Slime Tamer's Chronicles

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Slime Tamer's Chronicles Page 11

by Nathan Valerio

  She pulled her wand back for a moment before hitting the gem on her wand to the center of the magic circle. This released all the pent up mana in the wand in one large blast that looks like something from an anime. It looked like a green beam that launched out of the circle.

  All four attacks were launched at the same time and at the center of the arena they impacted with each other.

  As soon as the four made contact, that is when the fireworks began.

  All four attacks began to push against each other until finally the mana became unstable and blew up filling the entire arena in smoke. The explosion was enough to shake everything on the island.

  Many of the kids began screaming out of fear and because of the loud explosion.

  After a moment, several adult mages stood up and used magic to stabilize the quakes. That is quite impressive considering the size of the island. Next a second group used a spell to purify the air and remove the smoke.

  What we saw when all the smoke and dust was cleared, put everyone in total shock.

  The location each person stood was still there but only the ground behind each of them remain. Below was the vast sky from here we could even see the five giant chains. Each of them was attached to the heart of one of the mountains inside the territory of each country.

  Not a single person spoke a word. Moments later the arena's remaining ground began glowing and I could feel the mana in the air thin out. The reason was that it was absorbing the mana and remaking the ground it lost.

  Several adults landed behind each kid and poured their mana into the arena filling the hole.

  Then a clear chuckle was heard. It was first started from Asher, then the demon kid started laughing until the two girls did as well.

  “Looks like the blessing we all got last year made it possible for you three to catch up!” Asher said.

  As soon as he said that the other three looked at him with a mischievous grin. If he said catch up then that means they knew each other and trained together.

  “Wah~~!” Kumi exclaimed.

  “Are you ok?” I asked.

  Kumi nodded slowly, “Yes, I just never thought I would get to study with four royal family members from the head families and they all have the family blessing?'

  I looked confused which makes her frown.

  “You don't know?” She asked.

  Shaking my head I look at her asking to continue. She simply sighs. “You know the gods made this island right?”

  "I heard about it from the man who brought me here.” I said with a nod.

  “Good, well when the gods made this island hoping for peace between races they blessed the royal family and their bloodline. The reason we begin studying only at eight is also because of this. The gods said that if the child has the blessing, it will manifest one year before their eighth year of age. The blessing grants the kid super strength or immense amounts of mana. The blessing is different for elves. They manifest their blessing one year before their thirty second year. The reason is that elves age four times slower than humans so for them at the age of 32 , they still have mentality of an 8 year old.” She explained.

  “Wow, who knew there was something like this. This game was up for nearly three years already. And there was never any news of this.” I then look back at the blond making Kumi do the same. Before I even ask she answers.

  “Her family isn't the original royal family that was blessed. The old royal family at the time have not had a child manifest the blessing for at least three generations so her ancestors took the throne. The old royal family was said to have escaped and the bloodline still lives but no one knows where.” Kumi said.

  I feel something bad about her saying that. Kind of like a foreboding sense that keeps poking at the back of my mind.

  As the arena finished repairing itself the tired adults leave the arena and the headmaster landed on the field. He took out a small handkerchief from a pocket on his robe and wiped the sweat from his head.

  Moments later, several men appeared before him holding papers and were yelling but it seems they were using barriers to block the sound.

  Finally after five minutes they seem to come to a decision and the men leave, leaving the headmaster to deal with whatever was needed.

  “Excuse us for the time it took to repair the arena as well as what I was discussing. The school council has decided that for the 10 students that showed the greatest abilities shall be put on the top 10 ranking list and be put out from further tournaments. And these are the students we choose as the top 10 ranked.” Charles says.




  Nova Redscale


  Stephanie Danbolt Ashwood


  Asher Daniel Calder Bryton


  Owen Zebub


  Kuroko Melody Ginshiro


  Emily Hornet Greenleaf


  Zachary Midmill


  Kumi Shitara


  Margaret Helen Flare


  Eleonora Velaria Maryland Vis Carmellian

  Both me and Kumi, no, everyone were stunned to see the list. Though the top four were expected the rest wasn't.

  “As I said before, we are sorry but this year we have many...great talents to the point that normal students have yet to show us anything. As such, those who exhibit great abilities at the end of each round will be ranked.” Charles said.

  More than half the audience missed part of it but those of us on the top ranking were still in shock. What broke everyone out of the shock was when the demon prince began to complain.

  “OI OLD MAN! WHY THE HELL AM I FOURTH!!” Owen shouted.

  "I used the size of the hole as a reference. The hole was pushed out more towards both boys while Nova pushed Stephanie's attack slightly more back.” Charles explained.

  He clicked his tongue and quietly followed to rest out of the arena.

  At once the crowd began to take pictures and shout. Out of nowhere two arms hugged me from the side.

  “NO WAY I GOT ON THE TOP 10 LIST!! KYAA~~! I can’t wait until mom and dad see this. A regular middle class citizen ranked high enough to appear with the top ranked.” Kumi said happily said.

