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Slime Tamer's Chronicles

Page 2

by Nathan Valerio

  My weak body normally wouldn't do much but the mana coating does more than enough damage since the guy flys three meters in the air flipping backwards before hitting the floor like a sack of potatoes facing up.

  The whites of his eyes were showing, tears came from his eye and foam was coming out of his mouth. All this combined made everyone feel a sense of dread seeing the tiny girl that looks no older than five do the stunt.

  After I notice what happened I breath deep and slowly calm down. I look at the small rabbit and crouch before I start digging a hole. I then remove the arrow and bury the rabbit.

  All the while everyone was watching in fear and confusion as to why I did something like that. I then stood up and looked at them with a sharp glare which makes them take a step back.

  I didn't care about them so I just circled around and walked to town.

  Moments later I could here them shouting about the damage I cause the guy. Yep gauging equipment, how much noise he makes and all that I guessed he would have been around level 10-16 with the warrior class. With that in mind, from the common thought process of those muscle brains he would have from 240-450 hp. I aimed at the lowest and I guess I was right. I hit with 239 points but this was with the addition of crashing headfirst into the ground causing more damage.

  Like hell I want to be a killer at this age. Anyway there were several close groups that just stared at me in wonder while those who spotted me further away looked because of my charm.

  Halfway to the town I heard a shout.


  When I looked at the sound, I saw a girl with blue hair, looked around 15, a good figure and bouncing boobs at least C cup.

  I don't know if it’s because I was a girl or because I was too young but I felt nothing while looking at her perfectly sculpted hourglass figure and huge breasts. She looked like your typical big sister figure anyone would want.

  It was around that time I also notice the wolf pet behind her. I knew it was a pet because its aura was docile and not aggressive. Not everyone can tell though but many noticed the slime. Many of them murmured things like "Did she say mimic, seriously!"

  Now that I think about it a mimic is referred to by both players and NPC’s as the king of slimes because it boasts the greatest adaptability over other slimes and becomes even stronger when tamed, It also helps that it can constantly change its shape and form to adapt to any situation.

  It was running my way and I simply stood there because I didn't feel hostility from it. The next moment I knew why. As soon as it reached my foot, it jumped under my skirt and latched onto my leg while trembling.

  I crouch and lift my skirt lightly so as not to let others see and saw the small little gel like slime hugging my leg. I put my hand out and it looks a bit before hopping on it. It fit just right into my hand. It was really tiny and cute.

  I've always been fascinated by slimes. They are the weakest of the weak and yet with just a little training they can out do many creatures. Mimics are the best at that.

  I believe to train a mimic slime they would need to capture feed it the corpse of a defeated being before it could copy it. That is the most coveted feature of it because it can give you any pet you want. Also each monster form is supposed to have their own levels, stats and skills.

  From the fact that this tiny one hasn't turned into anything means it’s a new born.

  As I stand up holding the slime a window appeared just as the big boob girl arrived. I took a quick look before I smiled.

  “Thank goodness... thank you for... catching it.” She was bent over breathing hard while she talked in between her gasps for air. The wolf behind her was rather surprising when it pulled out a canteen and handed it to her. She gulped the water deeply before letting out a sigh of relief.

  “Sorry about that. The slime was really quick and it got away. Are you hurt?” She asked worried.

  I shook my head, “No, it just hid under me when running from you.” I replied.

  “Hide und…” The girl visibly paled while she understood what I said. Her hands were trembling and her forehead and hands were covered in sweat.

  “You...didn't by any chance.” She asked trembling while tears were starting to form in her eyes.

  "I just picked it up, after that it just declared me the owner.” I replied.

  The girl dropped to her knees as she started crying.

  I was shocked about that so I put the slime on my head and crouched before petting her head.

  “Um, can you explain what happened?” I had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't simply because she lost the slime.

  She nods but it said not here. Still sulking she takes me into town. Before entering she was made to unsummon her pet but it seems slimes are seen as to weak to do anything. I, for now, agree with her since it was true.

  The girl took me to a maid cafe near the city wall close by. I got to say, realizing a dream of being in a maid cafe feels really good. Not to mention that the maid cloths are the official kind and instead the kind made for fan service. The guy who made these was a genius. It’s at just the right size where you "almost" see her panties unless you pull the skirt right up by hand.

  I'm sure there was magic to help to keep the maids modesty while servicing the men with eye candy.

  Everyone looked at me which felt strange but as soon as I saw my reflection in a mirror in the cafe I couldn't help but understand. It looked like the greatest craftsmen worked tirelessly to make the greatest doll in the world. With a perfect faces that showed innocence while the slightly sharper eyes give a more mature and refined look. The loose silver hair seemed to shine and the white clothes I was wearing didn't help to decrease the effect.

