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Slime Tamer's Chronicles

Page 25

by Nathan Valerio

  "Well, let's decide more or less on how to expand." I said while sitting on the ground in front of the boss and pointing my ring out and making a map of the dungeon in 3d appear in front of me.

  "So this is your current dungeon huh? It's not as big as Nova's but considering her minions lay lots of eggs it will need to be very large." Eleonora said.

  "Mistress, going by the idea of the tree slimes, we can dig out a maze like this and near the end we make a large forest with half real trees and half slime’s." Shai said as a blue colored image began expanding from the current room we are in and making twists and turns and branching off into dead ends that could hold a trap or a room with monsters.

  Near the end a large dome shaped room opens up. The maze had slope so by the time it reached that room it is 7 meters lower so it has lots of space.

  The room she imagined had a lake in the corner and trees. On the walls she made mushrooms grow, but the luminescent variant ones. The mimics would mix into the forest as trees themselves.

  This place could hold a lot of birds and other flying monsters.

  The other two looked in wonder at this but I was skeptical. It would take a really long time for this to be made and the trees to be grown even with mana speeding it up.

  "This plan wouldn't work." I finally said. "We don't have time, at the end of the year, you need to be removed and the dungeon would collapse so there isn't a way for such a large room to be finished by the end of the year." I said.

  Shai only replied with a sad "oh" which also made me sad since she was trying to help, and this was most likely a way to unwind since she wants to touch and experience a part of the outside.

  "Can you spawn bats Shai?" I asked.

  "Huh oh um...yes mistress, I can." She replied confused.

  I thought a bit. "Do you plan on having the bats carry the slimes?" Eleonora said a bit shocked. I shook my head.

  "They wouldn't be able to swing the pickaxe if they were." I replied.

  I thought hard, closed my eyes for a bit and after a while I began to massage my head trying to make it work. In the end I had nothing.

  "Sigh, if only we had imps like Owen." I finally sighed.

  "Is that all mistress needs? Why not ask the demon prince or read a book on them." Shai said.

  "It was easier said than done, an imp is a demon relative of the goblin. They are similar except imps have wings and are naturally drawn to do evil while goblins are semi intelligent monsters that live more with 'fight and survive' mentality." I said sighing.

  "You seem to know a bit about its origins at least. Let me fill the blanks then." Kawi said with a smile.

  "Imps are, like Kuroko said, demon versions of goblins. They are about 10 cm shorter but because of the demon origins they are slightly stronger.

  They are capable of flight even when the wings don't look like it could support it. They have a natural fixation to dungeons and are the prime race used to build it because a dungeon is a safe haven where they can survive in our world without the need to eat. They instead live off the ambient mana in the dungeon and grow stronger with it. Anything else needed?" Kawi said.

  "That is a large amount of information. And the last thing is what structure summons or spawn them?" Shai said which makes me and Eleonora tilt our head and say "huh?".

  Kawi just giggles before continuing. "From your faces, you don't know about demons right?" She asked and we shook our head.

  "Ok, there are two ways to gain Imps, the first is through summoning them from the underworld or in Owen's case, the demon nation. And the second is to construct an imp spawn pit. This pit is a large pool of blood that naturally gathers a lot of mana and gives birth to imps who are loyal to the dungeon and its master." She finished saying and I heard a cheer from Shai.

  "Thank you Kawaii. I can summon them now and I can magically build the pit in a room now." Shai said cheering. Unlike her though Kawi was all flustered by being called that.

  We just laughed. When we turned to the map, the original plans Shai made vanished and a new smaller maze was made.

  In it was several dead ends with smaller rooms made for mushroom farms and small sized room with high ceiling for trees to grow.

  A bit away hidden behind a magic stone wall near this room would be mined out and be built with the imp spawn pit.

  Speaking of hidden, I ask Shai to hide all the mushroom farms. Make a few easier to unlock and have monsters in them but others such as the first one to be more hidden . Even using a real rock wall with mechanical door to move the stone if needed. Since the rabbits and slimes have a separate tunnel into the farm we could do that easily.

  Inside the corridor that led to the spawn pit the corridor branched off. The path that leads to the room with the pit would gain an even better hidden door while at the end of the second path would be a trap room. The floor of the room would be changed into a pitfall that would take the victims into a spike pit. At the center of the room was the only safe platform which would have a treasure chest used as a human bait.

  Then in the spot where the first door to the spawn pit is hidden the path goes the other way and begins making a twisty maze with a few dead ends after many turns and lots of traps.

  When I saw a nice long path I asked Shai to add a rolling boulder trap to roll down. The path was raised to a 10 degree slope and a magic effect to make the area too dark to see was added. That would make whoever climbs up have to pass a certain point before seeing the dead end or in this case. The massive boulder rolling down.

  There was a path branching off halfway up the corridor where the boulder fell from. This one down a twisty corridor which held many hidden traps. The entire corridor had the same darkening effect which makes spotting the traps harder and at the very end was a dead end. When the victims reach this point, they will see a metal door will rise up halfway in the corridor and a laughing gas trap will be released.

