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Purple (The Dragon of Unison Book 1)

Page 20

by M J Porter

  There was no sound except for the crackle of the fire and mumbling from Erann. Sereh kept glancing towards him anxiously. There was obviously a mutually strong attraction there, although she doubted that either knew had deeply it ran. In the end it was Sereh who broke the silence,

  “What you putting in that?” she said, nodding towards the pot. It was a simple question. Its simplicity temporarily threw Emma. Her mind went blank. She grabbed the next item for the pot, a cut of some other animal that Arrow had kindly provided her with and managed to stumble,

  “I’m not sure. Something else your wolf caught”

  In the corner, Erann had become quiet. Emma hoped it meant he was asleep. The sleep and her herbs would heal him, quickly. She was no mage. She did however understand some of the effect that Greeneyes and his people had on the world around them. This particular herb, grown in the communal fields by her own people, grew in profusion within Greeneyes home and had remarkable healing properties not found in the variety her own people grew. She just hoped that it worked outside the shield.

  She was unsure what to say to Sereh about her presence and on an impulse decided to offer an explanation before being asked.

  “I imagine your wondering how I found you.”

  Sereh didn’t bother to answer. Emma supposed it was obvious that she would, and so let it pass without further comment.

  “I … I heard the avalanche. I was walking. I came to see what had happened and I … I smelt smoke from your fire”.

  Emma winced. She was a terrible liar, always had been. She blundered on, aware of the look of disbelief on Sereh’s face.

  “When I found you, you were both asleep. Erann looked beaten up though, so I thought I ought to stay. See if I could help”.

  She finished in a gabbled rush, hoping that Sereh would just accept whatever she said. Defiance flashed briefly on Sereh’s face before she answered,

  “Well, I’m glad you did. It seems like you have many more supplies than we do.”

  Emma let out her breath, unaware that she had even been holding it. Sereh was going to play along. Thank the Gods. It would make everything so much simpler.

  There were more tantalising smells coming from the cook pot and Sereh’s stomach let out another hungry rumble. Emma smiled in sympathy. Sereh had abandoned her bowl when Erann had woken and she had not touched it since.

  “When did you last eat?”

  “Not really sure to be honest. When was the avalanche? It was before that.”

  “It was the day before yesterday, so I’m not surprised you’re hungry. Here pass me back your bowl and I’ll refill it with something warm instead of that cold stew you have there.”

  Sereh tore hungrily into her refilled bowl and once she had emptied it she got up and went and checked on Erann. She did not speak the whole time. With her looking the other way, Emma upended a whole load more herb into the pot. The more there was the quicker Erann would heal. It would also help Sereh to heal from her exertions as well, and Emma hoped that it would also assist her in putting off the effects of her excursion outside the shield. Her secrecy was because she did not want Sereh to realise the connection between the herb and Erann’s fast recovery. She needed to maintain the split between her people and Greeneyes for a bit longer. She needed to make sure that Sereh did not become aware of anything else that was strange and difficult to explain until everything had happened as it should. She would have to try and lie far more convincingly.

  * * *

  He felt enormous relief spread through him as Erann slept peacefully. He was alive and well and Emma had assured him that he would heal, given time. The girl was a complication to be borne but even she had played a part in ensuring Erann’s survival, and Greeneyes even felt grateful towards her. He was prepared to tolerate her continued presence for a few days more. He could tell from the light touches he had exerted onto her mind that she was buzzing with questions, and that Emma was right to be on her guard around the girl. She could be a major problem.

  * * *

  The distinction between day and night, blurry at the best of times at the beginning of the Long Day, had ceased to have much meaning for Erann as he lay ensconced in layer upon layer of furs and wolf pelts, and continued the slow process of healing. Whenever he woke, Emma or Sereh were there for him, offering food and drink and the means to relieve himself. When the pain was too great, Greeneyes was there to offer support. On the rare occasions he had managed to keep his eyes open, he had been able to communicate further with Greeneyes and explore their unique bond more deeply. Greeneyes sometimes sent him images whilst he slept as well. The dreams he had were disturbing in a way he did not fully grasp. Something felt wrong, something felt off. He couldn’t narrow down what it was as his mind was too caught up in everything else that was happening. Emma, Sereh, Greeneyes, Rankil, his mother, the avalanche, his sister, his brother. He found it hard to concentrate and to be coherent when he did actually speak to Emma or Sereh.

  Sereh had been attentive to his every need but since the arrival of Emma he had felt a reserve in her behaviour towards him. He did not like it. He wanted to engage with her more.

  Finally, on the fourth morning since the avalanche, he woke, coherent and relatively pain free. His hands were clamped on his father’s journal, although he could not remember picking it up before he had slept. He knew that Sereh was interested in discussing it and wondered if maybe that had been his last coherent thought.

  Emma handed him a hot drink and a bowl of soup. He drank both gratefully before asking Emma in a whisper how Sereh was. Emma seemed a little taken aback by his question. He imagined that they were both struggling to maintain civility. Sereh was all prickles and hurt feelings; Emma exuded a calmness that she perhaps did not feel.

