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The Unblocked Collection

Page 20

by Marni Mann

  He nodded and smiled, his teeth gleaming in the candlelight. “Yeah, I felt it. Just like you’re going to feel this.” He slowly pulled his finger out of my ass, then flipped me onto my stomach. My face pushed into the mattress, and my hands gripped the blanket as he filled me again. As wet as I was from my climax, he slid in and out easily. The weight of him pressed down on me as he leaned in, his teeth nipping across my shoulders and down to the middle of my back. It was a mind-blowing combination.

  “Bite me harder,” I insisted.

  He pumped faster, his breathing as loud as mine. “If I bite you any harder, you’ll bleed.”

  “Then make me fucking bleed…” I didn’t recognize the voice that came out of me. It was raspy, demanding, thick with desire and need. This was what Derek did to me: he got me to beg, even when begging was so out of character; he made me want more of him, even when I didn’t think my body could take it.

  He freed me, from the inside out.

  When his teeth sank into my shoulder, I felt a familiar pleasure begin to build inside me. “Oh fuck,” I gasped. “I’m going to come again.”

  “Do it!” he growled. “Come for me, Frankie.” His rhythm quickened, became more urgent. Deep, powerful thrusts sank his cock even deeper. I heard him groan and felt him seize as I tensed around him. Somehow our mouths were able to find each other, kissing as we both unraveled.

  “Fucking…incredible,” he said on guttural breaths.

  He slid out, dropping next to me on the bed and pulled me against his chest. We were still, silent. What he’d given me was so foreign and unexpected, so overwhelming, I didn’t know how anyone would ever compare. I hadn’t even fully caught my breath or washed his sweat off my body, and yet I missed him already.

  “You asked me a question earlier that I never answered.” I tilted my head to meet his eyes. I remembered the question well; I had wanted to know whether I still measured up as his pink ivory. “You’re more rare and far more wonderful than anything I have ever touched.”

  His response surprised me. I let myself linger in the moment, resting my head back on his chest and draping my arm across his stomach. My eyes closed and I tried to find my breath again.

  His lips were against my ear. “Don’t get too comfortable.”

  I laughed. “Are you going to make me sleep on the couch, Mr. Block?”

  He stroked my cheek, his thumb finding its way into my mouth. I dutifully sucked it down to the knuckle. “You won’t be sleeping at all tonight. This is only the beginning.”



  I PUSHED MY HIPS back and made one final thrust into Frankie’s pussy, milking every drop of cum I had left. Spent and empty, I collapsed on top of her. The rubber fell slack as I started to soften. My dick was raw from the latex and from being inside her all night. Her pussy must have been feeling worse from the pounding I’d given it.

  “Coffee,” she moaned into the pillow.

  “Whatever you desire.”

  I rolled off her and reached for the phone on the nightstand. The front desk answered on one ring. “How can I help you, Mr. Block?”

  “Send up some coffee, please.”

  “Of course, sir. Anything else?”

  “Fruit, maybe. And some pastries from The Carrot Cake bakery in the Back Bay. Whatever they have on the shelves, grab two of each.” Will had found out that was her favorite bakery and where she often ordered from. I would eat with her, if she wanted. Whatever gave us more time together before we left.

  “I’ll call in the order and have it up to you shortly.”

  I hung up and kissed the top of her head, my lips trailing to her shoulder and the teeth marks I had left there. I had bitten her harder than I’d intended. She had made me lose control. I hadn’t ever done that before. It felt wrong…and yet, it felt so fucking right.

  “I need another minute,” she moaned. “In the meantime, I’m not going to ask how you know about The Carrot Cake.”

  I laughed. “Take all the time you need.” She deserved a break. The truth was, I really needed one, too. I’d lost count of how many times I’d come last night. Her count was at least double mine.

  I brought her fingers to my mouth and skimmed them across my lips. Even after all the places her hand had been over the last several hours, her skin still smelled of amber and brown sugar. It was in her sweat, in her breath.

  And I smelled like…rubber. And cum.

  “Where are you going?” she asked as I slid out of bed.

  “I need to clean up.”

  I let the warm water from the faucet wash over my hands, rinsing them clean of her sweet juices. I then scratched my fingers through my beard to freshen it, pausing when I caught my eyes in the mirror. There was an edge missing. In its place was something I didn’t recognize.

  An indicator maybe, of just how badly I’d fucked up by following through with my one night with Frankie.

  I was standing in this bathroom, but all I wanted was to be out there. With her.

  Surrounding her. Filling her.

  In her presence.

  None of the women, none of the sexual encounters, none of the fantasies had ever compared to what I’d just had with Frankie. And thanks to my rule—my stupid fucking self-imposed rule—I’d never have her again. Everything would end the moment we left this hotel. Once I kissed her good-bye, I would imagine the night I had with her every second I was around her, and every second I wasn’t.

  I wasn’t ready for good-bye.

  I took a washcloth from the rack, soaked it in the warm water, and carried it out to where she stood. She turned and handed me my phone.

  There was a text on the screen from Hayden.

