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Zane (Reapers MC Book 11)

Page 4

by Elizabeth Knox

  His grip grows tighter around my throat and I close my eyes, unable to believe this is really happening. I might be stupid for thinking this, but I figured I’d find some loophole, some way to get out of this. “You know who does things like this? M—”

  I’m interrupted by Incognito hollering, “Enough, O’! Jesus. You knew this was coming. You knew when they died that . . . this would happen. It’s hard enough on us. Why make it more difficult? Why keep dragging it out? What’s the point in that?” No one else would be able to tell, but I can sense the emotion in his voice, how badly this is affecting him too. He’s being torn apart the same way I am.

  Zane cranes his neck, looking over to Inc with suspicion. My father rips his hand from my throat, “Get your ass in the back and sit down at the fuckin’ bar.”

  I look down at the deep espresso stained wood floors for a moment before I look back at my father. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I speak my mind. “Death would’ve been better than this. They’re lucky.”

  Within an instant I feel a striking pain against my cheek. It strikes me so swiftly I fall to the ground but am able to catch my fall with my hands. I look back up to my father, nostrils expanding like an angered bull. Hands balled up by his sides. His alabaster skin flushing bright red. “You fucking bitch.” His fury is evident and he takes a step closer to me, but a body appears in front of me.

  “How about you get the fuck away from her? Hmm. She won’t be your problem anymore, and I’ll deal with her as I see fit.” Zane informs him.

  Zane and my dad stand chest to chest, the same height, and the same build. They’re both muscular, but they’re not bodybuilder ripped. “She’s my property until she signs those fuckin’ papers, and I’ll do what I want until then.”

  My dad has never hit me, not even as a child but I did strike a nerve. “Octavia, please go sign the paperwork. I may do a lot of shit, but I won’t cross the line your fool of a father did.” Zane states, all while still maintaining eye contact with my dad.

  “Good luck with that. She’s a wild one.”

  “I’m from Montana, old man. I’ve broken a mare a time or two, and once they’re broken in . . . they’re fuckin’ glorious. Though, you’re testing my patience. This deal was struck with my father. You damn well know he was never keen on puttin’ your hands on a woman. Fuck, you’ve already treaded too closely with the line, Ice.” God, I haven’t heard my father’s road name in years.

  Zane looks to the left to the man who came along with him, and he motions with his head to the right. The man approaches me, extends a hand. “I’m Grim. What do you say about handlin’ this shit so we can all get outta here soon?”

  I don’t know why, but I take this guy’s hand. He pulls me up and I stand, but the person I’m glaring at isn’t my father. It’s the man I love who stood back and didn’t intervene. Instead, he defended this decision and allowed it to happen. Fuck, if he really loved me . . . he would’ve fought for me.

  Maybe . . . just maybe going with Zane isn’t a mistake.

  I walk straight up to the door that leads back to the private part of the club and stop once I get to it, glance to the right and look right at Inc. “You’re a fucking coward,” I seethe, pushing my hands to open the doors I strut right up to the bar where the paperwork still is and start at the beginning, ensuring I’m reading over everything in explicit detail.

  Grim comes up on one side of me, while Zane guards the other. I don’t know either of these men, yet they seem to wanna make sure nothing bad happens to me while we’re here.

  The contract is standard, stating my marriage with Zane Monroe will unify the Raiders and Reapers MCs. It states I’m to give him three heirs, and that if I want out of our marriage, the only way I can get out is by giving him children . . . which is horrible. I’m sure my father came up with this stipulation.

  “Oh, I should let you know. I added a section to the contract,” Xander states to the room . . . and my blood runs cold. I turn around and look into my brother’s eyes. I wonder if he knows how betrayed I feel right now, if he understands this isn’t a way out . . . it’s abandonment.

  “What was wrong with the contract I had our lawyer send over last week?” Zane grumbles.

  “There wasn’t an option for my sister to get out, so I gave her one. If she chooses to divorce you, it will be allowed and she can return back to Los Angeles, as long as she provides you with three children. Though, the children will be yours, which means they’ll remain in Montana.” Xander explains.

