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Her Bear for Life (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Second Chance Shifters)

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by Clarke, Meredith

  He needed to solve this case as the town’s Sheriff before his clan urged him to solve it as their Chief.

  Chapter Seven – Mia

  Mia realized she must have dozed off in the chair in her mother’s hospital room. One second she was reading to her mom from Little Women and the next she was being shaken awake by Drake.

  She’d found the copy of her mom’s favorite book in the gift shop and figured it would be a great way to pass the time while letting her know she was with her. Mia didn’t get too far into the book before jet lag caught up with her. The March women hadn’t really even met Laurie yet…

  Sitting up quickly, she blinked her eyes and tried to focus on Drake.

  “How long have I been here?”

  “I dropped you off about two and a half hours ago. I didn’t hear from you, so I worked a little longer than I’d planned.”

  “Oh, okay,” she replied sleepily, her head turning toward the bed her mother was laying in. “Do you think she knows I’m here?”

  “Yeah, babe, she knows,” he replied sweetly, helping her stand. “Let’s get you home and in bed.”

  Mia wasn’t so tired that his suggestion didn’t light a fire in her belly. She smiled jauntily at him and said, “Can’t wait to get me back in there, huh?”

  Drake’s eyes locked on hers, his pupils dilating as he growled deep from his chest. He lowered his head, stopping before his lips touched hers, barely a breath apart. “I’ve thought of nothing else.”

  Mia’s eyes fluttered shut as the moment filled her. The spicy smell of him, the heat of his breath on her lips, and the effect his words had on her all threatened to consume her right where she stood.

  She felt the tip of his tongue flick out and wet her plump lower lip, then he was gone.

  “Let’s go,” he said, and she opened her eyes just as he tugged her hand and urged her toward the exit.

  They were back at his beautiful cabin before long, and as Mia walked up the walkway, she thought how lovely it would be to come home to this every night.

  This house.

  This life.


  Mia realized that she wanted that, badly. She’d enjoyed her years traveling the world and rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous, but deep down she was still the same small town girl she’d been when she left at fifteen. She wondered what her agent would say if she told him she wanted to give it all up.

  She didn’t even need to wonder what her father would do. He’d throttle her.

  He’d always hated Drake, which was unfair, since he’d never met him. But her father had always been quick to say bad things about him. He said Drake was using her, that he only wanted her for one thing, that he’d never amount to anything.

  Mia felt foolish for believing him all these years, for trusting that he knew what was best. It made her wonder what else he’d lied about.

  “Are you hungry?” Drake asked when they entered the house. “I was thinking of making a sandwich.”

  “Um, sure, that sounds great,” Mia replied, then added, “But just half of one for me.”

  She was sitting in her same spot from earlier, nibbling on the last of her sandwich, when she noticed her sleeve fall down to expose her shoulder. Mia was about to fix it, when she noticed Drake’s eyes on her.

  He was staring at her exposed flesh, at the mark he’d left on her skin just that morning. When Drake’s teeth had punctured her skin, Mia had been initially shocked, then an orgasm unlike anything she’d ever felt had rocked through her. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was a bear and she was human, or if there was some other significant reason for her body’s reaction to his bite, but Mia knew it was a sensation that she’d never forget for as long as she lived.

  Seeing Drake’s eyes heavy on her, she knew he was thinking about the same thing she was, and need hit her like a ton of bricks.

  Mia brushed the crumbs off her hands before standing and closing the distance between them. Drake kept his eyes on her, his breath already shallow from the knowledge of her intent. She opened his knees and stepped between his legs, whipping her shirt over her head so her heaving breasts were visible as they spilled over the cups of her bra.

  Drake’s eyes moved lazily down, stopping at his mark again briefly, before traveling to her ample breasts. Mia unhooked her bra and slid the straps slowly down her arms, letting gravity take the lacy material to the ground. When they were naked before him, Mia ran her hands up her stomach, over her perfectly rounded tits, then to her hardened nipples, pinching them between her fingers.

  Drake’s tongue darted out to wet his lower lip, and she knew he was imaging his mouth in place of her hands.

  Getting lightheaded as desire coursed through her, Mia bit back a groan as her panties got wet.

  Drake’s nostrils flared, and she knew he could scent her arousal, which only fueled her desire even further. His face was gorgeously aroused—eyes dark and heavy, cheeks flushed, and lips wet—and Mia wanted nothing more than to devour him, but decided to tease them both a little longer.

  Still moving slowly, seductively, Mia removed her pants, but kept her lace panties on. She put her hands on Drake’s thigh as she stepped out of them, and smiled at his sharp intake of breath at her touch. Once she was free of them and was back on her feet, Mia moved her hands from his thighs to hers, and began sliding them up.

  Drake’s attention was rapt, his gaze never moving from her hands as they glided up over her hips, before caressing her stomach and teasing the band of her panties. Her breathing became labored as she ran one hand over the top of her panties and down over her clit, just barely skimming the spot that was screaming for relief.

  Her other hand dipped beneath the lace, causing Drake to growl deeply. Mia whimpered at his reaction, then moved her hand over her clit to shove her fingers inside.

