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Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1)

Page 13

by Cala Riley

  The paper itself is now the size of my lips, just barely covering them. Thankfully Keaton behaves after that first kiss, but it doesn’t stop the heat that’s been flowing through my veins each time I press my lips to Reed’s.

  As the paper comes around again, Keaton presses his lips to mine, then blows. Before I pull away, he shoots me a wink. It unnerves me. I tense, ready for him to pull some shit. Instead, a hand grabs my face and turns it in the opposite direction. My eyes meet Reed’s, and the brief hunger from earlier is now blazing in his. I gasp as he pulls me closer, causing the paper to slip from my lips.

  I expect him to stop, but he doesn’t. Instead he presses his lips to mine in a hard, fast kiss. Much like during our first kiss back at the public school party, my body tingles at the feel of Reed’s lips on mine. My blood heats and I lose all my thoughts. For one small moment, I’m lost in him.

  Then reality crashes back in when Ingram’s voice breaks through. “Sterling wasn’t lying. They really are both banging her. How gross.”

  I pull away from him and note a smirk playing on his lips. I slap his cheek. “You’re such an asshole.”

  I jump up and run out of the room, making it to the front door when I hear footsteps following. I don’t hesitate, just take off running all the way down the fancy drive and right out the front gate. Instead of turning left toward our house, I turn right. Once I’m down the street and around the corner, I lean against a tree.

  My fingers find my lips on their own accord. They’re still tingling.

  What kind of game is he playing?


  “How long have you been sitting down here?” Victoria’s voice behind me startles me.

  “What the fuck, V? You’re a fucking ninja.” I clutch my chest.

  “I know.” She gives me a smug smile. “Now answer the question.”

  I’m down by the lake behind the Yateses’ home that also backs up to Alice’s house. After calming down, I decided not to go back there. I wasn’t ready for the questions I knew would accompany my arrival. Instead, I wandered around the property until I found this tree facing the water. I don’t know why, but water has always calmed me.

  “Not too long, I don’t think.” I shrug.

  “Are you okay?” She slides down the tree and sits next to me, staring to the side instead of at the water.

  “Fine, why?” Even I can hear the bite in my tone. I sigh. “Sorry, V. I didn’t mean to be a bitch.”

  “It’s okay. You ran out of there awfully quick. Tinsley’s worried about you.”

  I feel a pang of guilt.

  “I’m fine. I’ll go back and talk to her in a minute. I just want a few more minutes of quiet.”

  She doesn’t respond, instead sitting in silence with me. After a few moments, she speaks quietly.

  “He came after you.”

  “What?” I finally fix my gaze on her, but she’s looking away.

  “Reed. After you ran out, he came after you. Ingram said some nasty things about you, but he stood up for you, then followed you out the door. We haven’t seen him since. I assumed I would find you two together.”

  I refuse to let my mind wander to what she’s implying. “As you can see, I’m sitting here alone, or I was before you came down. I haven’t seen him. I didn’t even know he followed me.”

  She finally turns to look at me. “Be careful, S. I don’t know much about Reed because he’s so closed off. No one does, but I do know he’s never stood up for a girl, and he most definitely has never chased after one. I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but whatever it is, please be careful.”

  I snort. “That’s putting it lightly. He’s a prick. You want to know what he told me tonight?”


  “That he knows I’m playing games. I wish he would clue me in on these games. All I want to do is graduate and start my life again.”

  She reaches over and grabs my hand. “Don’t listen to him. He has no clue what’s going on. He’s used to running things. I think you scare him a little. You don’t fit into one of his neatly stacked boxes. There’s no one like you in this crowd.”

  “You mean you don’t have any trailer trash whores hanging around? Just me?” I can’t help my sarcasm.

  “You’re not trailer trash or a whore. You’re a good person, Sage. You just don’t conform to their bullshit. Honestly, I wish I could do the same.”

  “You can. You just have to learn not to give a shit what others think. Live life for yourself, not anyone else.”

