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Guardian's Grace

Page 18

by Jacqueline Rhoades

  “I meant no offence. During tonight’s ah… incident, her blouse was pulled aside. I couldn’t help but notice. I only wished to know what role she plays here. She’s…?” He lifted the wineglass in salute.





  “Capable of speaking for herself thank you all very much. I’m Grace. I live with Canaan. To the rest of my family,” she beamed her appreciation around the room, “I’m the housekeeper for this House which at this moment is probably a very hungry House.”

  She pushed herself off Canaan’s broad chest and flexed her neck and shoulders. She could still feel some of the coiled energy in her mind and her body tingled with it.

  “Canaan, if you’d take this in the other room, I’ll get supper and Nico, no matter what’s decided, it’s too late to leave today. Up the stairs, last door on the right, there’s a room for you. Col, make sure you take him up and show him where everything is. There’s a basket of toiletries under the sink. Uncle Otto, do you think that Harley’s safe on the street? Neither do I. Dov, why don’t you bring it around to the garage. You can get it out again when he needs it. Manon, I can manage if you’re busy, but I could use a hand here if you’re free. Uncle Otto, I’m sure Canaan will want you with him and Nardo,” she raised her eyebrows at him, “I think you know what needs to be done in the library. Now everybody out. Come back in an hour and I’ll have your supper.”

  Nico raised his glass a little higher and bowed in acknowledgement of Grace. “This is indeed a House like no other. It not only has a Liege Lord but a lovely little general as well.”

  Dov snickered as he headed for the door. “Pretty words Guardian, but you’ll change your tune when she starts bossing you around.”


  “What do I think of him? I think I don’t like him. He’s too smooth.” Canaan grumbled in answer to Grace’s question. He lifted his chin and dragged the razor up his neck.

  “Too elegant, too well mannered, too beautiful to be real, too attractive is what you mean. You don’t know him well enough not to like him.” She poked her head into the bathroom. “Ooo, shaving before bed.” She lowered her voice seductively. “Does this mean you have plans, big boy?”

  “This isn’t the first time I’ve shaved before bed,” he said defensively.

  She laughed playfully. “That must have been for those other girlfriends because you never shaved for me. I’ve got the beard burn to prove it.” She ran her hands up his bare back and paused to sniff loudly. “Eeuw, why didn’t you tell me I smell like a demon?” After turning on the shower, she stripped off her clothes and threw them in the corner. “Coming?”

  Canaan eyed her up and down then turned back to the mirror, tried for nonchalance and failed. “I just got out,” he teased.

  Grace tore away the towel that he’d wrapped around his waist. “You didn’t do a very good job. You’ve got green spots all over you. There and there and there.” She poked his back and ribs and rear and then reached around to his front pressing her breasts to his back. She poked his chest, his belly, his crotch. “Jealousy, jealousy, jealousy.”

  He turned, scooped her into his arms and stepped into the shower before she could catch her breath. “You’re looking for trouble,” he growled as he set her on her feet.

  “Mmm, looks like I found it.” She reached for the soap and began lathering the cloth. “Let me wash all those spots off first.”

  She turned him away from her and began lathering his back from the neck down. She worked slowly and thoroughly, swirling the soapy cloth over every inch of his skin, making sure he could feel the touch of her breasts as she soaped and massaged his shoulders. He tried to turn and was stopped by a sharp slap on his ass.

  “Oh no you don’t, big boy. You’ll turn around when I tell you to and you’ll keep those hands to yourself. You’re not touching me until all those ugly green spots are gone.”

  She lathered up the cloth again and began at his ankle, worked her way up the inside of his leg until mid-thigh when she felt him tense. She slid her hand to his hip and worked her way down the outside of his leg. She followed the same pattern on his other leg. She soaped again and swirled the cloth over his ass and purred a seductive “Meow” as she ran the cloth up the crack between his cheeks followed by a return stroke with her finger. She laughed when he groaned.

  “You can turn around now, but no touching. I still see spots.”

