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The Playboy

Page 17

by Carly Phillips

  Kendall grinned, relief flowing through her. “You’ve got yourself a deal. Now. Did you know you have just six seconds to catch a potential customer’s eye?” Excited, she dove right into the next part of her proposal.

  “That’s one lesson of retail I had to learn quickly, especially in this town.” Charlotte laughed. “What are you getting at?”

  Kendall drew a deep breath for courage. She never took the initiative once she’d released her goods for sale within a retail store. In most agreements, the artist held ownership rights but had no say in the display or how the items would be sold or marketed. After careful research and a trial and error approach, Kendall had learned the rules well. But something about Charlotte’s enthusiasm inspired confidence and a surge of creative ideas.

  Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Kendall thought. If she wanted Charlotte to take her in when she opened in D.C., she needed to prove herself here and now, in a smaller market. “I’m suggesting that you use the necklaces on your mannequins. Change your window display to catch people’s eyes and add the necklaces to match and accessorize.”

  “Hmm. Good idea,” Beth whispered to Charlotte. “Thanks,” Kendall said.

  “Anything else?” Charlotte asked, eyes alight with approval.

  Kendall shrugged. “Just that red and yellow are the most eye-catching colors. Any chance you can work with that?” Kendall asked, pushing one step further in her quest to make her mark on Charlotte and this town. A quest to cement her career—something she’d never expected on her impulsive trip to Yorkshire Falls.

  “Charlotte can work with anything that makes a profit. Just look at those handmade crocheted panties in the corner display. She designs and creates them herself.” Beth couldn’t hide her pride in her friend and boss.

  “I certainly do,” Charlotte said. “And I certainly will work with anything Kendall suggests. She’s got as good an eye as you, Beth. Now, much as I hate to cut this fun meeting short, I need to see my husband.”

  “It’s only been . . .” Beth glanced at her watch. “What? Three hours?” She laughed. “Newlyweds,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  Charlotte didn’t even break a blush. “Oh, and you aren’t seeing Thomas the minute we close for the night?”

  Beth laughed. “I didn’t say that.”

  “You know I envy you two.” The words escaped before Kendall was even aware she’d spoken them.

  Charlotte tipped her head to one side. “How so?” she asked, sounding truly interested.

  In the short time Kendall had known Charlotte, she’d come to like her a great deal and she couldn’t help but be honest with her now. “You and Beth go way back. You even read each other’s thoughts like sisters.” She caught the wistful note in her voice but couldn’t recall it. “You make me feel like I’ve known you two forever.” Yet Kendall was still on the outside just as she always had been.

  And then Charlotte pulled her into a warm embrace, bulldozing any remaining barriers. “That’s the great thing about this town. You come here or you come back here and you automatically become one of us.”

  “And we’re impossible to get rid of.” Beth laughed from behind her.

  To Kendall’s surprise she didn’t mind and a lump rose to her throat. She hugged Charlotte in return, then the other woman stepped back.

  “And now I’m off to meet my husband.” Charlotte fairly glowed. “You two work out the rest of the details.” With a wave, she was off and after twenty more minutes with Beth, so was Kendall.

  She stepped out of Charlotte’s Attic and into the bright late-afternoon sun. She still had plenty of time to kill before she had to meet up with Rick and the teenager from another world, she thought wryly.

  With a little luck, maybe an afternoon with kids her own age would help Hannah’s disposition. Make her happier and easier to talk to. Although Kendall still had no idea what to say in order to ease things between them, she looked forward to seeing her sister and hoped the drive home would provide inspiration. Briefcase in hand, she started for the car she’d parked down the street.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Can I interest you in an afternoon of lovin’?” Rick’s familiar voice whispered from behind.

  She turned to see him, one shoulder propped against the windowpane. “What are you doing here?” she asked, thrilled to see him. Thrilled to note he’d sought her out.