  Emma answered his question in a whisper,

  “She seems … fine. Angry but fine. Be careful what you say around her, Erann.”

  He acknowledged her words with a smile before calling to Sereh. His voice was weaker than he would have liked. However, she had obviously been waiting for him to call because she came over, immediately, from her rock seat near the fire. Her opening words set the tone for the conversation,

  “I don’t like that woman”, she urgently whispered to him, as she knelt down next to him. He pushed some of his furs to her side so that could kneel on them, instead of on the cold, black, cavern floor. She offered him a small tight smile as thanks and sat down cross-legged on the furs, her long legs compacted into the small area.

  “What’s she doing her? Where did she come from? I don’t believe a word she says. She has more supplies than Rankil in that backpack of hers. There’s something odd going on.”

  She whispered all this conspiratorially and Erann glanced up to see Emma watching. She motioned that she was going outside and Erann nodded slightly to show he understood. She would probably enjoy some time alone.

  “I know it’s all very strange, Sereh, but I can’t help feeling grateful to her. She does have everything we need, and she is more than happy to share”.

  Sereh looked at him with such fierceness in her eyes that he knew he was in serious trouble. Emma stumbled over some lose rocks as she walked out of the cave and Sereh stayed quiet until she left, her arms folded across her chest and her eyes rolling in her head in annoyance at the interruption. She had patiently borne out the obvious lies and misdirection’s of the last four days but with Emma gone for a short time, he knew she had every intention of extracting the truth from him. He had no choice, he had to continue with the façade This was not going to be pretty.

  It started innocently enough. She pulled his furs down and took his left hand in hers, examining it as she did so as if she had decided to start all over again with her questions and forget his response of moments ago. Only after a few moments of quiet did she look at him with her piercing blue eyes,

  “So Erann”, she began, his heart sank, “any danger of you actually telling me what’s going on here. I don’t believe a word tha
t you and Emma have fed me and I need to know the truth. You can tell me, or I’m leaving”.

  Erann flinched at her tone. It was a no-nonsense, business-like tone. He knew she had been treating him with fur gloves since his injuries, only now did he realise how she had even moderated her tone when talking to him.

  “Sereh, I’ve told you the truth and so has, I believe, Emma. What’s all this about?”

  He was hoping his honest tone would prevail, it didn’t.

  “Do you take me for a fool, Erann?” There is so much that’s not right here, I can’t believe that you seriously expect me to accept your lies and evasions.”

  She was starting to sound angry and Erann realised that there was no chance of this going his way. He was going to try all the same.

  “Sereh explain to me what doesn’t make sense. Help me understand what’s going on in your mind?” his tone was soft and cajoling.

  She looked at him in surprise and lifted her hands up placing his back under the fur.

  “Where shall I start? On yes, I know, with the most obvious. How did you get out from the avalanche? Thinking about is, there is not a hope in Valhalla that I would actually have been able to find you, or dig you out. At the time I was just so relieved that I didn’t question it. It’s unheard of for people to be found alive after being caught in an avalanche. I know Arrow’s good at finding things, but that’s ridiculous”.

  Erann took a breath to reply but she continued,

  “Secondly, how did you survive the night on Vatna Jokull?” She was ticking things off on her fingers. Erann realised she had given this much more thought than he had his replies.

  “Thirdly, who is Emma and where did she actually come from and why does she look so familiar?”

  He managed to interrupt with,

  “That’s three questions in one go”. She gave him a withering look and continued.

  “Fourthly, what’s she been giving you to make you heal so quickly”, his head snapped up at that. Had Emma been giving him something? He just thought it was something to do with the influence of Greeneyes that accounted for his rapid recovery?

  “Fifthly, who by the Gods do you keep talking to when you think no-ones looking, or rather when you think I’m not looking. Emma is obviously in on it because she pays no attention when you do it. I need answers Erann. I need to know what’s going on. I deserve to know what it is. I’ve saved your life enough times now that you should trust me. If not, I don’t know how I can earn your trust. Erann, please, please, please be honest with me. You haven’t been out there for days”, and here she pointed out of the cave. “The thaw has barely started, last Long Night was way too long and then there’s your journal. What’s going on? I know you know. Please Erann.” Her tone was pleading and Erann bit back his initial responses of denial and subterfuge. She was right. She did deserve better. He just couldn’t give it to her and even if he did she would not believe him. Greeneyes and Emma had both made it very clear that she was not to be told. He couldn’t go against their wishes. He was torn. In the end he was silent for so long Sereh grew impatient and huffed angrily. Her reaction bought him back to the present and he realised that there was nothing else to do.

  “Sereh, I’m sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am, but really, this isn’t something I can tell you about. It’s not my secret to tell”. His voice was pleading. It had no effect on her. Her eyes immediately blazed and she almost shouted back at him,

  “Whose is it then? Is it Emma’s because by the Gods, I am going to find out”. The colour had risen in her cheeks and she looked so angry he would have been upset if he hadn’t found it so irresistibly appealing. He closed his eyes, reminded of just how young Sereh was. Even after all she had been through, all the lies and harsh treatment at Rankil’s hands, she still wanted to trust someone, and that person was him. He deeply wished he wasn’t going to be the one to teach her a hard lesson.

