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The Warrior and the Petulant Princess

Page 18

by Maggie Carpenter

  “I am going to erupt over your lovely bottom,” he purred, “then we can both return to the soaking tub and wash each other.”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled, still lost in the afterglow of her moment.

  Gripping his cock he massaged fervently, admiring all she had to offer. He could almost feel the hot tightness of her trough, and wondered how he could wait ten passes of the moons before taking it. Gazing at her tight puckered hole he felt a surge of energy when he thought about how he would train her there, and that was his last thought before his life essence rose up and squirted over her cheeks. As he watched the cream dribble into her crack, he couldn’t resist the temptation, and dropping his finger he lightly followed it, whispering across her tiny button.

  She made a strange sound but didn’t move, and taking it as a final, wonderful, encouraging moment, he fell beside her and opened his arms. Sighing happily, she lowered her body on to the bed and rolled on her side, pressing against him.

  “We’re both naked,” she sighed.

  “We are.”

  “Is that allowed before our wedding night?”

  Sitting up slightly he looked around the room, then flopped back down.

  “I don’t see anyone here to arrest us,” he said solemnly.

  The comment sent her giggling and she covered her face with her hands, then dropped them away.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “I am the Master of his house, and I am the Master of you and this glorious body of yours, so if I say it’s allowed, then it’s allowed. Plunging my cock into you though, that must wait.”

  “We’ve done everything else, why should we wait?”

  “Oh, Princess, we certainly have not done everything else, not at all.”


  “Really, and some of it I’m saving.”

  “I don’t think I can wait,” she moaned.

  “If I can wait, you can wait, and we both will. Are you ready to get back in the tub?”

  “No, not yet. Can we lay here for just a few more minutes? I love being this way. I feel so close to you.”

  Sighing contentedly he closed his eyes and enveloped her.

  “Larian, you were right about Falayla. Of course I should ask her. It was childish of me not to think so.”

  “Good girl,” he purred, “you are growing up.”


  They had enjoyed a playful time in the large soaking tub, had taken a wander through the grounds, and it was just after their evening meal, when both suns had set and the moons were beginning their ascent, when Larian looked across the table at her and wearily announced he was retiring for a full night of Zinyana. Taking his arm Lizbett walked with him to the door of his bed chamber and leaned her head against his chest.

  “How will I get through tonight alone, and the many nights ahead until our wedding?” she sighed.

  “I believe, Lizbett, the time will be taken very quickly with all the preparations. Tomorrow we must send out the notices, so tonight you must make your list of those you wish to attend. Keep it very small, we cannot accommodate a large group, but when things are settled we can have a grand reception in Verdana if you would like it.”

  “I don’t much care,” she said honestly, “but I believe my father will require it.”

  “As will my Prince in Zanderone,” he said. “I have my guest list in my head, so when I wake as the East sun rises I will send out the messengers. Leave your list in the drawer of my desk in case you’re not yet awake.”

  “I just thought of something, where are we going to put father and mother? There are only two other bedrooms besides mine.”

  “Tomorrow we will go through all this. Rest assured the answers are there. Now I must restore my body. I can feel it is drained and my mind is weary.”

  “Goodnight, Larian. I shall be with you as you sleep.”

  “Goodnight, Lizbett, as I will be with you.”

  He kissed her warmly, then she watched him as he disappeared into his bed chamber, and stood almost sadly as she heard the click of the lock.

  The house was quiet, and walking to his study she moved around the ornate desk given to him by the Prince, and sat down in the large animal hide chair.

  Finding a paper and writing implement she began to make the list, crossing out names as she wrote them, finally ending with only three; Father, Mother, Tholl. She felt a lump in her throat. She had no friends. There were plenty of women who tittered around her but she could see right through them; they were only with her because she was the Princess and they wanted to bask in the glory of her position and power.

  I suppose I haven’t been much fun to be around. I was always angry about something, or with someone. That’s all going to change now, I can feel it.

  Folding the paper in half she placed in the top drawer, then had a thought, and pulling out a fresh sheet she started a note.

  Dear Falayla:

  Without your courage my wedding to Lord Larian Lobergene would not be taking place. You are just a young village maiden. What it must have taken for you to go against the will of someone as powerful as the Head Of The Court. How can such a debt be repaid?

  I would be honored and humbled if you would agree to be my attendant at the wedding. If you accept you will be brought here by a castle carriage, and be accommodated at Lord Lobergene’s house.

  I await your response.

  Most sincerely,

  Princess Lizbett Of Verdana

  Feeling immensely satisfied with her letter she folded it and placed it in the drawer next to the list for Larian to find in the morning, then feeling unexpectedly tired she made her way to her bed chamber.

  She changed into her nightdress, thinking how pleasant it was not to have her simpering servant fussing around, and slipping between the coverlets she closed her eyes with the image of Larian asleep in his bed just down the hall. It was comforting, but still she missed him, she missed him dearly.

