Slime Tamer's Chronicles

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Slime Tamer's Chronicles Page 9

by Nathan Valerio

  “Sorry if I was rude.” I said laughing dryly.

  “No problem, those of my race are used to it. At least I am a pure human halfling. If it was a demi human or beast human half breed then things would get ugly. It's amazing what being a Prum can do to drag attention.” She sighed.

  “Prum?” I asked confused.

  "It’s what we call a halfling half breed with demi humans or beast humans. They are child sized like every other halfling but with animal features of whichever parent they came from.” She said.

  I imagined her with small puppy ears and tail. I could feel my hand twitching to want to pet her. It seems she noticed the look and blushed. “Please refrain from petting me. Everyone that hears this imagines me with animal ears and tail.”

  Ah so it’s happened already. I could only laugh wryly at this, though that was cut short when that princess girl stood next to the maid.

  “Hey, what are you blocking the aisle for?! Move it failure!” She shouted.

  The girl pushed the little maid and she fell backwards onto the row of seats below. The girl just walked on but I was pissed so I stuck my leg out just as she was passing so it got her left leg as it was coming forward and the right leg as it was going back. She couldn’t do anything as her balance was completely thrown off and she stumbled forward before crashing in front of the seats.

  I stood up and hopped down and helped the maid.

  “You shouldn’t have done that!” She said worried as I help her up.

  I narrowed my eyes and pouted, “There are limits to everything and she crossed it.”

  “No, she didn’t. Maids and servants here are really rejects. We failed to successfully complete the academies course and have to work here.” She explained.

  “Can’t you leave?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “We are given food and all necessities but not money. We can’t leave.”

  Veins appeared on my head but before I could retort to anything the bitchy princess came back yelling.


  I cross my arms looking at her coldly, “What a blowhard. This is a neutral country so titles and positions don’t matter here.” I replied.

  Her jaw falls after hearing me say that and the maid pulls herself up and dusts herself off.

  "In the case of students, Miss Ginshiro is correct. While here titles and such don’t matter and arguments that happened here can’t be taken back and used as reason for invasion or any form of aggression.” The halfling maid said.

  “Shut up you maggot failure!” Eleonora shouted.

  “Don’t talk to her like that. The only worms are the one who calls someone one.” I shouted back.

  If I could see from a third person view there would surely have been sparks colliding between us. After a moment she gave in since I wasn’t wavering. She turned away and looked at her seat and sat down on one that had her name on it. My face turned red with rage. The main reason was that when I walked around her seat was to the left of mine.

  As soon as she looked and saw Ginshiro on the seat she stood up and glared at me.

  Seeing as she stood up I pulled my seat down and sat since I had nothing more to worry about.

  "I should go?” the halfling maid asked.

  I smile wryly, “Yeah, it’s probably better if you did or she will try to do something again.” I said.

  With a bow the halfling maid left running with everyone staring. The entire area was looking because we caused a big commotion. I just sat there and the princess just glared at me.

  After a bit she got even more annoyed because others kept coming in.

  "If you have to go then go.” I finally said.

  “Don’t joke with me! I will not sit next to someone like you!” She said angry.

  I shrug and just rest my head on my right arm. Since no one appeared to sit on my right side it was still empty.

  After a while of having that annoying girl glare at me, I heard a high pitched girl's “Kya~!”. There were two things that would make someone do that. One is someone falling, the second is a handsome prince that all the girls want.

  I turn my head slightly and look with the corner of my eye. Yep, option two. Walking down the stairs I came from was a boy that was about 115cm tall, a bit taller then me who was 110cm tall. With dark blue hair and navy blue eyes he stood out more because the black suit like uniform made him look more mature. His expressionless face made him more mysterious which made the little girls eat at his hand. I could tell that his expressionless was boredom. It was easy to tell that he was probably a prince or something from one of the nations.

  The princess in front of me started to growl more than she did with me. When I looked at her, I saw her face was red and her hands were balled up.

  Seems there is some history between them.

  Just for those curious the row I was seated in was about 3 from the front. From the looks of those around me this seating area would normally go to children of nobles or important people. Thinking a bit, that retard Dalton is the tamer guild’s head master so that was probably why I was down here.

  I don’t know if its irony or not but the maid that was leading him turned on our row and stopped just next to me.

  “This is your seat young sir.” she said

  “Thank you, you may go.” he said

  The maid bowed and the boy looked at me then at the princess.

  Boy: ‘Oh, Eleonora you’re here too? Whatever. Miss that is my seat can you please lean the other way?” he asked

  "If I did then I would be closer to her seat so I prefer not to.” I said.

  “Point taken. My name is Prince Asher Daniel Calder Bryton, I come from the country Elunia. I am the second son of the king and second youngest child.” he introduced himself

  “Elunia, I came from there!” I said surprised before I stand up and do a curtsy bow to the prince. “My name is Kuroko Melody Ginshiro. I am the adopted daughter of the tamer guilds Headmaster Dalton Holt.” I introduced myself.