  I couldn’t help chuckling at her but I couldn’t help but wonder how I got fifth place.

  Well I don’t have time to ponder on it because for some reason all five royals come towards us.

  “Hey, looks like I couldn’t overpower them.” Asher sighed.

  “Yes, even with the help from your slime you couldn’t win, man~~, I wonder if you are a match.” I say that in a playful tone which makes him go red faced and the three behind him laugh.

  "I knew I was going to like this girl after hearing her say it must suck to be a royalty. Oh and by the way yes it sucks big time.” Owen said.

  “Yes I know, I was adopted by the tamer guild headmaster and it's a pain since he is a noble. Must be harder for you guys.” I said.

  They nod. We begin introducing each other when I notice a certain green haired human fidgeting.

  "Is there a problem Kumi?” I ask.

  “Kumi? The rank 8 right. Wow, it’s quite surprising how many mage humans are appearing this year and so powerful as well.” Stephanie said.

  “Hey Hey Kuroko how much mana do you have?! How did you make that blue flame? Daddy only ever told me about the Dragon Nova and only after I awoke my blessing could I only use that fire.” Nova asked.

  “Wait, only that one? Did each of you get power or a skill?” I ask.

  “Well there was a boost in growth actually. Besides that we gained 4000 mana points on top of our originally high mana capacity which was around 1000 right guys?” Asher asked to which the others nodded.

  Sweat was forming on my forehead and I was forcing my face to smile but it was getting cramped.

  “Hey? What's with that face? Come on tell us how
much mana you have!” Nova said.


  The four narrowed there eyes and the pressure they released was getting intense.

  “Tell us or we will leave and never talk to you.” Asher said.

  The others nodded and I started to sweat more.

  “6...6650…” I said that in a quiet voice but they still heard it. There was only silence and even those near were looking with their jaws dropped.

  “Do you have any blessings?” Nova asked.

  I nod weakly and usher them close before opening to the blessing.

  "Is that the only one?” Owen asked.

  I nod again looking down.

  Asher sighed, “And here I was about to think you were a descendant from the last royal family. HAHAHA! That would mean something big was about to happen.” Asher laughed.

  I looked up confused at them.

  “You don’t know which is normal. All of us gained that blessing one year before our blessing awoke. It was so we could handle the second blessing which comes from a different god.” Stephanie explained.

  "I’ve had this ever since I woke up in the forests near the capital of Elunia. It has been three years.” I said.

  They nod understanding and finally sit down since we were drawing attention. After saying the amount I had, I wouldn’t be surprised if rumors will spread. If there is one thing I know for certain is that humans are jealous creatures and to know someone who isn’t even a noble by birth has more power would frustrate them. I just hope that they don’t over exaggerate or tell lies about me...

  Still the tournament continued and as more people succeeded they moved up the ranks until after 6 long hours passed and the full ranking board for our year was made. To say that this year held a lot of expectations wasn’t a lie for sure.

  “Well, with this we finally reach an end to the ranking tournament. There are maids to lead you back. Those who didn’t have room mates will find that their rooms are moved to optimize space. Please take the rest of the day off. Tomorrow a maid will come with the class schedule and help you navigate the school to find your classes. You are all dismissed.” Charles said.

  With that we all are finally lead out to the exit. Unlike before the six of us are stopped by a few maids. The halfling was there.

  “Greetings Miss Kuroko, because of your rank we will be moving your room. The same for you Miss Kumi.” the halfling maid said.

  “For what reason?” Kumi asked.

  An older maid walked up. "It is simply because of your power, we tend to group talented children together. Students like you tend to learn better when near those with similar power or strength. Anyway the ranking can change depending on grades and how much you train. Ah! Miss Ginshiro, we received word from the tamer guild headmaster Dalton Halt that you require a specific supplement for your diet to help your body.” The maid said.

  “Yes but it’s something I can make with my slimes at any time.” I explain.

  “Yes, we heard about it. We think we can mix it with your food. It could help your growth more.” She said.

  I tilt my head and think while scratching my head. I couldn’t see fault in it so I pulled out a veil of fox slime milk and handed it to her.

  "I normally take three drops with a dropper. Any more and it has some side effects on humans that fills us with too much energy that would lead into severe fatigue.” I explain.

  Hearing that I could see even behind the professional mask a shiver run down her spine. Why wouldn’t it, this thing could make an already large bundles of energy, even more hyper. If given to the royalty those behind me, chaos would surely happen.

  The maid stores the veil and hands us over to the other maids that hold our bags.

  Curiously they didn’t take us to the dormitories, instead they took us into the main school grounds closer to the boys side. Deep in the back was a forest which blocked all the light but there was a clear path with paved cobblestone leading into the forest. At the end of the path was a huge building. If I called it a mansion, it would be an understatement.

  It was in similar fashion to the dormitory setup. There was one building but it was a U shaped building. On the left side was the side for the girls and on the right side for the boys. At the end of the building was the lobby and behind that was the kitchen. The dormitory building had at least 7 floors each side.