  In short, if someone called me a goddess I'm sure everyone that hears it would agree.

  Anyway the girl drags me away from the mirror and takes me to the back in a private room.

  “Ok then, first let me introduce myself. I'm Megumi and my class is tamer which is why you saw me with the wolf.” She said introducing herself.

  "I don't have a name. I woke up in the forest outside of town.” I replied back.

  She looked perplexed at this. I obviously do have a name it’s...wait. I really can't remember it, not just mine but every persons name I knew was gone. I had every memory of everything I knew and studied but my name is gone.

  “Amnesia huh. That’s problematic since I don't know how to address you.” She said crossing her arms with a frown.

  I became flustered and started to blush as tears formed. You would probably do the same after realized the same thing. I can't remember my own mother’s name. I really loved her so to not be able to remember her hurts.

  “W-what! Why are you crying.” She exclaimed as she finally noticed me crying.

  "I-I can't... remember my... mom’s name.” I cried out not holding back my tears. Although I had little interaction with my mother, she did have some days we spent together, it was rare but fulfilling but for me to forget her name is a big blow.

  She was really worried and did the only thing she could. She extended her hand and pat my head. The little slime hopped down on the table to let her console me.

  After I calmed down I just nod to her and thank her for that.

  It feels really comfortable around her. She has that gentle big sister aura to her which is just as comforting as the gentle mom aura.

  “Sorry about what happened. We can figure it out a bit later ok.” Megumi said gently. I reply with a weak nod. “Um, about why I need the little slime. It was a request from the king. His youngest daughter reaches 15 next month and he wants to give her a reliable pet that can protect her with just a little training.” Megumi said.

  I looked at the little slime. I put my hand out and it hopped on before I deposited him on my head.

  “Can't you find another?” I asked.

  Her face formed a frown, “Mimic slimes have a rate of spawning of 1:3000.” She replied.

  “Besides the mimicr
y skill, what is different between regular slimes and him.” I asked curious.

  “He is smarter, his body lets him move faster like you saw, he eats only enough to allow for his biggest transformation.” She replied.

  Smarter, that is definitely the cause. I take the small blue slime and look it over. Besides the size the core is unusually big compared to the other slimes.

  "Isn't he a Mimic because he is smarter. He can copy because he is smarter?” I asked.

  "It’s what we all believe, it’s also why it’s sought after.” Megumi said.

  “Then how do you make that little ball in the middle bigger. I think if a normal slime gets that to the same size you might get a mimic.” I said.

  She blinked once, then again before suddenly jumping up and landing on the table with her face close to the slime. As she looked at the core sweat slowly formed on head. After a while she sat back down before letting her head fall.

  Am I really making this girl depressed. Seriously if you want to discover something about slimes, research it. In my old life, I spent some time doing that sometimes which is why simply from her description I could figure out that the nucleus needs to be bigger for this form.

  Soon the girl stands up and goes to run but I coat my body with mana and trip her.

  “WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” Megumi shouted as she got up with her nose red from the impact with the ground.

  “You think a coinless five year old can pay for a private room in an expensive maid cafe.” I replied.

  She looks a me a bit before blushing and laughing dryly. She then pulls out two silver coins and drops it on the table and another one separate as tip.

  I then get up and follow her. She tells the waitress where the money is and we leave.

  After that we head outside, we walk to the gate and instantly she summons the wolf and orders it to gather several slime nucleus and wait here because we will be inside.

  The smart wolf nods before running off really fast.

  My jaw drops as I watch the wolf, “Wow that's fast.” I exclaim.

  “What do you expect from a tamed animal of the daughter of the tamer guilds headmaster.” She puffed out her rather large chest before she turned to me and in one swift motion grabbed below my arm and lifted me up like a little kid.

  “Now then. Let's get you and identification plate. Unlike those idiots mindlessly hunting animals we need these beauties.” She pulled out a small iron plate that was attached to a small steel chain around her neck. It looked like a dog tag the United States military use. The next instant I felt magic and the scenery suddenly changed.

  Before we were at the town's stone wall but now we were in the middle of the streets.

  The city was rather modern. This was probably a modern fantasy instead of medieval fantasy. The streets were properly made and cars that run on magic drove all over the place. The cities organization was also extreme. Clean and neat like nothing else. The buildings were tightly built not allowing alleys to form. Each block was small so that there wouldn't be left any space in between.

  When Megumi started walking it was towards a seven floor building that looked like a corporate building but above the door was a sight.


  The doors were revolving doors for security and the guards were dressed to impressed with magically engraved full plate armor. Though it looked strange, when I think that this world evolved with magic then it was easier to accept.

  I could feel the magic power coming from the armor. Really strong stuff too.

