, his body exploded and he came with her, shouting her name as his seed filled her.

  Grace felt her body burst apart in a myriad of color and light and sensation and she cried out with the pure pleasure of it. It rippled through her over and over and on and on. This was what Manon referred to as la petite mort, the little death, but Grace had never felt more alive. She lay there for a moment unable to think or move.

  “Grace,” Canaan was whispering in her ear, “Are you all right?”

  She let her body fall spread eagle beneath him. “Better than all right. I’ve been to heaven and back again.” She tried to bring all her love to her eyes as she looked at him. “You were wonderful.”

  He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “And you fit just right.”

  She flushed with embarrassment and closed her eyes. “That was pretty stupid of me. Sorry.” She felt his finger against her lips.

  “Shh. You have nothing to be sorry about. And don’t you ever feel embarrassed by what is said or done in this bed.”

  She opened her eyes and found him smiling down at her. He gave her a kiss, soft and lingering, and rolled, laughing at her squeal of disappointment when he withdrew from her.

  “You’ve had enough for your first time. You’ll be sore on waking.” He shifted her around until her head rested on the pillow and then drew the covers over them both, but Grace wasn’t satisfied with the arrangement and she shifted again until she was snuggled against him with her head on his shoulder. Her finger traced the outline of the tattoo on his chest and she felt his arm curl around her to hold her close. The golden circlet on his bicep tingled against her arm running a current of warmth through her soul and she knew she was where she belonged.

  Canaan lay quietly thinking of his parents. Maybe his mother thought the pain was a small price to pay for loving the man she was bound to. Maybe she died because she couldn’t stand living in a world without him. Maybe his father suffered, too. Maybe neither of them had a choice. As for himself, his choice was made. Life without Grace was no life at all.

  Buffy curled up at the foot of the bed and purred out her delight.

  Chapter 23

  “The waiting is killing me Abyar.” Andi giggled at her joke. There would be a killing, but it wouldn’t be hers. “I want to get you out of this circle.”

  “No more than I, my dear. Still, your company is much finer than any I could find on the other side.”

  Abyar reached for her hand and held her knuckles to his lips. It was a very nice hand, clean and soft with long nails polished in blood red. It would be even lovelier when chained to a wall or a bed. Who could have guessed that his search for a contact in this world would result in such an exciting companion? She was as sly and clever as he and so amenable to his tastes in sexual entertainment. His original plan had called for her death, but her absence would cause him too much pain. Even now, when she released him to the otherworld to attend to business, he missed her. He revised his plan to include her as his partner.

  “I still don’t see why it’s so difficult for you to cross. Others do it all the time. It’s not fair.”

  The w
hine in her voice caused Abyar to inwardly cringe. It was a most annoying habit and he would see that she broke it. The thought aroused him.

  “As you are well aware, life seldom is fair. If I could easily cross from that world to this, I’d be no more than lowlife scum.” Abyar wrinkled his nose. “They are unable to interact with humans for more than a few violent hours at a time without a strong hand to guide them. They don’t appreciate the amenities that this world has to offer. If I were like them I wouldn’t know the pleasure of these hours I spend with you.”

  Andi blushed and touched her hair. She’d come a long way from the person she’d been just a short time before. Her hair was silky, cut and styled in the latest fashion. Her skin was smooth and blemish free. Her figure curved and swelled in all the right places and best of all, Abyar had introduced her to the joys of sex. Who knew that pain could bring her such exquisite pleasure?

  “I still don’t think it’s fair.” She made a face and spread her hands. “You’re being punished because you’re better. You’re smarter and more powerful and you should be able to cross over whenever you like. To hell with all that keeping a balance crap. You’re a third degree demon. You shouldn’t be cursed. You should be privileged.”

  The system did appear backward. The more power a demon had, the more difficult it was to cross, but the laws had been in place for millennia and there was nothing to be done.