  She washed his front in the same slow manner; chest, belly, arms and legs. She went to her knees as she rinsed the last of the soap from his legs. She looked up and smiled wickedly.

  “Oh look, poor baby, there’s one more spot. No touching, now, until it’s gone. You just stand there and let me kiss it away. Where should I begin?”

  Grace licked her lips and studied the swollen erection that hovered a few inched from her lips. She cocked her head first one way, then the other and when Canaan groaned in anticipation she licked the pearly bead from the tip. She swirled her tongue around the head and licked the underside from base to tip like an ice cream cone. Swirling her tongue once more, she drew him in, marveling at the velvety smoothness of him. Warmth spread over her sending an electric tingle down through her center to settle between her legs.

  Canaan’s hands came down on her head, fingers weaving into her hair, setting the pace as Grace drew him deeper and deeper into her throat.

  “Oh god, Grace. That feels so good. That’s it. Oh god.” His voice trailed off into a series of moans until at last, “Stop. Sweetling, stop now. I can’t hold it back.” His hands left her head and he braced them against the shower walls. He made a half hearted attempt to pull away.

  She gripped his ass, fingers digging into his cheeks. She refused to stop instead redoubling her efforts and when at last he came, roaring her name, she took him in swallowing the warmth that filled her mouth and throat. She milked him until he could give her no more and only then released him to kiss her way up his stomach and chest to his lips.

  “You’ve killed me Grace. I’m turned and gone. There is a heaven for the likes of me. I’m in it.” He kissed her long and hard. “And now, you wicked, wanton woman, turn about’s fair play.”

  Chapter 28

  Poor Cynthia. She’d looked so shocked when she entered the apartment. She didn’t know what to make of all the designs on the floor and the black candles already burning. The look on her face when she tried to run and found the door already closed and locked was a look that Andi would always remember. It was almost as good as the one she had when Andi grabbed her from behind and pressed the cloth over her nose and mouth. Cynthia was a smart girl and she knew right then and there that her future wasn’t looking very bright.

  Andi had wanted to take her down with a baseball bat, but Abyar insisted that her body be unblemished and really, it wasn’t worth the chance of accidentally killing her. They needed her terror as well as her blood.

  Keeping her hidden until the dark of the moon had been no easy task. The stupid woman wouldn’t give up trying to attract some attention. Andi had to put her under several times just to get enough sleep. Going to work was a nightmare. Everyone there was worried sick. Mr. Cappaletti even filed a police report. Keeping a deeply concerned look on her face was terribly difficult when in her heart Andi was jumping for joy.

  The altar wasn’t quite long enough and poor Cynthia looked a little ridiculous with her feet and head hanging off the ends. Andi was a tiny bit disappointed. She’d wanted it to be perfect and even though Abyar said that it would do, Andi understood him well enough by now to know that punishment would come later. She felt herself growing wet at the thought of it.

  Cynthia awakened while Andi was cutting the clothes from her body in preparation for the ceremony. Maybe it was the giggle that escaped when Andi saw she’d been mistaken. Cynthia wasn’t a bottle blonde after all. Poor Cynthia had tried to scream but that silly piece of tape across her mouth prevented it.

  It was a good thing, too, because screaming became Cynthia’s favorite pastime once Andi began carving the symbols into her belly and breasts. It took a while longer than Andi had anticipated and she was cutting it close to the appointed hour by the time she had readied both Cynthia and herself. She started the chant, word perfect in tone and cadence. Tracing the symbols on Cynthia’s body, she replicated them in blood on her own. She summoned Abyar who took over the chant while she prepared the chalice. She raised the ceremonial knife high in the air and shouted the incantation as she brought the knife down.

  Cynthia stopped screaming. Abyar was free.


  The linens were pressed and ready for the table. The lead crystal sparkled and the bone china gleamed. Grace had found it all carefully stored in the cupboards and drawers of the dining room. For her it was like finding a king’s ransom. She had never seen so many beautiful pieces all in one place. She’d spent hours arranging and rearranging the glimmering pieces behind the glass doors of the china closets that graced each corner of the dining room.