  “Sir Dalton, that means you know Miss Megumi !” Contrary to his previous attitude his eyes were sparkling now.

  “Yep, she is my big sister. If you are the prince then your sister was the one I helped get the mimic slime for.” I said.

  “Ah! That was you! I remember Miss Megumi coming and explaining what happened and how it wasn’t totally her effort. I got to thank you because I was able to easily get a mimic myself.” He said excited.

  “HEY! WHY AM I BEING IGNORED?!” Eleonora shouted.

  We both looked at her with a blank look.

  “You are annoying.” We said in unison.

  We both looked at each other then grinned before we started to laugh. The princess looked completely beat and was pissed beyond belief.

  "I can’t wait to show off Drake. I trained a lot with him and I hope one day to find a real life drake and have him eat it and become a slime drake.” He said grinning.

  “Wow! That would be so cool! I don’t have such a big dream. I just want to adventure and have fun. I have two great slimes and a fox who I want to get stronger with.” I said.

  “Two slimes...are you the famous tamer girl with a pink and blue mimic slime. I heard about you. You discovered so many interesting things with slimes. It’s made so much good for our country that an entire bureau has been made dedicated to researching the slimes diet evolution habits.” Asher said.

  We started to talk together a lot completely ignoring the annoying third wheel to the point that she just sat down and sulked there. As time passed the place filled up. My talk with him was all about tamer related things. It seems that only in our country is taming not looked down on because of Dalton’s effort. He made tamers train like normal warriors so tamers there are both attacks and troop suppliers.

  As our conversation reached an end we looked around and sa
w the place was packed and then an middle aged man walked out. In his hand was a magic item that was similar to a wireless mic.

  As he got to the center he coughed once to draw everyone’s attention and quiet everyone done.

  “Okay, thank you all for getting ready so quickly. As many of you know, I am the headmaster of this academy, my name is Charles Silos Ryder. As you all know, today is both the welcoming ceremony as well as entrance exam. This entrance exam is very simple. There are four sectors in the stands where new students are sitting. Each area will have a battle royal and of the 200 in each area, 100 will remain and be accepted. The rest will be returned home. After that, the remaining 400 will participate in the tournament for the ranking and to allow for the teachers to determine what classes your curriculum will hold.’

  Everyone was shocked but a few people, me and Asher, were already getting pumped.

  The headmaster continued on with the welcoming ceremony telling rules and regulations until finally it was time and even more to my surprise my group was the first one. I couldn’t help but get excited even more.

  Our section of seats lowered about 3 meters revealing an entrance at the bottom of both walk ways.

  Everyone got up and walked down until they appeared on the arena grounds.

  “Heh. This is going to be a nice workout. You better not get in the way Aster. My pets aren’t the kind to play around!” I said provokingly.

  “Right back at you. Drake isn’t any push over and was trained with the royal knights captain. We even let him eat a death row criminal so he can gain human transformation.” He boasted.

  “Hope you trained him enough to handle me.”

  “Bring it!” He said.

  “Alright children with this we begin the entrance exam.” Charles said.

  With his call a gong was hit signaling the start of the battle royal.

  Chapter 8 Round 1

  So we don’t knock each other out since it would be too much fun to stick around, Aster and I walk to the opposite ends of the group. The dumb blonde looks both ways watching us and walks in a third direction. She was listening to our talk and we spoke a bit about our tamed creature.

  Well, like it matters. What we came to do was to join and become adventurers so no time to worry about small things.

  Still just like me right now. There is horrible feeling of nausea going around all the kids. Being stared at by everyone in this school isn’t the most comfortable thing and there are some kids who are already woozy.

  I keep my distance because I don’t want to be close.

  Still there were several brutes who were already engaging other kids. You know the bully type. Still after the child fight started, several others who does nothing started to get it on.

  I simply walk out of the circle of growing madness and I see Aster do the same. There was no point in needlessly waste our energy here.

  Still one kid came running at me. He probably saw me as easy prey but to retaliate I charged a weak mana bolt and shot it at the spot he was just about to step and made a hole which he tripped on.

  He fell face first and as I was about to shoot a mana bolt to his head, he was teleported back into the stands. It took a moment for him to realize what was going on but then he started crying.

  Those nearby were a bit shocked at how I took him out. How effortless it was. Trust me when I say that I have trained with many spells targeted at immobilized foes. This is so I can create openings for my pets.

  While I looked around, I saw another boy run at me. His movements were much more refined and it was clear this kid had some skill.

  He crouched low and ran to the left and vanished.

  My brow raised, “Thief huh, no that skill was more advanced, an assassin.” I lift my left foot and load it with the mana and stomp the ground.

  In an area of 6 meter in diameter around me was riddled with holes. The next moment the boy appeared having tripped and made noise. I beat him the same way as the first.

  After that display, it was clear that I'm a fierce foe to confront, so the kids avoided me. Still one did come at me. A green haired girl with small glasses that was using the mid level air magic Flight to stay out of range.

