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I, Mistress

Page 4

by Alex Tempera

  “Yes, Ms. Ralston. Oh, there is a man who has been coming in here every hour looking for you.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He left but I’m sure he’ll be back.”

  “Get his name. I don’t see anyone on weekends.”

  “Any word on Ms. Robinson?”

  “Nothing good yet,” I sighed. I knew Joe watched and probably helped Natalia bring Mae out of the building. “You helped Natalia?”

  “I went and got her car, pulling it out front for her. Don’t worry, I had Jim man the front.”

  “I wasn’t worried and thank you very much for your help. It was bad, still is.”

  “Ms. Ralston,” his voice caught me from behind.

  Before I turned around, I looked at Joe. “Is that the man?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he nodded.

  I turned around because I recognized his voice. At this moment, I realized that I knew him … in two totally different manners. “Lox, was it?” I crossed my arms.

  “Yes,” he nodded and I noticed those beautiful dark Greek eyes looking at me.

  “Right now is not a good time,” I said. “I have a lot of work to do and my friend is …”

  “I just need a few minutes of your time. We don’t even have to go to your office.”

  “If this is about the proposal, we will meet Monday, as planned.”

  “It’s not,” his voice was low and his eyes quickly diverted to the floor.

  It was at that moment that I knew I was right. Fuck. What the hell was I supposed to do now? This cocky ass that wants to take over my company now wants to be my sub? Oh, this day was just getting better. I knew exactly what I had to do. Don’t lose my cool. “You have 15 minutes. In my office,” I sighed. “Um, be in my office in five minutes.” I looked at Joe. “He does not go up until the elevator comes back down for him.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Joe nodded. He wasn’t a member of the club but he knew that I ran a strict and commanding business. I hired all the security, it wasn’t from an outside company. It was a department within my company. Joe followed protocol exactly. Former Marine and yes, he was very arousing to look at. He was head of security and I knew that he could be totally trusted, especially with his service record.

  I strutted to the elevator and pressed the button. I didn’t even have to turn around. I could see that Joe stood, arms crossed, exchanging glaring glances between the man and the elevator. I bet he didn’t relax his stance until the elevator returned.

  I know he didn’t. Joe took his job very serious. Somethings you didn’t have to see to just know.

  I gathered up the layouts from earlier and put them in my desk. I didn’t need Lox or whatever his real name was looking at my work. I heard the elevator chime and wondered where the hell the butterflies in my stomach came from. I stared at the open doorway until he appeared. The minute his eyes met mine, they instantly diverted to the floor.

  “Do I need to present, Mistress?”

  “Not in my office,” I said. “Enter and stand there.”

  He took three steps in the office and put his hands behind his back. God, his dark Greek features were so alluring and his body was perfectly accented with that Italian suit.

  I stood in front of my desk. “You come to my office for personal reasons?”

  He nodded.

  “Speak,” I commanded.

  “Yes, Mistress, I’m sorry. I didn’t know where you lived.”

  “Two floors up,” I sighed. “I live in the penthouse of this building. Saves time. So, what did you want to discuss?”

  “Last night when I was leaving the club, I saw something. I didn’t think it was important or anything until I drove by the club a few hours ago. I saw your sub, that cop. He told me what happened. Not as your sub but as a police officer.”

  “Did you tell him what you saw?”

  “I told him the truth about who I was.”

  “And who might that be?” I crossed my arms.

  “Professionally? Yes, I’d like my company to merge with yours. I think we could do great things together. However, personally, I’d like to be one of your subs and eventually …”

  “Eventually?” I raised an eyebrow.

  “Your only sub,” his voice was low and taunting. Yeah, there it was, what everyone wanted to be … my one and only.

  “And you told this to Richard?”

  “No, I just told him I was the man sitting with you at the bar. The one wearing the eye mask.”

  “Is this true? That was you?”

  “Yes, Mistress, but you knew that, didn’t you?”

  “Not last night but I figured it out a little while ago. I just need you to say the damn words. I don’t assume. I either know or I don’t know. Now, I don’t know about you being my sub. There is a lot that has to be worked through in order to be my sub. As for what you saw last night, please tell me. My best friend and her Dom were beaten last night and left for dead. Avery was left in a dumpster and … Mae …” I had to catch myself. This maybe-soon-to-be-sub or partner or both or whatever the hell he was could not see me cry. I don’t fucking cry. Ever. I took a deep breath. “What did Richard tell you?”

  “I told him what I saw last night and he said that I should also tell you. He’s a good sub, no?”

  “Yes, we can discuss the submissive part later but I don’t discuss my subs with other subs. That is the first rule. Now, what did you see last night?”

  “I saw a man, he was wearing all black except for his boot tips were silver. Like they had metal on the outside of the toes. He was carrying a woman, and she was blindfolded. At first, I didn’t think anything of it. It looked a Dom who was carrying his satiated sub. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was your friend or that she was hurt.”

  “If you did know, what would you have done?” I crossed my arms. Reasonable question.

  “Stopped him with whatever means necessary,” he said, matter-of-factly.