  She smiled at the hilarity she’d caused when she’d found the chest of sterling flatware. Much to her embarrassment she’d learned the truth about all those vampire myths. Silver, crosses and holy water had no effect on the Paenitentia although too much garlic wreaked havoc on their ability to smell demons.

  When she first arrived at the House, this room had been sad and neglected, the hardwood floors dull. The heavy drapes carried enough dust to be considered a health hazard and cobwebs clung to the ornate crown molding. Now, the old wax was stripped from the floor and the furniture polished to a rich glowing sheen. The draperies were shaken and cleaned and the rich color of the Aubusson carpet restored. The crystals of the chandelier twinkled in the light.

  Her Thanksgiving would be perfect.

  Canaan came up behind her palming her breasts with a quick squeeze before wrapping his arms around her.

  “Hey, no copping a feel in the dining room.”

  His chuckle was deep with promise as he ruffled her hair with his nose. “I’d be copping more than that if there weren’t so many people around. This place used to be a tomb.”

  Grace leaned back into Canaan letting her head fall back on his chest. She enjoyed the feeling of melting into his strength and closed her eyes on a sigh of contentment. Suddenly she stiffened and her eyes snapped open.

  “Damn,” she said and whirled to face Canaan. “You came in here to butter me up. Who are they and why are they sitting at my Thanksgiving table?”

  Canaan took a step back. “Whoa sweetling, I just got the announcement. How did you know? And no, I didn’t come in here to butter you up although the image that brings to mind is tempting.” He raised his eyebrows and leered at her. “Whipped cream would make it more interesting.”

  She swatted his chest and laughed in spite of herself. “I saw it, Canaan. When I relaxed against you and let my mind wander I saw three more people, a woman and two men sitting at this table and I didn’t like the way that woman was looking at you.” She huffed. “Well I didn’t see you but I know –and I mean that Canaan- I know she was looking at you.”

  He pulled a folded paper from his hip pocket. “Dov brought this with the mail. It’s a formal notice of investigation. A Councilor and two Advisors will be here for dinner tomorrow and will stay for a week or more. It doesn’t say who they are. I don’t know why they’d send a woman to a House of Guardians but I suspect it has something to do with you.” He took her hands in his. “I’m sorry if this ruins your Thanksgiving.”

  “It’s not going to ruin anything. I won’t let it. Tell me what I need to do to make them happy. How do I address them? For that matter how do I address you? Canaan, we need to get Otto in here for some tutoring. I don’t know what to do or say. Suppose I screw this up. You could lose this House and it would be all my fault. What if they don’t eat turkey? We need to pick up more wine. I don’t know anything about wine. Oh my god! What do I feed them for the rest of the week? Where will they sleep? We’re running out of bedrooms, Canaan. Shit, shit, shit! I meant to order flowers for the table and I‘ll need to get some for their rooms at least for whatever the hell her name is.”

  Canaan kissed her. When she would have continued talking against his lips, he kissed her harder. He kissed her until she gave into the pressure of his lips and kissed him back. At first, she clung to him as if she was drowning, her tongue darting and desperate. He refused to meet her pace and slowed his tongue to a lazy roll and held her easily in his arms.

  When she finally relaxed into him and her breathing slowed, he broke the kiss and whispered against her ear.

  “Slow down, sweetling. Let’s go back to it’s not going to ruin anything. ‘We’ won’t let it. This is my House and the way you run it pleases me. You please me. If things go badly, it won’t be your fault. You address them as Councilor or Advisor and that’s all you need to know. You address me the same as you always do though I’d appreciate you not calling me big boy or a little weenie while they’re in the room.”


  Manon and Otto saved her sanity. She loved Canaan’s I-love-you-no-matter-what support and it had calmed her down enough to avoid major panic but Grace was still determined to make this visit a success. She wanted that first impression to be perfect.

