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Zane (Reapers MC Book 11)

Page 14

by Elizabeth Knox

  Ice clears his throat, “She didn’t say nothin’ to me outta the ordinary. Told her we were havin’ church and she asked what the news was. I lied to her and told her I didn’t know.”

  “Oh, fuck.” One of the identical twins says from the other end of the table. I can’t figure out which one it is, Fury or Agony.

  “What?” The other brother asks.

  “I let Dusty’s name slip. Fuck, I screwed up.”

  “Dammit, Fury!” Breaker roars, slammin’ his hand down on the table.

  “Anyone know where Dusty is, have her on social media or anythin’ like that?” I question, hopin’ one of these guys can tell me something useful. It’s a wonder how this club even got this far. One thing I’ve learned about women is they’ll do anythin’ to protect their family. Especially Reapers women. Hell, between Camila, Kat, and Ashley . . . all I can do is roll my eyes at their antics.

  “I’m still in shock Dusty was behind this,” Ice says. I wanted to knock him the fuck out the first day I met him, but now I really wanna land his ass against the pavement.

  “Why would she do this?” Inc speaks up from where he’s sitting.

  Ice sucks in a breath and we all watch as his chest rises. “Shit, I never wanted to let anyone know this. Dusty got pregnant. Long story short, we went to that appointment where we find out the gender. Everythin’ was fine, the baby’s heart was beatin’ perfectly and then it just stopped. The ultrasound lady couldn’t find a heartbeat. We were sent off to the hospital and a doctor told us the baby died.”

  Jesus fuckin’ Christ this is all makin’ more sense now. This was an eye for an eye taken overboard. “What was the baby?” I ask, makin’ sure he can hear me.

  “I’m sorry?” Ice replies, drawing his brows together.

  “What gender was the baby, Ice?”

  His face immediately falters, “A girl.”

  “Please tell me one of you has found somethin’ on that old crazy bitch by now,” Breaker seethes, fists balled on his table.

  “Where would she have gone after she left?” Inc asks Ice.

  “I dunno. She wasn’t someone who had too many people in her life. Her ma had this shitty little place up in Compton, though.”

  “I just found her on Instagram. This looks like Compton, doesn’t it?” Chains asks, showin’ us a picture of a woman in front of a house.

  Ice nods, “Yeah, that’s her ma’s place.”

  “Alright, Fury, go make sure she isn’t still downstairs at the bar. If she’s not, you hold the fort while we head out.” Breaker commands, risin’ from the table. We all follow his lead and head out to the back alley.

  Motherfucker, I’m realizin’ I don’t have a bike here. “You need a ride?” Ice asks. I give him a nod and before I know it he’s tossin’ a set of keys my way. “Go in the garage, I got an old Harley in there. It runs, but it ain’t anythin’ special.”

  Ice points me in the direction of the garage and I see a bike that appears to be something custom built. It’s a real beauty in a combination of army green colors. I don’t have time to admire this shit, so I kick up the stand, slide the key in and start the engine. I meet up with Breaker and his guys where they park their bikes on the side of the buildin’.

  “Listen up, this is our priority—” Breaker pauses for a moment while he meets eye contact with me. “We keep my sister safe. None of this matters without her. Dusty is a dead woman regardless, but we make sure Octavia is okay first and foremost.”

  Breaker is the first one to leave the alleyway and fly down the road, but we all follow suit. I just hope his big ol’ speech wasn’t for show.

  It takes about half an hour before we’re in the general vicinity of Dusty’s place. Breaker ended up tellin’ us as we entered the neighborhood to park on the side and cut our engines. He wanted to maintain the element of surprise and I can’t argue with wanting to keep everyone as safe as possible.

  “Isn’t that Fury’s bike?” Agony questions, standin’ at the back of the group.

  Inc turns to him and looks off to where he’s talkin’ about. “Yup. She must be close. How far away are we, Ice?”

  “Maybe a block but be careful. The fuckers around here don’t have any problem puttin’ a piece of lead between your eyes.”