  “But my dear, rank does have its privileges. Being a third degree may not be the highest order of demon, but it does allow me the power to offer someone as deserving as you some of the finer gifts and you must admit, Andi, you’ve used them well.”

  She caught her breath and stood stock still as Abyar ran his finger along her cheek and letting it trail down her neck to the opening of her robe. His finger continued until it reached the loosely tied sash which fell to the descending pressure. The robe fell open and Abyar looked his fill.

  Abyar had always admired the human form and had chosen it for his own long before deciding to come across. Andi’s figure was almost perfect as far as he was concerned. He smiled in appreciation.

  “You are a delightful little minx and you shall be well rewarded.” He picked up the ruler that lay next to his book and smiled knowingly. “Now though, my dear, we have work to do. Let’s see how well we’ve learned our lessons, shall we?” Abyar snapped the ruler into the palm of his hand. “Remember, I’m Cynthia. Convince me.”


  “Dov! Wake up.” Col gave his brother’s shoulder a gentle push. “There’s music in the kitchen.”

  “Aw, honey, I gave you all I got,” Dov mumbled and pulled the cover up around his neck. “I’m all thumped out. Ow!”

  When the covers were ripped from his body, he turned with an angry snarl to face his twin. “Oh, it’s you. What the fuck do you want?”

  Col looked to the young man standing in the doorway. “He’s usually not this grumpy in the morning,” and turned back to Dov, “I thought you’d like to know that Grace is home, but if you’d rather go back to thumping in your dreams…”

  “Shit! Why didn’t you say so?” Dov vaulted from the bed, now fully awake. He grabbed up yesterday’s jeans and shirt and stumbled through the door as he yanked them on. Col ran to keep up. The other followed at a more respectable walk.

  Grace heard them bounding down the stairs shouting her name. It was good to be home. She laughed and turned to Canaan at her side.

  “I think they missed me.”

  He set his mug on the counter and pulled her to him, leaning back so her feet left the ground.

  “Not nearly as much as I did,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Mmmm. Show me again how much you missed me?” she whispered against his.

  “Gracie! You’re… Holy shit. Way to go Canaan!”

  Canaan glared and would have said something cutting but Grace was laughing and the music of it made him forget what he was about to say so he kissed her again.

  “Welcome home, Grace.” Col nodded, acknowledging Canaan and the kiss. He looked uncomfortable.

  “I’ve made pancakes.”

  “Pancakes. Hear that Col. Grace made us pancakes for breakfast.” Dov’s enthusiasm sounded forced and he kept his eyes on Canaan.

  Grace looked from one man to the next. She wasn’t going to let her new relationship with Canaan change what she had with the twins. She put her hands on her hips.

  “Well,” she huffed, “I thought that classical music and pancakes would get me waltzed around the room, but I guess you didn’t miss my pancakes as much as I missed you.” She winked at Dov and held out her arms.

  That was all it took for Dov to sweep her up and swirl her around. They were laughing at his claims of love forever as he bent her back in a deep dip when she caught sight of the wide eyed stranger standing in the kitchen doorway. She smacked her partner’s shoulder.

  “Dov, let me up and introduce us to your friend.”

  Dov righted her and let her go, but Col with his right hand on his heart spoke first.

  “My lord, forgive me for forgetting my manners.”

  He said it so formally that Grace and Dov stood at attention. Canaan remained where he was, leaning back against the counter, sipping his coffee with both hands on his mug.

  “May I present Bernardo ad Tormeo, the recruit we spoke of. Nardo, my lord Canaan.”

  The new recruit was tall and well built though not as broad as the twins. He wore a pair of jeans that had seen better days and a Led-Zeppelin US Tour 1977 t-shirt. His hair was neatly combed into a ponytail that reached halfway down his back.

  Dov nudged Grace in the ribs and rolled his eyes, but she kept her face expressionless, waiting for Canaan’s response. Canaan sucked in his cheeks and turned to pull a mug from the shelf.