  “Tsk, wow. You are some sick fucks here.”

  “Excuse me?” Xander replies.

  “You really think you’d separate my kids from their mother? Fuck no. Fuck that. Kids are raised in families.”

  I close my eyes for a second, rage storming through my body and pick up the pen on the bar. I don’t even need to read anymore of this bullshit contract. Regardless, I’m only certain about one thing— my life is over.

  I press the pen against the paper on a line above my full name Octavia Ramona Spencer and sign my life away.

  Chapter Six

  “You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.”

  ~ Unknown


  Taking a deep breath, I don’t feel any better after I see my name plastered across the paper. If anything, it just feels like I threw away the key to my lock. “Zane . . .” My tone comes out even more defeated then I felt like it would, but I’m so emotionally done. At the end of the day, if my family wanted to get me out of this they could’ve. I doubt they even bothered to try.

  Zane shifts his body toward me and spots my signature on the document. “Shit,” He mutters lowly, picking up the pen himself, he signs the contract as well. Zane picks it up from the bar and holds it in his hand.

  “I’ll email you over a copy. Now I’ll give you some time to say your goodbyes,” he tells me.

  Looking around the room, all I can think about are three men. Inc, Dad, and Xander.

  “I don’t have anyone to say goodbye to,” I murmur, walking directly past him. I’ll be strong, even if it kills me. I refuse to break in front of the men who viewed me as nothing more than a means to an end.

  I continue through the double doors, not even bothering to look at Inc. It’s done. Everything we were is over. Until now, I had a semblance of hope things could be fixed . . . but now, like everything else in my life, nothing will ever be the same.

  I don’t stop until I’m through the front door and I hear the engine of a bike turn off. Someone must’ve just got back to the club. We park around the side of the building since we don’t have a garage or anything like that, but our security system is motion activated. I don’t even know why we have it since no one would dare fuck with us.

  “Octavia, wait up. Damn, girl.” Zane says from behind me.

  But just as he speaks, Chains walks around the corner and it’s like the mere sight of him causes me to wanna break, to let every emotion beam out of me. Chains isn’t one of my brothers, but he’s been more of a brother than anyone else.

  He squints his nose for a split second and I feel the tears coming, ‘cause that’s his sign he’s about to lose it to. “W-were you tryin’ to miss t-this?” I ask, hiccupping while tears spill from the sides of my eyes. They flow effortlessly down my cheeks until they’re passing over my lips.

  Chains shuts his eyes and opens his arms out to me. I don’t think, I only react. I run straight into his arms until our bodies collide in a crash. I hold onto him like my life depends on it, because I’m finally realizing I’m losing the only person who ever had my back, and I’m not ready for this. There’s been too much loss, and I don’t want to lose another person I love.

  “O’, you’re gonna be just fine.” Chains’ rough voice tells me. He clears his throat in an attempt to not allow his emotions to show.

  “I hope you’re right,” I sob-cry into his chest, smelling his sandalwood cologne closer than I ever have.

  “I am.
I know so, ‘cause you’re strong as shit. Xia would be so proud. She’d be so proud of you for doing this. Hell, all of them would.” I’m sure his words are meant to make me feel better, but I don’t. In all honesty, I feel worse.

  I hold Chains a little tighter, ‘cause Lord knows when I’ll be able to see him again. “I don’t want to do this, Chains.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” He kisses the top of my forehead while his hand is planted on the back of my head, holding me like I’m precious as hell.

  Chains and I stand here for minutes, simply holding the other. I don’t know how he feels about me, but I have a feelin’ it’s pretty similar. Out of all my sisters, Chains was always drawn to me . . . besides Xia but that’s another story.