  She chuckles. “That’s easier said than done. When you grow up in this world, you’re taught from an early age what expectations you have to meet. You didn’t meet Grandpa Covington, but he was the worst about it. The expectations he set for us were more often than not far above anything you could meet. I think that’s why your mom took you away from here. She wanted you to be able to enjoy your life outside of the box you would have been forced into.”

  A somber mood falls over us.

  “Maybe you’re right.” After a beat, I continue. “She never told me about you. Or Alice really. She would mention her occasionally, but it always made her sad. I always wondered why she left. Now I’ll never know.”

  “You should talk to Mom about it. I know she knows more than she’s saying. When I used to ask, she would tell me that it didn’t concern me. I bet if you asked, she would tell you.”

  “Maybe. I don’t think I’m ready for that heavy of a conversation yet.”

  “Well, when you are, she’ll be there. I can promise you that.”

  I give her a small smile. Then, to lighten the conversation, I ask something I’m curious to know. “So, what did Ingram do when Reed snapped at her?”

  She lets out a boisterous laugh. “She looked like she was sucking on a lemon. Then she stomped off huffing. Tinsley told her this party wasn’t for children, so if she wanted to act like one, she could leave.”

  “No way! Tinsley said that?”

  “Yep, so Ingram left. She tried to get her two minions to go with her, but Poppy decided to stay behind. Last I saw, she was sneaking off with Keaton.”

  After our laughter dies down, I move to stand. Victoria follows me. “Thanks for coming to find me, V.”

  “Always, S.” She links her arm through mine. “That’s what family does. You ready to go back?”

  “I suppose.”

  We laugh and chat about nonsense all the way back to the house. Once we near, the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I glance to the side of the steps and notice Reed standing there, watching me. Victoria keeps chatting as we climb the steps, so I just roll my eyes at him. He raises his brow as if to say “Really?”

  I tear my gaze from his and follow Victoria back into the party. As soon as we step inside, she yells, “T! Guess who I found!”

  Tinsley comes running from the side room and squeals when she sees me. “S! I was so worried about you. Where did you go? Did Reed find you?”

  Before I can say anything, Victoria responds for me. “Jesus, Tins. Give the girl a moment. She was taking a break by the lake without Reed.”

  I shoot Victoria a grateful smile, then look back at Tinsley. “Sorry I left. I’m not used to being around so many people for prolonged periods of time. I guess I forgot my manners.”

  Tinsley waves her hand in dismissal. “No biggie. Keaton said we had to break up the party anyways. A lot of them went home.” Then she turns these puppy dog eyes on me. “Sage, you know you’re one of my favorite people, right?”

  I raise a questioning brow. “Really?”

  “Yeah, but you’re way cooler than the people here.” She looks at Victoria. “No offense, V.”

  “None taken. I agree. I have a bomb-ass cousin.” Victoria winks at me.

  “You do. Anyway, I was wondering if you would be willing to stay over. I’m not ready to call it a night, and Keat said you and V could stay for a slumber party.”

  The innocence in her surprises me sometimes. S
he’s genuinely excited at the thought of a slumber party. It warms my heart and throws me back to a memory.

  “Mommy, can I invite Candice and Betty over for a slumber party?” nine-year-old me asks.

  “Sure, how about for this Saturday? I’ll make popcorn and pick up your favorite snacks. You can pick a couple of movies. How does that sound?”

  “Perfect! Thank you so much, Mommy. I love you.”

  “I love you forever, bug.”

  I didn’t realize it back then, but my Mom took two extra shifts to be able to afford that night. She always did things like that for me.

  I blink back tears before turning to Tinsley. “I would love to.”

  “Great. Reed, you’ll get rid of everyone else, right?”

  I jump when I realize Reed’s been standing behind us the whole time.

  “You should say goodbye, Tins. It’s the polite thing to do,” he tells her.