  When she arrived at the dining hall the following morning the house was already busy. The table was laden with food, and from the windows she could see the gardeners were working hard. The housekeeper informed her Larian was in his study and had been awaiting her arrival to join her.

  “I will tell him you’re here,” she said formally, then curtsied and hurried away; a moment later, when he appeared, her heart leapt and her flippity flip jumped in her stomach.

  “It is so good to see you,” she beamed.

  “Good morning, Princess,” he smiled kissing her on her brow.

  “Good morning, my Lord, or should I say, good morning, Commander, or good morning Warrior Of The First Order?”

  “You’re feeling cheeky this morning.”

  “No more than usual, well, perhaps a little, and I’m definitely feeling hungry…in more ways than one,” she added with a wink and a whisper.

  “I see,” he grinned. “As to your question, good morning great one on high who spanks with a very hot hand, would be acceptable.”

  She laughed out loud and playfully punched him, then sitting down they began to eat, and he praised her note.

  “It has already been sent out, and thank you for not inviting the many noble women I’m sure you know.”

  “I am not true friends with any of them, which makes me sad,” she said honestly. “I hope that will change.”

  “As we grow in our life together you will attract those who genuinely like you,” he said warmly. “Now I have something to discuss with you, but we must keep our voices low.”

  “That sounds intriguing,” she remarked.

  “First though, I have news. I have already received several messages from my Prince. He has assigned a team to prepare the house for the wedding. They will be here every day, beginning when the East sun rises, and staying until it begins to set. This includes a full kitchen staff who will be preparing the banquet.”

  “My goodness. Can your kitchen handle such a big chore?”

  “They will make the necessar
y adjustments, and I suspect much of the food will start arriving from the Palace a few days before, but there are other things that need to be organized. The tables, for instance, are to be set out on the terrace, the settings and how the table is to be decorated must be decided.”

  “That’s wonderful,” she exclaimed. “I was going to suggest having the banquet there.”

  “There are also dressmakers that will be calling on you. I am embarrassed that I didn’t have the foresight to see this eventuality and allow you to bring more clothing,” he admitted, “but the court’s tailors will be here to measure you and bring various materials so you may pick those you like. I have also asked your father to arrange to have some of your clothes sent here.”

  “You have thought of everything.”

  “I have tried to,” he smiled. “The Palace of Zanderone isn’t far, so that makes much of this easier than you might think. Oh, and the Prince is inviting your father and mother to be his guests there.”

  “That occurred to me as I fell asleep last night,” she remarked. “It’s the obvious solution. Will your uncle be performing your half of the ceremony?”

  It was the custom in both Zanderone and Verdana that the father of both the bride and groom perform the ceremony, each for their child.

  “This is more difficult,” Larian sighed. “The Prince has stated he wishes to perform the task, but since he is not my closest male relative it may not be possible. Of course my uncle wishes it too, but he would never go against the Prince. If the law allows it, the Prince will do the honors, otherwise, yes, my uncle.”

  “What is it that we must talk about in quiet,” she frowned.

  “I was getting there” he said softly, “you must learn to be patient. With all the workers coming I fear our privacy will be compromised.”

  “Oh, I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “It will be impossible to have safe time alone here in the house, and it’s imperative that I continue to prepare you for our wedding night.”

  “And it’s imperative that I have your attention,” she whispered with her eyes wide. “I cannot live without it…I missed you so much through the night.”

  “There is a small cottage a short ride from here, and each morning, as the East sun rises, I will collect you from your room and take you there. It cannot be seen from the house and it’s very comfortable. I plan on enlarging it and using it for staff when I need to, but for now it sits empty.”

  “Larian, that’s wonderful,” she beamed, “but what horse will I ride?”

  “You’ll be on Thunder with me. There are steps near the stable that you can use to climb on, and I’ve already put something in place at the cottage.”

  “Can we go there today?”

  “I have planned on it,” he whispered, “directly after we finish this meal. I will tell everyone that I am taking you around the grounds, which is something that must be done anyway, so you can see the fence that separates the property from the outside.”

  “I need to feel you,” she said longingly, “I need your arms, your lips-”

  “Hush, the housekeeper is coming.”

  She’d been leaning forward, and had settled back in her chair just moments before the woman walked in carrying a steaming pot of honey tea.

  A short time later, thrilled with the pending arrangements and eager to see their cottage, Lizbett was very happy as she climbed up the steps outside the stable, and with Larian’s help she found her spot on Thunder’s wide back.

  “I’m falling in love with him,” she smiled as they began to walk away from the house.

  “I think, with all the activity here, we should let Scarlet settle in until after the wedding. I saw her spooking at the gardner’s barrow this morning.”

  “She is very nervous,” Lizbett agreed, “but she is much easier to ride than you think.”

  “If you wish we can try, but I don’t want anything happening to you, and she needs some proper training. She is your horse though, so…”

  “I would love you to help me with her,” Lizbett said quickly, “but perhaps you’re right, perhaps I should wait until everything has calmed down, but I am going to visit her every day. I don’t want her to think she’s been abandoned.”