  I’m the one who pulls away from him first and I look into his electric blue eyes, and I tell him something I’d never told him before because I thought I was doing him a favor. Now I’m realizing . . . I wasn’t, and he deserves to know the truth. “Xia, she . . . she told me she loved you, Chains. The night of t-the shooting, she told us she was gonna tell you everything when we got home.” My lip trembles as the words hit him, and he nods. “She said you were the love of her life, Chains.” The tears flow in a constant stream, not only because I’m remembering her . . . but because of the impact I can see it’s having on him.

  “I fuckin’ love you, O’. This isn’t goodbye, okay? It’s see you later.” Chains mutters, kissing me on the cheek as he walks past me. I turn to look at him and see he’s chest to chest with Zane.

  Holy fuck. What just happened. “I’m only gonna tell you this once. You fuck with her, and I’ll skin you limb from fuckin’ limb. Treat her like a damn goddess, ‘cause she is one. She’s the luckiest fuckin’ thing that’ll ever happen to your pathetic ass life.” I can see the way Chains is struggling to pull himself away, but he does. He walks away from me and goes into the club, and I only hope he’s right.

  I hope this wasn’t goodbye, because I’ll never be able to bear it if it was.

  Chapter Seven

  Jealousy is the worst and most bitter emotion. It eats you up and consumes you. It becomes your world while you merely just exist within its presence.

  ~ Elite Daily


  I can’t help but notice the way Octavia just wrapped her arms around this guy. I don’t know who he is, but Grim and I stood back about ten feet. I couldn’t make anything out except for when he said he loved her. Upon hearing it, my chest tightened and anxiety filled my mind. I always knew I was gonna have to marry one of the women from this club, I was told I had a choice in the matter . . . so I chose Yara, one of the older ones if I can remember correctly. We had chatted a few times and I liked her well enough, so I figured it wouldn’t be the worst choice.

  Oh, how things have changed. Octavia was passed over to me after she was the last one left. The only one remaining to fulfil the agreement Ice and my father had made years ago. I know my place, and how our alliance terms need to be met. I won’t lie, though. Deep down I had this vision shit could turn from an arranged union to something else, to something more. Dunno if that’ll happen now . . . not with the way that fucker was just holdin’ her.

  The way she’s starin’ at the clubhouse door with sadness evident in her eyes just makes me wanna say fuck it and leave, but I can’t. My dad made this deal for a reason, and I’ll honor it. If he had a problem with it near the end he would’ve told me. He would’ve said something . . . and shit would’ve been nixed real quick.

  “Prez, you good?” Grim asks lowly from beside me.

  I give him a curt nod, slidin’ my hands in the pockets of my jeans and approach my fiancé. “You hungry or somethin’?”

  She shrugs, tearing herself away from staring at the clubhouse door. “No, but I wouldn’t mind a drink.”

  I chuckle, “Yeah, you and me both. This is your home, tell me where you wanna go.”

  Octavia stares at me blankly, cocking a brow. “You wanna take me out on the town where people keep trying to kill me? That’s really smart.” Her sarcasm almost makes me laugh.

  “You have a valid point.” I mutter, pulling out my phone to request an Uber.

  “I typically do. What are the plans, now that I’m yours and all?”

  “I was tryin’ to get outta here as soon as I could. Have some business to tend to in Las Vegas, so we’ll hop on a flight over there before heading back to Montana.”

  Octavia nods, not saying a word, but I can tell she’s listening to me.

  “Prez, I have a suggestion if you’re open to it.” Grim speaks up.

  I look back to him since he’s standing behind Octavia now. I’m glad he’s takin’ this shit seriously when it comes to her protection. “Why don’t we head to the airport, grab a bite and drink there before we fly to Vegas?”

  You know, it’s not a bad idea. “I knew there was a reason I brought your ass here with me,” I glance down at the app on my phone and see our Uber will be here in a couple minutes. I take another look and realize Octavia doesn’t have any luggage, or even a duffel bag like Grim and I do. “You not bringin’ anything with you, Cinnamon?”

  She must not have even thought about it from the body language I’m gettin’. “No, I . . . I’m not. I’ll grab some stuff when we get to Las Vegas if that’s alright. I have cash, and my debit card. If you wouldn’t mind I’d like to get some of my equipment sent to me, though.”