  Groups of men are sittin’ out on porches as we walk down the block. It makes me really pissed I flew, ‘cause if we’d rode down here, I would at least have a gun on me. “That looks like the house in the photo.” Chains says,

  Ice starts to walk across the street and we follow suit. “Hey, you friends of Dusty?” A man’s voice asks us from behind. The group of us turn almost at the same time and we’re faced with a group of gangsters.

  “Depends who’s askin’,” Breaker comments, “You friends of Dusty?”

  The man keeps his intimidating poker face up before he laughs, “Hell nah, bitch owes me cash. Now I know you leather bitches aren’t friends, I take it she’s done some shit to you.”

  Ice grumbles walks in front of his son and goes chest to chest with this dude. “She killed my fuckin’ daughters, so unless you’re gonna help us out and keep an eye out for the bitch tryin’ to run, I suggest you let us be on our way.”

  “Fuck, man. I don’t normally take shit from little pussies like yourself, but I got three lil’ girls myself. Name’s Jab and this is my crew. We gotchu man, now go do what you gotta do. We gonna split up, right brothers?” Jab looks back to his crew who’re already walkin’ in different directions around the house.

  “Thank you, Jab.” Ice extends a hand to Jab and they shake.

  “Us fathers gotta stick together. You know what I mean?” Jab states, walkin’ alongside us as we venture across the street.

  “How we doin’ this, sneakin’ up on her, or chargin’ in?” I ask Breaker.

  “Fuck no. We’re going in to get O’, then we’ll deal with Dusty.” He answers immediately.

  Ice puts out an order for the rest of the guys to split up and enter the house in other directions. Essentially, we’re comin’ at them from all sides. We go in through the front when the crashing sound of glass breaking makes me charge right in.

  I see Octavia hovering over this chick, with a piece of glass in her hand. Blood’s oozing down her forearm, meanin’ she cut herself tryin’ to break the vase that lays on the floor beside her. “Tell me why I shouldn’t do it. Give me one good fuckin’ reason why I shouldn’t do this.”

  “‘Cause she shouldn’t go out the easy way, Cinnamon.” I state, causin’ her to look back for a second. She didn’t even know we were here. I believe she’s thinkin’ about what I said when I watch in slow motion as this woman grabs a big chunk of the vase and slams it against Octavia’s head. She’s knocked down to the floor and Dusty rises about to do somethin’ else to Octavia.

  As quick as lightning Ice pulls out his pistol and before any of us realize what he’s done, Dusty’s body drops to the floor. Her white shirt is turning crimson red. “No one else is gonna take more of my kids from me,” Ice growls out lookin’ at her.

  I head over to Octavia who honestly seems to be just fine. She’s got a small cut on her cheek and a nasty one on her hand, but nothin’ else. Kneelin’ down, I pull her up to my chest. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just pissed.” She growls, glarin’ at Dusty.

  Diabolical laughter fills the air and everyone looks to Dusty. “Y-you said you wouldn’t ever hurt my h-heart again. How i-ironic,” She begins to choke on her blood mid-way through her words until the life fades from her eyes and she leaves this world.

  “Well, at least this is all over now.” I say to the room.

  Jab makes his way past her body and turns back to us, “Don’t gimme that look. Bitch owes me three grand. Imma go search for whatever penny I can find up in here.”

  “Really? Aren’t you worried about the cops?” Breaker asks.

  “Hell nah. I control the streets in Compton. Cops don’t even bother coming out here no more. They’
re too scared one of my boys will see ‘em and blow up their spot. You know what I mean?”

  “Yeah. I’m Breaker, Prez of the Raiders. We appreciate your support today, Jab. I’ll be blunt. We’re always lookin’ for more friends. We run downtown LA.”

  “Oh fuck!” Jab claps his hands together, “You’re them bikers those Guatemalan fuckers have a problem with, yeah?”

  “That would be them.” Octavia replies in a snide manner.

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Breaker quips.

  “What’s your name ‘lil lady? Your pops was real concerned about this crazy bitch hurtin’ you.” Jab’s now speakin’ directly to Octavia.

  “I’m Octavia, this jackass’ sister.”

  Jab chuckles, “A spitfire. Gotta love it. You single or anythin’ sugar bear? ‘Cause damn girl . . . you look sweet.”

