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The Unblocked Collection

Page 47

by Marni Mann

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  It didn’t hurt at all. It felt every bit like Derek—his rawness, his raggedness. And with the flannel around my wrists, I felt right at home, right where I was supposed to be. I looked down through the V between my legs and saw the top of his head. His hair was messy from sleep, his dark locks so taunting. And when he glanced up at me, the most enticing blue eyes met mine.

  I yanked my hands against the soft cuffs and felt my legs spread. I was no longer in control, his tongue now owned my movements, it caused sounds to come from my lips, sensations to swirl within my body.

  “Fight it.”

  My eyes had closed, but I opened them, meeting his stare once again. His were even darker now. Animalistic. Seeing that look, that hunger, made it all the more difficult to fight.

  “I don’t think I can.”

  “Then I’m going to have to punish you.”

  I moaned so loud, my head tilted and fell back against the pillow. “What would your punishment be like?”

  He moved up the bed. When he reached me, he took some of my wetness and rubbed it over his dick. “It looks like this.” It was beautiful, so long and thick, the crown a wide bulge that glistened from me and whatever pre-cum had mixed in. “It moves like this.” He pumped his dick several times with his hand before he placed the tip at the base of my hole. “And it feels like this.” He shoved himself halfway inside me before I cried out—not from pain, but from the fullness, from the way my body fit him so perfectly.

  “I want more of your beautiful punishment.”

  “That spicy fucking mouth.” He lifted my legs off the bed and wrapped them around his waist so most of my body was suspended in the air. “Frankie…” He paused, burying himself completely inside me, pleasure spreading across his face. “You feel so fucking good.”

  I loved how his eyes darkened, how his lips turned ravenous; how his muscles became more defined when he thrust into me.

  He hadn’t tied me up in a while or prevented me from touching him so I’d forgotten what it felt like to be restricted, to not be able to use my hands to ask for a release. It heightened my arousal, which was the only reason I didn’t beg him to untie me.

  “You want it harder?” His hips swiveled as he held mine in the air, his large cock circling inside me.


  Each thrust pounded into me now, and I screamed every time he pulled out. I wanted him deeper, though I knew it wasn’t possible.

  “Faster, baby?”

  “Yes,” I repeated. I’d already been so close to coming with his tongue that it was almost impossible to fight off what was happening now. “Derek…”

  He knew that sound, that word. That tone. And his eyes told me he was as close to having an orgasm as I was.

  He pulled at the knot that bound my wrists and they fell out of the flannel. Then he sat me upright so I straddled his waist. My hands held the back of his neck and he drove into me while I pushed down on him. We were moving in sync, moaning together and coming together.

  Even after I stopped quivering, I remained on top of him, running my fingers through his beard. All these months later, I still couldn’t get enough of it.

  His eyes roamed my body before he settled on my face. “Inside of you is the best goddamn place I’ve ever been, Frankie. But when I told you I haven’t gotten everything I wanted, that wasn’t what I was talking about.”

  “No?” I thought I had read him so well, especially the way he had stared at my nipples, his eyes flicking across them like they were his tongue. “What, then?”

  He pulled my left hand off his face and wrapped his fingers around my wrist. Then he moved up over my thumb, felt along each knuckle until he reached my ring finger. He looped two of his fingers together to form a circle and slid them down until they rested at the base of mine. Then he slowly looked up at me. “There’s something else I want. Something I need to ask you.”



  I STARED AT FRANKIE’S FACE from across the table. I’d made the black walnut dining room set far too fucking big. I’d wanted it to only fit eight; Frankie had insisted it fit twelve…she had won. This was the first time we’d used the table, but there were only seven of us seated around it. And when I’d told her I wanted her next to me, she insisted on sitting at the other side. She wanted tonight to be perfect and balanced and thought one of us at each end would ensure that. We didn’t need balance or perfection. The way everyone was smiling tonight, I knew they were having an amazing time.

  Everyone who mattered was here. Our two best friends, Brea and Will, were seated across from each other; my mom and Hayden were on either side of them, and Frankie’s father was next to my sister. And there was an empty chair that she wouldn’t let me move from the table. We all knew who it was for. It killed me that I couldn’t fill that hole for her, that she had lost not one mother but two.

  It didn’t darken any of our moods, especially after Hayden had told us at the start of the meal that Randy was getting a minimum of twenty years in prison. He’d been found guilty of gross negligence, multiple financial crimes, and fourteen counts of manslaughter by an unlawful and dangerous act. That sentence didn’t include that he’d hired some fucking scumbag to tamper with my equipment. He’d be sentenced later in the year for that one. It was a huge victory for us.

