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Code of Love (Bachelor Billionaire Kids #2)

Page 17

by Sharon Cummin

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Jessie asked, as she pushed against him, walked out, and closed the door behind her.

  “I need to see her,” he said. “It's not what she thinks.”

  “Not tonight you won't,” Jessie said sternly. “What the fuck, Cody?”

  “Listen, Jessie,” he began, but she cut him off.

  “I don't get it,” she said. “She told me what your friend said.”

  “He's not my friend,” Cody hissed out. “Not anymore anyway.”

  “Did you do it?” she asked, with hurt in her tone. “Did you really use her?”

  Cody opened his mouth to answer, but she cut him off again.

  “I warned you,” she growled out. “When you first came here, I fucking warned you. Do you remember that?”

  “I do,” he answered.

  “But you kept on,” she said. “Not only did you keep talking to her and spending time with her, but you helped us get ready for the baby. You put the furniture together. You played with Jackie many times. You went to our parents' home. Shit! You fucking took her virginity. Why would you hurt her like that? She never did a damn thing to you but care about you.”

  “Jessie,” he said.

  “No,” she said, as she shook her head. “You're good. You even fooled me, and I was watching you. I don't know how you do it, but you're fucking good. You even had us defending you. Her to our father, and me to her.”

  “You?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she snapped. “I was on your side, Cody. I was pushing her to trust you, and I was wrong. I'm so fucking disgusted with you. She's a good person, and you were the first guy she really let in. How could you hurt her so bad just to get ahead?”

  “I'm not, Jessie,” Cody said, hurting worse than than he'd already been. “It's not like that. I care about her. It has nothing to do with your dad. I swear.”

  “I don't believe you, Cody,” she said. “You're fucked. When my dad finds out about this, he's going to come after you. You don't mess with one of his. The rest of the parents are the same way. They will all come together. Then there's the crew. All those kids you saw, they'll do whatever it takes for another, but they're still not the worst of your worries. That would be Jason. He will tear your ass from limb to limb, Cody. I fucking warned you, but you didn't listen. You've made a huge mistake. If I were you, I'd go and never come back. I'll take care of her.”

  Jessie turned to walk away, but Cody couldn't let her. He couldn't let things be over between Julie and him. There was no way. He quickly stepped between Jessie and the door.

  “Jessie,” he said.

  “If I were you, I'd get out of my way,” she snapped.

  “Listen to me,” he growled out. “Please, just listen. You're the only one that can help me.”

  “Not anymore,” she said, as she pushed against him.

  “I knew you were pregnant,” he said. “I knew you hadn't told your parents. If I wanted to get to your dad, don't you think I would have told him?”

  Jessie stopped pushing against him, and he watched her body relax.

  “If I wanted to hurt him, that would have done it,” he continued. “I didn't say a word, not to anyone. When I went to his home, I knew the baby was a girl, but I said nothing. I didn't say a single thing to piss him off. Instead, I stood by Julie, ready to rip his ass apart if he did anything to hurt her.”

  “I don't know,” she said, as she looked up at him with confusion written all over her face.

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “Me,” she said, as her hand moved to cover her chest. “What about me?”

  “Julie doesn't think you know the baby's father,” he said. “She thinks it's a guy you met, were with once, and is now gone, but that's not true. We both know it. I heard you that day, talking to the baby. You do know him. You've even written to him. Did I tell her? No. Did I tell your father? No. You have to believe me. I need your help.”

  “But that guy said you used her,” she said. “Did you?”

  “I won't lie,” he said. “That first time I met her, in class, I thought about your dad. Then I heard her say where she was going to be that night, and I showed up. That again was because of him, but that was it. That was where it ended, Jessie. The next time I saw her, he was gone, out of my mind. She's so damn smart and passionate about what she does. I've never found that in a woman, not until her. She doesn't care about who I am or what I have. Shit! She's even helped me with my own work. She's damn brilliant. Your father doesn't deserve to have her on his team, and neither do I.”

  “Cody,” Jessie said.

  “I care about her, Jessie,” Cody said. “Don't you think I've been worried about her too?”

  “Why would you ever be worried about her?” Jessie asked.

  “For the same reason she'd be worried about me,” he answered. “Your father.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “She is your father's daughter,” he answered. “She's told me some of the things he's said about me. Don't you think I've been worried that she was trying to get something that would help him get to me? I let her see my damn work, Jessie. That was stupid of me. I tried not to, but hearing her passion when she spoke, I couldn't help but let her in. I don't care what your dad says. I've worked my ass off to get where I am. I am not some shady fucker. I'm fair. I always have been. When she asked me to go home with her, I knew not to go. It could have all been a setup, but I went. I did it to make sure he didn't fuck with her over not coming home. I knew what could have happened, but I went anyway. I went for her.”

  “She would never do that,” she said. “She cares about you.”

  “I care about her too, Jessie,” he said. “Shit! I even care about you and Jackie, not in the same way of course. I need your help. I know her. She's not going to talk to me on her own. You have to help me. She's mine. I can't lose her. I won't.”

  “Fuck,” Jessie hissed. “Do not make me regret this, Cody. If you hurt her again, Jason will be the least of your worries.”