  “Coffee, Nardo?” he asked even as he poured. “Cream and sugar are on the table and from now on you pour your own.”

  “Th-Thank you, my lord.” Nardo was a bit overwhelmed. This wasn’t at all what he thought a House of Guardians would be like, a Liege Lord standing barefoot and shirtless, no formality, no discipline, dancing, laughing, a woman in the kitchen acting with unservant like familiarity, a woman in the House period. This wasn’t anything like the stories his grandfather told. Col and Dov hadn’t lied.

  “And that’s another thing.” Canaan was smiling now and motioned Nardo to sit. “Nobody around here calls me my lord except Otto and that’s usually when he’s pissed about something. Just call me Canaan.”

  “Or Boss. That’s what we call him.” Dov poured himself a cup of coffee while Grace poured batter on the griddle. “And this is Grace. She’s…” He looked from Canaan to Grace, no longer sure of her status.

  “The housekeeper,” said Grace.

  “Mine,” said Canaan at the same time.

  “Only the housekeeping job comes with the paycheck,” she added. She didn’t want the poor man to get the wrong idea. He looked confused enough. She flipped the pancakes, took the bacon from the warming oven and set the butter and warm syrup on the table. “Dov, get out the dishes and flatware. Col, get the glasses and pour the juice. Nardo, the napkins are right behind you on that counter. We usually serve buffet but today is a little unusual so we’ll do it family style.” She laughed at his bemusement. “Welcome to the family, Nardo. Anyone want eggs?”

  The next half hour was organized chaos with orders taken, plates filled and mouths stuffed. Nardo seemed more relaxed with a fork in his hand and when the questions started flying about his plans for the Guardians, he was ready with his answers.

  “I plan to set you up with a system that will survey the whole city, sir, ah, Boss. You can keep track of any activity anywhere on the streets. We’ll monitor and track police calls and follow up reports, expand on what Grace has suggested and pinpoint sightings, attacks on humans or members and ah,” he glanced at Grace, “physical encounters.”

  Dov gave Col a questioning look to which Col shrugged, so Grace explained. “That�
�s his term for ripping their hearts out.” She was pleased when Nardo laughed.

  “Okay,” he said, “I get it. You’re not like my mother. No need for euphemisms.”

  “Youfa what?” asked Dov.

  Grace smiled mischievously. “You know, Dov, using pretty words to cover up the bad ones.” She folded her arms and glared at him. “Like thumping.”

  Col’s face flamed red. “Aw, jeez Gracie, we didn’t know you then.”

  “You told her.” Dov pointed to Canaan’s smirking face. “Thanks a lot, Canaan.” He threw his balled up napkin across the table and laughed as Canaan batted it away.

  “Ignore them, Nardo.” Canaan flicked his hand as if the twins were annoying flies. “Otherwise they’ll drive you crazy. Why don’t you take a look at the library down the hall and see if it meets your needs. Move out anything that’s in the way, including books if necessary. Order what you need and we’ll pay for it.”

  “I want to train as well, sir.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. We get in an hour or two on days we patrol and three or four on days we don’t. Once you’re up and running, we’ll work out a schedule where you can split your time.”

  “If you ever need a sparring partner, I’m available,” Grace volunteered.

  Nardo was swallowing a sip of coffee and choked out the words, “You spar?”

  Dov and Col patted him on the back none to gently and found the whole thing hilarious. Canaan raised his hands in denial.

  “I had nothing to do with it. I wasn’t here when it started and if I forbid Grace to do it now, I’d never hear the end of it.”

  Col slapped the table and sputtered, “Forbid? Did you just use forbid and Grace in the same sentence? Can you picture it, Dov?”

  Dov tucked in his chin and pushed out his chest. He pounded the table with his fist and said in a very deep voice, “Grace, I forbid you to engage in such unladylike behavior.” More howls of laughter as Dov turned to Nardo. “She’d kick his ass.”


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