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Slime Tamer's Chronicles

Page 13

by Nathan Valerio

  Still I find it annoying since I have Reinforced Physical Training as an extra class. Though I need it, still the tamer and mage course was expected for the most part.

  Now the part that had me eating at the page was the optional classes. I swallow hard seeing all the options. The first one I choose is Cooking. I already had the skill but I knew how to make monster bait and not real cooking. Problem is that I was sweating buckets now on what else to choose. My eyes were drawn to dungeoneering. Imagine making a dungeon for yourself, so epic. Still I refrain since I want to actually explore the world and not be stuck in a cave.

  I look from one to the next wondering what I need. Alchemy is useless for me because my body can’t take chemicals, Blacksmithing I need to gain more strength before I attempt at it and I can’t just go do it half-assedly for a single year. Unlike players I need to take more time to learn skills. Tailor I can do but it's boring. Sculpting no, just no. Intense labor for low income and though it will help with my strength and dexterity I don’t need it since it would take up too much time with each sculpture I make. Handicraft is simply crafting in general and working your hands well, that includes with the sword or wand. Tinkering I have no clue, bet it’s something related to dwarfs and blacksmiths. Enchanters don’t care about, most are picked up by guilds anyway to keep their equipment buffed. Jewelry craft no thanks. Another skill that makes me stay put. Runecrafting I don’t know what that is so I will need to learn a bit more and finally carpentry. Hmm, maybe. I need to make wands but...

  Looking at all the options I frown as I can’t decide.

  I look around and nearly everyone is the same.

  I end up picking alchemy for my second class. Though I can’t use medicine, alchemy involves natural medicines as well so I can just use the slimes for it. A few mistakes can lead to a new slime or two and success will make new natural slime medicine.

  After I finished, the entire list vanishes and only the classes I have to attend remain in a list format. Next to each of them is the number of a different room. Those for basic studies are all here in this class and are done in the morning until noon. After we eat lunch we then go to one of the required extra classes, which for me changes with tamer and mage course I have two classes per week and reinforced PE only once.This is until around 4 and the next four hours are split between the optional classes two hours each.

  After a while everyone finished choosing and was relaxing while we wait.

  “Seems everyone has chosen. Good, your optional classes have also been registered and should report to the class on the proper time. If you haven’t noticed yet but there is a clock just above me. The bell will ring when it is time for lunch and one of the maids will come back later today to pick you up. The schedule when placed inside your books will attach itself so make it your first page and then make a new page so we can begin our study for the day.” Albert

  We do as he tells us. I open the pageless book and put the schedule page on the binding and pour a bit of mana into the book and the page attaches. I then focus behind it and pour more mana. Soon a new page appeared from the binding, a pure white paper. I grab the pen and after a bit of experimenting I found out it had a small gem on its head that held the mana. You fill it up and as you write, it’ll automatically make the ink.

  With that done we all listen to the monotone voice of the murderous teacher who we will never go against for the fear of our lives.

  Chapter 11 First Day

  Ok, I am having trouble describing our morning classes. First off, we have professor Albert as a morning teacher which is at least good.

  What he made us copy at the start was school rules and regulations. After that, he left around 8:20 when the first teacher entered. The morning classes work in 1 hour intervals between four classes and it works in the Day 1 Day 2 fashion where we have four set of classes one day and the remaining three plus a free period the next day.

  As for food. Because of the number of students, the stadium from yesterday is used for seating and all around the outer area before reaching the seats was the food court. If you think of a soccer stadium it would be like that.

  During lunch I spent time with our group from morning. I asked what optional classes the others took. I was shocked to find that the prince and princesses, including Eleanora had only 1 option since Dungeoneering was an obligation.

  The reason is because each royal family contains a dungeon under the royal palace that is controlled by the king and used to train the royal guard and city guard. These dungeons have been around since the academy was first built.

  Well if I ever get bored of what I have or I completely mastered what is taught I can change it next year.

  With today being Monday my extra course was taming. Besides me only those from Elunia needed to do that. Taming has become required since taming has been used by the royal family since a long time ago.

  The tamer class is situated outside near the woods far from the dorms. In the class there weren’t just us but includes all of those who did taming. In total there were about 50 kids which around half were from our country.

  The teacher was an elf and she began talking about how we should have good relationships with our tamed animals and not just tame them for profit or abuse them because when the time comes it will come back to bite you.

  During this class we can summon our tamed animals so I summoned Rama to let him stretch since he barely fought during the ranking tournament.

  The others sat in the shade with their pets as well. Or at least those from our country. It seems that taming in other countries is taught differently and use them more as pawns to outsmart the enemies.

  Peach and Glop were also summoned and I let them rest on my head like I always did. The teacher couldn't have been more surprised when the huge fox boss monster willingly laid down and let me rest up against it while the slimes took the space between my shoulder and the fox.

  Oh and Rama is very clean, I've made sure of that. Other students had critters like a rabbit or a fox from around the city. One that was luckier had a goblin his father caught for him. Seems like it was the smartest of the tribe and for a while it was being taught magic so that when it grows into a hobgoblin it will be experienced in magic.

