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The Unblocked Collection

Page 18

by Marni Mann

  My doorman greeted me when I arrived at the lobby. “Ms. Jordan,” he said as he took the suitcase handle out of my grip. “Your driver is here to pick you up.” He motioned toward a gray-haired man standing on the far side of the lobby.

  “At the request of Mr. Block,” the driver said, “would you please follow me, ma’am?”

  We followed the driver to his SUV, the same model Norm drove, and I climbed into the backseat while the men placed my bag in the back.

  My doorman arrived at my side. “We’ll see you soon,” he said, closing me in.

  The driver took his seat and turned to face me. “Can I get you a drink? I have bottled water and juice, or I can stop and get you a coffee.”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” The only thing I wanted was a mimosa, and even if he had one to offer, I wasn’t sure my stomach could handle it. Not until I knew where he was taking me, at least. “Will it be a long drive?”

  He glanced at me in his rearview mirror as he started the engine and steered through the long line of cars. “Not too long, no.”

  “And will Derek be driving with us, or…?”

  “Mr. Block will be arriving separately.”

  I stared out the window, not knowing my destination, which only made me feel worse. So I opened my purse and searched for my phone. Checking my email would at least occupy some of the drive.

  A text from Brea was already on the screen.

  Brea: Are you in la-la land yet?

  Me: I’m in the backseat of an SUV and I have no idea where the driver’s taking me. There’s no wine and I’m a wreck.

  Brea: Think of what awaits you…

  What awaits you? I had to stop myself from laughing. That didn’t sound like Brea at all. She was usually much more blunt.

  Me: Is this you or did someone steal your phone, Miss Proper?

  Brea: I thought if you read the word ORGASM it would make you more nervous. But fine…think of the orgasm. The MIND BLOWING ORGASM. ;-)

  Me: You’re right. I’m more nervous.

  Brea: You’ll be fine. More than fine. You’ll be non-stop orgasming.

  Me: I’ll text you in the morning.

  Brea: Orgasm. Orgasm. Orgasm.

  I laughed and glanced up just as the SUV came to a stop in front of the Blue Bay Hotel. I knew the place well. It was where many of my international clients stayed while they were in town, where Norm and I picked them up for viewings, where we often had drinks after those showings.

  “We’re here,” the driver said, shifting into park. He came around to the backseat and opened my door.

  “I’m meeting Derek at the hotel?” I clasped his wrinkled fingers and he helped me step onto the curb.

  “I’m not certain of Mr. Block’s plans.” I watched as he moved to the back and retrieved my bag and handed it to the bellhop.

  My eyes then fell upon a woman with an impressive head of long, fiery-red hair. “Ms. Jordan,” she said, reaching for my hand to shake. “I’m TeriLyn, the owner’s assistant.”

  I adjusted my purse so it sat on the highest point of my shoulder and took her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” The gold tag pinned to the lapel of her jacket confirmed her name and title.

  She nodded. “Mr. Block has asked me to assist you throughout the day to make sure your stay with us is exceptional.”

  “My stay?”

  “Indeed, please come with me.” We walked past the outside foyer, toward the glass entrance of the hotel.

  ”Are you going to fill me in on what Derek has planned?”

  TeriLyn held the door open for me as we moved into the lobby. “More details to come, of course. For now, let’s get you to your room.”

  She kept an even pace as she led me past the bar and restaurant, slowing only when we reached a bank of elevators. We waited for one to arrive. “We’re having quite the cold spring, aren’t we?”

  I appreciated her attempt at small talk, but it wasn’t helping the knot in my stomach or the jitteriness in my hands. “It has been unseasonably chilly.”

  “Pretty scarf.”

  I ran my fingers over the silk chiffon print. “Thank you.” It was wrapped loosely, barely touching my neck, yet it felt like it was strangling me.

  “After you,” TeriLyn said, holding the elevator door open. She stepped inside and pressed the second button from the top. I leaned against the mirrored wall and crossed my arms over my stomach. It growled in response.