  “Will you quit saying that fucker's name,” Cody growled out.

  “You jealous?” Jessie asked, with a smile.

  Cody couldn't stop the loud rumble that came from deep in his chest.

  “You need to take your ass home,” Jessie said. “Nothing is going to get resolved tonight. I'll text you tomorrow.”

  “Fine,” Cody said, as he handed her Julie's bag before turning and walking back down the sidewalk.

  “Cody,” she called out to him.

  He stopped and turned toward her.

  “I believe you,” she said. “We'll figure this out.”

  Cody nodded before turning and continuing toward his car, hoping with everything in him that she was right. He needed his woman, and he wasn't sure how long he could make it without her.

  Chapter 22


  Cody did his best to take Jessie's advice, but his patience only went so far. She'd told him to give Julie time. That seemed to be all he had. He couldn't sleep, and when he tried to work, he couldn't focus. The man was a mess. He'd picked his phone up more in that weekend than ever before, even more than when he had a huge deadline and was constantly contacting his team.

  By the time Monday rolled around, he was barely making it. He'd checked in both days with Jessie. She'd told him that between her tears, Julie had spent the whole weekend working. When he called her Monday, she told him that Jason had shown up early that morning. Cody was pissed. He should have been the one with her. It was supposed to be him. That's what he told Jessie, but she stuck with her original advice. Julie needed time, and he needed to give it to her.

  When his lunch arrived, he still hadn't gotten a damn thing done, and he was more pissed than ever. What was Jason doing there? Why had he flown in? Was it to be her best friend, or was it more than that? Shit! Cody couldn't take it anymore. He picked up his phone and sent her a message.

  Cody: I'm trying to give you space, but I can't do it. I miss
you so damn bad, Julie. It's not what you think. Please talk to me. Just one conversation. Please. I'm not too proud to beg.

  He checked his phone so many times, but nothing came. For the rest of that week, he checked in with Jessie each day. Julie was crying less, and she was starting to talk. Jason had gone home the day he'd gotten there, but he'd been calling every day since. Julie was spending her time at school, and when she was home, she was working every spare moment. He asked if she was eating? He said he wanted to come by, but Jessie said no. He wasn't sleeping, and neither was Julie. It was taking all he had to stay away, but he couldn't let the days pass with nothing. Each morning, he sent her a message as soon as he woke up, and each night, he sent one too. Then he'd stare up at the ceiling until morning came again. Was he a pussy? Hell yeah he was, but he didn't care. She was his woman, and he wanted her with him, not with that Jason fucker.

  The second week went much like the first. He was still checking in with Jessie. Julie was getting better and better, but she still hadn't answered one of his messages, and he couldn't take it. He started sending them through the day as well, hoping she'd finally answer, even if it was just to tell him to leave her alone, but she didn't. He was losing his mind, and his work was suffering.

  By the time the weekend rolled around again, he was worse than ever. Then he got a text from Jessie, and he was pissed. Jason had sent Julie flowers. What the fuck was that about, Cody wondered? He'd not heard about the guy in months. Then all of a sudden, he was everywhere. Jessie assured Cody that everything would work out, that they would figure it out, but Cody wasn't buying it, so he began sending more messages Julie's way. Some were about his work. Others were asking about hers. The rest were about the two of them. He tried to let her know that he hadn't been out to get her. He explained that yes, he'd shown up at that bar thinking about her father that first time. Then he went on to explain that the next time they spoke, it was all about her. He told her how amazing and beautiful she was. He let her know that she was brilliant. The more messages he sent, the sadder he felt. Not once did she answer him. The only thing saving him from pounding down her door was the fact that Jessie told him she'd read every single message.

  The third week started, and he didn't let up. He was sending her messages about dumb, everyday things. He'd even sent her pictures of the meetings he was sitting in. None of it was enough, and by the time Thursday got there, he was done. It was Thanksgiving, and she was staying home with Jessie and Jackie. From what Jessie had told him, neither of them had talked to their father, and he knew it had to be bothering Julie not to be going home to her family. Enough was enough, he told himself. He was going to see her. He'd sit outside her door all day if that was what it took, but he was going to talk to her, and he hoped with everything in him that she would eventually let him in.

  Chapter 23


  When Julie went home from the event, she was devastated. He was such an asshole, she thought. How could the man she'd gotten to know be the same one she'd just walked away from? She'd stood up to her dad for him, and she'd believed every word of what she'd said about him. Cody was a good guy, or so she thought. It wasn't true. He wasn't a good guy at all. How could that be? How could she have been so wrong about him? How could he have used her like that, and why would he stick it out for five months? What did he think he was going to get out of her? Why had she taken her guard down with him? How could she have let it happen?

  Julie fell into her sister's arms as soon as the apartment door closed behind her. They talked, and she cried, harder than she ever had in her life. Before she knew it, her eyes were closing, and she fell asleep, still in the arms of her sister.

  When Julie woke up the next morning, she saw the bag she'd taken with her the night before, so she knew he'd been there. Part of her wanted to know what he'd said, but another part of her didn't. She was done with him, and nothing was going to change her mind.