  Why laughing gas? Simple, you can’t focus while you laugh and eventually you will suffocate from lack of air since the gas will push the breathable air up. Rather cruel even more so against animals since they will simply suffocate. As for where the metal door will be made from. That my friend is magic. The door will be built with a gear system so that it can be raised quick enough to not let the victims out and the gas vents will be on the ceiling and hidden in corners of the room so that they can’t be broken and plugged.

  Even if they are all plugged, the victims will suffocate because the area will be sealed off so no new fresh air will come in.

  Now on the path that branches away from the corridor with the rolling rock. The path leads to two rooms.

  The first is the new boss room which is kind of like a small forest room though I guess calling it a scenic park would be better since it's a small room with fruit trees there to help the boss fight. The other is an even smaller room which will hold several mimic chest set to attack invaders not marked as guests.

  Though mimic chests are a sentient being trap, this was more of an "Incase” trap. If something happens and someone appears and invades they will at least face this much.

  “Well, one path leads to hell and the other to the end of the dungeon? Isn’t it rather simple?” Kawi asked.

  "It would be but I will attempt to add magic in this spot so that those coming here will be more prone to choosing the path with the traps. The same with the fork between the mimic room and the boss room.” Shai replied.

  “Well, we can go with this. It’s a good start so let’s get the diggers busy.” I said agreeing to the plan and finally letting her go.

  The slimes behind us all took form in the creature they mimicked and summoned their tool slimes.

  The rabbits quickly found the spot we would dig in and began ripping into the wall. They are really quick. Soon a hole appeared near the ceiling opening the way for the goblin and begin jumping in.

  “Wow, your slimes are really efficient.” Eleonora said looking at the rapid progress they were having and the increasing
noise from the hitting of the pickaxes and claws.

  “Mistress, if you want you can leave me to manage the digging. You can return and have time for yourself or maybe even expand more with the slimes on the surface. You still need to figure out how they reproduce as it is much different depending on what race they are.” Shai said.

  We agreed and left the dungeon to do as she suggested and worked the rest of the day on breeding.

  The tree slimes developed slime pollen. They stretch the branch near a similar tree and release the pollen. The result is that a large number of the fruits the tree has, became slimes. I examined the pollen and found it was very tiny nucleus and the fruits were the slime body so mixing both causes complete slimes to drop out of the tree and expand the forest.

  We strategically expanded the slimes and I keep several for the professor who will most likely want them.

  With the tree slimes taking up around 50% of the domain and the smaller bush slimes covering more of the ground except a path I planned out, we then leave happily from the results.

  Chapter 22 Goddess Descent

  Waking up the next morning. I stretched out lazily. Looking out the window I saw it was already past 8 am since the sun was fully up.

  “Mistress, I have much to report.” Shai suddenly called.

  “Really...well please pass on.” I tell her.

  “Yes mistress.” Shai says.

  A message appeared in front of me.

  Dungeon Report

  Recent monsters killed

  Tri Horned Boar x9 (135 mp)

  Whip Monkey x14 (125 mp)

  Blood Crow x26 (70 mp)

  WereBear x2 (230 mp)

  War Bear x1 (400 mp)

  Rainbow Dove x2 (80 mp)

  Recent animals killed

  Doves x15 (5 mp)

  Black crow x56 (10 mp)

  Total MP Gathered


  My jaw dropped seeing the massive killing spree.

  “What happened!! How!?” I ask her.

  “Well...the tree mimics were...effective in attracting monsters.” She said nervous.

  “Did you kill and absorb?” I ask.

  “Yes mistress.” She replied.

  “You have yet to summon any new ones?” I ask.

  “No mistress. I absorbed them all since you left no orders to make mimics from other monsters.” She replied.

  I nodded understanding.

  “Okay, please summon several of each race and have them live outside. Have several mimics take up those forms and hide among the regular ones.” I tell her. “What is your current MP gathered?” I ask.

  “A bit over forty five thousand mistress.” she says cheerfully.

  Its obvious she would be happy with such a high amount of magic power.

  “Do as you like once you have completed making the new monsters but again don’t pass two floors. Also keep me updated on what you will do.” I tell her.

  “Thank you for such freedom mistress.” She says and cuts the connection.

  I smile seeing her so cheerful at getting the freedom to make her dungeon on her own.

  Kumi was already out of bed so I get dressed and go out for a late breakfast. There were few people inside and none of my group so I eat by myself and quickly leave outside. I look around trying to find the others but soon give up.

  Instead since I didn’t find anyone I summon Peach, Glop and Rama. I tell the slimes to train with the sword and hop on Rama. I tell him that we are training high speed running and sudden turns so we will be ready in the future should I need to fight on his back.

  Obviously, I have Rama run all the way to the dungeon field.