  “There will be food in your suite,” she said.

  I chuckled, surprised she had heard my grumbling belly over the music that played in the elevator. I was still too queasy for wine, but I needed to put some food in me and was happy to hear I would have some soon.

  “Have you stayed here before?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “But I’ve eaten at the restaurant and I’ve frequented the bar.”

  “I see.” She held the elevator door while I moved into the hallway. “Your bag will be waiting in your room.”

  “That was quick.”

  She smiled. “You’re a special guest.”

  Special treatment for a special guest—Derek and the owner must have known each other somehow. There was no other reason the owner’s assistant would be shadowing me.

  She led me to a door at the end of the hall, slid her key card, and guided me inside. It was situated on the corner of the hotel, smaller than most of the suites I had been in at other hotels, but larger than a standard room, with ample natural light and modern fixtures. New age music played through the speakers and breakfast had been set up on the bar. I held my stomach again as I looked at the food.

  “I’ll be back in thirty minutes.” She stayed in the entryway, leaning against the open door. “Have some breakfast and relax. Try to make yourself at home.”


  She was either extremely intuitive, or I was fidgeting worse than I thought.

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” She looked over her shoulder as she pulled the door shut. “Take a peek at the bed.” Then she was gone.

  I was finally alone and too curious to wait. I ran into the bedroom. Resting on the fluffy white comforter was an envelope, and a box that looked similar to all the others that had been delivered to my office over the past three days. I opened the envelope carefully.

  TeriLyn will be taking you to the spa.

  First, change into the robe that’s in the closet.

  Enjoy your time here.

  I’ll be enjoying you later.


  I dropped the note and unwrapped the box. Inside was a double-breasted trench coat—black, knee-length, and perfectly suited to my taste. There was another note under it.

  The final piece of your outfit tonight.


  The bellhop had laid my bag on a luggage rack just outside the closet. I unzipped it and pulled out my panties, garter, stockings, bra, and the heels Derek had sent. I spread them out on the bed, my eyes taking in their details. Everything was black and seductive. Titillating. When he thought about finally having me, this was what he pictured me in.

  A shiver ran through my body.

  Now that I at least knew what I would be doing today, my stomach was finally starting to settle a little. I wandered over to the bar, spread with fruit, muffins, and pastries. I broke a blueberry muffin in half and took a bite. It was fresh, delicious, and excellently paired with the vanilla bean coffee I found in the coffee pot.

  To keep my nervous mind occupied, I opted to check my email again.

  FROM: Block, Derek

  TO: Jordan, Frankie

  SENT: April 27, 10:41am

  SUBJECT: If you’re reading this…

  You’re not relaxing enough. Turn off the phone, Frankie.

  I laughed at his email. He didn’t know me at all, and yet…he knew.

  Still, I did as he suggested, shutting off the screen and dropping it in my bag. It was something I hardly ever did for anyone, unplugging from the world, but so was getting in
to an SUV and not knowing where I was being taken, or spending the night with a man before we had even slept together. Work had to remain my top priority, but maybe taking a break once in a while and fully disconnecting wasn’t a bad thing either.

  It wasn’t long after I finished eating and changed into the robe that I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, finding TeriLyn on the other side. “Are you ready, Ms. Jordan?”

  I tightened the robe’s sash, closed the door behind me and met her in the hallway. “I am.”

  “I’m going to take you to the service elevator so you have a bit more privacy.”

  “That sounds great. Thank you.” My hotel issued flip-flops clicked with each step. My hair swished in the ponytail, thanks to the elastic I found on the bathroom counter, next to a brand-new hairbrush. There had even been a small bag next to the robe to hold my undergarments.

  Either he’d thought of everything, or he’d made sure someone had.

  “Your schedule, per Mr. Block’s instructions, will be a massage, seaweed wrap, facial, body scrub, manicure, and pedicure.”