  I clear my throat and help her rise to her feet. “She’s mine.”

  “What’s your group?” Ice asks, gettin’ back to political shit, totally overstepping his son. I hold back my chuckle, but damn I wanna laugh.

  “You haven’t heard of us? Shit, we’re the Brotherhood, man!”

  Now I can’t help but laugh. Jab glares from across the room, “Your pretty boy lookin’ fucker got a problem with that?”

  “No, not in the least bit. Back where I’m from, we had friends called the Brotherhood. They ended up joinin’ our club, mergin’ together as one . . . so you see, this is some guardian angel shit over us today.” I’d put my money on it that my dad and Cracker were watchin’ over us today. While I’m grateful for the help he gave us, I’m still pissed for not having the answers I want.

  More than anything, I’m grateful my Cinnamon is alright. I don’t know what I would’ve done if she wasn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice

  ~ Quotes and Sayings


  “Where you off to?” Sarge, one of our fully patched members asks. I roll my eyes, sucking in a deep breath after pacin’ in my room the last hour debatin’ on whether or not I should be doing this.

  “None of your god damned business. I’ll be back by the mornin’. Don’t bug me either,” I snarl, headin’ for the back door. With every step I take, I feel the chaos striking through me. Heat rises in my chest and shoots through every limb.

  Every part of me wants to ride straight up to that fuckin’ hotel and tell this fucker Octavia has always been mine and it’ll never change, ‘cause I was the first man to own that heart, take her virginity and everything else. She and I have a connection that won’t fade until the day we die, if it even leaves us then. But I can’t. I can’t fuckin’ do that ‘cause the fucker who took O’ from me is the same one who gives our club the name drop we need. Breaker had to spell it out for me, tell me how the Reapers name gives us a level up, immunity, and safety.

  Walkin’ around the corner of the buildin’ I head straight for my bike and sit on the seat. I stare for a good minute, debating if I’m really going to do this or not.

  It could be my only chance to have her.

  Fuck it.

  I slide in my key, start my engine and head out to their hotel. Luckily for me, it’s only a few blocks away. I can do a lot of things in this life, but I can’t walk away from the possibility of being with her again . . . even if it means accepting Zane too. In more ways than one from what O’ said to me earlier.

  She kept beatin’ around the bush, not sayin’ it flat out but I read between the lines. Zane is bisexual and he wants a third in their relationship so he can get his fill of cock too. Maybe I’m puttin’ it a bit blunt, although how else am I supposed to put it?

  I only have to go through three intersections before I’m at the parking garage attached to their hotel. I grab my ticket, find a parking spot and go through the entrance until I find the elevators. Starin’ at the lit up numbers gettin’ closer and closer to the lobby only makes me even more nervous. There’s nothin’ calming about doing this, even if it means . . . gettin’ her back.

  The doors open and I walk in, go right up against the back wall and turn, keepin’ my hands on the bar. The doors close and I know there isn’t any turnin’ back now.

  God dammit. This shit isn’t easy and I damn sure wish it was. I’m sober as shit and I know it’s not helpin’. If I was a tad bit drunk I’m sure it would help, calm me down, make me a loosey-goosey and all of that.

  The doors open once I’m on the fifteenth floor and I walk out onto the extravagant carpet. Hell, this guy must be able to afford the best of the best if they’re here. I see the arrows pointing to room 1589 on the right, so I head in that direction.

  I’ve never had to share O’ with any man before. There isn’t a guidebook to this, to how to go through a proposed relationship where you’ll fuck a dude for the first time. But I’d fuck a man for her. Fuck, I’d get a massive cock slid into my ass without lube over and over again if it means havin’ her back in my life.

  She’s . . . she’s the reason I’m even breathin’ right now. I owe the woman so much.

  Sucking in a deep breath I stand in front of room 1589 and rap my knuckles on the door. Within an instant I hear the lock sliding and O’ appears in front of me, smiling lightly. “I wasn’t sure you’d show up.”

  “You asked me to come, didn’t you?” I grit out, walking past her.