  Between her tears, Julie did what she did best, she worked.

  By the time Monday came, she'd made a huge dent in the project she was working on, and she was exhausted. As much as she didn't feel like getting up, she had to. Her students needed her, so she pulled herself out of bed and got in the shower. With a towel wrapped around her, she opened the bathroom door and headed toward her bedroom. Then she heard a voice, and she froze.

  “How's she doing?”

  It was Jason. What was he doing there?

  “Fine,” Jessie answered.

  “Fucker's lucky I don't pay him a visit and kick his ass,” Jason growled out.

  Before Julie could stop herself, she stormed down the hallway and rounded the corner to find him standing on the other side of their open apartment door.

  “You're not kicking anyone's ass,” she snapped out, as she walked toward him.

  “Julie,” Jason said, as he stepped toward her, pushing the door closed behind him.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “You'll leave him alone,” she said, rougher than she should have, and she knew it.

  Still defending him, she thought, as she shook her head.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, as she pushed out of his arms.

  “I needed to see you,” he answered. “You weren't answering my calls, so I reached out to Jessie. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “You've never flown in to see me,” she said. “Were you at your parents' house already?”

  Julie didn't know why, but she suddenly felt like her guard was up all the way around. Years ago, she'd had a crush on him. Such a crush that she begged him not to leave, but he did. Racing had been the only thing that mattered to him, and that hadn't changed. It had taken her a long while, but she'd become okay with that. Her life had gone in it's own direction as well, and she was happy, well mostly anyway. They were still close, but not once had he shown interest in her since leaving. They talked on the phone about their day to days or about their families, but that was it. So, why was he there, she wondered?

  “No,” he said, in a defensive tone, as his eyes moved down toward the ground. “I care about you, Julie. I won't stand by and let anyone hurt you.”

  “You've never been there for me before,” she said, thinking about the months that would go by where she wouldn't hear from him. “Why now?”

  “Seriously?” he snapped. “How can you say that? You're my best friend. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Jason,” she said, with a shake of her head, “but you being here doesn't make sense. It just doesn't. I won't hear from you for weeks or even months at a time. You've never once came to visit me, not for any reason. So, why are you here?”

  “You're my best friend, Julie,” he said, keeping his eyes on his feet. “Just the thought of you being with that fucker has me a mess. Why him? What do you see in him? You shouldn't be with him.”

  Julie looked over at Jessie, who was motioning toward the baby's room.

  “Seriously?” she asked, as she nodded and then looked back at him. “You were the one that left. You do remember that, right?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “He's an asshole, Julie.”

  “You think you can stay gone for years and then fly through just to tell me who I can and cannot like?” she asked. “That's not how it works, Jason. And if what you say is true, you should be happy. I'm not with him. Haven't talked to him since Friday.”

  “Julie,” he said, as he finally looked up from the ground.

  “You couldn't even say that stuff while looking me in the eye,” she said. “At least he could look me in the eye, even while he fucked me over.”

  “Julie,” he said, in a pleading tone.

  “No,” she said. “Not right now. I have to get to school.”

  “Can I see you later?” he asked.

  “I'll meet you for lunch,” she said. “I'll text you the information. I have to get ready. You need to leave.”

  Jason nodded, and without another word, he turned
and walked out the door and toward his car. She closed the door quickly and shot a glare her sister's way.

  “What?” Jessie answered.

  “Why did you tell him?” she asked. “Did you call dad and tell him too?”

  “No,” Jessie said. “Of course not. He called sounding all worried. He's your best friend. I figured you'd tell him anyway. Are you totally skipping over the fact that you were a complete bitch to him?”

  “I know,” Julie said, as she walked over and plopped down onto the couch. “I shouldn't have been that way. I just couldn't help it. He's never come here, Jessie. You know that.”

  “I do,” Jessie said. “That's why I wasn't afraid to tell him. He scared the shit out of me. What if Jackie would have cried out? I would have been screwed.”

  “That's a whole other problem,” Julie said. “Back to Jason. What's up with that? He's been off doing whatever with whoever, and the moment I show interest in someone, he's all over that shit. I don't get it. What does he have against Cody?”

  “Why are you defending Cody, Julie?” Jessie asked. “If he used you and hurt you the way you say he did, why do you care?”

  “I do,” Julie snapped out. “He hurt me. That doesn't mean I don't still have feelings for him. I love him. Do you know that? Did I tell you that? I fucking told him I loved him. I must have looked pathetic.”

  “No, you didn't,” Jessie said. “Can I tell you something?”

  “What?” Julie asked.

  “I don't think he used you,” Jessie said, and Julie felt her eyes go wide. “Give me a second before you go all I can't believe you're on his side and shit. Think about it. He found out I was pregnant, and he knew dad didn't know. Don't you think he could have used that? He could have totally fucked with dad's head with that alone, but he didn't. Instead, he helped us get things ready. He came to the hospital. He's played with the baby. Not once has he told anyone, Julie. He also knows all of the shit about you and dad, but he didn't use that either. He never said a word. Not to mention the fact that he's still around after months of getting nothing, not one bit of useful information. Why do you think that is, Julie?”


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