  After about an hour the teacher wanted to test our tamed animals. All of them. Mainly their strength and to see how well we trained them. They will have one hour to hunt and bring back the carcasses of the animals from this forest.

  Animals and monsters here range from level 5-30. We were given 5 minutes to get them ready and summon the rest.

  I summoned all three sets of slimes and armed my three main fighter. Other kids summoned small packs of one animal. Asher simply summon his only red slime and gave it the sword he gave before. It was probably all it needed.

  After that we all gave the same order. Go hunt the strongest wild monster you know you can kill and bring it back, time limit was one hour.

  With that all the tamed monsters and animals ran into the forest. We were given the hour to talk among ourselves.

  I sat next to Asher and asked something that I had been wondering for a while. “Hey Asher, why did your slime have a gem mixed with its nucleus.”

  “Oh that?” He grinned in a smug manner, “Well gemstones are capable of holding a lot of mana. Father gave me a raw ruby gemstone about half the size of Drake's nucleus to merge with it. The rough edges were refined leaving the pearl like gem and a large enough mana capacity that was near my own which is around 3400.” He said.

  “Wow, that is amazing. It’s a shame I can't copy him since for me it would need a hell of a lot of money for a gemstone.” I thought.

  After a while the tamed animals returned with the catch. The fox packs brought back a good number of rabbits. And the rabbits took down a wolf.

  Asher's slime brought back several goblin and black wolf corpse and my three pets got the most attention. They returned dragging a large bear.

  Rama was quite injured so I pulled out
the herbal slime potions and fed him that before I gave him some meat. The armor slimes he had on were badly beat so I had them jump off and one by one I checked each of them.

  I pull out small pellets and feed each of them one pellet. These pellets are condensed herbal nutrients the herbal slime produce. It eats its fill of herbs and on my order I have it mix until it's at the proper potion consistency and have then compress it into this pellet while draining the liquid.

  It leaves all the nutrients and works as a good potion for the slimes because they require nutrients to rebuild their bodies.

  When I've done checking, I gave Peach and Glop one for each before finally settling down and checking the catch.

  It was a large level 15 bear. Though they are large they are fast and strong. Goblins and hobs are stronger mainly due to number and they use weapons like us but if alone it's not too difficult.

  With this test of strength and checking each student pets the teacher went one by one telling the students what they needed to know to raise their pets better.

  When it reached my turn she thought a long while. “Well your pets are remarkable to say the least. The weapon and armor ones I can only say, keep using them and try to get better sets. As for the mimic slimes, I will see if you're reinforced PE class teacher is willing to train them in the art of the sword. Now this big fella will probably be following your example and will need gravity weights so it can work his muscles more.” she said.

  I make sure to make a page in my notebook with what she said. I had already wrote down their stats and I showed them to her. She further suggested a few other things like enhancing the diet for better results or feeding stronger animals which is how animals grow a bit. Animals eating their prey can extract some exp from their food as well as from just killing.

  Anyway, the animals that was caught was soon transported by the teachers tribe of goblin workers. All the animals will be skinned and butchered and used by the school for food and materials.

  The last two hours of class the teacher began talking about the known habits of the basic animal found around cities where it's safer. It was quite informative since I didn't know a few of the facts.

  Soon class ended and it was already 4:30PM so I needed to head up to the cooking class.

  The teacher told us about the elevators but also said it would be heavily packed. For me, she wrote me a pass that allowed me to use Rama as a mount. He was the size of a pony and because I was small I could very well ride him.

  Though others were jealous because of this they couldn't complain because only I had a monster capable of this. The teacher said once one of their pets grows enough to be a mount then she will permit it.

  Asher had a different class he wanted to do, blacksmithing, so we split up there.

  I sit on Rama's back and lay down with my arms around his neck. The classroom was on floor 8 room C.

  With my orders being to take me to the eighth floor he ran off surprisingly fast. Much faster than I have seen him. He crossed the field between the forest and school and quickly entered the school grounds taking long strides.

  The corridors were somewhat full but it seems because the others uses mounts as a means to travel too, there are some elevated paths along the wall which I never noticed. It had space for two medium sized mounts to pass. Though Rama was big, he was still small in terms of a mount. Still using the platforms that were two and a half meters up the wall and in all corridors with an arch bridging gaps he quickly found the stairs and climbed. Soon we spotted several others doing the same as me but they were much more comfortable since they had harnesses and so on.

  When we finally reached the eighth floor my knees were shaking and Rama took deep breaths. Looks like it will take a while for both of us to get used to this.

  I walk the rest of the way to class and enter room C. I was met with a very large room that had 25 kitchen stations. Rama was still behind me when we entered and the teacher noticed me.

  It was a middle aged man with a small black mustache in a french style. He wore a white cook’s apron above a simple grey short sleeves shirt and a pair of navy blue jeans. On his head was a white cook’s hat.