  “Five hours of twenty teenagers is about all I can take in one sitting. I’ve been officially relieved. And don’t worry about Hannah. I’ve got Jonesy, a good friend and officer, bringing her to meet you at Norman’s around five. See? All bases covered.”

  “I’m sure she’s thrilled with the personal escort.”

  He shrugged. “Actually she was too busy to realize she had a personal, uniformed escort.” He chuckled. “Now are you going to keep talking or are you going to come over here and put me out of my misery?”

  She stepped forward without hesitation. He met her halfway, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her into the alley behind the bank of stores that led to his apartment. Next thing she knew she was in his arms, his mouth hot and insistent on hers.

  She’d missed him. She hadn’t realized how badly until now. Until she’d heard his voice, inhaled the masculine, arousing scent of his cologne, and felt his lips devouring hers like he couldn’t possibly get enough. He stroked her cheek with his knuckles and groaned, pressing his hard body against hers, crushing her back to the wall, and she didn’t care because he felt so good.

  She eased into him, letting her waist mold to his, feeling his desire for her hard and ready through the barrier of clothing, making her feel more wanted and desired than any woman had a right to feel.

  He broke the kiss first and his eyes met hers, desire and heat mingling in his gaze. “It’s been too damn long.”

  “I know.” Her breath came in shallow gasps, her words breathless and difficult.

  “Then let’s get upstairs.”

  His sexy grin, meant for her alone, filled her with turbulent emotion she couldn’t afford to decipher or feel, not after the overwhelming sense of belonging she’d just found with his family and friends. A meaningless fling would have been easier to handle.

  Nothing about Rick was simple. He was tenderness and desire all wrapped up in one delectable but dangerous package. Dangerous to peace of mind, her easygoing life, and to her heart.

  But right now she didn’t care. She’d missed him, she needed him, and they only had this short stretch of time alone before reality intruded in the form of one rebellious teen.

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked him. “Take me upstairs and make love to me.”


  After a day at a car wash with two dozen teens, Rick needed adult company. He’d needed Kendall’s company. The hours spent under the sun had left him hot and the days he’d just spent on duty and without Kendall had left him burning with unslaked need. Self-protection obviously only went so far, he thought wryly.

  Her hand in his, Rick walked into his apartment, slamming the door closed behind them.

  “We’ve gone from having all the time we want to having to squeeze in time when a child isn’t around. Now I know how new parents must feel,” Kendall said, then her eyes opened wide as she obviously realized the direction her words had taken.

  “But look how exciting your life has become.”

  She relaxed her shoulders. That was part of his resolution. To keep things between them light and easy. A summer fling, as they’d agreed upon.

  “I like excitement.” Her eyes glittered with desire and that same need echoed inside him, evidenced by his rapidly beating heart.

  She devoured him with her gaze and his pulse picked up rhythm. Other women had admired him before. As a single guy in a small town, he was more than used to feminine attention, especially since his mother’s campaign for a grandchild had begun. But Kendall looked at him differently and he liked the way her single-minded focus made him feel.

wet,” she said, obviously just noticing that his T-shirt stuck to his skin.

  “Teenagers with buckets and a hose will do that to you.” He pulled at the damp cotton material. “The kids had a mind of their own.”

  “You’re wonderful with them.” She bit down on her lip, then admitted, “I was watching you.”

  His heart skipped a beat. “I didn’t see you.”

  “That’s because I didn’t want you to know I was there.”

  “Aah, spying on me, were you?”

  She shrugged. “I was curious about Hannah and how she’d fit in. And I was curious about you. What your days are like. What you’re like when you’re not with me.” She shook out her adorably shaggy hair. “But don’t let it go to your head,” she said on an embarrassed laugh.

  “As if I’ve got a vain bone in my body.” He grinned, brushing the fact off as she obviously wanted him to do. But privately he was thrilled she’d bothered. Oh, hell, he was just plain happy with any display of interest she offered because it meant she gave thought to him when they were apart, and Lord knew he’d thought about her plenty.