  “Wow. Is that all?”

  She laughed. “Once you’re done with those, I’ll escort you to the salon where you’ll get your hair and makeup done.”

  He’d scheduled the works. He really wanted me relaxed and pampered, which was nice. I needed it after so much worrying.

  “What’s on the agenda after my makeup?”

  “I’ll bring you back to the room to get dressed. Mr. Block will pick you up there at seven.”

  Although I wasn’t certain, I had a feeling that room wasn’t where we’d be sleeping tonight. Derek had made sure I was settled and comfortable, but he hadn’t given me the best quite yet.

  “Do you know what he has planned for the evening?” I asked.

  We stepped into the service elevator. She pushed the button for the second floor. “Unfortunately, I don’t. But I’m sure it will be wonderful.”

  Wonderful? Being in his presence was always wonderful in some way—exhilarating, satisfying and undeniably memorable. For the next several hours, I would have to somehow shut those thoughts off and enjoy the moment.

  Because once he picked me up, my only moments would be filled with him.



  I HAD THE KEY to her room in my pocket, but I knocked on the door anyway. I wanted her to know I was there, for her to be ready to see me and not in some compromising position where she was fixing her outfit or on the phone.

  My knuckles knocked on the wood, and then I heard her heels click on the tile before the handle swiveled. Her scent slowly filled the air in front of me. It was stronger tonight, deeper. The door finally opened fully, and I let my eyes ride over every inch of her.

  She was stunning.

  Her hair was down, curled; gloss shined from her lips. Her dark makeup made her eyes even more seductive. She was dressed in the jacket, wrapped and tied around her narrow waist, with the black stockings, and a pair of enticing spiked heels. My boy had done well with what he had chosen. My hands clenched as though I were gripping the straps of her coat, yanking them apart, shaving that layer from her body. Even without the other surprises I knew lay hidden beneath, what I saw now was more than enough to satisfy. For the moment, anyway.

  “You’re gorgeous,” I said.

  She smiled at my compliment. “Thank you.” Her eyes left my face and traveled over my body. I hadn’t dressed up for the occasion; that wasn’t my style. If she was going to taste me, she needed my real flavor—jeans, boots, and a red flannel, like always…the ruggedness she would come to love when I was deep inside her pussy.

  “I’m finally ready for our evening, Mr. Block.”

  That spicy mouth. I wanted to shut the door, push her against the wall, and ravage those lips until they were too swollen to say another word. But if I touched her here, I wouldn’t be able to stop. A hotel hallway wouldn’t be the setting for our one night.

  I reached out my hand. “Come here.” Her damp fingers wrapped around mine, a sign that told me she was nervous. I liked that. I wanted her to anticipate the unexpected, to be unable to plan for it.

  I escorted her to a private elevator. The door slid open as soon as I hit the button. When we stepped inside, I pressed PH.

  “We’re not leaving the hotel?”

  I could almost see the questions swirling through that pretty head. “No. We’re not.”

  She glanced down at her outfit. “That’s good. I was worried I’d get hot and wouldn’t be able to take the jacket off—”

  “You’ll definitely be getting hot, Frankie.” She looked up at me. “And then, you’ll be getting naked.” She sighed and bit her lip, falling against the back wall of the elevator. Desire pooled in her eyes. She was giving me everything I wanted, like the good submissive fantasy I knew she would be.

  “Soon, I hope,” she whispered.

  I’d checked the suite beforehand to make sure it looked the way I had requested. The hotel staff had done an exceptional job and it was exactly the way I wanted it. So when the elevator door opened directly into the foyer, I kept my gaze on her face. I wanted to experience this through her eyes.

  “Oh, Derek,” she breathed. “It’s so beautiful.”

  Three walls of windows let in lights from the city that cast thin shimmering patches across her face. The flames from the flickering candles reflected across her gunmetal eyes. Now that was beautiful.

  “You did this for me?” she whispered.