  Hayden and I had been catching each other’s eyes since she’d delivered the news. I knew how badly she wanted to ditch this food and skip right to a round of vodka shots, giving me details of what had happened behind the scenes at the trial. We agreed that would happen tomorrow night; tonight was about celebrating our new home…the one Frankie and I had bought in the Back Bay and remodeled together.

  “I can’t get over this place,” Frankie’s dad said, passing the platter of lamb to my mother. He looked up to check out the coffered ceilings that I’d built with small accent lights tucked under a valance and the built-in buffet table that I’d combined with full wall shelving and a wet bar. They were additions that had been suggested by Frankie. She loved them so much in our cottage in Napa, she had me recreate them. “I really had my doubts when you two closed on this place. I’ve seen real estate miracles happen, but never did I expect it to turn out like this. Remarkable, Derek. Truly.”

  The place had really gotten quite a makeover. It was possibly one of the biggest rehabs I’d ever done. I had to really sell Frankie on the unit, convince her that underneath all the wallpaper and warped floors, unnecessary walls and hideous finishes was a gem that would become our home. After a few drawings and walking her through each of my plans, she trusted my vision. She helped me choose every furnishing and we had decorated it together.

  “Thanks, Garrett, but your daughter did just as much work. She’s the real designer here. I’m just her little do-boy.”

  I fucking loved how her face flushed from my comment.

  My submissive pink ivory had really turned up the heat during renovations. She still let me do whatever I wanted to her body; she was just a little more demanding about it now. And didn’t I love it…like just the night before, I’d tied her up to the same chair her father was sitting in. I licked her until she came all over the leather seat—twice. It was a good thing I’d remembered to clean it this morning.

  “You guys make a good team,” Will said. “I’d say this is the best work either of you have ever done.”

  I nodded at him. “Thanks, buddy.”

  “I agree,” Hayden said. “And Frankie, your taste in décor is exquisite.”

  Wherever Frankie was able to incorporate wood, she did. It wasn’t my influence; she liked it as much as I did and that meant we got to spend more time in Portsmouth so I could make whatever piece she needed. Portsmouth was now her house as much as it was mine. It had become a place where she could unplug from work, and where I could have her all to myself. And when it got to be Sunday night and it was time for us to head back to the city, she had a hard time leaving
it. We both did.

  “I appreciate the compliment, Hayden,” Frankie said. “I’ve kept Derek under strict deadlines to get the interior finished. Whatever he didn’t make, we ordered. I can give you all the catalogs if you want.”

  “Or maybe I could hire you two to give my place a little facelift?”

  “Not a chance,” I said, even though that meant the girls could spend more time together. That relationship was going to take a while, but things were definitely improving between them. “Now that we’ve built it, we need time to enjoy living in it. No more projects—at least not for a while.”

  “Don’t get too comfortable, buddy,” Will said. “We’re about to start phase two of Timber Towers. That means another two hundred units and lots more of Frankie’s deadlines. And we know how much she loves those deadlines.” He laughed as hard as everyone else at the table.

  “Lots of them,” Frankie confirmed. “And much stricter this time.”

  “He knows strict, baby. Let’s remember who he’s dating.”

  In all the time I’d known Julia, as hard as she’d pursued me but wasn’t able to sink her claws in, I’d never pegged her as a dominatrix. Finding out wasn’t as surprising as learning about the submissive she had turned Will into. He even wore one of those goddamn collars. He probably had the thing on right now, under his button-down.

  “My daughter does indeed love her deadlines,” Garrett said. “But let’s not forget what she did for phase one of Timber Towers.”

  “No one in this town can sell almost two hundred units in less than ninety days, but our girl did,” Brea said.

  “I know,” I agreed. “She impressed the hell out of me.” I licked my lips, wishing I hadn’t showered her off me this afternoon.

  “You picked the right girl, Derek,” my mom said. I winked at her before she directed her attention at Frankie. “Now that you’re all moved into Portsmouth, too, will you be making any changes to the house? Derek has made it so beautiful, but it could use a woman’s touch.”

  Frankie smiled at my mom. With us spending so much time in Portsmouth during the renovation, Frankie had really gotten close to her. She was more like a second daughter to her now. Frankie needed that and in a way, my mom did also.

  “I’m not changing a thing,” Frankie said. “I love it there.”

  “Excuse me,” I said, putting my beer down. “I think you made one change.”

  Frankie laughed. It was such a carefree sound, with her head tilted back, her mouth wide open. She remembered that change just the way I wanted her to—the way I had spread her legs over that slab of wood and fucked her on top of it.