  I need to see you tonight.

  I looked up and found Frankie putting on her bra. “Sorry,” she said. “When I heard it beep, I thought it was mine.”

  “Come here.” I moved toward her. Her body was rigid, and her expression had hardened. “This is for you.” I showed her the cloth, then dropped my hand to her pussy. “I know you’re sore. This will help.”

  Her eyes scanned mine. She was trying to read me, but I couldn’t show her the emotion I had felt in the bathroom. I pressed the warm rag against her raw skin.

  Her hand clutched my wrist. “That does feel better.”

  I held the cloth steady over the bottom of her pussy and rubbed it along her clit. “I’ll get dressed and have your suitcase delivered so you have more than just that jacket to wear.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was so soft.

  “There’s a robe in the closet. Why don’t you wear that until your things arrive?”

  “Okay.” I waited for something more—a return of that spicy mouth I had heard so much of the night before. She said nothing. There wasn’t even a hint of a smile. “Thank you again, Derek.”

  The last thing I wanted to do was leave her, but something told me she needed a minute—one that didn’t have me in it. I gently kissed her cheek and shut the bedroom door behind me and headed for the bar. I needed a glass of something strong.

  Or hell, maybe I needed a whole bottle.


  Frankie sat in the passenger seat of my Suburban, her hands holding the seatbelt, her leg bouncing faster than it should have been. I had just pulled up to her building, and as much as I didn’t want us to, we had to say good-bye.

  I saw that she was going to speak first, so I let her. “Thanks for last night, Derek.” She took a breath, and I noticed how white her knuckles were. “It was a night I’ll never forget, and something I know I’ll never have again.”

  I said nothing, reaching across the seat and tracing the edge of her chin, her cheeks, letting my fingers slip into her hair. She was delicate. Precious.


  She had washed off last night’s makeup and hardly wore any now, just a little shine on her lips. She looked so natural, so amazing.

  “The sounds that mouth can make,” I said, my lips inches from hers.

>   “Sounds from me, or from you?”

  I laughed, unguarded for maybe the first time in her presence. Her hand rested against mine, her tiny fingers wrapping around it. I could see in her eyes that she didn’t want this to end any more than I did.

  Or at least that’s what I thought I saw.

  I pulled her hand to my mouth and kissed across her palm. Before I could speak, she said, “I don’t regret anything that’s happened between us.” It wasn’t what I’d expected from her at all. “But for the sake of Jordan International and Block Development, and Timber Towers, I don’t think what happened last night should ever happen again.”

  Those were supposed to be my words.

  And I fucking hated being on the receiving end of them.

  It was what I’d wanted from the beginning, though for very different reasons. I never imagined it would be what she wanted, too. When I looked at her face, her eyes didn’t agree with what she’d said.

  “Is that really what you want, Frankie?” It was her one chance to change her mind, and to change mine at the same time.

  “I’ve never been personally involved with a client, Derek. I can’t start now.” I nodded at her. “You’re an amazing man, and an incredible lover. But I would never want sex to compromise my ability to represent you. And now that we’ve explored that side of things, I think it’s best we never do it again.”

  My gut clenched into a goddamn knot.

  I smirked and kept my cool. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  She nodded and the doorman helped her out, retrieving her bag from the back of my SUV. I watched her disappear into the lobby.

  I wanted to break something, to beat something bloody.

  As I pulled into traffic, I glanced in the rearview mirror, hoping that Frankie would appear on the curb or stand in front of the glass in her lobby. Anything that would show she had second thoughts.

  Neither happened.

  My pink ivory was gone.


  “I got your text. What’s going on?” I asked.

  “I found information on Randy’s traditional financing,” Hayden said, her voice blaring through the speakers of my Suburban.

  I looked down at the speedometer. I was going forty over the speed limit and driving through the middle of the city. “Good.”

  “Good? That’s all you have to say?”

  I sighed. “Yep. Just…good.”

  “What’s wrong, Derek?”

  There was no way I could tell her. She wouldn’t just give me shit from a professional standpoint, but she’d light into me for letting my dick complicate our plans. I’d made my sister a promise. I couldn’t fuck that up now.

  “Shitty day,” I answered. “That’s all.”

  “I’m coming over tonight with a fifth of something strong and pizza with extra grease. Cancel whatever bitch you were planning on bagging. It’s you and me tonight, got it?”

  I changed lanes and accelerated, realizing I passed Timber Towers blocks ago. I had to turn around, but I needed more road before I could do that. “Yeah, I got it.”

  “See you tonight, then.”

  I hit a red light and pulled up my text messages as I came to a stop. I opened the last conversation I’d had with Frankie. I didn’t think about the consequences. I just typed:

  Me: Come to my townhouse tomorrow for breakfast. We need to talk.

  A bubble popped up to show she was typing.

  Frankie: I’ll be at your office at 9:00. Just coffee. Brea will be with me.

  Me: No Brea. Just you. At the townhouse. Business only, I promise.

  The light had turned green, and the car behind me honked. I ignored both. I wasn’t moving until I saw her reply. It took far too long, but eventually she answered:

  Frankie: Business only. No exceptions.