  She stepped forward, bracing her hands on his forearms. “I think we should get you out of those wet clothes.” She licked her lips in obvious anticipation, then ran her palms over his shoulders and down his arms before moving those arousing hands to his chest.

  “You won’t get any argument out of me, sweetheart.” She played with the bottom of his shirt, teasing him by lifting the edge slowly, making certain her fingers grazed his skin with an erotic, hot touch.

  A torrent of desire rushed through him, hard and strong. He wanted her in a way that surpassed sexual need. Not even her hellion sister or her self-imposed end-of-the-summer deadline could deter or deflect his actions now. Though that fact should give him pause, he had her alone and damned if he’d let anything get in the way.

  “I want this shirt off you,” she murmured.

  “Then do it.” He raised his arms over his head, giving her the control she’d once said he refused to give up. He’d give up more than that for her, Rick thought, damning himself at the same time.

  He met her gaze as she lifted his shirt, then helped her toss it onto the floor. Her fingers raked over his chest, then she paused to bend and place a warm kiss against his fevered skin. Another touch of that mouth and he might not make it to the bedroom. Sensation shot through him and he sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Sounds like I hit the right spot.”

  “At this point any spot you hit would be the right one,” he said wryly. “But much as I’m enjoying, I’ve been outside all day and I could use a shower first.”

  A teasing smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “I wouldn’t mind taking another one.”

  He shook his head and laughed. “Oh, baby, you sure know how to tempt a man.”

  She met his gaze. “Only you.” As if to prove her point, her fingers went next to the button on his jeans.

  Who was he to argue? Once again he gave her free rein, gritting his teeth as her palms grazed first his thighs, and clenching his fists when she paused, running her hand over his hard length on her quest to divest him of all clothing. She had her own agenda, her own time schedule, and he didn’t mind. Her hands on his body was foreplay of the most intense and erotic kind and he could enjoy the sensation all day.

  Shutting his eyes, he leaned back against the wall and gave himself up to her ministrations. Blood rushed through his veins and to other parts of his body and when he heard ringing the first time, he thought the sound was in his head.

  And then her hand stilled and he recognized the noise as the telephone. “Dammit.” He forced his eyelids open.

  “You’d better get it. It could be important.” Kendall sighed and gestured toward the phone on the wall.

  He yanked up his pants, leaving only the button open, and grabbed the phone. “This better be good.”

  Kendall raised an eyebrow at his frustrated greeting and he winked at her.

  “Rick, it’s Lisa Burton.”

  He exhaled an aggravated groan. Lisa had annoyed the hell out of him at the DARE car wash. His taken status hadn’t deterred her this afternoon and now this phone call. “This isn’t a good time.”

  “I wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important.”

  “Well, I’d have assumed a 911 call was important too.” His patience for games had run out. Maybe it was pure male frustration talking or maybe now that he knew which woman interested him, he wished women like Lisa would accept and back off.

  “I’m calling as a teaching professional. I have a young girl here named Hannah who says she’s your responsibility.”

  At her words, Rick refocused. “You’re with Hannah? What’s wrong?”

  Kendall came up to him in an instant, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Is Hannah okay?” she asked him.

  “She’s fine,” Lisa told Rick.

  “Then what’s she doing with you? I left her with Jonesy.” Not with the one woman he didn’t want any kind of connection with.

  “He had to leave. Right after you left he got a call from his wife. I didn’t think it would be a big deal to watch over another teenager, so I told him I’d keep an eye out. I figured it was no big deal and it wasn’t . . . until Dr. Nowicki arrived.”

  Uh-oh. Rick ran a hand through his hair. “What did Hannah say to the principal?” he asked, resigned.

  Kendall groaned aloud, burying her face in her hands. “Oh, no. What’d she do now?”

  Rick wrapped a hand around Kendall’s waist. “Your sister’s fine,” he whispered in Kendall’s ear.