  She shot an air blade and I countered with one of my own.

  She could use more spells but that meant she had to train harder to work it. I didn’t have spells instead I made them by using my manipulations. Still the spells did form. Fireball, Grand fireball, water ball, earth needle, all these were registered but I didn’t directly use them because it would limit me later on. I need to make use of my power as best as I can and the best way is to train it.

  After several attempts the girl gave up and just floated nearby since she was safe up there besides a few magic spells that frequently flew up.

  The girl, Aster and I were bored while we waited in the corner. I finally reached my limit and pushed myself off the wall I was leaning on.


  The two looked at me then at each other and nodded. Aster called out loud the name Drake and a red mimic slime appeared. The next moment it morphed into a red slime human.

  The girl began to charge several air blades at once as I summoned my pets.

  Peach and Glop appeared first and took a human form.

  I then summoned Rama. As soon as the huge fox appeared all eyes were on me. I then finished it up.

  “Summon, Set 1, Set 2, Set 3.” At my word, three groups of armor and weapon slimes appeared. All the kids looked wide eyed. “Arm.” The order was given and each group rushed and jumped to their host.

  For each piece of armor was a slime for boot, greave, chest plate, shoulder pad, shoulder guard, arm guard, gloves, helmet, shield and sword.

  The two human slimes were covered in slime armor which had a translucent grey color even when they hardened their bodies. The slimes that jumped on Rama were the same. They covered the back, legs and head with armor and the paws were given claws and the tail was armed with a spiked tail club like piece.

  Seeing the three armored pets everyone was completely shocked. In moments those with no will to fight were disqualified and the number for required winners was reached in an instant.

  “AH~~! THAT WAS BORING!” I whined and unsummoned them all in disappointment but there was someone much more enthusiastic about it.

  “KUROKO! Please tell me! Those were the mimics right?!” Asher said running over to me.

  “Yep, let's go back to the seat so we can chat.” I said.

  His eyes were shining. Those who failed were escorted out and those who remained were free to choose which seat they could take.

  The blonde annoyance took a seat far from us but in her seat was that green haired girl from before.

  “Hello, those slimes were awesome. What was that? Oh, I'm Kumi Shitara btw.” She introduced herself with a small bow.

  “Kuroko Melody Ginshiro. Those are called Armor and Blade Mimic slimes.” I said.

  “Wow! I've heard of those. I'm from Elunia but I've never had the chance to meet a mimic. They are still only used mostly at the capital.” Kumi said dreaming about the slimes.

  “Really?” We both talk in sync because we didn't know that only the capital had the mimics spread.

  The main reason is because the convenience of a mimic would rapidly spread. The slimes can easily rise the number of guards by eating corpses of bandits or murders, weapons and armors of slime to arm the slime people.

  We found it strange that it wasn't being spread but then again. If you release the method to make such a pet that after being fed a dangerous monster became it, you would obviously try to be more careful about publishing it.

  Kuroko: 'Well it is an overly convenient pet so they are probably being careful. I do see the tamer guild selling them though but the price is a hefty 2 gold and 50 silver coins.'

  The two of them looked confused when they heard the price.

  "Is that really the price?
I heard father bought 100 mimics for 30 gold each?” Asher asked.

  “Those mimics were ones that Dalton took on a player bandit camp raid. The mimics ate their bodies and became slime humans.” I said.

  The jaws of the two dropped hearing that. Yep, Dalton has been breeding several colors of mimic slimes. From the looks of Aster’s Red slime he got one of the 100 red slimes we sold to the king to be trained into knights.

  “The price changes depending on the form you know. But if we are talking about human slimes then from green slime up to pink slime the price range is this.” I spend time telling them while the other groups fight. First of the colors of rarity from common to rare are, Green, Light Green, Yellow, Violet, Blue, Red, Orange, Pink. The price for each following the same order is, 10g, 12g, 15g, 18g, 25g, 30g, 50g, 100g.

  The two were flabbergasted finding out the price for the human shape slimes.

  The main reason it's so expensive is because the slime keeps part of the parameters of the human it eats. That is why for Pink human slimes we tend to only feed Pkers who have high stats which in turn give the slime high stats. Not to mention the possibility of magic. If the slime is asked to come with basic knowledge of magic it will raise the price by another 20g for each magic system they possess.

  “ regular people...won’t be able to use mimics?” She said that downhearted.

  “There are the armor and weapon mimics. They become what you need so daily use knifes and stuff can be used by them. They can eat all the knifes and always stay sharp as long as you don’t abuse them. Also, the prices I said were for human shaped slimes. A common green mimic without any mimicked form is, like I said, 2.5 gold.”

  Her eyes shined a bit but Aster was a bit confused.

  “How are the two types of mimics made?” He asked with an confused expression.

  “You mean the weapon and armor and the normal ones?” I asked.

  He nodded with expectant eyes.


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