  “It’s not Emma either Sereh. You need to calm down. Getting angry and demanding answers is not the best way forward. There’s so much more at stake than you being kept in the dark about something. You’re right. This isn’t a small matter, this is huge. Bigger than even I can comprehend. Please Sereh, listen to me. Understand what I’m saying. I need you. I need you here with me. Gods, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  His admission stopped her mid-breath and drove whatever she was about to say from her mind. He thought he had her, and a surge of hope rushed through him, and coupled with the knowledge that he had spoken the truth, filled him with hope. He was wrong though. Refocusing on their original argument she angrily lashed out,

  “Don’t think you can distract me like that. This is bigger than your feelings. I deserve to know and so does everyone else.”

  “I didn’t say you didn’t”, he retorted almost as angrily, “I just said it wasn’t my secret to tell. Not now. Sereh. Please”. His voice broke on the please and he glanced at her in defeat. He had lost her before he even had her.

  She got up and walked away from him towards the fire. He called her name. She ignored him. He attempted to sit up but staggered back to the floor as pain overcame him from his still broken leg. He saw sparks of light behind his screwed up eyes and knew instantly that he had just caused some new damage to himself.

  He lay back, panting with effort and focused on steadying his breathing. He hoped she would calm down and come back to talk to him. He realised he hadn’t made his argument as clear as he could and he blamed himself. He wanted Sereh to understand what was going on and only his loyalty to Greeneyes had stopped him from telling her everything he knew. His ambivalence towards the whole not telling her had made his answers weak and ill rehearsed. He thought not telling her was stupid. He could understand that not everyone should know, however, he only wanted to tell Sereh. She was here and what was happening was so immediate to her and him. She did deserve to know. He would have to speak to Greeneyes and Emma and see if he could get them to change their mind.

  As his breathing returned to normal he became aware of a scuffling noise coming from near the fire. He craned his neck to look and caught sight of Sereh putting her back pack on. His heart froze in his chest and his stomach felt heavy. On Gods, she was leaving. Yes, she had threatened it. That was all he’d thought it was – an empty threat. After all, where would she go?

  “Sereh”, he called, his voice catching and coming out too weak for her to hear, “Sereh, Sereh what are you doing?” She didn’t answer him, again. He craned his neck and saw her adjusting her backpack to make it comfortable.

  “Sereh you can’t leave. Not now Sereh, please, please listen to me.”

  His only response was a stony silence punctuated by a crunch of footsteps as she walked further away from him towards the cave’s entrance.

  He was desperate now and again attempted to get up. If he could just reach her. Just hold her, he was sure she would listen. He knew that she reciprocated his feelings towards her. He just needed to get to her, to break her barriers down.

  Sweat was beading his forehead and he was overcome with a sick feeling. It had been days since he had been fully upright. Without Greeneyes there to blank out the pain, it was crushing him in dizzying waves. He made it to an upright position and he grabbed for a handy stick that had been left by the side of his sick bed. He thought maybe its purpose had been as a discarded splint for his leg but that it had been too long. He held the stick with both hands and put all of his efforts into breathing, not being sick and just getting to his feet. He almost made it. With a crack the stick he had been clinging to for dear life cracked under his weight and he tumbled, unceremoniously to the floor, sobbing and trying to catch his breath all at the same time.

  In the back of his mind he was hoping that his pathetic display would be enough. The rest of his mind was attempting to combat the intense pain that was making it difficult to breathe. His peripheral vision was starring and he wondered what further damage he had just done to his still healing body.

bsp; He became aware of a panting noise near his ear and he turned his head to the side and caught sight of Arrow looking anxiously at him. There was no other sound. Then he heard Sereh whisper Arrow’s name and the wolf looked torn. Erann assumed that that she had saved his life too many times recently to just walk away from him now. Another command, harsher and louder than the first, and Arrow looked at him with what Erann could only call pity, and walked away. Erann could not even muster his breathing to whisper her name, let alone to call her back.

  He listened to her footsteps fade away and then there was no sound apart from his harsh breathing and the occasional crack from the fire. He was alone, he was exhausted, and he was quite simply, stuck.

  * * *

  Time passed. He was unsure how much, only that it must have been a long time as he gradually became colder and colder as the day drew to a close. With little more to do, he slept, fitfully, dreaming always of Sereh and in his dreams he called her name over and over again. Of course, she could not hear him. At some point Greeneyes must have, and he must have alerted Emma to his predicament whilst also numbing the intolerable pain he was in. She arrived, somewhat flustered, and soon righted him and had him back safe and warm in his makeshift bed. She fed him and then gave him a drink so heavily loaded with her spicy herb that he was asleep before the pot was finished. His night was peaceful, yet plagued with dreams of Sereh.

  In them she walked a huge distance not resting for food or water. Erann had no idea where she was heading. He recognised nothing as everywhere was still covered with layers of pristine snow. Even as he dreamt he knew that was wrong. As Sereh had pointed out in their angry exchange, the thaw should have started by now. By now there should be green shoots springing everywhere and the landscape should have shed its white cloak.


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