  “Ahhhh,” Mia moaned, unable to keep quiet as she threw her head back and pumped her fingers in and out.

  “Take ‘em off,” Drake demanded.

  Unable to stop, Mia ignored his plea and kept riding her hand, moving her thumb to flick her clit as she tried to reach her release.

  Drake reached out and ripped the lace, causing Mia’s head to come up as she opened her eyes. He pulled the fabric off and tossed it, his gaze watching her hungrily as she fucked herself. The look on his face was all it took to push her over the edge. Mia bucked her hips as she rode out the orgasm, soft little moans coming out of her mouth as her body shook with pleasure.

  As she came out of her fog, Mia brought her hands to Drake’s shirt and started pulling up. She got it halfway before he took over and whipped it over his head, his hand snaking out to grab hers and bring it to his mouth. He sucked the fingers that had just been inside her, one by one, then leaned down to capture her mouth with his.

  Mia could taste her essence on his tongue, the combination heady, and moved her hands to the button of his jeans so that she could get to his cock. Drake kissed her thoroughly, taking breaks to nibble her lips, before sweeping his tongue back inside as she made quick work of freeing him.

  Once she had his cock gripped firmly in her hand, she began stroking his length. Drake pushed his hips up to shimmy his jeans part way down, then gave up and sat back in his seat. Eager to please him, Mia hoisted herself up on to his lap, hovering for a few moments as his head fell back and they locked eyes.

  Nothing had ever felt as right as being with Drake, and as Mia slid down until he was fully sheathed within her, she knew that she loved him just as much as she had as a teenager.

  No one had ever compared to him.

  No man had ever made her feel the way that he did.

  Cherished. Revered. Whole.

  Drake’s hands came to her hips, his fingers pushing into the flesh as he urged her to move. Mia began rocking back and forth, never pausing as she kissed his lips, jaw, then throat. He was so tall that when his head fell back, she could no longer reach his lips, so Mia began to kiss, lick, and suck on his beautifully scu
lpted chest.

  She felt the pressure begin to build within her again as she took his nipple into her mouth, his grunts and groans of pleasure erotic to her ears. Sucking, then biting, Mia moved on to the other nipple, then feeling her imminent release, went with instinct and bit the top of his pec.

  Mia knew he liked it as much as she had when he roared and began pumping furiously in her, his hands on her hips keeping her steady as he came.

  “Drake,” she called as she came, her hands on his shoulders as she held on for dear life.

  Once they both stilled, Mia kissed him softly on the mark she’d made, then leaned her head on his chest to try and catch her breath.

  Chapter Eight – Drake

  She’d marked him.

  He couldn’t believe it. They’d never discussed mating or rituals when they were younger, because honestly, he didn’t know all there was to know yet. That came later. But somehow, she’d instinctually known to claim him just as he’d claimed her.

  Now it was official. Mia was his and he was hers… forever.

  If anyone tried to take her from him again, Drake would tear them limb from limb. No matter who it was, even her father.

  After their once again perfect coupling, they went upstairs to clean up and go to bed.

  Tucked inside his luxurious sheets, Mia cuddled into him and immediately dropped off to sleep.

  Drake lay there, feeling her heart beat against his chest, while his hands sifted through her long, dark locks. The smell of his shampoo wafted up to him, and Drake made a mental note to take her shopping so she could pick up her own toiletries to keep in his house.

  In their house.

  He wanted her to feel free to start making it their home, but worried that if he broached the subject of their future too soon, he’d spook her.

  No, Drake decided, he needed to ease her into the idea. He’d give her a week to get used to being with him again, then he’d bring her up to speed.

  He thought back to when they started dating as he held her, his bear practically purring with contentment.

  Living in a small town, Drake and Mia had known each other their whole lives. He knew that her mom had raised her alone, and that her father was some big shot in New York. Though they went to the same school, there was definitely a divide between the humans and the descendants of bears in elementary and middle schools. So, even though they’d shared some of the same classes, they’d never really interacted.

  That all changed once they reached high school.

  No longer willing to live under the antiquated rules of his ancestors, Drake had vowed to branch out and try to squash the segregation between bear and human. They were all teenagers, dealing with changes in their bodies, fighting to shake off their parents’ control, and starting to see each other in a whole new light.

  It didn’t matter if they were human or not, they were all going through the same things, and Drake wanted to learn more about the other kids in his school. He knew he was meant for greater things. His father had been Chief, and his father before that, so Drake knew he’d one day lead his clan, and even at the tender age of fourteen, he’d known he wanted things to be different.

  It took a while for the two sides to learn to live cohesively, but by sophomore year, there was no longer a division in their school.

  On a warm fall day, Drake was running around the school conditioning for track, when his bear scented Mia. Drake had never felt anything like it before. He’d gone through puberty, and had known that he was blessed with his bear, but his bear had been mostly dormant up until that point.

  When he’d caught the scent in the air, he’d had to follow it, and had found Mia hiding around the back of the school, crying into her hands.

  “Hey,” he’d said softly as he’d approached, careful not to frighten her, but suddenly so filled with emotion he didn’t know what to do with it. “Are you okay?”