  “Okay, let’s get one thing straight. You don’t have to ask me permission for shit. You’re your own woman. I’m not your fuckin’ keeper, or some sort of warden.”

  “Thank you. I’ll get Chains to mail me the stuff once I get an address.” Chains. I wonder if that was the fucker she was pawing her hands all over.

  “Mmm,” I grumble while we wait for our compact sized chariot to arrive.

  I had to request an Uber three fuckin’ times before one finally showed their asses up to get us. We headed straight for the airport and luckily for us we were able to grab three tickets for a flight that was leaving in thirty minutes. We made it through TSA and airport security quicker than I ever have back in Montana.

  At the bar, Octavia blew me away when she took back six shots of vodka and then walked over to our gate like it was no big deal. Grim even made a comment about it. I know somethin’s gotta be up, ‘cause people don’t just shoot back that much liquor and seem unphased unless there’s somethin’ seriously wrong. She’s my responsibility now, so I’ll make sure she at least stays safe. Hell, one run in with her family and I could tell just how her father prefers to handle things. Typically, I stay outta family shit, but my father never taught me to let shit like that go down.

  The flight from Los Angeles to Las Vegas didn’t take any time, barely a little more than an hour. It’s the middle of September and we’re walkin’ into the pits of Hell, or at least that’s what it feels like. Back in Montana it’s barely hittin’ the seventies. I’m pretty sure the weather forecast said we’d be in the high sixties all week.

  Grim rented a Hyundai Accent and we packed our two asses in there. Thank God Octavia has a smaller physique than us. Otherwise, the three of us would barely fit in this clown car.

  No one from the club knows we’re on our way, but I wanted it to be this way. If they knew, they could cover some shit up and given the fact they’ve practically been radio silent . . . it doesn’t bode well with me. In my gut I know somethin’ isn’t right.

  Grim leads us up the interstate until we’re just a little bit out of the city. We make a left and pull back down a long lane. On both sides I see trailers, a couple of houses and I can see the construction I gave them approval for a while back has finally started. Comin’ down here makes me feel all sorts of ways. I’m thankful that things are movin’ down here, ‘cause our ultimate goal is to keep my family’s legacy alive. I don’t want everything that my father and uncle built to come crumblin’ down. I want expansion, for the Reapers to become everything they ever imagined.

m pulls in front of the clubhouse and bikes are on both sides of this shitty ass car. The moment I put my hand on the handle of the door I notice Widow’s ass walkin’ out. “Who in the fuck—” The moment he spots me, he shuts his fuckin’ trap.

  “Prez, I didn’t expect you to be showin’ up here.”

  “That was the plan, Widow. Now, care to tell me where Damon is.”

  Widow nods while Grim and Octavia exit the vehicle. “Sure. He’s inside Zane. C’mon, I’ll show you.”

  I follow Widow through the door and he leads me through the main area of the club. Kade and Ivy immediately spot me, and I notice the way they chat amongst each other. I’m sure they’re silently chattering about if he knew I was coming. He didn’t. No one besides Grim knew my plan, and I know for a fact he wouldn’t breathe a word of it to anyone.

  Kade starts to come over, but I hold up my hand. “We’ll catch up later, brother. I promise you.” I say in his direction as I continue to follow Widow. One thing I noticed is how Widow has an officer patch on . . . and I’m pretty damn sure he didn’t have one before.

  Widow taps his knuckles against a door and pushes it open, “Damon, uh—”

  I push directly past Widow and reveal myself to Damon. Not only am I met with a pretty shocking expression, but his office looks like somethin’ that would be in an FBI conference room. Maps of Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico are printed out, plastered across every wall. There is some sort of system with red, blue, yellow, and green tacks. Some of them have Post-it notes beside them with writing. Others have photos of a man and a woman.

  My eyes don’t know what to focus on. Fuck, there’s so much in here. But I glance at one of the photographs again and it hits me. That isn’t any woman.

  That’s Amara.


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