  “Ahh~~!Madame mussel, are you, eh, Kuroko Ginshiro-san?” He asked with something akin to a heavy French man’s accent when speaking english. I nod as I walk in. "I must tsank you and your pets for catching zee brown bear. Zee meat is perfect for zee class.'

  “We will be using the animals we caught?” I asked.

  “Of course, zee small beasts shall feed zee masses but zee big one we use here.” He was saying all of this with in an over the top manner. He sure has an eccentric personality, he feels more like an artist than a cook.

  Still we don't pay much attention and look around. When I suddenly hear the sound of something hit the floor and the sound of a tongue hitting water I turn to see the cook had put a bowl of water for Rama.

  “So zis is one of zee beasties zat took down zee brown bear. Quite strong and zee leg muscles are developed. Vhat did you feed him?” he asked.

  I was wondering about how to answer but before I could answer, a certain halfling appeared behind the man and held a bottle over his eyes.

  "It would be this professor. Kuroko, you can now show this around without hiding, already we have made a deal with Mr. Halt so that we will gain the slime extracts and some of the products.” the halfling maid said.

  I nod and sigh. The professor though is wide eyed.

  “Slime...milk?” He said those words in a serious deep voice as his face hardened and looking directly at me with a much heavier aura similar to professor albert but less murderous.

  “'How do you get zis?” His tone wasn't asking, it was demanding. The other kids had already noticed the disturbance and was coming over to see what was happening.

  “Did my father tell you or whoever that I can show how it's obtained?” My question was to the halfling maid who nodded and confirmed the approval.

  I summoned Peach the next moment. “Peach, fox form, I need some milk.”

  The little slime jumped a few times before her body expanded and took the form of a fox. I removed an empty vial from my inventory and put it under one of her tits. The slime took hold of the top of the bottle and soon a creamy light green slime poured in filling the the glass vial.

  I remove it and unsummon the slime and put a cap on the newly acquired milk and showing it to the professor.

  “Amazing. Zee slime mimicked to zis extent?!” He said.

  "I was told to warn you in particular, this slime this child just extracted is even stronger than the first bottle. What we will get is about 10 times weaker.” the maid said.

  “And why is zat?” He asked.

  The maid shook her head and sighed, “You are a cook yet you’re lacking in monster studies.” she said.

  “Oi oi, this is the first time I saw her insult a teacher and he obviously reacts because a few veins appear.” I thought in shock.

  “As you saw, the mimic slime was a pink slime. Pink mimic slimes are the rarest kind because they have greater quantity of mana in its body. If we were to buy [b]a[/b] bottled milk of a pink slime it would cost us 20 gold coins. As for the blue slime milk it’ll only cost 80 silver coins.” She explained.

  As soon as the price was given his eyes opened very wide. It's like she said. Unlike Peach’s milk which I drink and still need to train heavily for a regular kid, the same number of drops being fed over a long time will turn him into a hero.

  When mixed into food in low doses the blue slime milk grows weaker but lasts longer.

  On the other hand, Peach's just grows stronger as time passes. To use this in food is as simple as making normal food than dropping it into a pot of soup and mix it in. Or whichever point in the process that contains the use of water or liquids to cook or spice whatever food it is.

  The cook stares at the vial in his hand before storing it. "I vill test zis slime out before allowing zee kids to use it.” he said

We have 100 vials and the child there can't make blue slime milk so don't try to get any since its fruitless.” the maid said. He flinched which meant he had that in mind already.

  “Miss. Ginshiro, the headmaster says that if your cooking teacher starts mistreating you or saying your cooking is bad without cause just tell me and we will deal with it on the administrative side.” she said openly.

  “Thank you for your work, is that all?” I asked.

  “Yes, I will take my leave.” She nodded and bows slightly, turns around and left. She crossed the rooms threshold and looked once more with a small smile on her face and winked my way. I chuckled at the mischievous halfling.

  The teacher just ignored it and told me to choose a station and that once Rama has refreshed itself I were to unsummon him.

  I choose a seat in the middle second row. The seats were separated in five columns with ten stations on each column of seats.

  One by one more students came in. To my surprise Margaret, the redhead fighter girl, came in. Less surprising though was Emily, the elf that summoned the nature spirit and Princess Stephanie.

  When they came in they were followed by a large number of students. At that moment the teacher stood up and addressed everyone.

  “'Everyone! Partner up vith someone. Zis class has more student zan ze stations.” the teacher said

  With his command the empty stations were occupied. Emily went and took the station beside me. Partnering with her is a blushing redhead. Seems she wasn't used to asking for partnering up for something like this. For me though princess Stephanie came up to me.

  “Would you like to partner with me.” She asked with a blinding smile that looked brighter than the sun.

  “Alright princ…” Before I could finish she rested her hand on my head and looked at me in the eyes.

  “'Friends call me by my name and close friends call me Steph. Call me by name.” She was smiling but her eyes were serious. I nodded and she smiled brightly again and began petting my head.


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