  She’d lifted her head, startled to find him there, and he’d been struck by how beautiful she was… her long dark hair spilling around her white dress like ink, her eyes large with wonder as they watched him warily, and her lips plump and pillow soft.

  When their eyes met, Drake knew. And his bear roared in his head, eager to claim his mate.

  From that second forward, they’d been inseparable. Drake and Mia, Mia and Drake, where one was, the other was not far behind.

  They were young, but they were meant for each other and they both knew it.

  Drake had never suspected that her mother was wary of their relationship. Being human, she didn’t understand the immediate and unbreakable bond between Drake and her daughter, but she’d never let on that she had a problem with it. He should have suspected that she’d try to keep them apart, but it had never occurred to him. He was too happy.

  Mia moaned lightly as she shifted against him, pulling Drake back into the present.

  It sucked that they’d been kept apart for so long, but none of that mattered now. Mia was back where she belonged.

  Relaxed, happy, and very satisfied after two bouts of amazing sex with his mate, Drake drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, and his arms full of the woman he loved.

  Drake woke slowly, stretching languidly, his hand rubbing down his naked torso. When his fingers hit the mark on his chest, they stilled, and he tilted his head to look at the outline of Mia’s teeth. Grinning, he traced the pattern and realized he wanted that mark there, branding him as hers for the rest of their time on this earth.

  Deciding a trip to the tattoo parlor was now on his agenda for the day, Drake looked at the clock, then rolled so Mia was beneath him.

  She was blinking drowsily up at him when he slid inside her.

  “Mmmmm,” Mia moaned as her head went back, exposing her delicate neck to him. Drake took the invitation and laid his lips there, on her soft, sweet smelling flesh, and licked as he moved gently inside of her.

  Not hurried, not frantic, just allowing them both to feel every touch, every nuance. Mia tilted her hips and brought her legs up to allow him to get in deeper. Drake raised his head so he could claim her eyes, and they kept that connection as they made love, savoring each second together.

  Chapter Nine – Mia

  Mia was practically floating.

  The only thing that kept her grounded was the tragedy surrounding her mother. Drake had told her about the artifact, and she’d given him permission to go search the house. She remembered the piece they were looking for from when she was little, but she hadn’t seen it in years and had no idea where her mother might have hidden it away.

  Drake had texted her a little while ago and told her that they hadn’t found it, and that it also looked like the house had been empty for a while, so the thief probably hadn’t come back… yet.

  After checking in at the hospital, Mia had decided to grab lunch at her favorite pizza place in town, but first, she was at the store picking up stuff to keep at Drake’s house. Though she loved having his scent on her, Mia needed her own products. She had a strict ritual when it came to hair and skin care, and she’d been lax in meeting it since she’d arrived.

  She’d been a little preoccupied.

  Just thinking about waking that morning to Drake sliding deep inside of her caused her to sigh, her legs feeling shaky, in the middle of the shampoo aisle.

  “Mia Carter? Is that really you?”

  Mia turned at the sound of her name being called, then squealed with delight when she saw her friend from high school, Jordan, standing at the end of the aisle with a grin.

  “Jordan!” Mia dropped the finishing spray she’d been holding and jumped up and down with excitement.

  Jordan ran to her friend and threw her arms around her, then they both jumped up and down as they giggled.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? Last I heard, you were in Milan,” Jordan asked when they stopped jumping.

  “It all happened so fast,” Mia explained. “I got the call about my mom being in the hospital, left Milan fo
r New York, then hopped on a plane here. I just got in a couple of days ago. I’m sorry, I’ve been meaning to call, but I’ve been… busy.”

  Jordan’s eyes widened and she asked, “Your mom’s in the hospital?”

  Mia nodded.

  “There was a burglary and she was shot. She’s in a coma.”

  “Oh my God, seriously? I had no idea. I’m so sorry, Mia.”

  “Thanks,” she said, accepting Jordan’s hug.

  “Are you staying at her house?”

  “Ah, no actually, since it was robbed and all, it didn’t seem safe. So, I’m, uh, staying at Drake’s.”

  Jordan’s face split into an I knew it grin, and when she waggled her eyebrows, it was just like they were back in Jordan’s bedroom on a Saturday night, talking about boys. Drake and Ty in particular.

  “You dog, not back in town for five minutes and you’re already shacking up with the most eligible bachelor in Spring Creek,” Jordan said with a laugh, then added, “Not that he’s really eligible; everyone knows it’s always been you for him.”

  Mia’s breath caught at Jordan’s words. After all of these years, did people really still think that? Is that what Drake portrayed? Mia’s heart fluttered painfully in her chest as she thought of all she’d missed.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” Jordan said, reaching her hand out. “I know you never wanted to talk about Drake, so I abided by your wishes. But, Mia, if you’d allowed me to, I would have told you that he was lost without you. Like, half a person just waiting for the other half to return home. I’m glad you finally did.”

  “I’m back now, but I don’t know if I’m back permanently. It’s only been a couple days and I have a life back in New York. Jobs booked, contracts signed, I can’t just walk away. Plus, Drake and I haven’t discussed a future. We’re just getting to know each other again.”


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