  “Gosh, you sound so much like Mother sometimes. You guys can go hang out in my room while I help get rid of stragglers.”

  Tinsley leaves with Reed following her. He looks over his shoulder at me right before disappearing through the door.

  “Come on.” Victoria leads me up the stairs and back down the hall I was in earlier. Once we’re in Tinsley’s room, V closes the door and whispers to me, “What the hell, S? He can’t keep his eyes off you. Don’t think I didn’t see him staring at you when we came in.”

  I shrug. “I can’t help if he has a staring problem.”

  She shakes her head. “You’re crazy. Let’s raid Tinsley’s stuff for something to sleep in.”

  After fifteen minutes, Tinsley finally comes back into the room. Victoria has been scrolling through social media while giving me commentary on every post she reads.

  “They’re all gone. Well, except for one particularly unlucky lady in bed with Keaton,” she announces before going to her vanity to take off her jewelry.

  “I’m sure she feels very lucky right now.” I wiggle my eyebrows for effect.

  “Gross. That’s my brother.”

  We all burst out laughing.

  “So, are you really okay, S?” Tinsley undresses before putting on her own pj’s.

  “I’m fine. Sorry for running out on you. Your brother can be an asshole sometimes, and it got to me.”

  She comes to sit next to me, grabbing my hand. “Don’t apologize. They can be intense sometimes, Reed especially. Hell, they treat me like I’m still five years old most of the time. I thought Reed was going to tear Terry’s face off for coming near me.”

  “Intense is a great word to describe Reed,” Victoria interjects. “Keaton is more playful.”

  “He’s a playboy, so I can see that,” I muse.

  Tinsley rolls her eyes. “He can be just as intense. Trust me.”

  “We’ll take your word for it.” Victoria moves to stand up. “I’m restless. What do you guys want to do?”

  I shrug as Tinsley stands up.

  “Let’s play truth or dare.” She grins.

  “Another game? Because the last one worked out so well for me.” I groan.

  Tinsley walks over to the bottle of liquor she hid earlier before lining up a set of shots for us.

  “Let’s have another shot and make it interesting. We can keep score. Two points for a truth, five points for a dare, ten points for a double dare. Winner gets to ask the other two to do something for them and they can’t say no.”

  I groan but walk over to her. We each grab a shot, tapping the glasses together before knocking them back. I relish the warmth it brings to my body.

  “Come on. It’ll be fun. Nothing too crazy.” Tinsley gives me that sweet innocent look, but somehow, I don’t believe it this time.

  “Fine. Why the hell not,” I grumble, obviously the more reluctant one.

  “Yay! You can go first. Me or V?”

  I narrow my eyes at both of them as I take a seat on the floor. “Come on, Tins.”

  She claps her hands together in excitement as she also sits on the floor, with Victoria following her.

  “Dare, of course.” Her smile is infectious, and I feel one of my own spread across my face.

  I think for a moment about what I could have her do. I glance around the room, tapping my finger on my chin.

  I glance over and spot a book on her nightstand.

  “I dare you to read chapter ten of that book”—I point to it—“out loud and act out whatever it says.”

  She blushes a little but jumps up. “Done.”

  Grabbing the book, she starts reading. Victoria and I smile as she makes her way through the chapter. She’s doing great acting out the parts in the book. That is, until she gets to one particular spot.

  “I can’t hold back anymore, Reba. I must have you.” She’s beet red now as she acts out a man kissing a woman on an invisible figure. “Jack, we can’t be doing this. We’re too different.”

  A giggle bursts free when I realize where this is going.

  “Differences don’t matter when you love someone. I love you, Reba.” She mimics a hand sliding up a leg. “Give me some sugar.”

  She continues to pretend to kiss, but I finally stop her, rolling on the floor in laughter. “Enough! I can’t. I’m going to die.”

  She drops the book on her bed and joins us on the floor. “Two points to me! Victoria, you’re next.”

