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Unbidden (Brighton Academy Book 1)

Page 19

by Cala Riley

  I want to ask him if we could do it again, but my pride won’t let me. Either that or fear of rejection. Hell, why not both? Either way, I’m stuck in the land of not knowing what’s going on but desperately wanting to.

  “What are you thinking about?” Victoria’s voice startles me out of my thoughts.

  I roll over on the bed to look at her. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Victoria sighs. “Reed?”

  “I said I didn’t want to talk about it.” I bury my head in my pillow.

  “We’re worried about you,” V tells me gently.

  “Who is and why?”

  “Tinsley and me, and because you’ve been distant!”

  “I’ve been distant?” I ask, genuinely confused.

  “Oh God, okay. One hundred percent no bullshitting, Sage, you’re closed off. You have walls built so high around you that we have no idea where you stand on anything. We thought we knew where your head was at, but now we have no idea. You’ve shut us out completely,” V tells me bluntly.

  “Where I stand?”

  “Are you still planning on leaving or not? We want you to stay, but we won't ask, but goddammit, we can’t take it anymore. We need to know what your plan is. Hell, Mom, Dad, and the rest of us are holding our breath waiting in fear of you not coming home. All you’re thinking about is yourself,” V says furiously.

  Am I staying? Has leaving even crossed my mind for a while now?

  “I think I’m going to stick around for a while,” I tell her honestly.

  “Good,” V says, instantly relaxing.

  “And I promise that if or when I leave, I’ll talk it over with everyone. I won’t just disappear in the middle of the night.”

  “That's all I ask.” V sighs, “Now, back to Reed. I don’t understand you two. It’s obvious that you’re both crazy about each other. Why don’t you just admit it and get together?”

  “Ugh, it’s not that obvious. Some days I don’t even think he likes me. What if he’s just being polite because his siblings do?”

  “That man doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to do. He doesn’t have to go out of his way to walk you to class or kiss your cheek. He holds your hand every chance he gets. He likes you. A lot, if I had to guess.”

  “Then why doesn’t he make a move? I’m dying over here,” I ask dramatically.

  “Have you ever thought that after the number of times you told him not to touch you and the fact that he was a complete douche bonnet to you from the beginning, he wants to let you set the pace? He wants you to make the next move so he knows it’s your choice?”

  I ponder her words. Is she right? Is he waiting on me?

  “You think?”

  “There’s only one way to find out. Get dressed, chica. Let’s go to a party.”


  Twenty minutes later, we pull up outside a mansion I haven’t been to. Cars line the driveway, but Victoria pulls right up front.

  “This is Alex McDonald’s house. Ten minutes inside with you looking like that and Reed will come running.”

  “How will he know we’re here?”

  “Alex is on his lacrosse team. Besides, we’ll take a party selfie.”

  After posting our selfie to social media, we make our way to the front door. It opens before we can knock.

  “Welcome, ladies. Please come in.”

  I smile kindly at the butler as we’re ushered into a large open room with a DJ and food set up to one side, a bar on the other.

  “Let’s dance,” Victoria yells to me over the music.

  I nod and let her lead me to the dance floor. At first, I feel stiff, but as Victoria continues to dance with me, I loosen up.

  As a slow, sensual song comes on, Victoria pulls me close. We slow dance while saying sweet nothings to each other, trying to make the other laugh with how ridiculous our words are.

  When the song ends, Victoria pulls me off to the side, advising me she’s going to grab a drink. A guy walks up to me as soon as she leaves.

  “My name is Ryan. What’s yours?” he calls over the music.

  I laugh. “Sage.”

  He shakes my hand before stepping closer. “Alex is my cousin. I’m visiting from Minnesota. How do you know him?”

  I shrug. “I don’t. My cousin does.”

  His chest shakes with laughter. “Our cousins brought us together.”

  I smile. “I guess they did.”

  “Want to dance?” he asks.

  A hand around my waist startles me.

  “She’s taken, but thank you for keeping her company. You ready to go, baby?”

  I turn and look at Reed behind me. I want to feel bad for the guy in front of me, but nothing would stop me from going with Reed.

  I nod mutely and let him lead me from the party. Once outside, I text Victoria, letting her know our plan worked and that I’m with Reed.

  She sends me the eggplant emoji with hearts back. Whatever that means.

  Once in his SUV, I break my silence. “You came.”

  He glances over at me, then back to the road. “I did. Did you want me to?”

  I shrug but realize he isn’t looking at me. “I was hoping you would.”

  “Why didn’t you call me, babe?”

  “Fear of rejection?”

  He stops at a stop sign before placing the SUV in Park. Then he turns to me, taking my face in his hands.

  “I would never reject you. Do you even know how amazing you are? You’re gorgeous and smart as hell. I should be the one to fear rejection, not you.”

  “But in the beginning—”

  “In the beginning nothing. I was a stupid kid scared of the feelings you brought to life. Did you know that I wanted you the moment I saw you? Standing there watching some chick get me off. I didn’t even want her to suck my dick, but she begged, and I was having a bad morning. I could barely get hard for her. Then you came into sight and I almost blew my load then and there. You’re the reason I got off that morning, and you’re the reason I haven’t since. You got into my head. So don’t feel fear of rejection from me. I want you more than words can describe.”