  Otto gave her a crash course in proper Paenitentian etiquette and protocol that wasn’t nearly as frightening as it should have been because Manon kept rolling her eyes and flicking her wrist in a manner that said, ”This is of little importance.”

  “All meals should be taken in the dining room and they’ll dress for dinner, Grace,” Otto concluded and when he saw Grace’s questioning look, he laughed. “They demand a lot more than clean shirts. They’ll be dressed to the nines; dinner jackets for the men and gowns for the ladies. Canaan and I will be fine and I’m sure that somewhere under the jeans and t-shirts the twins have something buried. They’ll grumble but I’ll make sure they dig it out and it’s properly pressed. Knowing Nardo’s background, he’ll be fine and after seeing what Nico considers knock around clothes, you know he’s well equipped. There’s nothing to worry about on that score. We’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure you’ll all look wonderful. I, on the other hand, don’t own anything fancier than a skirt and blouse. Maybe I can stick with the role of servant, pretend it’s my uniform. I don’t have to sit at the table. I can eat in the kitchen.”

  “You will not wear any of those skirts.” Manon was adamant. “These people are not coming here to sample the food or the mattresses. They are coming here to judge this House and you. They will shame you if they can or use you to try to shame Canaan and that I will not allow.” She motioned with her hands. “Stand up and let us see what we have to work with.” Manon lifted Grace’s arms out to the side and looked her over from head to foot. She nodded her head as if satisfied with what she saw. “I will see to your dress for tomorrow. I have the perfect thing.”

  “Manon, I can’t wear something of yours. Your four inches taller and a lot more…” Grace traced an hour glass in the air. “And they’ll see the real me the next day anyway.”

  Manon laughed away Grace’s worries with a wave of her hand. “It is true, Cherie, I am fuller of figure, but I am also talented with a needle. Trust me in this. If you do not approve of what I create,” She shrugged and spread her hands. “You can always go back to the ugly skirts. As for the future, we will worry about it as it comes.”

  “Okay, Okay, I’m in your hands.” She mentally checked off items on her list. “I think I just might make it through this. I may even find time to figure out what to feed them for the rest of the week.”

  Otto put his arm around her for a quick hug. “Manon is right, you know. Feed them the same as you do us only do it in the dining room. They may be used to servants but in this House there are none and I don’t want to see you turning into one. Canaan loves you. We all do. In the end, that’s all that matters.”r />
  Chapter 29

  The table was ready and it was beautiful. Nico not only brought the perfect centerpiece but insisted on setting the table for her. He refused to let her enter until everything was in perfect order and perfect it was. He’d set the sideboard as well, with an ornate coffee urn and all things necessary for coffee and desert, including her pies precut and ready to serve. An ice bucket stood at each end of the table and at each place setting stood a tiny easel with her menu hand written in beautiful script.

  “Nico, this is a great deal more than I expected. Thank you.” She was touched that he had taken so much care.

  “Grace, I don’t mean to offend, but how many of these dinners have you served?”

  “I’ve never hosted a dinner in my life.” She pointed to the candelabra at either end of the table. “Good heavens you bought candles and I didn’t even think of them. And those menus are perfect. How did you do all this?”

  “You need to keep it as simple as possible. Your shrimp cocktail will be iced and can be set out early. Clear the cocktail but not the chargers.” He walked her through the whole meal reminding her repeatedly that no one would eat unless she was seated. He told her where each guest would sit, the Councilor to her right, the male advisor to her left. The woman would be to Canaan’s right.

  “Canaan will probably go over this with you again if there’s time. They’ll need at least an hour to freshen up and dress. You need to dress now. You don’t want them catching you looking harried or confused. The key is to look confident even when you’re not. Act like you know what you’re doing and they will assume you do. This is your House, yours and Canaan’s. Act like it.”

  “Nico, you’ve been a blessing and I know I probably shouldn’t, but I have to ask why? You’ve just arrived. You don’t even know us yet you’ve gone out of your way to do all this.”


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