  A closed forest is the best training ground for a fox because it’s his natural element so there is no need for some obstacle course when there is a natural one already made.

  Reaching the fields I see the place full of kids walking about.

  These were none dungeoneering kids that were curious about the dungeon and this was the only place they might find a dungeon that wouldn’t attack them so they let curiousity loose and explore.

  In my dungeon’s domain the newly mimicked animals were being treated as petting animals as if in a zoo and the tree mimics were handing the kids their fruits which were eaten on the spot with sparkling eyes.

  From my location I could see that Asher’s spooky forest now covered more of his domain which mean he was able to gain a lot more MP for the dungeon last night night.

  I could bet that it was the effect of my mimics fruits that gave him that magic power since the animals from the south side would need to cross his dungeon to reach my own.

  I could see some new animals zombies walking around which fascinated a few kids most likely those that like necromancy or just thought it was cool.

  All around the bigger dungeon monsters were standing guard near the kids because there were still many monsters in the surroundings and every so often you would hear the roars of monsters that were in conflict.

  Some kids were curious and would watch from far away the dungeon monsters slaughtering the wild monsters that entered their territory.

  The two werebears that were killed in my dungeon gave me both male and female so Shai made two packs of six and made one into mimics and blended both.

  They lived in a landscape altered hill that Shai raised to give them a small cave to breed in.

  The blood crows and even normal crows were used as scouts in the area and even as E rank monsters the blood crow could take down creatures a rank higher because they lived in huge swarms of nearly 400 or more. At least 20% were mimics that were hidden among them made from the fruit slimes that mimicked the birds they kill.

  Several kids followed me and I show them the traps and stuff I made and was fascinated by the puzzle traps and openings Shai had implemented.

  I played around a bit before going back to the school for lunch. I spend the rest of the day training a bit. At night I fall tired onto the bed from the training which I somewhat overdid.

  School life here is much more exciting than before. I can only grow stronger and eventually enjoy my life adventuring and helping those in need and living life to the fullest. But for now lets just enjoy the school life as it is.

  6 month later

  Down below the academy far away from the grand mountain range where the gods' holy chains hold the island in the air over the mountain range, which is surrounded by a dragon's nesting ground.

  In a city within the territory of Elunia sat a large guild of players. In the air around the village were large flying ships that remained in the air through magical means and on both sides in the front and back were large turbines that helped move the ship.

  The guild leader was looking up his eyes on the grand holy chains made of god's steel that can’t be so much as dented by human’s hands. Not even a demigod have any hope even only to scratch it.

  The players have seen this so many times but whenever they ask what is at the top of those chains the same answer is given to any and all players.

  “That place is not a place for players. DON’T EVER try to go up there.”

  That is the most common phrase told to them. Even if they look for the most corrupt and most disgusting noblemen and bring him with fortunes that could buy kingdoms the noble will throw them out and if they persist they will be exiled from the region and should they resist, they are hunted like monsters and all familiarity built within that city or region will instantly become negative in value.

  After finally giving up investigating the guilds from the regions were all planning to raid whatever is up there.

  Even with dragons, technology plus magic will always surpass magic alone so killing all the dragons would be a piece of cake.

  Because of such things with final preparations complete the player guilds fill up their flying ships and went off to raid what they think is just a simple high level monster filled sky island.


  It’s been a calm six months an
d half of the school year is about to be over. We will have a 2 week break because it is winter now.

  The entire island was covered in snow and we are now using winter uniform which for girls is using padded pants to keep us safe from the cold as well as a few extra jackets.

  We have all advanced a lot. Magic masteries went up one level which is good for an NPC in this world. We aren’t players so we have a slow growth but we have quality and no system assist.

  My dungeon has also advanced to two floors. The first floor has many creatures all mimic based but having two thirds the real, non-mimic ones.

  It’s obvious that the mimics were stronger than the normal creatures.

  To make the monsters there stronger we were told to have conflict between our own creatures in the dungeon.

  This would slowly help to increase the level of our creatures of the dungeon. I was a bit against it but the idea was to make the dungeon a natural ecosystem where the monsters eat to grow instead of just survive of the dungeons magic power.

  I understood so I accepted it and my three tamed pets were part of this ecosystem. The three became the leading force for the fox, mimic fox and mimic fox demi humans.

  As you can guess I had both Peach and Glop breed and make dungeon minions of their type but breeding slimes of high color ranks are born the color of the weaker slime. So a pink and blue slime breeds a blue slime.

  It was still a significant monster race. They slowly grow by killing and feeding and when they reach child size they are given a sword and shield slime of their own.

  In these six months Glop has reached level 38 and Peach reached level 45 while Rama reached level 56 which quickly made the hierarchy apparent. Rama was also the pet I most summoned for mount training. His current size would be a bit bigger than a pony and I have mount riding skill at level 8. It's the only skill that has massive growth because as training I ride him through the forest so tight turns, jump and high speeds faster than horse make it a bumpy ride which I have grown used to.


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