  Me: You have my word.

  They may have only been texts, but I recognized that tone, that distance. I knew it all too well.

  She was speaking to me the way I’d spoken to her.



  NORM PICKED ME UP at my condo to drive me to Derek’s townhouse. Had this been a personal meeting, I would have taken a cab. But nothing personal would ever happen between me and Derek again, regardless of the location. Everything would be business from here on out.

  I hadn’t expected to hear from him after he had texted me his address, but it would have been nice to know our agenda. He had probably been too busy with Hayden. I had no idea who she was…and I wished I hadn’t seen her text message. It only reminded me how temporary our situation was, how interchangeable I was. How someone like Derek Block could never be tamed. And how much I was going to mourn losing him.

  There was a part of me that knew a relationship with Derek could never work. I wasn’t in a position where I could start something serious with anyone. With the level of responsibilities I had and the preparations needed to convince my father of the takeover, time spent with a man would be far too distracting, especially if that man were Derek. So the energy I’d been directing toward him would now be applied to acquiring the agency. There was no way I’d sacrifice a personal life only to end up with my father selling.

  As for Derek, he would now be a memory. A blissful, ecstatic memory, and one that would eat at me every day. A face that would seep through the shadows of my dreams, bringing me those talented fingers and that beautiful dick. But it would stay just that: a fantasy. It would be my fingers that did the pleasuring, not his.


  There was another part of me, one that wanted more of him. He hadn’t let me into his life and unlike the other men I had slept with, I’d never seen his house, and I didn’t know the foods he enjoyed, or where he shopped for his flannels. Those things didn’t matter. With him, I felt different. I felt alive.

  I felt free. Sexually, at least.

  If I never got to experience anything like that again, at least I knew someone like him existed, someone who could bring out every desire I’d kept hidden. Now I knew it was possible to have more than one orgasm in an evening, to enjoy a finger in unmentionable places, to crave a man being in my mouth because the need to please him was greater than my need to come.

  I hoped the memory would be enough.

  “Ms. Jordan, the address you gave me is just up ahead,” Norm said.

  I glanced at the tree-lined street he pointed to. It was crowded with Victorian brownstones, nineteenth-century. I could only assume most of them had been fully renovated at some point. Derek had likely gutted his; his attention to detail wouldn’t have allowed anything less than the best. In spite of my nerves from being in his presence again so soon, I was looking forward to seeing how he had designed the home, and how it reflected him.

  Norm parked along the curb, and I opened my door. “I shouldn’t be too long,” I said.

  “Let me help you out.”

  “No, I’m fine,” I told him. “I’ll see you soon.”

  I stepped onto the sidewalk as the door to Derek’s townhouse opened. A flutter of anxiety passed through me. I had agreed to be there at nine, but I was ten minutes early. I hadn’t expected him to be waiting for me at the door.

  I took a deep breath, hoping to keep my emotions from showing on my face. Then I glanced ahead…to find someone waiting for me.

  Someone who wasn’t Derek.

  It was her…the slut I’d found in bed with Reed the night I had showed up to his condo unexpectedly. It was the night my whole life changed, the night he took something from me I would never be able to get back.

  “You,” I hissed.

  She stopped on the second step, carrying an overnight bag, unaware of my presence until I spoke. She was fixing her blouse, tucking it into the waist of her skirt. Her long dark hair looked like it still held yesterday’s curls, and a new sloppy coat had been applied to last night’s makeup. She was disheveled, a mess…just like I would have been had I spent the night at his place.

  She studied my face for se
veral seconds until her expression told me she recognized me, too. Our eyes met as I recalled that night at Reed’s. The bed, the screaming…the blood.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “You have no right to ask me that.” Her voice had haunted me, the way it had devolved from a moan to a screeching gasp in seconds. She wasn’t wrong. I had no right to ask her about this. Derek wasn’t my boyfriend. He wasn’t someone I had any claim on. He was a client now, regardless of our sexual interactions.

  A client and nothing more.

  The text from Hayden should have prepared me for how quickly he was going to move on. It hadn’t—not at all. For all I knew, the woman standing before me wasn’t the only one he had been with since our night at the hotel. But it had to be her—the woman who had ended my relationship with Reed?

  This was all too much.

  “It always has to be you, doesn’t it?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  She could play stupid all she wanted. It made no difference now. “Fuck you,” I said.

  I yanked the door of the SUV open and threw myself into the backseat.

  “Is everything all right, Ms. Jordan?” Norm asked, stunned to see me again so soon. “Would you like me to—”

  “Just drive, Norm.” I reached into my purse to grab a tissue but came up empty. I could feel my mascara running down my cheeks, my nose getting ready to drip. There was too much traffic on the street. Norm was having a hard time finding a clear spot to pull out. “Please hurry,” I cried.

  “Yes, ma’am. Where to?”

  It didn’t matter. I just needed to get out of there…away from her.

  And away from Derek Block.

  To be continued…




  Seattle, WA 2015



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