  Megumi took me inside. The look was similar to a bank. Many counters and lines and LOTS of chairs. On the walls were clear crystal screen which transmitted images like a tv.

  Megumi took me to the furthest counter that had very little movement.

  The girl looked bored but once we approached she got up and put on a business smile.

  “Greetings, what can I do for you.” She asked.

  “We need an ID plate for this little one. She got separated from her parents when she went outside to the grasslands.” Megumi lied.

  The girl giggled and looked at me, “You need to be careful miss. It’s dangerous outside.” She said.

  I smile and nod. I bet I can survive up to level 30 encounters but I do think I need to learn magic soon. My body is weak so I won't be able to fight physically for a long time.

  "I'm sorry miss. I was curious to see the cute animals. I'm happy I went though. I got to meet Miss Megumi and got a cute pet.” I hugged Megumi and then pointed to the tiny slime on my head. I could tell Megumi was shocked at my acting but the girl bought it and giggled. She pulled out a small metal plate and a small knife.

  “Can I see your hand sweetie? We need a small drop of blood to make it.” She asked.

  I nod and put my hand out. She takes the knife and with the point makes just a tiny hole just to draw blood and then made me press the plate.

  The plate shined and then it was done. The attendant then used a press and made a hole on one side and passed chain through before handing it over.

  “There it’s all done. There is no cost but please be careful with this ok. It’s really important since you need it for many occasions. If you need help with using it, ask your mom and dad or the miss carrying you.” The attendant said.

  “Mn~! Thanks a bunch pretty miss!” I smiled and thanked her which made her blush and smile.

  We left after that.

  “With this we can finally see what your name is. Just hold the plate up and say "Show Status".” Megumi explained.

  “Ok then.” I hold it up and say it. Mana glows around it and the plate grows into the size of a small tablet.

  Finally I can see what the gods named me.

  Chapter 2 I SAID GIVE THEM!



  Kuroko Ginshiro









  Hp Regen

  0.3 per/m



  Mana Regen

  4 per/m



  Stamina Regen

  0.4 per/m




















  Blessing of the Goddess of mana

  A blessing from the Goddess that governs mana. Her Blessing increases your base mana to 4000

  Unique Constitution

  Your body is much more fragile than normal people and so your strength and speed will always be impaired by your weak body that can’t grow but your mind is clearer and because of this you have 1000 more points with Mana and your Intelligence and Wisdom are at 100 each.

  Friend of the Wild

  You aura is similar to a nature spirit. Animals and animal based monsters will not aggressively attack you unprovoked and may even invite you to their nests as they know you are kind to them.


  A racial skill of the Humans, you can travel without being overly impaired by the terrain you go through and can adapt more easily to your environment.


  Mana Sense (Passive/Active)

  Level 1

  You are able to feel mana in all things without using the skill but once you use it you can see the mana in items and tell if they are enchanted or magic items

  Mana Manipulation

  Level 1

  You can control mana itself. You are able to cast spells at greater speeds but you aren't bound by the simple spells because you can develop your ow
n with practice.


  Level 1

  You are able to make animals and monsters serve you.

  Wow, I feel overpowered now. I definitely should go the magic route. But the trait "Friend of the Wild" screams Tamer or breeder.

  Still this is some serious stuff. Blessing of the goddess of Mana. Wouldn't that equal to one of the strongest gods?

  I slowly look towards Megumi whose eyes are empty as she looks at my status plate. I wave my hand in front of her but no reaction. Then I slap her face lightly but nothing happens. Then I thought of something.

  “Big sis, you ok?” I asked in a fake worried tone.

  Being called like that must have been a shock because she looked at me with her mouth gaping open.

  I then found out why. A small bit of blood appear from her left nostril which made me frown and push her away until she put me down.

  “Big pervert. Can't take being called big sis by a cute little girl.” I complained looking at Megumi .

  “HEY THAT’S MEAN!” She shouted after snapping out of it and registering what I had said. “This only happened because it’s you!”

  “So you don't deny you’re a pervert. Yuri lolicon pervert.” I said in a triumphant tone.

  I shoot her down hard making her kneel sulking and defeated.

  “Good, now that we got that done with and I have my ID plate what do we do now?” She was still paralyzed but with the sound my voice she looked up.

  “Normally a kid doesn't start magic school until 8 years old but considering all the stuff you have it’s possible to start now since you are too mature for your age. Then again it depends on you. Still, who are you? I never heard of that surname and to have so much mana as a child I doubt you would be some normal kid.” She asked.

  “Well I have memories of both my parents, just not their names. My dad was a rotten merchant who beat me when I was smaller and my mom was abandoned by my dad somewhere. I don't know what happened after but I remember getting in a fit of rage and then found myself in the forest outside of the town.” I said fabricating a truthful lie simply twisting my life's story to match this world's situation.


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