  “Then show me.”

  He crushes his mouth to mine before I finish my sentence. His lips move expertly against my less-experienced ones, but he’s patient, allowing me to explore his mouth leisurely.

  A horn from behind us breaks us out of our lust-filled haze.

  “Can I take you home? To my home?” He doesn’t move even as the honking continues.


  That one word changes his whole demeanor. After giving me one last kiss, he turns and starts to drive. This time, his speed is the furthest thing on my mind. Instead, I’m wondering what’s going to happen. Are we going to do more than kissing? Am I ready for sex?

  I’m a ball of nervous energy. So much so that I don’t realize we’ve pulled up to his house until he opens my door to help me out.

  “You okay, babe?” His gentle voice calms my nerves.

  “Yeah.” I smile at him as he reaches for my hand and leads me into the foyer.

  “Do you want to watch a movie in my room?” Something in my body language must concern him, because he adds quickly, “Or we could watch it down here.”

  I squeeze his hand, appreciating the out but knowing I want to see his room. I want to get to know him better.

  I want him.

  “Your room,” I choke out.

  He gives me a small smile before leading me up the set of stairs that I’ve gone up many times before. Instead of turning right at the staircase, towards Tinsley’s room, we turn left. At his door, he pauses.

  “I’ve never had a girl in my room. I never really have anyone in here. I want you to know that this means something. I might not always be a great guy, and I might say stupid things, but my actions always speak louder than my words.”

  I lean up and kiss him softly. “Show me your room,” I whisper.

  He opens the door, flicking on the light. His
room is much like him: at first glance, it seems dark and mysterious, but once I step inside and begin to look around, I see the warmth and care within. The bed is neatly made. There’s a desk in the corner with schoolbooks open as if he was studying. I expected clothes to be lying around, but the floor is spotless.

  What draws my attention is a board on the wall. It’s so girly that it surprises me that he even has it in his room. Green ribbon borders it, and silver ribbons run down the board at different intervals. Pinned to this board are pictures.

  Not three or four pictures but closer to fifty.

  I trail my fingers over it as I look at his past.

  Pictures of him and Tinsley. Of him with Keaton. Of all three of them. Pictures of him holding a baby. Feeding the same baby. My eyes tear up as I get a glimpse into his life before now.

  “Tinsley made that for me for my birthday last year.”

  I turn to face Reed. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Tins is crazy creative. I think she could be an artist of some kind one day.”

  “I can see that too.”

  Reed takes my hand, leading me to the couch on the other side of the room that I hadn’t even noticed. “Do you still want to watch a movie?”

  “Can we talk for a bit?” I say instead.

  “Sure. What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

  My heart warms at the term of endearment. He’s been using them a lot lately, and it makes me want to punch myself for not realizing what it meant.

  “You’re a great brother for your siblings. Tinsley loves you to death. Was it hard raising them?”

  Reed turns towards me on the couch, laying his arm across the back. He begins twirling my hair as he considers his words.

  “Yes and no. I suppose raising any child is hard. Was it harder because they’re my siblings? Yes. Many times, they wouldn’t get their way and would threaten to call our parents. They learned much too quickly that it wouldn’t do them any good. My parents were happy to leave me and the nannies here.”

  My heart aches for him. My mom was always there for me. She always showed me she loved me. Elijah… well, he’s trying his best. At least he’s here.

  “I’m so sorry that your parents abandoned you. No one should have to deal with that.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “No one should have to lose a loved one, go into foster care, or deal with dickhead bullies, but life is what it is. There’s no controlling it.”

  “That it is. The adversity you face will only make you stronger.”

  “So that’s why you’re so strong,” he teases.

  “One of the reasons. The other being that I had a strong woman to model myself after. The fact that the people you’re supposed to look up to have all but vanished and left you to survive on your own is a testament to your strength. It takes a lot to love and care for two other children, especially when you were a child yourself.”

  “I did what I had to do. I would do it again too. My siblings mean the world to me.”

  “That’s one of the things I like about you most. Your loyalty and love for your siblings.”

  A full-on smile breaks out on his face. “You like me?”

  I roll my eyes, but a smile covers my face as well. “I mean, you’re more tolerable now. Perhaps ‘like’ is too strong a word.”

  He moves in closer, wrapping one hand around the side of my neck, pulling me in to him. “I more than like you, Sage Miller. I dream about you. You’ve taken over my mind.”

  A goofy grin covers my face. “You like me?”

  He chuckles. “That would be the one piece you gather from that. I do. I like you a lot.”

  “Actions, Reed. Actions mean more than your words.”

  This time, instead of crushing me into a kiss, he takes his time. First kissing each corner of my mouth, moving to my upper lip before switching to my lower. Then he kisses me full-on. After a couple of quick pecks, he deepens the kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of my mouth.

  I eagerly grant him access, begging for more by pressing closer to him. Within seconds, I go from sitting next to him to straddling his lap.