  “You must, this is important. Horses are very sensitive creatures.”

  “Larian your land is so lovely,” she remarked as they made their way across the fields. “Are you going to bring in more animals?”

  “Definitely, and I’d like you to help me decide what to have here.”

  The cottage came into view, and when they stopped, though she was still slightly nervous, she sat on Thunder while Larian slipped off, then slid down into his arms.

  “Where can you tether him?” she asked, patting the horse’s wide, thick neck.

  “He won’t go anywhere,” Larian laughed, and opening the door he ushered her in.

  “It’s so inviting, it’s like a little hideaway,” she sighed.

  “It is a little hideaway,” he murmured as he took her into his arms. “Our little hideaway,” and lifting her up he carried her through a narrow arch into the bed chamber and laid her on the mattress. “I came here early, made sure everything was clean and ready for us.”

  Quickly stripping, he began to slowly remove her dress and petticoats, then slipped down her silky underwear.

  “I think I want you to go without these,” he murmured as he put them aside.

  “No! That would be…”

  “That would be scandalous,” he grinned, “but only you and I would know, and I like the idea of you running around the house without them under your many clothes. I could pull you into a corner and touch you any time I want.”

  “Oh, Larian, the things you say, the way you make me feel.”

  “I have something, a tool that I must use to help prepare you,” he said tenderly as his hand roamed across her nakedness, “it will follow after I have used my finger for a while.”

  “Will it hurt?”

  “No, not at all, it will feel very pleasant and bring you to a wonderful moment.”

  “I want to feel it now,” she pleaded shifting on to her side and pressing her breasts against him.

  “Such a passionate soul,” he mumbled, and lowering his lips to her nipples he began to gently suck.

  “Mmm, that is marvelous,” she moaned raising her chest to meet his mouth.

  Slipping his fingers between her legs he found her already wet and in need, and placing his hand on her waist he gently rolled her on to her stomach.

  “As you were yesterday,” he said slipping his arm down the side of the bed, “I just wish we had more time, I wish we could stay here until the East sun sets.”

  “Some time is better than none,” she said softly as she lifted her hips and dropped to her elbows.

  Holding the artificial phallus he’d hidden away he knelt behind her and gazed at her glistening sex.

  “So beautiful,” he muttered as he began to tease her with his fingers, “so beautiful and so hungry, alway so hungry.”

  She wriggled her response, making him break into a grin.

  “I see you have no longer have concerns about this position.”

  “None,” she replied, “just the opposite. It makes me feel even hungrier.”

  Sliding his large finger into her channel he began to move it in and out, and she responded immediately, opening and thrusting back.

  “You may use your own hand against your precious nugget,” he said softly.

  Letting out a cry of gratitude she moved her fingers against her pulsing pussy, and with a mushrooming lust he watched her arousal grow; quickly able to add a second finger to the first he pumped her carefully with a consistent rhythm.

  “I’m going to use the tool now,” he warned, “it is smaller than my cock but larger than my two fingers together. All you have to do is relax and accept it,” he purred, “and keep your fingers busy.”

  Made of a rubbery wood, it was hard but with a forgiving
malleability, and as he pushed it forward she arched her back and spread her legs, eager to meet it.

  “Oh, it is heaven,” she moaned as he slithered it into her. “Please, Larian, please use it.”

  The gentle plunging began, and gripping his cock he stroked himself as he pumped, her wriggling behind and heavy sighs feeding his fire, rapidly bringing his cock to the edge. Had he more time he would have paused, but he knew they had to return before the sun rose too high.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  “Sir…I am…I am, oh, Sir, I love that thing inside me…and I am there!”

  Determined to milk her properly he held himself at bay, and as she cried out her passionate bliss he continued to work her cunt, thrusting the phallus with quick strong strokes.

  Her joyous wails began to transform into whimpers, and as her spasms receded, the last one being a heavy sigh, he let her collapse then rolled her on to her back. Gazing at her breasts he fervently massaged himself, and with a guttural groan he spewed his cream across her puckered nipples. The tingling prickles rippled through him, and panting heavily he dropped next to her, reaching under the pillow to retrieve a cloth.

  “How did you know that was there?” she murmured as he softly wiped away the result of his climax.

  “I put it there when I came earlier.”

  “You are so clever. I love our little hideaway, I love everything, especially you. Please can you hold me?”

  “Of course,” he whispered.

  As he slid alongside her she nestled against him, and listened to the strong steady rhythm of his heart.

  “Tomorrow morning,” he said softly, “will be different.”

  “Different how?”

  “Tomorrow I must begin your morning spankings. I will warm your bottom first, then I will pleasure you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Discipline will never be forgotten,” he said firmly, and dropping his lips to hers he kissed her languidly, gently devouring her mouth, then traveling his kiss to her ear he added, “because we both know the Petulant Princess is never far away.”


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