  We go on like this for an hour, each taking turns. Alternating between truths and dares, we learn a lot more about each other. I now know that Victoria is terrified of clowns while Tinsley is afraid of snakes.

  The little things make me feel a little bit closer to them. For the first time since I arrived here, I consider staying. The bond forged tonight makes me want to give up my plans and give this place a real chance.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I’ve been lying here for an hour trying to sleep. I look over at Tinsley and Victoria, noticing they’re sound asleep.

  Must be nice.

  Sighing, I get up quietly, tiptoeing out of the room. Once in the hall, I take my time maneuvering through the house down to the kitchen, where I grab a glass and turn to fill it with water.

  I gasp and almost drop it when I notice a figure in the doorway.

  “What are you doing down here?” Reed asks.

  “I’m so tired of you always questioning me. Doesn’t it ever get old?”

  He walks closer before taking the glass from my hand and opening the fridge.

  “Nope.” He doesn’t elaborate.

  He turns around and hands me a glass full of cold water. I take it and meet his eyes.

  “Thank you. I was thirsty, so I thought I would come down and get some water.”

  “Tinsley has a mini fridge in her room with bottled water. Try again.”

  “How fucking rich are you?” I say exasperated.

  I mean, who has a damn mini fridge in their room?

  I try to focus on his features, but with only a small night-light in the corner, I can’t see him very well.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he grumbles.

  “Jesus. You can’t even take a damn joke. No, I wouldn’t like to know. Nor do I care how much money you have. As for why I’m down here, I couldn’t sleep. So rather than toss and turn and possibly wake up your sister or V, I thought I would come down and grab a glass of water before trudging back upstairs to hopefully fall asleep.”

  I take a long pull from the glass, now regretting my choice to come down here.

  “I’m going to sit outside for a little while. You can too, if you want,” he says before turning and heading out the side door.

  He doesn’t wait for a response, but he does leave the door open. I think about it a couple of moments before I decide to follow him.

  I must be a masochist, but I’m curious as to what made him make the offer. It could be a trap, of course. Another ploy to humiliate me. But my gut says it’s not.

  Walking out the door, I find him sitting in a chair on the patio. I ta
ke a seat next to him, setting the glass of water on the table between us. Looking out, I take in the moonlight reflecting off the lake.

  I smile as I admire the beauty. I’ve always loved nature and water. Scooting a little farther down in my seat, I lay my head back, admiring the stars.

  “It’s beautiful,” I mutter, not realizing I spoke out loud until Reed responds.

  “I’ve always preferred the calm of the night. Even the lake is calm with no wind to ruffle its waves.”

  I resist the urge to look over at him, enjoying a moment of truce between us.

  “It’s comforting. Things have been changing so much recently that it’s nice to have a moment where everything is still.”

  As soon as the words slip out of my mouth, I want to take them back. I never share, especially with a guy who’s made it his life’s mission to humiliate me. Yet, sitting out here in the dark with the stars shining above, I felt like I can confide in him.

  I bite my lip, waiting for a response that never comes. Finally, after a few moments, I turn to look at him.

  The moonlight is bright tonight, illuminating his face. He appears lost in thought, and thank whatever god is watching out for me, as it seems he didn’t hear my slipup.

  Turning back to the lake, I let myself get lost in the silence. For once, my brain isn’t going a million miles a minute. Just like that, my mind settles, and I feel my eyelids become heavy.


  I go to turn over but find my movement limited. Grabbing my blanket, I burrow into the chair a little more.

  My eyes pop open as I become aware of a bird chirping. I gasp quietly as I realize I’m still in the patio chair, curled up and covered with a blanket.

  I glance over and see Reed also still in the chair with his head facing me. I stare at him a moment, watching his chest rise and fall with steady breaths.

  I wonder where the blanket came from.

  There wasn’t a blanket out here last night. One of the servants must’ve brought it out.

  Then why doesn’t Reed have one?

  I hush the annoying voice of reason in my head and stand up, hoping to get inside before he wakes up.


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