  His hands move from my face to my hips, squeezing gently as he continues to devour my mouth.

  The fire in my core rages higher with each stroke of his tongue until I can’t help but wiggle in his grasp. The first thrust down against him causes me to break away from his kiss, crying out.

  Reed kisses my throat before pulling my head back down to his to take my lips again.

  My next thrust has us both groaning as I feel his stiffness inside his pants.

  I grind a third time, feeling sparks fly within along with power knowing I can make Reed moan. He meets my next thrust with one of his own.

  He pulls back, looking me in the eye, but he doesn’t stop his movements. Neither do I.

  “Tell me you want this. You want us,” he demands.

  “I want this, us.” I moan, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my forehead against his as he continues to thrust.

  “Tell me you’re mine. My girlfriend. Only mine.”

  “Only ever yours,” I manage, but I can feel that wire inside becoming tense as I reach for that orgasm.

  “Give it to me, Sage. Give me all you got.”

  My thrusts grow harder and more frenzied, but so do Reed’s. Two thrusts later, the wire inside snaps, causing a cascade of euphoria to wash over me. Reed continues to thrust a couple more times before he pulls me down against him one last time, holding me as his body jerks.

  We sit still, my head resting against his as we both come down from our high.

  “Did we just dry hump on your couch?” I can’t help but ask.

  “Yep. First time I came in my pants in a long time.”

  I giggle at the silliness of it all.

  “Hey, no laughing. You’re going to give a guy a complex,” he says in jest.

  “Never. You know, you have moves.”

  “Damn straight I do. Now, I’m going to go get cleaned up while you pick out a movie to watch.”

  “I’m staying?”

  I don’t know why, but I assumed he would want me to leave after. He leans in and kisses me instead.

  “You’re staying. I’m not done with you yet.”

  The promise in his tone heats me up again, but he leaves before we can act.

  The feelings surging inside feel an awful lot like what I think love would be.

  Do I love Reed?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  What a wonderful dream.

  I smile to myself as I remember my dream from the night before.

  Reed. Undressing me. Trailing his lips down my neck. Telling me I’m beautiful.

  I shiver at the thought.

  An arm squeezes me closer before I feel a small kiss on the back of my neck.

  I gasp as my eyes pop open and my mind becomes clear.

  The first thing I notice is that I’m not in my room. The second is that I’m as naked as the day I was born. Third is that my wonderful dream wasn’t a dream at all.

  Realization causes the urge to run to surge within. I wiggle a little, trying to test his hold, but he tightens his arm around me again.

  “Stop moving, sweetheart,” he grumbles into my neck, snuggling closer.

  A very noticeable bulge settles next to my ass, and heat rises from within me. My breathing picks up as Reed pushes into me.

  “You need me to make you purr some more?” he whispers in my ear, before trailing his lips over my neck.

  My body automatically reacts to him, arching my back.

  “Reed.” His name is a plea.

  His hand starts its journey south, causing tingles to spread throughout my body.

  A sudden knock on the door makes him pause.

  “What?” The strain in his voice draws my eyes over my shoulder to his.

  The raw hunger within them shocks me. I still wasn’t sure I believed he actually wanted me. Looking into his eyes now, I know he does. Or at least his body d
oes. If he’s lying, he better win a damn Oscar for this performance.

  “Dad’s here. He wants to talk to us,” Keaton’s voice rings through the door.

  “Son of a bitch,” Reed breathes. “I’ll be right back.”

  He leans in and captures my lips in a quick kiss before climbing over me and out of bed.

  “Should I leave?” I ask as I pull the blanket around me.

  “No, he never stays for long. I’m surprised he’s even here.”

  I admire the tight muscles in his back as he pulls his clothes on. After a few moments, I notice he’s gone still. I meet his eyes, which are full of humor.

  “Enjoying the view?” He quirks an eyebrow.


  He shakes his head before coming over and placing a small kiss on the top of my head. “I’ll be back soon.”

  He glances back at me one last time before slipping from the room.

  Instead of staying in bed, I stand up, pulling the blanket with me. I grab one of Reed’s shirts from the drawer before pulling it over my head. Once comfortable, I start to study his room since I didn’t have a lot of time to do so last night.

  I smile as I take in the collage of pictures, mostly with him and his siblings. I don’t know how I ever thought this man was uncaring before. It’s obvious that he does, but you have to be one of his people for him to care about you.

  I idly wonder if this means that I’m now included in that group.

  I shake the thought out of my head. Of course I’m not. It would be silly of me to think that I’m anything more than a girl he can get his dick wet in.

  Then why did he let you stay the night?

  Before I can dwell on it, a noise from behind me startles me. I turn around and gasp at the man standing in the doorway.

  “What are you doing in here?” His vicious tone makes me shrink back.

  “I’m with Reed,” I manage to breathe out.

  The man in front of me is fuming, pure hatred shining in his eyes.

  “I can see that.” He sneers as his face roams my barely covered body.

  I pull the shirt down to cover more of my legs. While it covers the important bits, this man’s leering eyes cause my heart rate to spike.


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