  “Derek’s right,” Frankie said, “I made one change. I made him replace the front door.”

  “The front door?” Hayden asked.

  My cum had dripped out of her when we finished and it left a mark on the surface. It dried a different color than the door. I didn’t fix it. I wanted to see us every time I walked through it. “Yes. That one,” I said.

  Brea snorted. “Why don’t you tell us all what happened with the door, Frankie?”

  Frankie gave her a sharp look and both girls laughed again. “I couldn’t see out the peephole,” she said, “so I made Derek lower it.”

  “You can’t lower it,” Garrett said. “Unless you want two holes in the door.”

  “I learned that when Derek took me into the wood shop,” Frankie replied. That was when we had built the new door together and christened it. There was so much sexual tension in this dinner, I could almost feel how wet she was from here. “The new one looks the same,” she continued. “It just has a slightly lighter finish, and a much lower peephole.”

  “A very interesting finish…” Brea said.

  Will glanced at me. He hadn’t heard the story, but he knew me well enough to guess what had gone down. It was time to change the subject before our parents started asking questions.

  “Brea,” Frankie said, obviously reading my mind. “Did you tell Derek the good news?”

  “Oh! I rented your townhouse,” Brea said, looking at me. “The first tenants I showed it to signed the lease and they paid for the whole year in full.”

  “I’m not the only one who’s impressive now,” Frankie said.

  Brea gave herself a high-five, right there in front of everyone. She wasn’t quite Frankie Jordan, but she was dominating the leasing division, tripling the revenue within the first three months of becoming the manager. Frankie and I had made a bet that Brea would have my townhouse rented within a week. Frankie took the under, I took the over…and I’d lost. I was glad I had. Eating her pussy for two straight hours tonight was just as much of a win for her as it was to me.

  “Have you closed on your condo yet, Frankie? Hayden asked.

  “Next week,” she answered.

  “That was quick,” my mom said. “Last I heard you’d only gotten an offer.”

  “It was a full-price offer,” Brea said. “So she accepted it and went into escrow within three days of putting it on the market. Highest price per square footage in the whole Back Bay, I might add.”

  “My own personal cheerleader,” Frankie said, smiling at Brea.

  “Dude, she got more per square footage at her place than any of the units at Timber Towers,” Will said.

  “Maybe I need a new realtor,” I joked.

  “I hear Tamra is looking to expand her portfolio,” Frankie said.

  “Ouch!” Will laughed.

  My pink ivory was full of jokes. I knew telling her the truth about Tamra was going to bite me in the ass one day. It was a good thing I liked the way her teeth felt.

  “In all seriousness,” Frankie said, “I had to get a high price for my condo. How would it have looked if I sold Derek’s units for more than my own?”

  “Now that’s the girl I raised,” Garrett said.

  “I agree,” my mom said. “I’m proud of you, dear.”

  She was getting a lot of love at this table, but she hadn’t gotten enough from me. “Come here,” I said, motioning for her to come sit on my lap. I didn’t care that we were in the middle of eating. This was our house, our family, I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

  She walked across the room and sat on my lap. “I’ve missed you, Mrs. Block. The other side of the table is too far away.”

  “I’m still Ms. Jordan…”

  “In six months, I’ll be able to call you whatever the hell I want…including my wife.”

  She pressed her lips against mine. The kiss didn’t last long enough. “Maybe we should have gone with an eight-seater like you wanted.”

  “Then I’ll make you another table.”

  She let out the softest moan. “Good.”

  As her hand circled my beard, I looked at the diamond that gleamed on her delicate finger. I’d designed the ring as though it were a piece of wood. It had a pinkish tone, a round cut; the setting was sleek, modern and extremely warm. She rested it over my heart.

  I leaned in closer so I could whisper in her ear. “Maybe I’ll spread your legs over that slab of wood and fuck you on top of it, too.”

  Frankie sighed and laughed. “Yes, Mr. Block, whatever you want.”

  That spicy fucking mouth…


  Best-selling Author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Mann was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotion. A New Englander at heart, she now lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband and their two dogs who subsequently have been characters in her books. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling to new locations, and devouring fabulous books.

  To learn more about Marni Mann and her books, visit:


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  Unblocked, Episode One

  Unblocked, Episode Two

  Unblocked, Episode Three

  Unblocked, Episode Four

  Unblocked, Episode Five

  Seductive Shadows

  Seductive Secrecy

  Pulled Beneath

  Pulled Within

  Memoirs Aren’t Fairytales

  Scars from a Memoir


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