  The suite was an open floor plan, shaped like a horseshoe. We stood at the base. The dining room and kitchen were off to the right; the living area, office, and media room to the left. The bedroom and bathroom were the only private spaces, tucked into a far corner. The bones had been done to my taste: natural wooden highlights on the ceiling and floor, and around each archway. I’d requested special furnishings be brought in for our evening and lit candles to be placed everywhere, and hired my decorator to change the décor to rustic contemporary, the same as my house in Portsmouth. Once the night was over, I promised the owner of the hotel, it would all be put back the way it was.

  Everything would go back…back to the way it had been before I’d ever touched Frankie Jordan.

  She’d stayed in nicer rooms; I was sure of that. But in here I was giving her a glimpse of me without taking her to my house or to a space where I had brought other women. This was where I’d planned every detail of Timber Towers, what had felt like home during the time I had stayed here. This suite was as close as it came to getting inside of me.

  I led her to the dining room table, which was set with a dark cloth, bamboo mats, and clean, white plates under silver domes—uncluttered and masculine, just like I’d requested. She looked it all over, the fire from the candles showed the lust in her eyes. “You really know how to set a table.”

  I pulled out her chair and pushed her in, then took my place at the opposite head. There would be no butler, no appetizers. Dinner would consist of one simple course. Dessert would be us.

  “Eat,” I demanded. “You’ll need your strength.”

  She lifted the metal lid off her plate and smiled. “It looks delicious.”

  “So do you.” She blushed again as I removed the lid from my food and tried not to wolf everything down. I was hungry for much more than lamb and potatoes and I didn’t want to wait any longer than necessary, but I needed my strength, too.

  “Derek…” Frankie put her fork down after only a few bites.

  She walked over to me, and I put my hand in the air. “Stop right there.”

  “I can’t wait anymore.” She ignored me, pulling my face into the middle of her jacket, dragging her fingers through my hair. She leaned down, her breath flowing into my ear. “Fuck me…please.”

  “What?” I didn’t mean to speak, but this wasn’t how it worked, and it certainly wasn’t how I wanted things to play out. I was the one in control, not her. But hearing those words come out of that spicy mouth chang
ed my mind.

  She had asked for something we both wanted.

  Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her as I stood. She gasped from the sudden movement. Her body felt so good against my chest, so enticing, so ready for ravaging. “Is this what you want, Frankie?”

  “Yes.” She crossed her legs around me as I pushed my cock against her pussy. “It’s all I’ve thought about. You haven’t let me touch myself…I’ve been wet for days.”

  I kissed her. “I’m going to reward you for that,” I growled.

  “I hoped you would.”

  I held her cheeks, keeping her face steady so I could stare into her smoky gray eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, Derek. I’m sure.”

  Only one night, I told myself. I sure as fuck needed to make the most of it.

  My hands remained on her face, but her lips were suddenly smothering mine. She tugged on my hair, bringing me even closer though there wasn’t any space between us. She was ignoring my authority and taking what she wanted…and I was letting her. And I was so fucking turned on because of it.

  I rushed us into the bedroom as she clawed at my hair, at my back, dug her heels into my ass. I set her on her feet somewhere near the bed and tore my mouth away from hers. “Stay there.” I sat at the end of the mattress. She’d had her moment of taking charge. It was time for me to be in command again. “Now…take off your jacket.”

  She tried to take a step toward me.

  “I told you: stay there.”

  Her teeth tugged at her lower lip as she reached for the ties that wrapped around her waist. Carefully, slowly, she unknotted them and undid the buttons. My dick had been firm from the moment she answered the door of her hotel room. But it was full-on solid now, banging to be let out of its cage as she dropped the jacket to the floor. I leaned back and sat spread-eagle, giving it all the room it needed to throb at the looks of her. It only made my balls ache even more. I knew it wouldn’t feel anything close to okay until I was inside her, pounding us both into a screaming orgasm…especially now that she had shed her outer bark.


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