  “This is the top 20 building. This place was made to house those who grade top 20 at the start of the year. If by the middle of the year you lose that rank you will be put back into the regular dorms.” The halfling maid said.

  “So, the carrot and the stick system?” I said.

  She nods and the others frown.

  “Yep, give a bit of luxury at the start and see how it goes. The ranking for now is just magic power and strength but starting with school it will include school grades as well. Well not like it will change much. I was already a good student so basic subjects like math, science, and all that are easy. What I need to worry about now is PE, history, and magic studies. Yep there is no way in hell that stuff is easy. I only ever used mana coating for monk skills. Magic in all its wonder I know only basics and what I can come up with is mixing magic with physics.” I thought. “Well that can wait for when we begin.”

  In the lobby the boys and girls were split up. In our group there was four girls and two boys. They would be roommates and I would have Kumi as my room mate.

  We were taken to the first floor room 2. Our things were once again arranged and we could finally rest.

  “AH~! What a hard day. I feel like I dug my own grave.” I said with a tired sigh.

  “Yeah, I got the same feeling too. But still, it’s kind of amazing, having a god’s blessing that is. Oh what god was it?” Kumi asked.

  “Hm? Oh, the goddess of mana.” I reply.

  “...” Kumi’s jaw drops and she looks at me stupefied.

  “What?” I asked.

  “The goddess of mana grants a huge amount of mana you know.” Kumi asked

  “Yep, 4000 points worth.” I say that while crashing on top of my bed. The room was bigger by a bit having a full bathroom with shower. The beds were bunk beds made of elf wood that have been enchanted to make them last long.

  “You know that isn’t any small amount, it's supposed to rise.”Kumi said.

  “Yep but that is with my own work that I got this strong. Magic is what I can get stronger, with ease. My body is fragile and I need to work a lot more to get physically stronger.” I said.

  “So weaker body but greater magic?” Kumi asked.

  “Yep, but it’s not like I hate it.” I say that as I summon Peach and Glop. “Ok you two. We are going to sleep. If any guests come through the window or uses magic to open the door or teleports inside, treat them “kindly” okay?”

  The two jumped up and down cheerfully and hopped onto the bed.

  I start taking off my uniform and find my pajama before I head into the shower. I was dirty and needed this. I took a towel and that is when I noticed her fidgeting.

  "If you don’t want to take a bath alone you can come in as well.” I asked Kumi.

  She turned red and nodded before grabbing her own pajamas and a towel before following me in. I will say this, I feel nothing towards her even though I was a man before. No I feel nothing towards the boys either. Don’t know if that will last though but still I am a kid so I don’t need to worry about that and I will not focus on it either.

  With that in mind we jump in and freshen up before finally jumping into the comfy beds and falling asleep.

  Chapter 10 Class Begins

  This night was grand. I didn't expect that I would sleep so well. During my three years here I gained a few girly traits which I didn't really try to fix.

  One was my sleeping habit. I slept with Megumi the first year before she left to go adventure and then, seeing how I had trouble sleeping, I stayed with Rio during the nights.

  This was until I came here. When I thought that I wasn't going
to have a roommate I kind of panicked, but that didn't matter now.

  When the halfling maid came to wake us up Peach opened the door after I sleepily told her to. The maid came in and turned the light on before spotting me in Kumi's bed. Yep, my new huggy Kumi felt just as comfortable as my big sister and mother figure. And no, Dalton wasn't married.

  Megumi was his stepdaughter from his previous marriage but her mother died and he stayed with her because no one from her mother’s or biological father’s family wanted another mouth to feed unless it came from them…

  Anyways, the mini maid had a fit and tried to woke us up with her yelling.

  When Kumi saw me using her as a hug pillow, and her enjoying it, she turned bright red. Apparently she did that same with her own big sister so she actually slept better with me hugging her. Tee hee~

  After listening while laughing to the mini maid’s five minute long high pitched sermon on why I shouldn't do that, I simply said. "I can't sleep well without someone to sleep with. Really uncomfortable to the point that I could even wake up at night. Would be bad for my studies if I didn't sleep well.”

  She was about to start another lecture but I got up and asked her if it was time for breakfast which she says it is and we need to get dressed in our uniform.

  We nod and after handing her yesterday’s dirty pair of uniform, I put on another set. Kumi does the same but unlike me who makes a low ponytail to draw less attention, she makes twin pony tails on mid way up. It made her look more childish.

  Yesterday she had left it loose which made her look a bit older but now she looks younger.

  “What good genes, she can choose to look like a little girl or a mature young noble. Her family must be proud to have an air mage that has good looks as well.” I thought.

  To finish up I took my three slime milk drops and then put on my new gravity weights.

  What's new? Well the old ones were ugly, and are put on my ankles and wrists right? Well these are stronger so the weight is heavier but I only need two small bracelets. It’s a simple blue metal bracelet that lacks any detail besides a very tiny gem on top of it. The gem I use to unequip it. I need to put 20 mp in it and it’s magically transferred to my inventory.


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