  That was a good answer. Very good answer. “Did you see his face?”

  “No, it was dark. He did have a goatee and his hair was dark. He was pretty tall, too.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “Sounds like her ex-boyfriend.”

  “She is hurt bad?”

  “Very and I can’t even see her right now. I’m going crazy. She’s my best friend.”

  “I’m sorry. I hope she heals.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” I sighed.

  “May I be dismissed?”

  “If you must, but I thought you wanted to discuss being my sub?”

  “I do, when it is convenient for you.”

  I walked around my desk and opened the top drawer. I pulled out a folder and grabbed some papers that were stapled together. “Review this and answer the questions on the last three pages. When I have a sub, I don’t have a written contract, but these are the things that I must go over with any sub. Now, yes, I have three, but Anna is moving on. So, technically, I’m down to two. I have no preference of male or female. Each of my subs is different. Some things I do with all subs and some things I only do with a particular sub. Those things are based on likes and dislikes of the subs, as well as what I enjoy and how well the sub performs a particular act.”

  “Thank you,” he said. “Um, Mistress, what do I call you when we are meeting professionally?”

  “Call me Angelica for now. I wish you to call me that unless I take you on as a sub or we are at the club. At the club everyone refers to me as Mistress or Mistress Angel. That wasn’t my choice but Dane and Alec insist on a certain protocol. Mae, Dane, Alec, and I go way back and are very close friends.”

  “I understand,” he nodded. “Mistress, I mean, Angelica. I’ll see myself out.”

  “Oh, Lox, why do you think you should be my one and only sub?” I found this interesting since everyone thought they could do that for me and no one ever succeeded.

  “I don’t think it. I know it and when I become your sub, you’ll know it, too,” he walked out of the office.

ocky. Hmm, he’s gonna be a fucking brat. Not sure if that’s what I want. But it has been a long time since I’ve had fun with a brat. I usually dismiss brats very easily and quickly. Always acting up just to get spanked. We’ll see what happens. I have to get my work done. Damn. Have to meet Richard in two hours.


  I HAD THAT damn Lox on the brain and I couldn’t think about him. I don’t even know why I told him where my home was. Dumb move, Angelica. I looked at my watch and realized I had to meet Richard in five minutes. This wasn’t the first cup of coffee I’ve had with one of my subs, but Richard and I barely socialized outside of the club, and he’s been my sub for several years. I’ve had plenty others, but he always stayed. Always. He was very obedient but always loved a little punishment now and then.

  Anna was leaving me, but it was better for her to leave now. She had attachment issues and never stayed with one Mistress for too long. She was still trying to figure out if she preferred male or female Dominants. So, she was off with a new Master. A male dominant. I hope it works out for her.

  Then, there was Jerry. He was my boy. He was a quiet and obedient sub, who was very content with just being my foot stool or giving me massages, anywhere I asked. I saw Jerry only once a week, but every now and then, when I needed that extra release, he’d come to the office. In his life, he’s a physical therapist and had amazing hands. He was flamboyant and energetic and those traits appealed to me. I loved his energy and he liked to talk. A lot. I didn’t mind it when he wasn’t in the playroom or club.

  I walked down to the lobby and smiled at Joe. “Did you see a police officer come by here?”

  “Headed toward the café,” Joe nodded. “Um, where is that man that went upstairs?”

  “He didn’t come back down?” I asked.

  “No,” Joe looked around. “I didn’t see him leave.”

  “Find him and do it now. I have a coffee date, but I want to know where he went after he left my office.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Find me when you find him,” I walked down the hall to the café.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I heard him call to me.

  I walked in the café and Richard was waiting for me. He stood up and smiled. “I didn’t order yet.”

  “Good. Let’s do that now.”

  “Are you all right? You seem distracted,” he noted as we walked to the counter.

  “Coffee, one cream. Richard?”

  “The same, please,” he smiled.

  I paid for both our coffees and we sat down at a table at the far corner of the café. It had a nice large window that looked out on the street. “I’m sorry. I’m distracted. I heard that you met with a Loxias Panagakos.”

  “Yes, he said he was the man that was at the club the other night. The one with the mask.”

  “That’s what he said to me, as well,” I looked up and noticed Joe in the doorway. “Excuse me for one minute. I’ll be right back.”

  “Yes, Angelica,” he nodded, and stood up instantly.

  I stood up and walked over to Joe. “Where is he?”

  “I’m sorry, he was on the other side of the lobby, just sitting in the empty reception area. He looked upset or something. I asked him if he were all right and he said he just needed a few minutes to compose himself and then he would leave. I’m sorry. I didn’t notice him come off the elevators. He said he took the stairs and then just sat there.”

  “For two hours? He’s upset?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Joe said.

  “All right. Keep an eye on him but don’t bother him. I’ll check on him if he’s still here when I leave.”

  Joe nodded and walked back down the corridor to his post.

  I went back to the table, Richard stood up, waited for me to sit, and then he sat down. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I wanted to talk to you. Can I speak freely?”