  “Oh, your girlfriend is with you? Figures.” Lisa sniffed, obviously offended. “Maybe Hannah has a right to act out. It seems her sister can’t be bothered with her. And you snuck off first chance you got to be with your new lady friend.” Lisa choked over the words, as if it galled her to admit she’d lost not just the battle but the war for Rick’s attention. “You left the poor girl alone in a strange town. It’s no wonder she’s looking for attention.”

  Rick generally wouldn’t put much stock in Lisa’s obviously biased, jealous assessment of Hannah’s situation as it pertained to himself and Kendall. After all, when he’d left Hannah, she’d bonded with two very nice girls and she’d been happy—which had been his goal in taking her to the car wash.

  But considering he had taken off to be alone with Kendall, he felt guilty despite the fact that he’d believed Hannah was settled and cared for. And he was sure Kendall wouldn’t be any more pleased than he was.

  Before dealing with their feelings though, they had to pick up Hannah. “Are you still at the elementary school?” he asked Lisa.

  “Actually I brought her to Norman’s. She said she needed to meet you there.”

  “Thank you, Lisa.” He swallowed his pride. “I didn’t mean to snap earlier. We’ll be right down to get her.” He hung up the phone and turned to Kendall.

  “What’d she do?” She cringed as if afraid to ask. “Lisa didn’t say. But she’s downstairs waiting for us now. You can ask her yourself.”

  “Why don’t you stay here and take your shower. I’ll talk to Hannah and you can meet us whenever you’re ready.” She paused. “Or not. Like I said, Hannah isn’t your problem.”

  He shook his head. He didn’t think she was backing off, just trying to be fair to him, to give him an out—before he took one himself. “You go on and I’ll be down in ten minutes, dry and ready to help out, okay?”

  She nodded. “If you’re sure.”

  Her hesitant voice told him she wasn’t. That no matter how many times he told her he wasn’t going anywhere, she was waiting for him to do just that. Rick didn’t miss the irony. He wasn’t the one leaving. “Read my lips.” He grasped her face in his hand. “I’m sure.” He brushed a kiss over her lips. “Now go.”

  She shot him a smile and ran out the door. The sound of her footsteps followed, growing fainter, farther away. Just like Kendall.

  Like Jillian before he

  Rick paced the floor of his apartment in the town where he’d always lived. He tried to distinguish Kendall’s situation from Jillian’s, to put himself in Kendall’s place. Never having had two parents she could rely on. Moving from home to home, family to family, never having people she could call her own, including close friends. And then coming to a town where most people were what they seemed. Where friendship was offered with no strings and all the trappings of stability were dangled before her. Seemingly just out of reach—if only because she was afraid to reach for what she’d never had.

  Hell, he’d had it all, grown up with a loving family, had married, then divorced, and he was afraid to reach out completely and be hurt again. How could he blame Kendall for her inability to do the same?

  Kendall walked into Norman’s and immediately spotted Hannah sitting in a booth with Lisa Burton. Upon walking up to them, Kendall met her sister’s defiant gaze but instead of starting an argument in front of the other woman, Kendall decided to work on tact and diplomacy.

  She glanced at Lisa first. “Thank you so much for bringing Hannah here.”

  “It wasn’t like I had a choice, Ms. Sutton. She was unchaperoned and she’d already dumped a bucket of water over the principal.”

  Kendall winced.

  “I couldn’t leave her alone to cause more trouble and it wasn’t like you were anywhere to be found.”

  Kendall narrowed her gaze. She’d only heard Rick’s side of the phone conversation, not Lisa’s, and she had no idea why his friend Jonesy had taken off. But Kendall assumed he had good reason and had made sure Hannah was cared for. Recalling Rick’s words the other day, she could only assume jealousy was causing Lisa’s behavior and Kendall refused to give the other woman the satisfaction of showing her emotions.


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