  “I . . . I mean I wasn’t sure if you’d . . .” She stops trying to explain what we both already know. She wasn’t sure if I’d be open to this, or if I’d tell her and him to go fuck off and find someone else. I could’ve done that, but she came to me and asked me to come here tonight. She could’ve easily found someone else, but she came to me. Plenty of other men would’ve told her to start searchin’ for the man who checks off every box for the both of them, but I didn’t. Why?

  It’s simple.

  I love Octavia Spencer and I’m never gonna stop, and if I have a chance to be with her I’m gonna take it.

  Octavia closes the door behind me and walks ahead of me, goes up to a dresser that’s now a bar with the amount of liquor on it. “You creatin’ some new mixed drinks or something?” I quip.

  O’ laughs lightly, “No . . . I wasn’t sure what you’d be in the mood for. Depending which way the wind blows you have a different preference.” My eyes are glued on her in a light silver robe. It has this glitter like effect on it whenever the light hits it in a certain way, ‘causing her eyes to pop beautifully.

  Dammit. She’s never looked more gorgeous.

  I take a bottle of vodka, take a long drink and set the bottle down. At least I’ll get loosened up and relaxed a bit before anythin’ starts. “Thanks for showin’ up. Cinnamon wasn’t certain you would.” Zane says from behind me. It jolts me at first, but I’m bettin’ I should get used to that. Him bein’ behind me.

  “Are you both serious about this?” I question, turnin’ enough to make sure I can read both of their expressions. Almost like they’ve rehearsed it, they nod at the same time.

  “I wouldn’t have put either of you in this position if I wasn’t certain.” Zane states clearly.

  “I . . . want to give this a shot. It’s the only shot we have, Inc.” O’ explains, seeming a bit hopeful.

  “Alright. Just needed that to be made pretty fuckin’ clear.” I state, pickin’ up the bottle again for another drink.

  Somehow, for some reason Octavia, Zane and I get in a serious drinking game. I’m about a fourth way through my vodka when O’ struts up to me and slams her lips onto mine. She tastes like Malibu, the sweet coconut rum coating her tongue. Damn, she’s like air and I’m suffocating after not having her for so long. It’s been months.

  I’ve never had more need for someone than I do with her. My cock tightens behind my confining jeans at the way she paws at my chest.

  “Dammit, O’.” I warn, cock pressing harshly against my zipper.

  I don’t know how the fuck this
is supposed to go, the rules or any of this. She’s thrown my cut on the bed and tore my fuckin’ white tee shirt straight off my back.

  Damn, and I thought I was the needy one. I make quick work at the knot in the front of her robe and pull it off, throwin’ it on the damn floor before I see the deep navy-blue lingerie. Gems are all around it, makin’ her body look like a fuckin’ work of art.

  “God dammit, I need to be inside you right now.” I hiss while turnin’ her around. I push her down onto the couch and her knees on the cushions. With my teeth I yank off her delicate panties and see her glistening pink pussy. A good coating of her essence is already there. Hell, I don’t need to go slow. I can go as fast as I want right now, and I need to plow my cock in her pussy.

  Takin’ my jeans and boxers off, I kick them to the side, line myself up at her entrance and push forward. “Fuck, fuck!” Octavia moans, diggin’ her nails into the back of the couch. My hands are on her hips as I hold her in one spot, fuckin’ her tight little cunt harder than I ever have.

  God, I missed her.

  She tightens up on me again, already squeezing my cock, beggin’ for me to unleash my load inside her . . . but I won’t give her that yet. Fuck no, I’m gonna pull her to the edge over and over again before I give her my seed.

  “You like when Inc fucks you like that, Cinnamon?” Zane asks. I already forgot he was here.

  “Yes,” Octavia admits, “Oh God!”

  I ram my cock in and out of her when something cold causes me to look behind my shoulder. Zane’s there, “Relax, boy. If you do, this will go that much easier. Unless you like the thought of me tearin’ your asshole up until I cum inside you?” Zane asks in a whisper, dragging his tongue from below my ear to the middle of my back.

  He pushes forward and I feel an overwhelming burning sensation take ahold of me. I still continue to fuck O’, not wanting to stop. The combination of Zane pushing himself in my ass and her pussy tightening around me is slowly becoming a bit too much.


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