  “I wish you would.” It always made me nervous when someone said that but I always had to listen.

  “I was wondering what would make you want only one sub?”

  “To be honest, I’m not sure,” I couldn’t give him an answer. I liked being in control of three subs at once. Anna left and I was probably gonna bring on Lox. It would be the first time in a while that I’ve had three male subs.

  “Do you think you and I could, um, see each other, you know, like go out on dates or something outside of the club?” Richard was nervous. I knew he had a good heart and he was a good man. Hell, he was stunningly handsome but not one of those over-the-top athletes. He was toned and trimmed, and kept in shape.

  I wasn’t sure what to say, but it had been forever since I’ve been on a date. “We could try it,” I sighed. “We’ll do three dates and if it doesn’t work out, we can go back to just being together at the club or end it all together.”

  “I agree, thank you, Angelica.” Richard smiled. “I think your security officer is trying to get your attention.” He pointed over my shoulder behind me.

  “Crap. Oh, sorry,” I turned around and Joe was pointing out the window. I could see Lox leaning up against the building. “Um, Richard, call me later and we’ll set something up. I have something I need to take care of.” I kissed his cheek and hurried out of the café.

  “Let me be the one,” I swore I heard Richard say as I left.

  I looked at Joe. “He’s just standing there.”

  “I don’t what’s going on. Do you want me to talk to him?”

  I looked at Lox and saw the look on his face. It was a familiar expression that I’ve seen before. “I better talk to him.” I headed out of the building. When I got to the sidewalk, I noticed that Lox was still standing outside. “Lox.”

  He looked toward me and then at the sidewalk. “I’m sorry, Angelica.”

  “Eyes at me,” I commanded.

  He stood up straight and faced me, his eyes met my gaze. “Mistress,” he whispered.

  “Upstairs now,” I turned on my heels and headed into the building. I could feel his presence behind me, keeping up with my stride. I looked at Joe. “I’ll be going home.” As I pressed the button for the elevator, and felt him join me to my side but slightly behind me, I noticed Richard approaching Joe’s station. His eyes focused. I stepped on the elevator as Lox followed. When I turned, Richard was leaving the building. I wasn’t quite sure what just happened, but something did. A shift.


  LOX FOLLOWED ME off the elevator that opened directly into my penthouse. It took up the entire floor and with the exception of my bedroom, bathroom, playroom, and two guestrooms, it was an open floor plan. I hardly ever brought subs up here. Sometimes, if they deserved some extra play time or I wanted it, but my playroom often went unused. Once I made it to the middle of the living room, I turned and faced Lox. “You’re upset. Now, tell me why, but look at me.”

  He put his hands behind his back and his eyes met my gaze. “I was wrong today and I apologize.”

  “Why? Because you came here to my office?”

  He nodded. “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to think I’m weak in business.”

  “Listen to me, Lox. I don’t think subs are weak, at all. I think subs are people who like relinquishing control and pleasing others. It doesn’t make them weak, at all. I find them very strong, especially that they are able to admit what they like and don’t like and free to be themselves. In business, it’s something different, however. I have seen a few submissive business types, but they don’t last for long in business. Now, you may be a submissive in your personal life, but I don’t see that in your professional life. I’ve seen you in two roles. I think there is a third one, isn’t there?”

  “What do you mean, Mistress?” Lox asked.

  “The man.” I smiled. “Just the man that you are, deep inside.”

  He slowly nodded his head without saying a word. “May I be your sub, Mistress?”

  I walked over to him and cupped his chin in my hand. I kissed his forehead. “Did you read everything in th
e packet I gave you?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” his eyes stayed locked with mine.

  “Would you like to be my sub?” I looked into his eyes.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “You know you’re not my only sub, right?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” He didn’t say anything else, but I could a glimmer in his eyes as if he thought he would be the one to get me to drop my other subs.

  “Richard is my pet and Jerry is my boy.”

  “Yes, Mistress, I understand,” he said, his voice still low but had a slight quiver.

  “Before this is official, I want to go over the packet with you, but first,” I sighed. It was now or never and I wanted this to work out. I could eat him up with one fucking bite and he would be delicious. I couldn’t think of my other subs right now. I knew Richard wanted something other than our relationship, but now, was the time to focus on Lox. “First, I wish to have one play session. If it is successful, we will go over the packet. Do you agree to be my sub for the duration of the next two hours?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he said.

  “Good. My playroom is down that way at the end of the hall, last door on your left. In five minutes, you will strip nude and present yourself in the middle of the room. Place your clothes folded neatly on the chair beside the door. Now, I want you completely nude. Do you know the difference between nude and naked?”

  “No, Mistress, I didn’t know there was a difference.”

  “Nude means that you are not to wear anything. No clothing. No jewelry, nothing. Do you have any piercings that I cannot see?”

  “No, Mistress,” he said. “What is naked?”

  “If the time comes and you remain my sub, you will be given a gift as a symbol of our connection to each other. You will also have a working collar while we play. This collar will be only worn by you. Do you understand?”


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